19 research outputs found

    Distorted Korean Idol’s Scandal, Deceitful Media, and The Role of Forensic Linguistics

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    A celebrity’s scandal can be an enthralling theme for the media to produce news, either factual or fabricated. This research primarily focuses on distorted content or media manipulation to report it. It explores the correlation between misleading news and the motives behind twisted reality. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method through the lens of the forensic linguistics approach, supported by Villa’s interpretative pragmatics (2010). The collected data were from selected sources of distorted media reporting, especially about a highly considered Korean singer’s crime, known Seungri of Bigbang. His charge was not direct link with sexual abuse and systematic drugs, which is in fact unrevealed wealthy people committing them. Even nonconsensual disclosure of sexually-explicit videos was committed by other celebrities. Yet, the media fraudulently blended and misrepresented Seungri as the key figure of the scandal in a club named ‘Burning Sun’. Society was misled to hate and blame him. This research shows that passive constructions, lexical references, and subject matters of the texts become linguistic evidence of fact distortion. Manipulating celebrity’s scandal is driven by political goals, such as creating mistrust and bewildering larger audiences, especially in South Korea about proving the justice system as the actual culprits are withdrawn. This research is noteworthy since there are interwoven claims of the power of media to wriggle out of legal punishments after spreading distorted facts. Hence, it implies that pragmatics is applicable and efficacious to prove the case. It leads to defamation by media, correlated with forensic linguistics. To reveal the distorted facts by deceitful media, this study expectantly contributes in enhancing social awareness of the truth behind blatant public outrage and its social consequences

    Perbandingan Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia pada Harian Jawa Pos dan Kompas

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    Penggunaan bahasa dalam penyampaian berita pada harian Jawa Pos dan Kompas berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut bisa terjadi berkaitan dengan penerbitan pers yang memiliki segmen pasar tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahasa Indonesia di bidang leksikon dan konstruksi kalimat dalam rubrik politik dan ekonomi pada harian Jawa Pos dan Kompas dengan menggunakan metode komparatif. Berdasarkan analisis data, bahasa Kompas cenderung menggunakan kata kajian, kata baku serta penyampaian kesantunan bahasa yang lebih baik dibandingkan Jawa Pos. Sebaliknya, Jawa Pos cenderung menggunakan kata-kata yang sederhana, mengalir (hampir serupa dengan bahasa tutur), serta memiliki penyampaian kesantunan bahasa yang lebih rendah dibandingkan harian Kompas. Kompas lebih banyak menggunakan kalimat panjang (kalimat majemuk) dibandingkan Jawa Pos. Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia oleh harian Kompas lebih sesuai untuk khalayak pembaca kelas sosial menengah ke atas. Begitu sebaliknya, penggunaan bahasa Indonesia oleh harian Jawa Pos lebih sesuai untuk khalayak pembaca kelas sosial menengah ke bawah


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    Abstrak Bahasa Jawa (BJ) merupakan bahasa daerah yang dipakai oleh masyarakat Jawa dan merupakan cermin bagi masyarakat Jawa terutama yang berdomisili di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Dalam bahasa Jawa terdapat tingkat tutur (unggah-ungguhing basa) secara umum dikategorikan ke dalam tiga kelompok, yakni: (1) tingkat tutur ngoko, (2) tingkat tutur madya, dan (3) tingkat tutur krama. Masyarakat di Desa Nogosari bisa menggunakan dua bahasa daerah (Dwibahasawan). Masyarakat etnik Madura ketika berbicara dengan masyarakat etnik Jawa menggunakan bahasa Jawa dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari. Penggunaan bahasa Jawa di Desa Nogosari memiliki penggunaan yang khas yakni terdapat beberapa unsur bahasa Madura yang masuk dalam penggunaan bahasa Jawa tingkat tutur ngoko. Hal tesebut wajar karena yang menggunakan bahasa Jawa berasal dari etnik Madura dan berbahasa Ibu bahasa Madura. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya Penggunaan Tingkat Tutur Bahasa Jawa oleh masyarakat etnik Madura, yaitu; faktor setting and scene dan faktor partisipant.  Kata kunci: bahasa Jawa, tingkat tutur, etnik Madura, dwibahasawan. &nbsp


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    This article deals with the representation of critical nationalism discourse in Banyuwangian music in the New Order era. By juxtaposing representation and hegemony theory which emphasizes textual-contextual reading, we will analyze the constructions of local metaphors we assume supporting the establishment of nationalism. Such constructions intertwined with the mobilization of the uniqueness of local cultures that contributed to establishing the national culture through which nationalism got its “nutrition”. However, some songwriters constructed critical nationalism by representing unique metaphors related to the characteristics of subaltern subjects that in the midst of their problems songwriters still have, in their silence, critical view toward the ruling faction, without negating their responsibility to guard the nation. The representation of critical nationalism using local metaphors is a critique of the social and economic problems caused by the injustice of development programs as well as a creative strategy to negotiate Using cultures in the midst of modernity

    Pengantar Dialektologi; Panduan Penelitian dengan Metode Dialektometri

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    ix, 130hlm.;ill.;22,5cm

    Pengantar Dialektologi : Panduan Penelitian Dengan Metode Dialektometri

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    Buku ini berisi penelitian dialektologi yang mengupas tentang ragam bahasa yang bertujuan memudahkan pembaca untuk melakukan penelitia

    The Analysis of Form, Functions and Code Switching Factors in the Film Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung

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    Code-switching is the alteration or shift in the usage of one language to another within the context of communication, often occurring spontaneously and naturally. This study aims to find code switching forms, its underlying  factors, as well as  its function found in the Kehormatan di Balik Kerudung. The data of this research are players’ utterances in which code switching appear. The data collected were analyzed using Poplack’s theory (1980) to determine the form of code switching, Grosjean’s theory (2010) to find the functions of code switching, and Azhar’s, et al (2011) to find the factors behind the code switching. The results of this study indicate that extrasentential code-switching in the form of Javanese particles highly dominates the code-switching practices compared to the other two, namely intrasentential and intersentential, namely there were 30 extrasentential code-switching, 22 intrasentential and 7 intersentential. Some of the code-switching functions, are among others: to start a conversation, to confirm the conversation, to end the conversation, to confirm or emphasize statements, to ask for approval, and to answer doubts. Six factors underlying the code switching were among others: speakers, speech partners, topics of conversation, place and time of speech events, functions and objectives, as well as variety and level of speech

    Types, Forms, and Functions of Code Mixing in the Goyang Jember Program

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    Background:  The broadcasters and callers in the Goyang Jember program on Prosalina FM radio  are a reflection of the Pandalungan community, so the language used is unique and interesting to study. Purpose: This research aims to describe the types, forms, and functions of code mixing in the conversations between broadcasters and callers in the Goyang Jember program on Prosalina FM radio. Design and methods: This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out using the observation method with tapping, free observation, and note-taking techniques. The data analysis stage used the translational and referential equivalence method with descriptive, identification, and classification techniques. Results: The results of this study found two types of code mixing, namely internal code mixing from Javanese, Madurese, and Osing languages, and external code mixing from Arabic and English languages. The forms of code mixing found were insertion of words (152 data), phrases (42 data), repetition of words (1 data), clauses (24 data), and blasters (5 data). The functions of code mixing found were to build a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, show the ethnic identity of the speaker, show respect to the interlocutor, create humor, and show prestige. The result of this research is expected to provide awareness that code mixing in bilingual or multilingual communities serves to eliminate differences between societal groups and build interpersonal relationships among them