1,070 research outputs found

    Propuesta didáctica de actividades innovadoras integradas en la Unidad Didáctica de Ecosistemas para 4º ESO

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    El trabajo muestra el desarrollo completo de la investigación llevada a cabo para elaborar una propuesta didáctica de actividades innovadoras integradas en la unidad didáctica de ecosistemas. Después de analizar el contexto y participar de la realidad educativa, se diseñan los contenidos y elaboran las actividades que se iban a llevar a la práctica, así como la evaluación de las mismas. Una vez puesta en práctica la propuesta didáctica, se concluye con un análisis positivo de la eficacia metodológica planteada para cada actividad (el método del caso, la analogía, el juego y herramientas TIC) y de la importancia de introducir la innovación en el aulaThe study introduces the research carried out in order to elaborate a proposal for innovative activities regarding the ecosystems didactic unit. After analyzing the context and the first experience at the educational practice’s center, the curricular content is designed and the innovative activities are developed as well as their evaluation process. Once the learning proposal is implemented, the work is concluded with a positive assessment of the methodology used for each activity (the case method, the analogies, the play and ICT tools) and the importance of the role the didactic innovation plays when being introduced in the classroo

    Desigualdad(e) Con E de Educación

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2015-201

    Detection and identification of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum' in Prunus germoplasm

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    The molecular characterization of the causal agent of diseases associated with several symptoms such as decline, yellowing, leaf roll and off-season growth in stone fruits made it possible to determine a common etiology, and the name ´European stone fruit yellows´ phytoplasma was proposed. Recently, the new taxonomical species description within the genus is 'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum'.A 2-yr survey was carried out in two different Prunus collections of the Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA) including European and Japanese plum genotypes of various species and several interspecific hybrids used as rootstocks. Both off-season growth in winter and decline were observed. In order to identify the phytoplasma suspected as a causal agent, two different PCR methods were applied to all inspected trees. The first method was a nested PCR with 16Sr X group-specific primers followed by RFLP analysis. The second method was a direct PCR with specific primers for 'Ca P. prunorum' (Eca1/Eca2). In the most symptomatic trees the presence of this phytoplasma was confirmed by at least one of the methods; negative results were obtained in asymptomatic trees. The nested PCR-RFLPs analysis was confirmed as a reliable method for routinary diagnosis rather than direct PCR.La caracterización molecular del agente causante de enfermedades asociadas a varios síntomas, como el enrollamiento clorótico, anticipación de la floración y la brotación, leptonecrosis o amarillamiento en los frutales de hueso permitió determinar una etiología común, el fitoplasma 'European stone fruit yellows', recientemente clasificado taxonómicamente como 'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum'. Durante dos años se llevó a cabo una prospección en dos colecciones del Centro deInvestigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria (CITA) de Aragón, que comprende diferentes especies e híbridos interespecíficos, de origen europeo y japonés, dentro del género Prunus. Se observaron síntomas de anticipo de floración y brotación en invierno y cierto decaimiento. Con objeto de identificar al posible fitoplasma causante de la enfermedad se aplicaron dos métodos en todos los árboles inspeccionados. El primero fue una PCR anidada con cebadores específicos del grupo 16Sr X seguida de un análisis de los fragmentos de restricción por RFLP. El segundo método fue una PCR con cebadores específicos de 'Ca P. prunorum' (Eca1/Eca2). En los árboles más sintomáticos se confirmó la presencia de los fitoplasmas por uno de los dos métodos, obteniéndose resultados negativos en los árboles asintomáticos. El primer método resultó ser más fiable que la PCR directa como método de diagnóstico rutinario

    Periodic spatial variation of the electron-phonon interaction in epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001

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    We have performed low temperature scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) measurements on graphene epitaxially grown on Ru(0001). An inelastic feature, related to the excitation of a vibrational breathing mode of the graphene lattice, was found at 360 meV. The change in the differential electrical conductance produced by this inelastic feature, which is associated with the electron-phonon interaction strength, varies spatially from one position to other of the graphene supercell. This inhomogeneity in the electronic properties of graphene on Ru(0001) results from local variations of the carbon-ruthenium interaction due to the lattice mismatch between the graphene and the Ru(0001) lattices.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 figure

    Lateral downflows in sunspot penumbral filaments and their temporal evolution

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    © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. We study the temporal evolution of downflows observed at the lateral edges of penumbral filaments in a sunspot located very close to the disk center. Our analysis is based on a sequence of nearly diffraction-limited scans of the Fe i 617.3nm line taken with the CRisp Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter instrument at the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope. We compute Dopplergrams from the observed intensity profiles using line bisectors and filter the resulting velocity maps for subsonic oscillations. Lateral downflows appear everywhere in the center-side penumbra as small, weak patches of redshifts next to or along the edges of blueshifted flow channels. These patches have an intermittent life and undergo mergings and fragmentations quite frequently. The lateral downflows move together with the hosting filaments and react to their shape variations, very much resembling the evolution of granular convection in the quiet Sun. There is a good relation between brightness and velocity in the center-side penumbra, with downflows being darker than upflows on average, which is again reminiscent of quiet Sun convection. These results point to the existence of overturning convection in sunspot penumbrae, with elongated cells forming filaments where the flow is upward but very inclined, and weak lateral downward flows. In general, the circular polarization profiles emerging from the lateral downflows do not show sign reversals, although sometimes we detect three-lobed profiles that are suggestive of opposite magnetic polarities in the pixel.Financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through grants AYA2009-14105-C06-06, AYA2012-39636-C06-05, and ESP2013-47349-C6-1 R, including a percentage from European FEDER funds, is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Fish By-Product Valorization as Source of Bioactive Compounds for Food Enrichment: Characterization, Suitability and Shelf Life

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    Fish processing generates many by-products, which are mainly destined for aquaculture feed. However, these by-products have interesting nutritional properties and could still be used for human consumption, thus promoting circular economy. Therefore, this study focused on evaluating the shelf life of mechanically deboned and dried meat (MDDM) of sea bass based on the lipid oxidation criterion (TBARS). The effect of a tocopherol-based antioxidant was also evaluated, and changes in the fatty acid profile were studied. For that, samples with and without antioxidant were stored at three temperatures (37, 55, and 65 °C) for 50 days. This allowed its modelling according to the Arrhenius model. The results showed a shelf life for MDDM of 220 days at 20 °C without the addition of antioxidant. When antioxidant was added, a high protective effect against oxidation and preservation of unsaturated fatty acids was perceived, avoiding nutritional losses and negative sensory effects, reducing EPA and DHA losses by 75 and 72%, respectively. In conclusion, the stability of MDDM from sea bass was demonstrated, making possible its incorporation into other food matrices