472 research outputs found

    Isien odotukset verkkokurssilta kirjallisuuskatsausta soveltaen : verkkokurssin sisällön suunnittelu

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    Isyys on muuttunut vuosien varrella etäisestä hoivaavaksi isyydeksi. Isät kokevat, etteivät saa tarpeeksi tukea isyyteen, vaikka heidän aktiivisempi osallistuminen vauvan huolenpitoon on tunnistettu. Tämän vuoksi isien tukemiseen on kiinnitettävä paljon huomiota ja kehitettävä isyyttä tukevia palveluita. Internetin käytön yleistyminen avaa mahdollisuuksia kehittää uusia välineitä tukemaan kasvamista isyyteen. Internetiä hyödyntämällä isille voidaan kehittää verkkokurssi isyyden vahvistamiseen. Perinteisiin vastaanotto tilanteisiin verrattuna, verkkokurssin etuna olisi se, että isät voivat hyödyntää Internetiä ajasta tai paikasta riippumatta. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvailla isien odotuksia verkkokurssilta. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin soveltaen integroitua kirjallisuuskatsausta. Sen ensimmäinen vaihe oli asettaa tutkimuskysymykset. Tämän jälkeen suoritettiin tiedonhaku ja aineiston arviointi. Opinnäytetyön lopulliseksi aineistoksi valikoitui yhdeksän kansainvälistä tutkimusta. Ne analysoitiin induktiivista sisällönanalyysia hyödyntäen. Sen avulla saatujen tulosten avulla suunniteltiin isille suunnatun verkkokurssin sisältöä. Verkkokurssille suunniteltiin sisältöä, jotta opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppani Vauva Suomi ry voisi toteuttaa verkkokurssin. Sisällönanalyysin tuloksista selvisi, että isät odottavat verkkokurssilta tietoa ja tukea, esimerkiksi vauvan huolenpitoon ja raskausaikaan. Isien tiedon ja tuen vahvistaminen on tärkeää, koska niiden avulla isät saavat vahvistusta isyyteen. Sisällönanalyysin tuloksien avulla suunniteltiin isille suunnatulle verkkokurssille sisältöä. Se voisi sisältää keskustelupalstan, mahdollisuuden ottaa yhteyttä ammattilaiseen ja monipuolisesti tietoa. Verkkokurssin sisältö tulisi suunnitella kohderyhmän mukaan, eli isät huomioon ottaen. Tämä edesauttaa isiä ohjautumaan luotettavan tiedon ja tuen lähteelle. Verkkokurssin hyötynä on sen monipuolisuus tiedon ja tuen tarjoajana, taloudellisuus sekä käyttö ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Verkkokurssin avulla isät saavat vahvistusta isyyteen, joka vaikuttaa myönteisesti isien elämänlaatuun ja perheen hyvinvointiin. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena on, että tutkittaisiin isien odotuksia verkkokurssilta haastatteluiden tai kyselylomakkeiden avulla. Näin syvennettäisiin tietoa isien odotuksista verkkokurssia kohtaan. Verkkokurssin toteuttamisen jälkeen isät voisivat kokeilla sitä, jotta verkkokurssia voitaisiin kehittää isien tarpeiden mukaan.Over the years, fatherhood has changed from the distant to the caring fatherhood. Fathers feel they do not get enough support to fatherhood. There should be paid more attention to support fathers and to develop services for them. It is common to use the Internet, and it opens opportunities to develop new ways of support fathers’ growing to fatherhood. Developing an online course for fathers, strengthen fathers to become fathers. Fathers use the Internet regardless of time or place. That is a benefit for an online course compared to a traditional face-to-face contact. The purpose of our final project was to describe fathers’ expectations for an online course. Our final project was made by using the data from the literature review. First, we defined the research questions. Eventually, we selected nine international studies for our final project. Then, we analyzed the data by using the methods of inductive content analysis. Based on the results of the inductive content analysis, we planned contents to the online course for fathers. Our results of the inductive content analysis, showed that fathers’ expectations for the online course were information and support, for example for pregnancy and baby care, which strengthen fathers’ to become fathers. We planned the contents of the online course by using the results of our study. The online course website included a chat room, an opportunity to take contact with health care professionals and information on various subjects. The results lead to the conclusion that the online course may offer fathers new information and more ways for support. The benefit of the online course is economical. It may be used regardless of time and place. It helps fathers to become fathers. This affects in many positive ways the quality of life of fathers and the well-being of whole family. For further research, we propose to study the expectations of fathers via interviews and questionnaires. This would give more information about the expectations. When the online course has been made, it has to be tested with fathers. Then online course could be developed more for the needs of fathers

    External Evaluation of the Module Model for Integration Education for Immigrants : A Little Polish Will Bring Out the Diamond

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    Kainuun ELY-keskus järjestää yhteistyössä alueen TE-toimistojen kanssa maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutusta moduulimuotoisena. Kotoutumiskoulutusta järjestetään aikuisille, kotoutumislain piirissä oleville maahanmuuttajille. Koulutus on pääsääntöisesti työvoimapoliittista koulutusta ja sen tarkoituksena on kehittää maahanmuuttajien suomen- tai ruotsinkielentaitoa sekä yhteiskunnan tuntemusta. Tämä raportti on Kainuun ELY-keskuksen hallinnoiman Kansainvälinen työvoima -projektin (ESR) toimeksiannosta tehtävän ulkoisen arvioinnin loppuraportti. Kotoutumiskoulutuksen moduulimallin ulkoisella arvioinnilla tähdätään mallin kehittämiseen ja sitä kautta maahanmuuttajien kotoutumisen ja myös työllistymismahdollisuuksien parantamiseen. Ulkoisen arvioinnin tavoitteena on moduulimallin kehittäminen tuloksellisempaan ja tehokkaampaan suuntaan siten, että se paremmin palvelee maahanmuuttajien kotoutumistavoitteita.Närings-, trafik- och miljöcentralen i Kajanaland ordnar i samarbete med TE-centralerna i regionen en integrationsutbildning för invandrare i modulform. Integrationsutbildningen är avsedd för vuxna invandrare som omfattas av integrationslagen. Utbildningen är i huvudsak arbetskraftspolitisk utbildning och har som mål att utveckla invandrarnas kunskaper i finska eller svenska samt kännedom om samhället. Denna rapport upprättas på uppdrag av det internationella arbetskraftsprojektet (ESF) och är en slutrapport från den externa utvärderingen av projektet som administreras av närings-, trafik- och miljöcentralen i Kajanaland. Den externa utvärderingen av modulmodellen för integrationsutbildning har som mål att utveckla modellen och på så sätt förbättra integrationen av invandrare liksom deras ysselsättningsmöjligheter. Syftet med den externa utvärderingen är att skapa en mer framgångsrik och effektiv modell som i högre grad gynnar invandrarnas integrationsmål.The Kainuu Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Kainuu organises module format integration education for immigrants in cooperation with Employment and Economic Development Offices in the region. Integration education is organised for adult immigrants falling under the scope of the Act on the Integration of Immigrants and Reception of Asylum Seekers. The education is primarily related to labour policy , and intended to improve the immigrants’ command of Finnish or Swedish and their knowledge of Finnish society. This is the final report of the external evaluation commissione d by the International Labour Project (ESF) of the Kainuu Centr e for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment. The external evaluation of the module model for integration training aims at improving the model, and thereby the integration of immigrants, and increasing immigrants’ chances of finding employment. The external evaluation’s objective is to develop the module model in a more results-oriented and efficient direction, so that it might better serve the integration objectives set for immigrants

    Learning enhancing emotions predict student retention : Multilevel emotions of Finnish university physics students in and outside learning situations

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    Research on student retention in higher education (HE) physics could benefit by studying emotions in the context of engagement and learning. However, popular retention theories include only a narrow selection of emotions, creating a need to look elsewhere. In this study, we borrow the lens of an affective engagement model, the framework of an optimal learning moment, which has rarely been used in HE research so far. It defines situational engagement and three categories of learning enhancing, detracting, or accelerating emotions via twelve singular situational emotions. These twelve emotions in learning and other situations form intensive longitudinal data collected from twenty students using the experience sampling method (ESM) during their first two months of studying physics in a Finnish university. A two -level hierarchical dataset consisting of ESM measures (N1 = 440) and student records (N2 = 20), with gender as a background factor, are analyzed in two steps: first with hierarchical linear modeling, followed by multinomial logistic regression, giving results on both levels of the hierarchy, which is quite uncommon still. The results show how situational engagement and learning situations are separately connected to situational emotions and, further, how especially the learning enhancing emotions connect to success in courses (passing, grades) and first year student retention, surpassing the effect of course success.Peer reviewe

    Penerapan Data Mining dalam Analisis Prediksi Kanker Paru Menggunakan Algoritma Random Forest

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    Cancer is the second highest cause of death in the world. In Indonesia, it is a disease with a high mortality rate. Most patients do not realize that they have lung cancer thus the treatment is sometimes too late. A prediction method with a high degree of accuracy is needed to detect lung cancer earlier. Previous research used data mining calcification methods with the NaĂŻve Bayes algorithm to predict lung cancer. This research resulted in high recall values for the positive class (Yes class) but low for the negative class (No class). This research was made using the Random Forest algorithm which is known to have good performance. The modeling is optimized by applying the K-fold Cross Validation technique. The Random Forest algorithm produces a higher Accuracy value than the NaĂŻve Bayes algorithm, which is 98.4%. This algorithm produces 100% Recall for the positive class, 80% for the negative class and provides a 100% correct prediction as can be seen from the AUC value of 1. Although a statistical test with a significance level of 5% shows the results of the two algorithms are not significantly different.Kanker merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi kedua di dunia. Di Indonesia termasuk penyakit dengan tingkat kematian yang tinggi. Sebagian besar penderita tidak mengetahui bahwa dirinya terkena kanker paru sehingga penanganan menjadi terlambat. Metode prediksi dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi diperlukan untuk mendeteksi secara dini kanker paru. Penelitian sebelumnya telah memprediksi menggunakan metode kalsifikasi data minning dengan algoritma NaĂŻve Bayes. Penelitian tersebut menghasilkan nilai recall yang tinggi untuk kelas positif (kelas Yes) namun rendah untuk kelas negatif (kelas No). Penelitian ini dibuat dengan algoritma Random Forest yang dikenal memilki performa yang baik. Pemodelan dioptimalkan dengan menerapkan teknik K-fold Cross Validation. Algoritma Random Forest memberikan performa yang lebih baik dalam hal keakuratan dibandingkan NaĂŻve Bayes

    Penggunaan PhET Simulasi pada Model Blended Learning dengan Facebook (MBL-Fb) terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains Peserta Didik Fisika SMA/MA

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat penggunaan PhET simulasi pada pembelajaran fisika yang diajarkan dengan MBL-Fb terhadap KPS peserta didik di SMA. Metode penelitian menggunakan counterbalance design. Populasi seluruh kelas XI IPA SMA N 1 VII Koto Sungai Sarik tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Sampel penelitian kelas XI IPA 1 dan XI IPA 2 dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Cluster Random Sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi untuk melihat proses KPS dalam pembelajaran, dan tes essay untuk melihat capaian KPS siswa di akhir pembelajaran. Analisis data hasil observasi menggunakan statistik deskriptif, sedangkan data hasil tes untuk uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances berbantuan SPSS 25. Berdasarkan hasil observasi menunjukkan kelas MBL-fb yang menggunakan PhET simulasi memperoleh capain KPS yang lebih baik dibandingkan kelas MBL-fb tanpa PhET simulasi. Rata-rata hasil tes KPS peserta didik dengan PhET Simulasi memperoleh nilai 72,24 sedangkan untuk yang tidak memakai phet simulai memperoleh nilai 66,55. Hasil uji hipotesis dengan uji t:Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances diperoleh nilai thitung 2,25 dan ttabel 1,67. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa, penggunaan PhET simulasi pada pembelajaran dengan MBL-fb memberikan capaian KPS peserta didik yang lebih baik pada pembelajaran fisika terutama pada materi elastisitas dan hukum hooke dan fluida statis. Kata Kunci: Model Blended Learning; Facebook; PhET Simulasi; Keterampilan Proses Sain

    The Effect of Retelling Technique to Students' EFL Learning in Narrating Past Events

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    Lack of students’ mastery of grammar and limited number of vocabulary have been identified assources of their low competence in EFL Learning to speak in West Sumatra Senior High Schools.Therefore, a constant effort to develop these two essential elements needs to be conducted especiallyin rural areas where advance technology of information is almost inaccessible. To deal with the issue,we have implemented Retelling technique to Grade X at Senior High School 1 Hiliran Gumanti. Agroup of science class (N=48) have been chosen to be the experimental and control groups. A typicaltreatment for the experimental class began with scaffolding the text. Discussion was focused onelements of text and in groups of four or five students, teacher encouraged the students to retellanother story. After 15 minutes discussions, each group was encouraged to retell the story startingfrom the first member (story-teller) and continued to the other members till the end of the story. Someextra pictures were accompanied the students to help them of the events. After several meetings, bothclasses were tested to retell another story. Post test scores of the groups were compared toinvestigate the difference. The finding showed that mean score of post test of experimental class was73.25, higher than control class (66.58). Meanwhile, standard deviation of experimental class washigher than control class (sd= 6.79>66.58). While t-calculated was 3.71 and t-table 1.678 witha=0.05 and degree of freedom 46 greater than t-table (3.71>1.678) meaning that students’ betterspeaking skills were mainly due to the application or effects of Retelling technique

    Meat Consumption Patterns and Intentions for Change Among Finnish Consumers

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    During the past few decades, meat has increasingly become a subject of controversies relating to health and safety, environment, and animal welfare. Even though these changes in perceptions of meat are not yet visible in aggregate consumption figures, they can be observed in individual consumption patterns and as intentions to change the consumption. In this study, we examine changes in meat consumption among the Finnish consumers taking into account both stated changes in the past and intended changes in the future. Based on these changes, we identify consumer segments and investigate in which ways these segments differ from each other socio-demographically and with respect to current meat consumption and the stated reasons for the change. The latent class analysis based on representative Internet survey data revealed nine consumer clusters that formed three cluster blocks. The results showed that a large number of people, over 40%, had stabile consumption patterns. A cluster block of 14% of consumers had already shifted their consumer patterns to contain more vegetables and less meat. One third of the consumers were identified to be in the middle of the change with a general tendency to decrease the use of meat and increase the use of vegetables. Although, environmental effects of meat and animal welfare issues were important reasons for change in some clusters, healthiness was the most salient stated reason for change in consumption habits.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    This research method used a case study method. The subject of this included the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Katolik Trisakti 1 Medan. Which is comprised of 30 stusents. In analysis the datan the writer collected the data from the students identifiedthe grammatical errors, classified the errors of using simple present tense in the students’ descriptive paragraph to determine the frequency of errors, and calculated the data into percentages. The data by using formula:P= fnx100%  P= Percentage, F= Frequency of error made, N= Total of students’ errors.the data was taken from the test: it was written test. The result demonstrate that the students’ errors can be categorized into four kinds of errors. Which include 14,7% errors of omission, 6,7% errors of additon, 73,3% errors in misformation and 5% error in misordering. The writer observed 218 total errors. The witer concluded that misformation was the dominant kind of errors Made by the Seventh Grade of SMP Katolik Trisakti 1 Medan. The teacher recommended practicing grammatical rules in Simple Present Tense in order to minimize the errors. Morever, other researchers can provide techniques in increase students’ mastery of simple present tense

    Seasonal trends and diel patterns of downsweep and SEP calls in Chilean blue whales

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Redaelli, L., Mangia Woods, S., Landea, R., & Sayigh, L. Seasonal trends and diel patterns of downsweep and SEP calls in Chilean blue whales. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), (2022): 316, https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10030316.To learn more about the occurrence and behaviour of a recently discovered population of blue whales, passive acoustic data were collected between January 2012 and April 2013 in the Chiloense ecoregion of southern Chile. Automatic detectors and manual auditing were used to detect blue whale songs (SEP calls) and D calls, which were then analysed to gain insights into temporal calling patterns. We found that D call rates were extremely low during winter (June–August) but gradually increased in spring and summer, decreasing again later during fall. SEP calls were absent for most winter and spring months (July–November) but increased in summer and fall, peaking between March and April. Thus, our results support previous studies documenting the austral summer residency of blue whales in this region, while suggesting that some individuals stay longer, highlighting the importance of this area as a blue whale habitat. We also investigated the daily occurrence of each call type and found that D calls occurred more frequently during dusk and night hours compared to dawn and day periods, whereas SEP calls did not show any significant diel patterns. Overall, these findings help to understand the occurrence and behaviour of endangered Chilean blue whales, enhancing our ability to develop conservation strategies in this important Southern Hemisphere habitat.Financial support for expeditions, deployments, and retrievals of MARUs, and for some of the data analysis, was provided by Fundacion MERI, Av. Pdte. Kennedy 5682, Vitacure, Región Metropolitana, Chile. The data analysis for this study was carried out without external funding
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