25 research outputs found

    Strategic management and innovation of re-training courses

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    Mgr. Sarah Asfour Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Michaela Tureckiová, CSc. Studijní program: Specializace v pedagogice Studijní obor: Andragogika a management vzdělávání ABSTRAKT Diplomová práce se zabývá celoživotním vzděláváním, a to vzděláváním dospělých v otázce formálního, neformální i informální vzdělávání. V diplomové práci je pojednáváno o konceptu celoživotního vzdělávání a o efektu vzdělávání v životě jedince. Cílem je krátce porovnat a zhodnotit možnosti celoživotního vzdělávání s důrazem na neformální profesní vzdělávání, přesněji na rekvalifikační kurzy. V diplomové práci se v otázce dalšího neformálního vzdělávání věnuji strategickému řízení vzdělávání, stejně tak jako možnosti inovace zmiňovaných rekvalifikačních kurzů. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do dvou částí, a to do části teoretické a části praktické. V teoretické části je mimo jiné podrobněji pojednáváno o možnosti rekvalifikačních kurzů, dále je pojednáváno o podmínkách k získání akreditace pro pořadatele rekvalifikačních kurzů, o podmínkách a možnostech podpory zájemců o rekvalifikační kurz Úřadem práce, dále jsou také rozepsány výhody pro zaměstnavatele podporující své zaměstnance k dalšímu profesnímu vzdělávání. V diplomové práci je věnován prostor strategickému řízení a plánování vzdělávání, a to včetně důležitosti motivace účastníků ke...Mgr. Sarah Asfour Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Michaela Tureckiová, CSc. Studijní program: Specializace v pedagogice Studijní obor: Andragogika a management vzdělávání ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with lifelong education - adult education in formal, non-formal and informal education. The diploma thesis discusses about the concept of lifelong learning and the effect of education in the life of an individual. The aim is to briefly compare and evaluate lifelong learning opportunities with an emphasis on non-formal education, more specifically on retraining courses. In the diploma thesis, I deal with the strategic management of retraining courses in the field of non-formal education as well as the possibilities of innovation of the courses mentioned. The thesis is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part, there are discussed in more detail the conditions for obtaining accreditation for organizers of retraining courses, conditions and possibilities of support for applicants for the retraining course by the Labour Office of the Czech Republic, there is discussed the advantages for employers to support their employees in non-formal education. The diploma thesis is devoted to the strategic management and planning of education, including the importance of...Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzděláváníPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Factors hampering the Integration of Refugee Children

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    U N I V E R Z I T A K A R L O V A FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA Sociální politika a sociální práce Katedra sociální práce Diplomová práce Master Thesis Bc. Sarah Asfour Factors hampering the integration of Refugee Children Faktory ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Oldřich Matoušek 2018 ABSTRACT The main aim of this thesis is to describe the factors that hamper the integration of Refugee Children into a new society. Factors that are mentioned in relation to integration are connected with an education gap, unfamiliarity with the language spoken in a new society, a bad economic situation of a family and its consequences and unstable or inappropriate housing. Social economic factors are also mentioned in the thesis. Child Labour closely linked to family conditions are discuess together with the worst form of it: child requitment into army. Refugee children coming from various backgrounds also may face many psychologically challenging situations when forcefully or willingly leaving their home country and other significant situations connected to their refugee status. In this thesis, I discuss psychological distresses that influence children's mental state due to war experience, migration experience, extended stays in refugee camps or post-migration stressors. In this thesis the situation of..

    Faktory ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí

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    U N I V E R Z I T A K A R L O V A FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA Sociální politika a sociální práce Katedra sociální práce Diplomová práce Master Thesis Bc. Sarah Asfour Factors hampering the integration of Refugee Children Faktory ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Oldřich Matoušek 2018 ABSTRAKT Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je zmínit faktory ovlivňující či ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí do společnosti, a to ať nové hostitelské společnosti či do společnosti přechodné země. Zmiňované faktory se týkají vzdělávání, socioekonomických aspektů nebo nevlídných podmínek k řádnému dětství. V diplomové práci jsou diskutovány socio- ekonomické faktory, které úzce souvisí s ekonomickou situací rodiny. I z tohoto důvodu je v práci diskutována práce dětí, a to včetně jedné z nejhorších - dětských vojáků. Mnoho uprchlických dětí prochází situacemi složitými pro jejich psychické zdraví. V této diplomové práci jsou zmíněny složitosti spojené s přesídlením, zkušenostmi z války, zkušenostmi uprchlíků, migrací, zdlouhavým pobytem v uprchlických táborech i post traumatickými stresy. Dále, diplomová práce zmiňuje výzvy, kterými děti - uprchlíci čelí a to jak v zemi původu, tak v azylové hostitelské společnosti. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA uprchlíci, uprchlický tábor, vzdělávání, dětská práce, dětský voják,...U N I V E R Z I T A K A R L O V A FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA Sociální politika a sociální práce Katedra sociální práce Diplomová práce Master Thesis Bc. Sarah Asfour Factors hampering the integration of Refugee Children Faktory ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Oldřich Matoušek 2018 ABSTRACT The main aim of this thesis is to describe the factors that hamper the integration of Refugee Children into a new society. Factors that are mentioned in relation to integration are connected with an education gap, unfamiliarity with the language spoken in a new society, a bad economic situation of a family and its consequences and unstable or inappropriate housing. Social economic factors are also mentioned in the thesis. Child Labour closely linked to family conditions are discuess together with the worst form of it: child requitment into army. Refugee children coming from various backgrounds also may face many psychologically challenging situations when forcefully or willingly leaving their home country and other significant situations connected to their refugee status. In this thesis, I discuss psychological distresses that influence children's mental state due to war experience, migration experience, extended stays in refugee camps or post-migration stressors. In this thesis the situation of...Department of Social WorkKatedra sociální práceFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Strategic management and innovation of re-training courses

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    Mgr. Sarah Asfour Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Michaela Tureckiová, CSc. Studijní program: Specializace v pedagogice Studijní obor: Andragogika a management vzdělávání ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with lifelong education - adult education in formal, non-formal and informal education. The diploma thesis discusses about the concept of lifelong learning and the effect of education in the life of an individual. The aim is to briefly compare and evaluate lifelong learning opportunities with an emphasis on non-formal education, more specifically on retraining courses. In the diploma thesis, I deal with the strategic management of retraining courses in the field of non-formal education as well as the possibilities of innovation of the courses mentioned. The thesis is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part, there are discussed in more detail the conditions for obtaining accreditation for organizers of retraining courses, conditions and possibilities of support for applicants for the retraining course by the Labour Office of the Czech Republic, there is discussed the advantages for employers to support their employees in non-formal education. The diploma thesis is devoted to the strategic management and planning of education, including the importance of..

    Récupération d'énergie dans les chaussées pour leur maintien hors gel

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    Winter maintenance operations for road networks are an important issue for maintaining the mobility in degraded situations, but generate high direct and indirect exploitation costs, particularly related to the intensive use of road de-icing and environmental impact. We study a road structure free of this penalty, thanks to a bonding drainage asphalt layer, circulated by a hot fluid, to prevent the deposition of snow or ice formation on the road surface. As part of an integrated vision of promoting the use of renewable energy, such device could be used to recuperate the thermal energy available in the road surface during the hot period, to transport it to a storage location (e.g. geothermal) and use it during cold period. We study here the heat exchanger function between the fluid and the road, the external storage function to the road being not addressed. The considered pavement structure has three asphalt layers.The bearing layer and the base layer are formed of conventional materials with hydrocarbon-based binders. The material of the bonding layer has a porosity of 20% and based on the use of a binder resistant to a prolonged circulation of the coolant. The road structure is assumed to have a slope of about 2 to 3%. An instrumented experimental road is implemented to collect data on the thermo-hydraulic response of the pavement structure. A thermo-hydraulic 2D model is designed to simulate the temperature field in the road structure when the fluid is injected at the upslope side of the road with a target temperature. This model is calibrated from experimental data collected on the experimental road subjected to meteorological solicitations. Initially, the sensibility of the distribution of the surface temperature of the road toward various model parameters (hydraulic conductivity, transversal slope, thermal conductivities, heat capacities) is analysed, in order to study the optimization of control procedures allowing to keep positive the road surface temperature at any point (e.g. determination of the minimum fluid injection temperature, under given meteorological data). In a second time, pavement thermal parameters is identified using control optimal method in order to validated unidimensionnel thermal model applied on July experimental data. In third time, hydraulic model is validated experimentaly using a laboratory mockup in saturated and unsaturated conditions. In a fourth time, thermo-hydraulic bidimensionnal model is validated numerically using mesured data of experimental pavement. Finally, harvest energy in summer period using thermal reglementation RT2012 data and heating energy in winter period using RT2012 and Massif Interdepartmental Road Direction (DIR MC) are calculated in order to evaluate system performance.Les opérations de maintenance des routes en conditions hivernales sur réseaux routiers constituent un enjeu important pour maintenir l’offre de mobilité en situation dégradée. Elles génèrent des coûts d’exploitation directs et indirects élevés, liés en particulier à l’utilisation intensive de fondants routiers. Par ailleurs, leur impact environnemental doit être pris en considération. Nous étudions ici une structure de chaussée non soumise à ce type d’astreinte, grâce à la présence d’une couche de liaison drainante dans laquelle circule un fluide chaud, permettant ainsi d’éviter le dépôt de neige ou la formation de glace en surface. Dans le cadre d’une démarche en faveur de l’emploi d’énergie renouvelable, un tel dispositif pourrait permettre de récupérer l’énergie thermique disponible en surface de chaussée en période chaude, de l’acheminer vers un lieu de stockage (ex : géothermie) et de l’utiliser en période froide. Nous étudions ici la fonction d’échangeur de chaleur entre le fluide et la chaussée, la fonction de stockage externe à la chaussée n’étant pas abordée hormis dans la revue bibliographique. La structure de chaussée considérée comporte trois couches d’enrobés. La couche de roulement et la couche de base sont constituées de matériaux classiquement utilisés dans les chaussées, à base de liants hydrocarbonés. Le matériau de la couche de liaison possède une porosité supérieure à 20%. La structure de chaussée est supposée avoir un dévers de l’ordre de 2%. Une chaussée expérimentale instrumentée a été mise en oeuvre pour recueillir des grandeurs thermo-physiques de la chaussée. Un modèle thermo-hydrique 2D est d2veloppé numériquement pour calculer la distribution de température dans le corps de chaussée lorsque l’on injecte un fluide à température d’entrée donnée, en haut de dévers. Les paramètres du modèle sont identifiés à partir des données expérimentales recueillies sous diverses sollicitations climatiques. On analyse dans un premier temps la sensibilité de la distribution de température en surface de chaussée aux différents paramètres du modèle (conductivité hydraulique, dévers, conductivités thermiques, chaleurs massiques), afin d’optimiser les procédures nécessaires au contrôle sous contraintes de températures positives en tout point. Dans une deuxième partie, des données expérimentales recueillies durant une période estivale d’un mois ont servi à valider le modèle thermique 1D. Une maquette de laboratoire a également permis d’identifier des paramètres en milieu saturé et non saturé. La dernière partie de thèse est consacrée au calcul des quantités énergétiques récupérables pendant la période estivale à l’aide des données de la réglEmentation thermique RT2012. Elles sont comparées aux quantités énergétiques de chauffage nécessaires pendant la période hivernale en s’appuyant sur des données de la RT2012 et des données de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Massif (DIR MC) ; l’objectif final étant de déterminer les performances énergétiques du système

    The United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child in the case of refugee children

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    This Bachelor thesis addresses the issue of the basic human rights of Refugee Children guaranteed to every child by UN Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted in 1989. The thesis describes the processes and situations in which a Refugee Child who is accompanied by family members or who is an Unaccompanied Minor goes through during the proceeding of International Protection in the European countries. The thesis focuses only on the articles of Convention that are applicable to crucial problems in the current situation of Refugee Children

    Harvesting energy in pavements to de-freeze its surface

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    Les opérations de maintenance des routes en conditions hivernales sur réseaux routiers constituent un enjeu important pour maintenir l’offre de mobilité en situation dégradée. Elles génèrent des coûts d’exploitation directs et indirects élevés, liés en particulier à l’utilisation intensive de fondants routiers. Par ailleurs, leur impact environnemental doit être pris en considération. Nous étudions ici une structure de chaussée non soumise à ce type d’astreinte, grâce à la présence d’une couche de liaison drainante dans laquelle circule un fluide chaud, permettant ainsi d’éviter le dépôt de neige ou la formation de glace en surface. Dans le cadre d’une démarche en faveur de l’emploi d’énergie renouvelable, un tel dispositif pourrait permettre de récupérer l’énergie thermique disponible en surface de chaussée en période chaude, de l’acheminer vers un lieu de stockage (ex : géothermie) et de l’utiliser en période froide. Nous étudions ici la fonction d’échangeur de chaleur entre le fluide et la chaussée, la fonction de stockage externe à la chaussée n’étant pas abordée hormis dans la revue bibliographique. La structure de chaussée considérée comporte trois couches d’enrobés. La couche de roulement et la couche de base sont constituées de matériaux classiquement utilisés dans les chaussées, à base de liants hydrocarbonés. Le matériau de la couche de liaison possède une porosité supérieure à 20%. La structure de chaussée est supposée avoir un dévers de l’ordre de 2%. Une chaussée expérimentale instrumentée a été mise en oeuvre pour recueillir des grandeurs thermo-physiques de la chaussée. Un modèle thermo-hydrique 2D est d2veloppé numériquement pour calculer la distribution de température dans le corps de chaussée lorsque l’on injecte un fluide à température d’entrée donnée, en haut de dévers. Les paramètres du modèle sont identifiés à partir des données expérimentales recueillies sous diverses sollicitations climatiques. On analyse dans un premier temps la sensibilité de la distribution de température en surface de chaussée aux différents paramètres du modèle (conductivité hydraulique, dévers, conductivités thermiques, chaleurs massiques), afin d’optimiser les procédures nécessaires au contrôle sous contraintes de températures positives en tout point. Dans une deuxième partie, des données expérimentales recueillies durant une période estivale d’un mois ont servi à valider le modèle thermique 1D. Une maquette de laboratoire a également permis d’identifier des paramètres en milieu saturé et non saturé. La dernière partie de thèse est consacrée au calcul des quantités énergétiques récupérables pendant la période estivale à l’aide des données de la réglEmentation thermique RT2012. Elles sont comparées aux quantités énergétiques de chauffage nécessaires pendant la période hivernale en s’appuyant sur des données de la RT2012 et des données de la Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Massif (DIR MC) ; l’objectif final étant de déterminer les performances énergétiques du système.Winter maintenance operations for road networks are an important issue for maintaining the mobility in degraded situations, but generate high direct and indirect exploitation costs, particularly related to the intensive use of road de-icing and environmental impact. We study a road structure free of this penalty, thanks to a bonding drainage asphalt layer, circulated by a hot fluid, to prevent the deposition of snow or ice formation on the road surface. As part of an integrated vision of promoting the use of renewable energy, such device could be used to recuperate the thermal energy available in the road surface during the hot period, to transport it to a storage location (e.g. geothermal) and use it during cold period. We study here the heat exchanger function between the fluid and the road, the external storage function to the road being not addressed. The considered pavement structure has three asphalt layers.The bearing layer and the base layer are formed of conventional materials with hydrocarbon-based binders. The material of the bonding layer has a porosity of 20% and based on the use of a binder resistant to a prolonged circulation of the coolant. The road structure is assumed to have a slope of about 2 to 3%. An instrumented experimental road is implemented to collect data on the thermo-hydraulic response of the pavement structure. A thermo-hydraulic 2D model is designed to simulate the temperature field in the road structure when the fluid is injected at the upslope side of the road with a target temperature. This model is calibrated from experimental data collected on the experimental road subjected to meteorological solicitations. Initially, the sensibility of the distribution of the surface temperature of the road toward various model parameters (hydraulic conductivity, transversal slope, thermal conductivities, heat capacities) is analysed, in order to study the optimization of control procedures allowing to keep positive the road surface temperature at any point (e.g. determination of the minimum fluid injection temperature, under given meteorological data). In a second time, pavement thermal parameters is identified using control optimal method in order to validated unidimensionnel thermal model applied on July experimental data. In third time, hydraulic model is validated experimentaly using a laboratory mockup in saturated and unsaturated conditions. In a fourth time, thermo-hydraulic bidimensionnal model is validated numerically using mesured data of experimental pavement. Finally, harvest energy in summer period using thermal reglementation RT2012 data and heating energy in winter period using RT2012 and Massif Interdepartmental Road Direction (DIR MC) are calculated in order to evaluate system performance

    Dynamic study efficiency of the use of phase change materials integrated on the ceiling of a community hall

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    ACTIInternational audienceIn this article, we study the influence of the insertion of a phase change materials (PCMs) in the ceiling of a community hall on its comfort during the summer period. This study was realized using a dynamic thermal simulation of the building using a modelica library (BuildSysPro). Initially, we have defined materials used for the building including the characteristics of the phase change material used (thermal conductivity, melting temperature, specific heat capacity, latent heat and density). We have tested two configurations: insertion of a layer of PCM mortar and incorporation of PCM in rock wool ceiling tiles. We study the influence of the over-ventilation during night on these two cases. By comparing the simulation results during summer, we have noticed that the over-ventilation during night has a significant influence in reducing the inner temperature of the building. The insertion of PCM in a layer of ceiling tiles didn’t have a significant efficiency contrary to the insertion of a layer of PCM mortar. Secondly, we have optimized the PCM characteristics in order to achieve more comfort during summer

    Effect of a child care center-based obesity prevention program on body mass index and nutrition practices among preschool-aged children

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    This study examined the effect of an early childhood obesity prevention program on changes in Body Mass Index (BMI) z-score and nutrition practices. Eight child care centers were randomly assigned to an intervention or attention control arm. Participants were a multiethnic sample of children aged 2 to 5 years old (N = 307). Intervention centers received healthy menu changes and family-based education focused on increased physical activity and fresh produce intake, decreased intake of simple carbohydrate snacks, and decreased screen time. Control centers received an attention control program. Height, weight, and nutrition data were collected at baseline and at 3, 6, and 12 months. Analysis examined height, weight, and BMI z-score change by intervention condition (at baseline and at 3, 6, and 12 months). Pearson correlation analysis examined relationships among BMI z-scores and home activities and nutrition patterns in the intervention group. Child BMI z-score was significantly negatively correlated with the number of home activities completed at 6-month post intervention among intervention participants. Similarly, intervention children consumed less junk food, ate more fresh fruits and vegetables, drank less juice, and drank more 1% milk compared to children at control sites at 6 months post baseline. Ninety-seven percent of those children who were normal weight at baseline were still normal weight 12 months later. Findings support child care centers as a promising setting to implement childhood obesity prevention programs in this age group