3,045 research outputs found

    Strigolactones and hormonal interaction in control of branching in Zantedeschia and other horticultural species : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Shoot branching that involves development of lateral buds into shoots is one of the important factors influencing crop productivity. Strigolactones have recently been found to be involved in the control of branching, but the actual bioactive compound/s that inhibits bud outgrowth is still unknown. A germination assay utilizing the seeds of a parasitic weed (Orobanche minor), detected strigolactones within the xylem exudates of different horticultural crop species; the strigolactone concentration negatively correlated with branching of cultivars or mutants. In Zantedeschia grown in vivo, the concentration of strigolactones was independent on the volume of guttation fluid (xylem exudates) suggesting the difference in concentration of strigolactones in high and low branched cultivars was due to the difference in potential of producing strigolactones between these cultivars and not due to differences in volume of guttation fluid. While identifying a bioactive compound using germination and branching assays in combination with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, compounds containing „N? were detected in the low branched wild-type Petunia, but not in the highly branched mutant, suggesting the possibility of such compounds being SL-conjugates which may be associated with bud outgrowth inhibition. In Zantedeshia (in vitro) and pea stems, strigolactone reduced the axillary shoot number stimulated by the cytokinin suggesting an antagonistic interaction between these two hormones on bud release. However, as cytokinin may stimulate subsequent growth of released buds by increasing the auxin transport out of the bud, strigolactone may have reduced subsequent growth by reducing auxin transport. Since GA3 enhanced subsequent growth of buds in pea stems, but not the release, an antagonistic interaction between strigolactone and gibberellins on subsequent growth is possible. Interestingly, strigolactone successfully reduced adventitious bud formation in Zantedeschia grown in vitro, adding a new role for strigolactones in plant development. Despite correlation between strigolactone and branching inhibition in different horticultural crops such as apple, kiwifruit, Zantedeschia and Acer, further studies relating to strigolactone and its interaction with other hormones on branching of these crops could be performed using in vitro techniques for a clear understanding of strigolactones? role on branching inhibition. More importantly, quantification of strigolactones using the germination assay may have significant implications in horticultural crop breeding for obtaining desired shoot branching

    Variables Predicting the Severity of a Mass Shooting: the connection to white supremacy

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    Since mass shootings have become increasingly relevant in today’s society, the subject of what makes a mass shooting deadly has become more and more popular. This project focuses on how selected variables correlate with the severity of a mass shooting, and especially focuses on the impact of white supremacy ideology. Theoretically, a shooter imbued with this ideology will likely be more violent, thus causing a higher victim count (injuries + deaths). The other variables included in the model are: the use of a long gun, the use of multiple guns, the use of semi-automatic guns, mental illness, and shooter suicide. This project seeks to assess the relationships of these variables to the victim count, and the statistical significance of each of these relationships. By drawing from two prominent mass-shooting databases and associated media sources, a dataset was constructed, then analyzed with correlation, regression, and ANOVA. These analyses confirmed all of the hypotheses, with predictor variable correlating positively and significantly to victim count. Most importantly, the findings confirmed the significance of the white supremacy ideology variable in predicting the violence of a mass shooting, and the effect withstood the introduction of a variety of important control variables; in short, shooters with a white supremacy background tend to inflict a higher victim count during a mass shooting. Based on these findings, suggestions for further research include separating active-shooter mass shootings from other types of mass shootings; standardizing the operational definition of a mass shooting; and increasing the number of possible predictor variables in current mass shooting databases

    Kemahiran menggunakan peralatan dan perisian dalam menghasilkan produk ukur : satu tinjauan ke atas pelajar diploma ukur tanah di Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Kuantan, Pahang

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    Projek ini adalah untuk melihat kemahiran yang diperlukan oleh pelajar Diploma Ukur Tanah dalam menggunakan peralatan ukur dan perisian berkaitan. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 32 orang pelajar semester keenam yang sedang mengikuti kursus Diploma Ukur Tanah di Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahamd Shah, Kuantan Pahang. Perolehan data adalah melalui borang soal selidik. Pengkaji memberi tumpuan kepada persoalan kajian yang melihat kepada tiga aspek iaitu, jenis-jenis peralatan dan perisian ukur tanah di firma ukur tanah, aspek kemahiran-kemahiran yang dimiliki pelajar meliputi kemahiran menggunakan peralatan ukur, kemahiran menggunakan perisian ukur dan kemahiran-kemahiran asas meliputi teori yang diperlukan dalam keija-keija ukur dan dalam menghasilan produk uk ur. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan pelajar mahir menggunakan alat ukur manual dan kemahiran pelajar terhadap penggunaan perisian adalah tidak pelbagai. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa pelajar mahir dalam mengaplikasikan teori-teori yang digunakan dalam keija ukur dan penghasilan produk ukur

    Artificial restoration of the linkage between laminin and dystroglycan ameliorates the disease progression of MDC1A muscular dystrophy at all stages

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    Laminin-α2 deficient congenital muscular dystrophy, classified as MDC1A, is a severe progressive muscle-wasting disease that leads to death in early childhood. MDC1A is caused by mutations in lama2, the gene encoding the laminin-α2 chain being part of laminin-2, the main laminin isoform present in the extracellular matrix of muscles and peripheral nerves. Via selfpolymerization, laminin-2 forms the primary laminin scaffold and binds with high affinity to α- dystroglycan on the cell surface, providing a connection to the cytoskeleton via the transmembranous protein β-dystroglycan. Deficiency in laminin-α2 leads to absence of laminin-2 and to upregulation of laminin-8, a laminin isoform that cannot self-polymerize and does not bind to α-dystroglycan. Therefore, in laminin α2-deficient muscle the chain of proteins linking the intracellular contractile apparatus via the plasma membrane to the extracellular matrix is interrupted. Consequently, muscle fibers loose their stability and degenerate what finally leads to a progressive muscle wasting. In previous studies, we have shown that a miniaturized form of the extracellular matrix protein agrin, which is not related to the disease-causing lama2 gene and was designed to contain highaffinity binding sites for the laminins and for α-dystroglycan, was sufficient to markedly improve muscle function and overall health in the dyW-/- mouse model of MDC1A. In a follow-up study we provided additional evidence that mini-agrin, both increases the tolerance to mechanical load but also improves the regeneration capacity of the dystrophic muscle. We now report on our progress towards further testing the use of this approach for the treatment of MDC1A. To test whether mini-agrin application after onset of the disease would still ameliorate the dystrophic symptoms, we have established the inducible tetracycline-regulated “tet-off” expression system in dyW-/- mice to temporally control mini-agrin expression in skeletal muscles. We show that mini-agrin slows down the progression of the dystrophy when applied at birth or in advanced stages of the disease. However, the extent of the amelioration depends on the dystrophic condition of the muscle at the time of mini-agrin application. Thus, the earlier miniagrin is applied, the higher is the profit of its beneficial properties. In addition to gene therapeutical approaches, the increase of endogenous agrin expression levels in skeletal muscles by pharmacologically active compounds would be a safe and promising strategy for the treatment of MDC1A. To evaluate the potential and pave the way to further expand on the development of such a treatment, we determined whether full-length agrin ameliorates the dystrophic phenotype to a comparable extent as it was observed by application of mini-agrin. We provide evidence that constitutive overexpression of chick full-length agrin in dyW-/- muscle ameliorates the dystrophic phenotype, although not as pronounced as mini-agrin does. In conclusion, our results are conceptual proof that linkage of laminin to the muscle fiber membrane is a means to treat MDC1A at any stage of the disease. Our findings definitely encourage to further expanding on this therapeutic concept, especially in combination with treatment using functionally different approaches. Moreover, these experiments set the basis for further developing clinically feasible and relevant application methods such as gene therapy4 and/or the screening of small molecules able to upregulate production of agrin in muscle

    Statistical process control implementation in the food industry: A systematic review and implications for future research

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    This study is to illustrate a systematic review application in investigating common issues emerging from Statistical Process Control (SPC) implementation in the food industry. A total of 34 journal articles were rigorously selected from four databases and reviewed. The most common themes emerge in SPC implementation in the food industry is the benefits while the remaining themes are motivation, barriers and critical success factors (CSF). This review found that the evidence of SPC implementation in the food industry is beneficial; however, a lack of both awareness and guidelines relating to SPC implementation in the food industry has resulted in a slow adoption. This systematic review concluded that there is a crucial need for further research into the SPC deployment aspect addressing how to deploy SPC in the food industry in a systematic manner

    Pendapatan dan Nilai Tambah Squash Kalamansi Lembaga Pengembangan Pertanian Baptis (LPPB) Bengkulu Tengah

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    Sektor industri pertanian merupakan suatu sistem pengelolaan secara terpadu antara sektor pertanian dengan sektor industri guna mendapatkan nilai tambah produk hasil pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan dan nilai tambah  Squash Kalamansi Di Lembaga Pengembangan Pertanian Baptis (LPPB) Desa Pondok Kubang Kecamatan Pondok Kubang Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2021. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi yaitu dengan mengamati dan praktek pembuatan squash kalamansi  langsung   di lapangan dan wawancara langsung kepada pengelola  industri squash kalamansi dengan menggunakan quisioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran umum dari usaha industri  dan analisis kuantitatif yaitu analisis pendapatan dan analisis nilai tambah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerimaan yang diperoleh  dalam memproduksi  usaha Squash Kalamansi dalam satu kali proses produksi dengan bahan baku 10 kg jeruk kalamansi yaitu  Total biaya produksi  sebesar  Rp. 276.500,98,-  Penerimaan sebesar   Rp. 437.500,00,-  Pendapatan sebesar  Rp. 160.999,2,- , R/C sebesar 1,58    dan  nilai tambah sebesar   Rp.71.950,-/liter. Implikasi temuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan UMKM squash kalamasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat Bengkulu Tengah

    The Effectiveness of Photograph towards Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how the media can improve the writing ability of students in eighth grade Mts Muhammadiyah Tongko. The research method used in this study was a pre-experiment. The research subjects were 23 second grade students at MTs Muhammadiyah Tongko. Data collection techniques are used, namely, pre-test was given to students prior to treatment, the treatment was given in the form of making descriptive text about animals, post-test was given after treatment to see the results of the treatment given. The results of his study showed that there was an increase in students' writing performance in the descriptive text using image media. This can be seen from the calculation of the T-Test at 0.00 < 0.05 which to = 6,093 > tt = 2,016 shows a significant result after being given treatment in the form of the use of image media. This shows that by applying image media, students' writing performance in descriptive text and getting ideas can be improved

    Feasibility Analysis of Tofu Agroindustry Business (Case Study of Sederhana Tofu Factory in Bukit Peninjauan I Village, Sukaraja District, Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province)

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    Sederhana Tofu Agroindustry is the biggest tofu factory in the village of Bukit Peninjauan I. It produces tofu each day in order to fulfil the need of two major traditional markets in Bengkulu city. This research aimed to analyze the financial feasibility of Sederhana tofu agroindustry in Bukit Peninjauan I Village, Sukaraja District, Seluma Regency. The research had been done on May until July 2021. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and quantitative analyzed methods. The descriptive analysis was used to investigate the common states of the research object, including characteristics and non-financial aspects. Meanwhile, the quantitative anayisis meant to evaluate the company financial conditions such as NPV, IRR, Net B/C, and Payback Period. Based on our analyzing, we wrap up that this agroindustry is feasible to be performed and to be developed.  Some aspects that support this that the tofu agroindusty achieved good criteria, including had NPV for about Rp . 1.361.902.000,- IRR 27,87%, Net B/C 1,38 and PP 4,93 years. Keywords : agroindusty, feasibility, financial, tofuSederhana Tofu Agroindustry is the biggest tofu factory in the village of Bukit Peninjauan I. It produces tofu each day in order to fulfil the need of two major traditional markets in Bengkulu city. This research aimed to analyze the financial feasibility of Sederhana tofu agroindustry in Bukit Peninjauan I Village, Sukaraja District, Seluma Regency. The research had been done on May until July 2021. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and quantitative analyzed methods. The descriptive analysis was used to investigate the common states of the research object, including characteristics and non-financial aspects. Meanwhile, the quantitative anayisis meant to evaluate the company financial conditions such as NPV, IRR, Net B/C, and Payback Period. Based on our analyzing, we wrap up that this agroindustry is feasible to be performed and to be developed.  Some aspects that support this that the tofu agroindusty achieved good criteria, including had NPV for about Rp . 1.361.902.000,- IRR 27,87%, Net B/C 1,38 and PP 4,93 years. Keywords : agroindusty, feasibility, financial, tof


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu; (1) Bagaimana sikap perlawanan yang ditunjukkan perempuan dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. (2) Bagaimana sikap yang ditunjukkan perempuan terhadap persoalan seksual dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mendeskripsikan sikap perlawanan yang ditunjukkan perempuan dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. (2) untuk mendeskripsikan sikap yang ditunjukkan perempuan terhadap persoalan seksual dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini.Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, kalimat, dan ungkapan dalam setiap paragraf yang berkaitan dengan persoalan penelitian yang terdapat dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan Feminise Radikal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sikap perlawanan yang ditunjukkan perempuan, yakni meliputi: Perlawanan terhadap budaya patriarki, konsep tubuh, kedudukan laki-laki, dan posisi keluarga. (2) Menunjukkan kebebasan seksual yakni perempuan dapat menunjukkan hasrat seksual dirinya melalui keliaran imajinasi yang dimilikinya. perempuan bebas bereksperimen secara seksual dengan cara-cara tertentu tanpa adanya batasan. Kata kunci: Sikap Perempuan, Novel, Feminisme, Radikal