973 research outputs found

    Experimental Studies of Prompt Fission Neutron Energy Spectra

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    AbstractPrompt fission neutron spectra were measured in the reactions 238U(n,f), 235U(n,f) and 237Np(n,f) at different incident neutron energies. The neutrons were detected using a coaxial doped p-terphenyl scintillation detector in coincidence with fission fragments and their time-of-flight was recorded. The properties of the neutron detector were determined and the results are presented in this work. A preliminary neutron detection efficiency was applied to data from the neutron-induced fission of 238U at En = 5.2 MeV, leading to encouraging results

    Pareto, Lausanne et le canton de Vaud

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    Comment l’histoire locale peut-elle participer d’une histoire de la pensĂ©e Ă©conomique focalisĂ©e sur la figure de Pareto ? Plus modestement, peut-on espĂ©rer clarifier la nature des rapports ayant uni Vilfredo Pareto Ă  l’environnement politique de Lausanne ? La question s’avĂšre Ă©pineuse, fidĂšle d’une certaine maniĂšre, aux difficultĂ©s Ă  penser l’universitĂ© dans ses rapports Ă  la citĂ©. Comme l’ont notĂ© par ailleurs d’autres travaux, les sources d’information, pour construire un tel objet historiq..

    Spectres en Ă©nergie des neutrons prompts de fission : optimisation du dispositif expĂ©rimental et application Ă  l'ÂČ³⁞U

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    The nuclear fission is a complex phenomenon whose mechanisms are not fully understood. Within the framework of an international cooperation, the CEA/DAM/DIF is taking part in the study of prompt fission neutron energy spectra from fast neutron induced fission, focusing on the low energy domain of these spectra (<1 MeV). This PhD was dedicated to the optimization of the experimental setup. New fission detectors were developed. We report on their conception and their performances in terms of alpha-fission discrimination, timing resolution and distortion on the measured spectrum. In a second step, several neutron detectors were studied (neutron-gamma discrimination, detection efficiency), so as to optimize the detection of low energy neutrons (<1 MeV). In the present document, we report on the results of this comparative study. Finally, the optimized experimental setup was used to measure prompt fission neutron energy spectra for the fast-neutron induced fission of ÂČ³⁞U. After detailing the data analysis method, the results are interpreted in terms of models and evaluations.La fission nuclĂ©aire est un phĂ©nomĂšne complexe dont tous les mĂ©canismes ne sont pas entiĂšrement compris. Dans le cadre d'une coopĂ©ration internationale, le CEA/DAM/DIF Ă©tudie les spectres en Ă©nergie des neutrons prompts Ă©mis lors de la fission induite par des neutrons rapides, et plus particuliĂšrement la zone Ă  basse Ă©nergie de ces spectres (<1 MeV). Ce travail de thĂšse a consistĂ© Ă  optimiser un dispositif expĂ©rimental de mesure de neutrons prompts de fission. Dans un premier temps, de nouveaux dĂ©tecteurs de fission ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Nous en rapportons ici la conception et Ă©tudions leurs performances en termes de discrimination alpha-fission, de rĂ©solution en temps et de distorsion sur le spectre mesurĂ©. Le second axe de dĂ©veloppement abordĂ© au cours de cette thĂšse est celui de la dĂ©tection des neutrons. Plusieurs types de dĂ©tecteurs ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s (discrimination neutron-gamma, efficacitĂ© de dĂ©tection), en vue d'optimiser la dĂ©tection des neutrons de basse Ă©nergie (<1 MeV). Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats de ces Ă©tudes. Enfin, le dispositif expĂ©rimental ainsi optimisĂ© est utilisĂ© pour mesurer le spectre en Ă©nergie des neutrons prompts Ă©mis lors de la fission induite par neutrons de l' ÂČ³⁞UU. AprĂšs avoir prĂ©sentĂ© la mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e pour l'analyse des donnĂ©es, les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont interprĂ©tĂ©s en termes de modĂšles et d'Ă©valuations

    PR-Set7–dependent lysine methylation ensures genome replication and stability through S phase

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    PR-Set7/SET8 is a histone H4–lysine 20 methyltransferase required for normal cell proliferation. However, the exact functions of this enzyme remain to be determined. In this study, we show that human PR-Set7 functions during S phase to regulate cellular proliferation. PR-Set7 associates with replication foci and maintains the bulk of H4-K20 mono- and trimethylation. Consistent with a function in chromosome dynamics during S phase, inhibition of PR-Set7 methyltransferase activity by small hairpin RNA causes a replicative stress characterized by alterations in replication fork velocity and origin firing. This stress is accompanied by massive induction of DNA strand breaks followed by a robust DNA damage response. The DNA damage response includes the activation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated and ataxia telangiectasia related kinase–mediated pathways, which, in turn, leads to p53-mediated growth arrest to avoid aberrant chromosome behavior after improper DNA replication. Collectively, these data indicate that PR-Set7–dependent lysine methylation during S phase is an essential posttranslational mechanism that ensures genome replication and stability

    Car Black Box System

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    This paper presents the concept of car black box vehicle safety system which would not only record the data, but also gives indication like engine overheating, alcohol consumption etc. In the case of an accident the message is sent through the GSM to prescribed mobile numbers. For the security purpose, the password is given to the black box to secure or prevent the recorded data. User enters the password for authentication of black box for accessing recorded data. Recorded data is used to find out the proper & actual reason behind an accident

    The orthoptera in Lorraine (France). An ecological approach. (Insecta, Orthoptera)

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    A survey of the Orthoptera in Lorraine is presented: 60 species have been listed to date. A "reference list" is proposed, which gives, in addition to an up to date taxonomical list, the regional status of abundance for each species, as far as it can be outlined. The regional fauna is compared to those in neighbouring regions. Two examples of the use of Orthoptera in current Nature conservation and management are given. The conclusion deals with the importance of the Orthoptera as tool, but also as a goal, in Nature conservation.L'Ă©tat provisoire de l'inventaire des OrthoptĂšres de Lorraine est prĂ©sentĂ©. Il fait Ă©tat de 60 espĂšces rĂ©pertoriĂ©es jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent. Une liste de rĂ©fĂ©rence est proposĂ©e, qui, en plus de la taxonomie, essaie de prĂ©ciser le statut rĂ©gional d'abondance de chaque espĂšce. Ce peuplement rĂ©gional est comparĂ© avec celui de rĂ©gions voisines, pour lesquelles un travail analogue a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©. L'utilisation des OrthoptĂšres dans la gestion conservatoire des milieux naturels est illustrĂ©e par deux exemples: - les espĂšces dĂ©terminantes des Zones Naturelles d'IntĂ©rĂȘt Ecologique Faunistique et Floristique - un aspect de la gestion d'une RĂ©serve Naturelle de Lorraine par le biais des OrthoptĂšres

    DAFOE: A Platform for Building Ontologies from Texts

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    International audienceAlthough text-based ontology engineering gained much popularity in the last 10 years, very few ontology engineering platforms exploit the full potential of the connection between texts and ontologies. We propose DAFOE, a new platform for building ontologies with a terminological component using diff erent types of linguistic entries (text corpora, results of natural language processing tools, terminologies or thesauri). DAFOE supports knowledge structuring and conceptual modelling from these linguistic entries as well as ontology formalization. DAFOE outputs models with two main original features: an ontology articulated with a lexical component and a connection with the text or linguistic entry that motivated their defi nition

    PR-SET7 and SUV4-20H regulate H4 lysine-20 methylation at imprinting control regions in the mouse

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    Imprinted genes are important in development and their allelic expression is mediated by imprinting control regions (ICRs). On their DNA-methylated allele, ICRs are marked by trimethylation at H3 Lys 9 (H3K9me3) and H4 Lys 20 (H4K20me3), similar to pericentric heterochromatin. Here, we investigate which histone methyltransferases control this methylation of histone at ICRs. We found that inactivation of SUV4-20H leads to the loss of H4K20me3 and increased levels of its substrate, H4K20me1. H4K20me1 is controlled by PR-SET7 and is detected on both parental alleles. The disruption of SUV4-20H or PR-SET7 does not affect methylation of DNA at ICRs but influences precipitation of H3K9me3, which is suggestive of a trans-histone change. Unlike at pericentric heterochromatin, however, H3K9me3 at ICRs does not depend on SUV39H. Our data show not only new similarities but also differences between ICRs and heterochromatin, both of which show constitutive maintenance of methylation of DNA in somatic cells
