13 research outputs found

    Modelo de impacto de redes sociales en atletas de un evento deportivo mediano

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    The use of social network sites (SNS) as a marketing tool is constantly rising in both the sports and the tourism sector. To fully take advantage of the benefits offered by this media, it is important to know the impact generated by SNS. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of SNS within the participants of a medium-sized sporting event. The sample consisted of 254 athletes of the Benidorm Half race. The results of the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed satisfactory fit indices, discriminant validity and reliability. The results identified three factors measuring the impact of SNS among participants. A significant influence of perceived value in social media on eWOM was found. The additional information factor also had a significant influence on the perceived value on SNS.El uso de las redes sociales (RRSS) como herramienta de marketing está en constante auge tanto en el sector deportivo como en el turístico. Para poder aprovecharse de los beneficios que pueden brindar estos medios es importante conocer el impacto generado por las RRSS. El objetivo de este estudio fue el análisis del impacto de las RRSS en los participantes en un evento deportivo mediano. La muestra fue compuesta de 254 atletas de la carrera Benidorm Half. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y del análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) mostraron índices de ajuste, una validez discriminante y una fiabilidad satisfactorios. Los resultados permitieron identificar tres factores que miden el impacto de las RRSS entre los participantes. Se comprobó una influencia significativa del valor percibido en RRSS en el eWOM. El factor de información adicional también influyó significativamente en el valor percibido en RRSS

    Análisis bibliométrico del turismo deportivo y los medios sociales

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    Sports tourism, although being a relatively recent type of tourism, has grown significantly in all its aspects. The digital evolution itself is in a constant growth, as well as the generated impact of social media. Considering the increase in both sectors, an examination of how scientific research has adapted to these new realities is required. Hence, the aim of this study is to show the current state of scientific research regarding the field of sports tourism and social media. For this purpose, a search in the databases of WoS and Scopus was performed. Quantitative methods were applied for a co-word analysis, using the SciMat tool.  The results conclude, that the main motor themes of the three analysed periods, "sport", "human" and "sport-event", are closely related to "social-media" and "social-network".El turismo deportivo, aunque siendo un tipo de turismo relativamente nuevo, está experimentando un gran crecimiento en todas sus vertientes. Por otro lado, la evolución digital está en auge continuo, igual que el impacto generado por los medios sociales. De la consideración del incremento en ambos sectores surge la necesidad de examinar cómo la investigación científica se ha adaptado a estas nuevas realidades. Como consecuencia, el objetivo del presente estudio es mostrar el estado actual de las investigaciones en el turismo deportivo y los medios de comunicación sociales. Para ello se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en las bases de datos WoS y Scopus. Se aplicaron métodos cuantitativos para el análisis de co-palabras mediante el uso de la herramienta SciMat. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que los principales temas motores de los tres periodos analizados, “sport”, “human” y “sport-event”, se encuentran estrechamente relacionados con “social-media” y “social-network

    Social media hook sports events: a systematic review of engagement

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    Social media are nowadays used in all sectors, and likewise frequently within the sports industry. However, there is a lack of studies that offer a holistic understanding of the phenomenon of social media engagement (SME) in this area. Thus, the main object of the present study was the elaboration of a systematic review of the existing literature of the past ten years about SME within the field of sports events. The study was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. By searching the databases Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, and Academic Search Ultimate, we identified 208 studies. After screening and reviewing for eligibility, we finally included 28 articles in the present study. The methodologies, types of analysis applied, main objectives, and the results on SME of the articles included in the synthesis were systematically reviewed. The findings showed that only four articles had as a principal theme the SME. Social media offer a useful tool for engagement, but SME adopts must still gain greater recognition. The need to co-create with users and engage them on social media, due to the great utility of social media in this sector is highlighted based on the results. It was found that SME around sports events remains an emerging and still developing research field which presents a wide range of future research lines

    La conectividad y la digitalización como estrategias para la puesta en valor de recursos abandonados con posibilidad de uso turístico. Un análisis de caso de la provincia de Pontevedra

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    Technology and digitalization have been transforming tourism, a fact that has become more and more evident in recent years. Faced with the challenges that arise in tourism, within the contemporary society, it is necessary to analyze the access to digital technologies and their impact on cultural heritage. Thus, this paper’s main objective is to analyse connectivity and to see how it can represent a first step for the touristic promotion of resources. Through a case study of Galicia, we aim to highlight the need for the inclusion of digital technology within the framework of the knowledge society and to show how these technologies can play a fundamental role in preserving and reactivating the cultural heritage. The findings show differences in coverage between the different Galician provinces as well as the possibility of rehabilitating cultural heritage with the help of heritage digitization, the creation of integrated offers and measurement, to develop a sustainable, responsible, and accessible tourism. More specifically, the creation of two tourist routes as integrated offers is proposed, after the rehabilitation of the heritage.La tecnología y la digitalización han ido transformando el turismo, situación que se ha vuelto más intensa desde las últimas décadas. Ante los retos que se plantean en el turismo, en el marco de la sociedad actual, resulta necesario analizar el acceso a las tecnologías digitales y su impacto en el patrimonio cultural. Así, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis de la conectividad y ver cómo pueden suponer un primer paso para la puesta en valor turístico de los recursos. Mediante un estudio de caso de Galicia se trata de poner en evidencia la necesidad de incluir la tecnología digital en el turismo en el marco de la sociedad del conocimiento y mostrar de qué manera estas tecnologías suponen un papel fundamental a la hora de conservar y reactivar el patrimonio cultural. Los hallazgos encontrados muestran diferencia en la cobertura entre las distintas provincias gallegas y arrojan, asimismo, la posibilidad de rehabilitación del patrimonio cultural con la ayuda de la digitalización del patrimonio, la creación de ofertas integradas y la medición, a los efectos de desarrollar un turismo sostenible, responsable y accesible. En concreto, se propone la creación de dos rutas turísticas, como ofertas integradas, tras la rehabilitación del patrimonio. Se concluye el trabajo con un apartado de discusión de los datos y se cierra el artículo con un epígrafe de conclusiones

    Análisis del PIB turístico a futuro con series longitudinales. Estudio de caso del turismo cultural

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    En un momento de tanto cambio para el turismo resulta necesario analizar con series históricas cuál ha sido el impacto de la pandemia, siendo el PIB turístico una de las medias más fiables, para establecer también análisis a futuro. Se intentará evidenciar a través de esta comunicación cuáles son los sectores turísticos que más facilmente volverán a desplegar su capacidad de arrastre de otros subsectores de la economía, como el comercio o el sector relacionado con la intermediación turística.At a time of so much change for tourism, it is necessary to analyze with historical series what the impact of the pandemic has been, with tourism GDP being one of the most reliable means, to also establish future analyzes. An attempt will be made to show through this communication which are the tourist sectors that will most easily re-deploy their capacity to drag other subsectors of the economy, such as commerce or the sector related to tourism intermediation.2021-2

    Advances in event management using new technologies and mobile applications

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    In this work, the authors present a review of mobile applications for event management available for smartphones with the iOS operating system. The objective of the work is to carry out an analysis of these applications, offering an educational point of view and filling a gap in the doctrine, as the authors are dealing with an academically still new subject.2022-2

    El uso de los medios sociales en la comunicación de los eventos deportivos de pequeña y mediana escala

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have completely changed the way of communication, for both organizations and consumers. This should not be ignored in the sports tourism sector, where ICTs play a key role in marketing. This has become even more obvious in times of COVID-19 and in the post COVID-19 era. The pandemic has sped up the digitalization process in all areas, and especially in the sports and tourism sector. In particular, small- and medium scale sports events, which present reduced financial resources, can benefit from the advantages of social media communication. The aim of this chapter is to initiate a reflection on changes and innovations in the communication and marketing management of small and medium sized sports events. Therefore, based on the knowledge of existing literature, we will analyse the changes and new trends in the sector and present strategies for efficient sports communication. We conclude that the use of social media within the small and medium scale sports event sector can be key to a broader communication reach, at reduced costs, as well as to remain competitive.2022-2

    El uso de los medios sociales en la comunicación de los eventos deportivos

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    En la sociedad actual, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunica- ción (TIC) han transformado plenamente la comunicación entre las personas. Este hecho no se ha quedado alejado del sector turístico deportivo donde las TIC juegan un papel fundamental en el marketing.2021-2

    Proposal of New Strategies for Smart Tourism Destinations in the Challenging New Reality: A Commitment to the Technology–Sustainability Binomial

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    This paper aimed to investigate the response of smart tourism destinations (STDs) to the COVID-19 crisis, specifically regarding sustainability, which—along with information, new technologies, and governance—is a key element of STDs. First, we conducted a brief literature review regarding tourism sustainability. Secondly, we performed a case study of several STDs to determine the sustainable actions implemented in response to the current crisis, the results of which are presented in this paper. Thirdly, we assessed these STDs’ primary sustainability actions and developed a strategy proposal that can be followed by destinations in similar situations. This proposal is intended to be evaluated by the studied STDs for validation or adaptation. Far from a definitive solution, our proposal was designed as one possible tool to avoid the disorganisation and uncertainty suffered in crisis situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic.2021-2