55 research outputs found

    Strategi Humas dan Marketing Pendidikan Dasar Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

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    Covid-19 membawa perubahan mendasar di dunia pendidiikan, termasuk di bidang kehumasan dan marketing pendidikan. Penelitian ini mengkaji strategi humas dan marketing pendidikan dasar, menengah, dan tinggi pasca pandemi Covid-19, antara peluang dan tantangannya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi. Teori yang dipakai untuk menganalisa data adalah teori strategi public relation (PR) dan marketing pendidikan. Temuan penelitian ini: pertama, strategi Humas dan Marketing Pendidikan. Pendidikan Tingkat Dasar mengupayakan beberapa strategi, antara lain: penguatan kerjasama internal dan eksternal, serta mencari dukungan kebijakan kepala sekolah terhadap program kehumasan dan marketing. Kedua, tantangan Humas dan Marketing Pendidikan. Di tingkat pendidikan dasar tantangan utamanya adalah ketidaksiapan SDM, infrastruktur, dan finansial, yang dapat digunakan untuk mengubah krisis yang merugikan akibat Covid-19 menjadi peluang yang menguntungkan. Ketiga, solusi bagi permasalahan humas dan marketing pendidikan. Di tingkat pendidikan dasar, ada dua macam solusi: holistik dan kontekstual. Solusi yang bersifat holistik adalah penguatan SDM, finansial, dan infrastruktur. Solusi yang bersifat kontekstual pada tingkat pendidikan dasar, lembaga membutuhkan tim khusus yang menangani marketing. Tim Khusus ini ditugaskan untuk melakukan persiapan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi krisis maupun berjaga-jaga di kemudian hari

    Metode Komunikasi yang Ideal dalam Pendidikan Keluarga Menurut Al-Qur'an

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    [THE IDEAL METHOD OF COMMUNICATION IN FAMILY EDUCATION ACCORDING TO THE QUR'AN]. The ability tocommunicate in a family is very necessary because communication barriers in the family will affect the harmonization of the relationship between husband, wife, and children. Al-Qur'an as the holy book of Muslims not only contains the rules of procedure in worship but also contains elements of communication education in the family. The purpose of this study is to discuss the ideal method of communication in family education according to the Quran. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with an analytical approach, the data sources are obtained from literature in the books, journals, and other libraries. The findings of this study indicate that there are several forms of communication described in the Qur'an related to the communication method, namely the method of qaulan baliigha, qaulan maisuura, qaulan layyina, qaulan ma'rufa, qaulan kariima and qaulan sadiida, these communication terms provide a signal about how to good communication, in the context of family education, effective communication is part of the cultivation of moral and religious education, it can even influence social attitudes in the form of honesty, discipline, politeness, and other good behavior. The conclusion in this study is to avoid conflict in the family, an effective communication method is needed, and the Qur'an has given a signal how to build ideal communication in the famil

    Kompetensi Sosial Pendidik Dalam Perspektif Al-Quran

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    This study examines the social competence of educators from the Al-Qur'an perspective, including the affective and psychomotor dimensions based on the values ​​of the Al-Qur'an. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through library research and interpretation methods using the maudhu'i interpretation method This research proves that the internalization of Al-Qur'an values ​​in the implementation of educator social competencies will bring out the performance of moral teachers in learning communication according to the example of the Prophet, preventing the appearance of bad traits in students such as hatred, selfishness, unfriendlyness, intolerance. , grudges and other vices that lead to antipathy towards teachers and loss of respect. This research perfects the context of human relations with religious values ​​as a manifestation of faith in Allah, so that from this understanding the theory developed is not only anthropocentric but also theo-anthropocentric

    Counter-Radicalization through Problem Based Learning in the Perspective of the Al Qur'an

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    This study departs from the problem of the increasing violence of movements in the name of religion in the world of education, especially schools and pesantren. The perpetrators were not only students but also teachers and those closest to the students. Infiltration is not only in face-to-face "mission religion" (al-mujawwahah) but has infiltrated textbooks and curriculum scattered throughout the country. Various studies and expert statements that indicate a weak curriculum, inadequate transfer of knowledge among educators, ignorance, and misinterpretation of the verses of the Al-Qur’an regarding radicalism, especially those that lead to acts of terrorism and the like in schools, are getting stronger. The ISIS groups, Al-Qaeda, Jamaah Islamiyah, Laskar Jihad, MMI, the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII), and so on have become the main recruiters of students in Indonesia. As a religio-political construction, radicalism is a consensus and is built deliberately to destroy the Islamic world order, targeting vulnerable children who are still looking for self-identity. Therefore, a comprehensive, systematic, methodological, and analytical approach to learning based on Al-Qur'an and hadith is needed by educators and their students, through problem-based learning. The PBL approach is an educational approach to learning and is in accordance with the content of the Qur'an which emphasizes rahmatan lil'alamin, justice (adl), qawdah al hasanah, deliberation, and samahah. Although, the mufasirs and scholars have different opinions regarding the concept of rahmatan lil 'alamin and justice in education, generally for mankind, their thoughts are very significant as a milestone and source of knowledge, both ontologically, epistemologically, and axiologically for the content and implementation of based learning. problem (PBL) for efforts to counter radicalization in the world of education in Indonesia, especially the world


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    Kesimpulan penilitian ini adalah edukasi paternal perspektif Al-Qur’an yang difahami sebagai pendidikan tentang menjadi ayah memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menyelamatkan generasi yang akan datang. Edukasi paternal perspektif Al-Qur’an mendidik ayah untuk dapat menjalankan peran domestiknya seperti; pendidikan pra nikah, persiapan pranatal anak dan setelah kelahiran anak, pendidikan kesetiaan dengan pasangan serta pendidikan pasca peceraian. Edukasi paternal juga mengajarkan bahwa ayah harus cakap dalam menjalankan tugasnya yang terkait dengan peran publik seperti; peran ayah sebagai pencari nafkah, peran dalam berinteraksi sosial, dan peran sebagai pemimpin masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, sedangkan metode penafsiran ayat Al-Qur’an yang digunakan adalah metode tafsir Maudhu’i/tematik.  Kedua metode tersebut digunakan untuk melakukan observasi surat dan ayat Al-Qur’an yang mengandung adanya petunjuk terkait edukasi paternal

    Nilai Pendidikan Moderasi Beragama Materi Khutbah Jum’at Perspektif Peserta Lomba Khutbah MTQ Korpri V Tingkat Nasional di Kendari

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    This study examines the value of religious moderation education on Friday sermon material from the perspective of participants in the national level MTQ Korpri V sermon competition in Kendari. Moderation exists in religious teachings, because all aspects of life are regulated in religion, including human attitudes and behavior which are part of morality. In addition to existing in religious teachings, moderation in general also exists outside of religious attitudes, such as in political, economic, social attitudes.  culture and so on. Because moderation as an attitude and perspective does not exist in anything unless it will make something beautiful, flexible, and easy to accept, because it is more in line with human nature. The findings of this study are; 1. Materials on Religious Moderation in Friday Khutbah Takwa Testament, 2. Moderation Education Materials in Religious Moderation Materials in Friday Khutbahs. This study uses a qualitative narrative approac

    Pengembangan Kecerdasan Emosi Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Sosial Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to know the improvement of emotional intelligence of students' social attitudes at elementary school of Al Azhar Syifa Budi Telaga Bestari Tangerang. This research used case study of qualitative research methods and the instruments were interviews, observations and document studies. Data analysis used reduction, display and verification. The sample were five teachers as main informants and five students as supporting informants. The results of this study were (1) the the improvoving step of emotional intelligence on the students’ social attitudes through giving advice, good examples, character building, and a high sense of solidarity to build a sense of sympathy and empathy for others. (2) Efforts of improving students’ emotional intelligence was by increasing students’ self-motivation, fostering relationships and cooperation, training students' empathy, controlling and expressing emotions. (3) Factors that effects students’ emotional intelligence on improving the students’ social attitudes were from the family environment, the family whose had not enough religion relatively difficult to control. Then, the community environment, can affect the student’s attitude with a good or bad relationship between students and teachers. They became more responssible for their behavior. They were also more careful in their actions

    Liberating and Enlightening Education on Qur’anic Perspective

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    This research is to reveal that education is not only dealing with issues of intelligence and thinking, but it is also fully responsible for the development of students' character. Due to the said reason, it is important to explore such research considering that the mental situation of this nation is clearly correlated with the spirit of national education which has been value free. Our educational philosophy is indeed intellectual, but our learning strategy is no longer concerned with the mental, moral, and developmental aspects of enlightening thinking skills. The national education curriculum and methodology are designed only to fill the mind with a series of knowledge and do not provide enough opportunity for the growth of an enlightened human being. Al-Qur'an for Muslims is not a mere a religious scripture, but it is also indeed to be an enlightening guide to find some basic principles of education which can then inspire in developing a qualified education. This study uses the Qur'anic literature method as well as a descriptive and qualitative research with a library research approach by analysing Qur’anic verses. This article analyzes the signs of al-Qur'an as the basic framework for building a liberating and enlightening education


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    This paper examines the psychoreligious dimensions in a therapy perspective, which can be performed on people affected and those who are not affected by the 2019 corona virus (Covid-19), because pandemic situations often cause social chaos, and are often even discovered from religious thought and the socio-religious community. The kind of research in this paper is library research, using a qualitative-philosophical approach. The data were analyzed by using the Religious Cognitive Emotional Theory (RCET). This study found; first, physical healing efforts require realistic religious thinking to explain that the purpose and meaning of their life is very important, and keeping the body healthy is the most important teaching of religion. Second, the therapy process can be carried out by the therapists by directing clients into three main dimensions: psycho-religious, cognitive-religious, and spiritual-religious. The findings in this study contribute to increasing the treasures of thought in therapy disciplines in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic

    Dampak Permainan Kekerasan Online Terhadap Karakter Anak: Sistematik Literatur Review

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    Online games are played through internet connection on various devices, either alone or collaboratively with players from around the world. This research aims to explore the impact of violence in online games on children's behavior and mental health. The research methodology is literature review, using sources from Google Scholar and articles published in Scopus- and Sinta-accredited journals. Violence in online games refers to graphic or action scenes that depict violence, such as weapon fighting, physical violence, harsh language, or other brutal acts. Some games display violence explicitly and realistically, such as blood, broken bones, or sexual violence, while in other games, violence is implicitly and less visible. The presence of violent content in online games may have different impacts on children, but generally can affect their behavior, character, and mental health. Therefore, it is crucial for parents and caregivers to limit the time spent playing online games and choose games that are safe and do not contain violent content for children. The negative impact of violent online games includes increased aggression, reduced empathy, decreased mental health, distraction, and worsened behavior. However, there are also positive impacts of violent online games, such as enhancing social and cognitive skills, improving multitasking ability, and boosting creativity. It is important for parents and caregivers to monitor and regulate their children's online game time, and choose games appropriate for their age and maturity level that do not contain violent content
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