29 research outputs found

    Profil épidémiologique et prise en charge de l’éclampsie au Sénégal: À propos de 62 cas

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    Introduction: L'objectif de cette étude etait d'apprécier les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques de l'éclampsie et d'évaluer la prise encharge et le pronostic maternel et périnatal.Méthodes: étude descriptive rétrospective sur 3 années (2007-2010) dans un service de Gynécologie Obstétrique de Dakar (Sénégal). Le critère d'inclusion était toute crise convulsive en période gravido-puerpérale dans un contexte de prééclampsie.Résultats: sur un total de 4587 accouchements, 62 cas d'éclampsie  étaient enregistrés représentant une incidence de 1,35%. Le profil retrouvéétait celui d'une jeune femme (24 ans), primipare (58.1%), habitant la  banlieue dakaroise (83.8%), porteuse d'une grossesse à terme (56.5%),mal suivie (82.3%) et référée par un poste de santé environnant (82.3%). La crise était survenue en antépartum et en post-partum dans 72.5 et 27,5% respectivement. Toutes les patientes présentaient une HTA ;  l''dème et la protéinurie étaient retrouvés dans 72.5 et 84%  respectivement. La majorité des patientes (88%) avait présenté plus de deux crises et l'état de mal éclamptique concernait 14.5% des cas. Le sulfate de magnésium était utilisé chez toutes les patientes. La césarienne était le mode d'accouchement largement adopté (75.5%) pour les  patientes reçues en antépartum. Le pronostic maternel était marqué par un cas de décès. La mortalité périnatale était de 130%. Conclusion: L'éclampsie est un problème de santé publique dans les pays en développement. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont la primiparité et l'âge jeûne. L'administration du sulfate de magnésium et la césarienne permettent d'améliorer le pronostic maternel et foetal. La prévention  passe nécessairement par un suivi prénatal de qualité

    Antibody-Mediated Growth Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum: Relationship to Age and Protection from Parasitemia in Kenyan Children and Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Antibodies that impair Plasmodium falciparum merozoite invasion and intraerythrocytic development are one of several mechanisms that mediate naturally acquired immunity to malaria. Attempts to correlate anti-malaria antibodies with risk of infection and morbidity have yielded inconsistent results. Growth inhibition assays (GIA) offer a convenient method to quantify functional antibody activity against blood stage malaria. METHODS: A treatment-time-to-infection study was conducted over 12-weeks in a malaria holoendemic area of Kenya. Plasma collected from healthy individuals (98 children and 99 adults) before artemether-lumefantrine treatment was tested by GIA in three separate laboratories. RESULTS: Median GIA levels varied with P. falciparum line (D10, 8.8%; 3D7, 34.9%; FVO, 51.4% inhibition). The magnitude of growth inhibition decreased with age in all P. falciparum lines tested with the highest median levels among children \u3c4 years compared to adults (e.g. 3D7, 45.4% vs. 30.0% respectively, p = 0.0003). Time-to-infection measured by weekly blood smears was significantly associated with level of GIA controlling for age. Upper quartile inhibition activity was associated with less risk of infection compared to individuals with lower levels (e.g. 3D7, hazard ratio = 1.535, 95% CI = 1.012-2.329; p = 0.0438). Various GIA methodologies had little effect on measured parasite growth inhibition. CONCLUSION: Plasma antibody-mediated growth inhibition of blood stage P. falciparum decreases with age in residents of a malaria holoendemic area. Growth inhibition assay may be a useful surrogate of protection against infection when outcome is controlled for age

    Liver Stiffness Measurement and Biochemical Markers in Senegalese Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Normal ALT and High Viral Load

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    Despite the high prevalence of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in Africa, few studies have been performed among African patients. We sought to evaluate liver stiffness measurement by FibroScan® (LSM) and two biochemical scores (FibroTest®, Fibrometer®) to diagnose liver fibrosis in Senegalese CHB patients with HBV plasma DNA load ≥3.2 log(10) IU/mL and normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values.LSM and liver fibrosis biochemical markers were performed on 225 consecutive HBV infected Senegalese patients with high viral load. Patients with an LSM range between 7 and 13 kPa underwent liver biopsy (LB). Two experienced liver pathologists performed histological grading using Metavir and Ishak scoring.225 patients were evaluated (84% male) and LB was performed in 69 patients, showing F2 and F3 fibrosis in 17% and 10% respectively. In these patients with a 7-13 kPa range of LSM, accuracy for diagnosis of significant fibrosis according to LB was unsatisfactory for all non-invasive markers with AUROCs below 0.70. For patients with LSM values below 7 kPa, FibroTest® (FT), and Fibrometer® (FM) using the cut-offs recommended by the test promoters suggested a fibrosis in 18% of cases for FT (8% severe fibrosis) and 8% for FM. For patients with LSM values greater than 13 kPa, FT, FM suggested a possible fibrosis in 73% and 70%, respectively.In highly replicative HBV-infected African patients with normal ALT and LSM value below 13 kPa, FibroScan®, FibroTest® or Fibrometer® were unsuitable to predict the histological liver status of fibrosis

    Low and seasonal malaria transmission in the middle Senegal River basin: identification and characteristics of Anopheles vectors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the last decades two dams were constructed along the Senegal River. These intensified the practice of agriculture along the river valley basin. We conducted a study to assess malaria vector diversity, dynamics and malaria transmission in the area.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional entomological study was performed in September 2008 in 20 villages of the middle Senegal River valley to evaluate the variations of <it>Anopheles </it>density according to local environment. A longitudinal study was performed, from October 2008 to January 2010, in 5 selected villages, to study seasonal variations of malaria transmission.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among malaria vectors, 72.34% of specimens collected were <it>An. arabiensis</it>, 5.28% <it>An. gambiae </it>of the S molecular form, 3.26% M form, 12.90% <it>An. pharoensis</it>, 4.70% <it>An. ziemanni</it>, 1.48% <it>An. funestus </it>and 0.04% <it>An. wellcomei</it>. <it>Anopheles </it>density varied according to village location. It ranged from 0 to 21.4 <it>Anopheles</it>/room/day and was significantly correlated with the distance to the nearest ditch water but not to the river.</p> <p>Seasonal variations of <it>Anopheles </it>density and variety were observed with higher human biting rates during the rainy season (8.28 and 7.55 <it>Anopheles </it>bite/man/night in October 2008 and 2009 respectively). Transmission was low and limited to the rainy season (0.05 and 0.06 infected bite/man/night in October 2008 and 2009 respectively). During the rainy season, the endophagous rate was lower, the anthropophagic rate higher and L1014F kdr frequency higher.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Malaria vectors are present at low-moderate density in the middle Senegal River basin with <it>An. arabiensis </it>as the predominant species. Other potential vectors are <it>An. gambiae </it>M and S form and <it>An. funestus</it>. Nonetheless, malaria transmission was extremely low and seasonal.</p

    Maternal Malaria Induces a Procoagulant and Antifibrinolytic State That Is Embryotoxic but Responsive to Anticoagulant Therapy

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    Low birth weight and fetal loss are commonly attributed to malaria in endemic areas, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie these poor birth outcomes are incompletely understood. Increasing evidence suggests that dysregulated hemostasis is important in malaria pathogenesis, but its role in placental malaria (PM), characterized by intervillous sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum, proinflammatory responses, and excessive fibrin deposition is not known. To address this question, markers of coagulation and fibrinolysis were assessed in placentae from malaria-exposed primigravid women. PM was associated with significantly elevated placental monocyte and proinflammatory marker levels, enhanced perivillous fibrin deposition, and increased markers of activated coagulation and suppressed fibrinolysis in placental plasma. Submicroscopic PM was not proinflammatory but tended to be procoagulant and antifibrinolytic. Birth weight trended downward in association with placental parasitemia and high fibrin score. To directly assess the importance of coagulation in malaria-induced compromise of pregnancy, Plasmodium chabaudi AS-infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice were treated with the anticoagulant, low molecular weight heparin. Treatment rescued pregnancy at midgestation, with substantially decreased rates of active abortion and reduced placental and embryonic hemorrhage and necrosis relative to untreated animals. Together, the results suggest that dysregulated hemostasis may represent a novel therapeutic target in malaria-compromised pregnancies

    Acceptability and feasibility of a screen-and-treat programme for hepatitis B virus infection in The Gambia: the Prevention of Liver Fibrosis and Cancer in Africa (PROLIFICA) study

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    Background Despite the introduction of immunisation for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the 1990s, HBV-related morbidity and mortality remain high in sub-Saharan Africa. Identification and treatment of asymptomatic people with chronic HBV infection should reduce the disease burden. We therefore assessed the feasibility of a screen-and-treat programme for HBV infection in The Gambia, west Africa, and estimated the proportion of HBV-infected people who had significant liver disease in need of treatment. Methods Between Dec 7, 2011, and Jan 24, 2014, individuals living in randomly selected communities in western Gambia were offered hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) screening via a point-of-care test. The test was also offered to potential blood donors attending the central hospital in the capital, Banjul. HBsAg-positive individuals were invited for a comprehensive liver assessment and were offered treatment according to international guidelines. We defined linkage to care as visiting the liver clinic at least once. Eligibility for treatment was judged in accordance with the 2012 European Association for the Study of the Liver guidelines. Findings HBsAg screening was accepted by 5980 (weighted estimate 68·9%, 95% CI 65·0–72·4) of 8170 adults from 27 rural and 27 urban communities and 5559 (81·4%, 80·4–82·3) of 6832 blood donors. HBsAg was detected in 495 (8·8%, 7·9–9·7) individuals in communities and 721 (13·0%, 12·1–13·9) blood donors. Prevalence was higher in men (239 [10·5%, 8·9–12·1] of 2328 men vs 256 [7·6%, 6·5–8·7] of 3652 women; p=0·004) and middle-aged participants. Linkage to care was high in the communities, with 402 (81·3%) of 495 HBsAg-positive individuals attending the clinic. However, only 300 (41·6%) of 721 HBsAg-positive people screened at the blood bank linked into care. Of those who attended the clinic, 18 (4·4%, 2·5–7·7) patients from the communities and 29 (9·7%, 6·8–13·6) from the blood bank were eligible for treatment. Male sex was strongly associated with treatment eligibility (odds ratio 4·35, 1·50–12·58; p=0·007). Interpretation HBV infection remains highly prevalent in The Gambia. The high coverage of community-based screening, good linkage into care, and the small proportion of HBsAg carriers who need treatment suggest that large-scale screening and treatment programmes are feasible in sub-Saharan Africa