468 research outputs found


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    En el género gótico doméstico el confinamiento en casa produce claustrofobia y un giro de lo familiar, generando un nuevo espacio: el de encierro, donde se crean imágenes, ambientes y símbolos para tratar inquietudes y temas cruciales. Dentro del contexto actual de pandemia se genera una situación de reclusión que me plantea elaborar un libro gótico doméstico que fusione tres elementos importantes para el género: texto, imagen y espacio. El texto es un cuento de gótico doméstico producto de los días de encierro. La imágen gráfica es el resultado de una nueva forma de estampación llevada a cabo sin las infraestructuras del taller. La forma del libro genera una lectura diferente que da vida al espacio de la trama. Por lo que se entiende el espacio como personaje, taller de estampación y forma de lectura, todo ello formalizado en un libro de artista.En el gènere gòtic domèstic el confinament a casa produeix claustrofòbia i un gir d'allò familiar, enerant un nou espai: el de tancament, on es creen imatges, ambients i símbols per tractar inquietuds i temes crucials. Dins el context actual de pandèmia es genera una situació de reclusió que em planteja elaborar un llibre gòtic domèstic que fusioni tres elements importants per al gènere: text, imatge i espai. El text és un conte de gòtic domèstic producte dels dies de confinament. La imatge gràfica és el resultat d'una nova forma d'estampació duta a terme sense les infraestructures de taller. La forma d'el llibre genera una lectura diferent que dóna vida a l'espai de la trama. Pel que s'entén l'espai com a personatge, taller d'estampació i forma de lectura, tot això formalitzat en un llibre d'artista.In the domestic gothic genre, confinement at home produces claustrophobia and a turn of the familiar, generating a new space: that of confinement, where images, environments and symbols are created to deal with crucial concerns and questions. Within the current context of a pandemic, a situation of confinement is generated that encourage me to elaborate a domestic gothic book that merges three important elements for the genre: text, image and space. The text is a domestic gothic tale from the days of confinement. The graphic image is the result of a new form of stamping carried out without the workshop infrastructure. The shape of the book generates a different reading that gives life to the space of the plot. Therefore, space is understood as a character, a stamping workshop and a way of reading, all materialized in an artist's book

    Clinical-epidemiological characteristics associated with discharge status of people affected with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis who received bedaquiline during 2016-2020 in Lima-Peru.

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    La OMS reporta que de 10 millones de personas que enferman con tuberculosis anualmente, casi medio millón de casos presentan resistencia a rifampicina; de los cuales, 78% resultan en multirresistencia constituyéndose en una preocupación a nivel global. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la asociación entre las características clínico-epidemiológicas y la condición de egreso de personas afectadas con tuberculosis multirresistente. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo en pacientes con TB-multirresistente que recibieron un régimen de tratamiento con bedaquilina entre los años 2016-2020 en Lima-Perú, se evaluaron los potenciales factores asociados con la condición de egreso. Se incluyeron 255 pacientes. El 89% tuvo resultado de tratamiento favorable. La edad mayor de 40 años, sexo masculino, IMC menor a 18.5 y la co-infección por VIH se encontró como factores independientes asociados a la condición de egreso desfavorable. En esta cohorte que incluyó población de riesgo (uso previo de drogas de segunda línea, alta drogoresistencia, población privada de su libertad, comorbilidades) se obtuvo una alta tasa de resultados favorables (89%), lo cual resalta la importancia de incorporar bedaquilina en los regímenes de tratamiento. La edad, el sexo masculino, el IMC y el VIH fueron factores asociados independientemente a la condición de egreso desfavorable

    Astrocyte–Neuron Networks: A Multilane Highway of Signaling for Homeostatic Brain Function

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    Research on glial cells over the past 30 years has confirmed the critical role of astrocytes in pathophysiological brain states. However, most of our knowledge about astrocyte physiology and of the interactions between astrocytes and neurons is based on the premises that astrocytes constitute a homogeneous cell type, without considering the particular properties of the circuits or brain nuclei in which the astrocytes are located. Therefore, we argue that more-sophisticated experiments are required to elucidate the specific features of astrocytes in different brain regions, and even within different layers of a particular circuit. Thus, in addition to considering the diverse mechanisms used by astrocytes to communicate with neurons and synaptic partners, it is necessary to take into account the cellular heterogeneity that likely contributes to the outcomes of astrocyte–neuron signaling. In this review article, we briefly summarize the current data regarding the anatomical, molecular and functional properties of astrocyte–neuron communication, as well as the heterogeneity within this communication

    Assessment of registration methods for thermal infrared and visible images for diabetic foot monitoring

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    This work presents a revision of four different registration methods for thermal infrared and visible images captured by a camera-based prototype for the remote monitoring of diabetic foot. This prototype uses low cost and off-the-shelf available sensors in thermal infrared and visible spectra. Four different methods (Geometric Optical Translation, Homography, Iterative Closest Point, and Affine transform with Gradient Descent) have been implemented and analyzed for the registration of images obtained from both sensors. All four algorithms´ performances were evaluated using the Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation (STAPLE) together with several overlap benchmarks as the Dice coefficient and the Jaccard index. The performance of the four methods has been analyzed with the subject at a fixed focal plane and also in the vicinity of this plane. The four registration algorithms provide suitable results both at the focal plane as well as outside of it within 50 mm margin. The obtained Dice coefficients are greater than 0.950 in all scenarios, well within the margins required for the application at hand. A discussion of the obtained results under different distances is presented along with an evaluation of its robustness under changing conditions.This research was funded by the IACTEC Technological Training program, grant number TF INNOVA 2016–2021

    Active deformation in old oceanic lithosphere and significance for earthquake hazard: Seismic imaging of the Coral Patch Ridge area and neighboring abyssal plains (SW Iberian Margin)

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    Martínez-Loriente, S. ... et al.-- 26 pages, 13 figures, 1 tableRecently acquired high-resolution multichannel seismic profiles together with bathymetric and sub-bottom profiler data from the external part of the Gulf of Cadiz (Iberia-Africa plate boundary) reveal active deformation involving old (Mesozoic) oceanic lithosphere. This area is located 180 km offshore the SW Iberian Peninsula and embraces the prominent NE-SW trending Coral Patch Ridge, and part of the surrounding deep Horseshoe and Seine abyssal plains. E-W trending dextral strike-slip faults showing surface deformation of flower-like structures predominate in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, whereas NE-SW trending compressive structures prevail in the Coral Patch Ridge and Seine Hills. Although the Coral Patch Ridge region is characterized by subdued seismic activity, the area is not free from seismic hazard. Most of the newly mapped faults correspond to active blind thrusts and strike-slip faults that are able to generate large magnitude earthquakes (Mw 7.2-8.4). This may represent a significant earthquake and tsunami hazard that has been overlooked so far. Key Points New active structures have been mapped in the Coral Patch Ridge area The newly mapped faults are able to generate large magnitude earthquakes (Mw>7) These new structures may represent a significant earthquake and tsunami hazard ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights ReservedThe authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through National Projects EVENT (CGL2006–12861-C02-02) and SHAKE (CGL2011–30005-C02-02); the European Transnational Access SALVADORE program of the EU (RITA-CT-2004–505322), the ESF EuroMargins SWIM project (01- LEG-EMA09F and REN2002–11234E-MAR), the EU program ‘‘Global Change and Ecosystems’’ contract n. 037110 (NEAREST), the ESF TopoEurope TOPOMED project (CGL2008–03474-E/BTE), and the SWIMGLO project (PTDC/MAR/100522/2008). We also acknowledge funding from the MICINN through the ‘‘Ramon y Cajal’’ program (R. Bartolome) and from the CSIC through a JAE Pre-Doc fellowship (S. Martínez-Loriente)Peer Reviewe

    Editorial: Submarine Active Faults: From Regional Observations to Seismic Hazard Characterization

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    Since the beginning of the XXI Century, our society has witnessed a number of catastrophic earthquakes with devastating consequences (e.g., Sumatra 2004, Haiti 2010, Japan 2010, Nepal 2015, Italy 2009 and 2016). Localizing the active faults and understanding their earthquake history is key to improve modern probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) and, thus, to mitigate the consequences of future events. Seismicity models to characterize the earthquake frequency in a region in PSHA studies have been traditionally based on archaeological, historical and instrumental earthquake records. However, the rapid advance of active tectonics and paleoseismological studies has resulted in the development of seismicity models for faults, since they allow characterizing the active faults, reconstructing their 3D geometry at depth, and determining their past earthquake history and seismic potential based on the interpretation of the geological record. Traditionally, active tectonics and paleoseismological research had been mainly conducted to study onshore active faults. However, the occurrence of the offshore Sumatra (2004) and Japan (2010) earthquakes and consequent tsunamis, which caused tens of thousands of casualties and extensive and severe damage and economic losses, have brought into sharp focus the need to better understand the geohazards related to submarine active faults. In the last few years, the availability of offshore geological and geophysical data at various scales (e.g., deep and shallow borehole, wide angle seismic profiles, tomography, 3D and 2D seismic reflection surveys, high resolution bathymetry or seafloor imaging) has allowed for a better definition of offshore fault systems. These studies focused on accurately constraining the kinematic, architecture and linkage of active faults, and, in some cases, identify recent earthquake ruptures or recognize and date individual events. In addition, underwater active tectonics and paleoseismological studies benefit from: (1) low erosional rates that preserve fault morphology and segmentation; (2) continuous sedimentation in time and space that allows for local and/or regional stratigraphic and chronostratigraphic correlations; (3) multiscale seafloor mapping and sub-seafloor seismic imaging; and 4) absence–or lowest amount–of human modification. This Research Topic includes fourteen published articles focused in the study of underwater active tectonic regions or active fault systems around the world (Figure 1). They use different datasets (i.e., bathymetry, seismicity from a local seismic network, sub-bottom profiling, reflection seismic profiles or sedimentary cores) to identify and characterize the seismic cycle of active faults using multidisciplinary approaches and innovative methodologies. The main goal of this Research Topic has been to show the present advance in underwater active tectonics and paleoseismology in order to improve our understanding about the seismic and tsunami hazard. Here we provide a short review of the contributions grouped by the main topics

    Riesgo de mortalidad asociado al deterioro cognitivo, alteración de la funcionalidad y otros factores clínicos en personas mayores de 65 años

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    [ES]Objetivo: Analizar el riesgo de mortalidad en personas mayores de 65 años asociado al deterioro cognitivo, alteración de la funcionalidad y otros factores clínicos. Métodos: Para la realización de esta revisión se siguió los pasos de la Declaración PRISMA. Se utilizaron 32 artículos científicos consultados en las bases de datos PubMed, PsycINFO y Scopus. Se utilizó la combinación de las palabras claves: “Mortality” AND “Cognitive impairment”, “Mortality risk” AND “Cognitive impairment”, “Mortality risk” AND “Cognitive functioning”, “Cognitive performance” AND “Risk of mortality”; así como las palabras “Functionality”, “Impairment” AND “Mortality”, “Functionality impairment”, “Dependency” AND “Risk of mortality”. Resultados: El riesgo de mortalidad en personas mayores de 65 años de edad con deterioro cognitivo y alteración de la funcionalidad es mayor sin importar edad, género, nivel educacional y estilo de vida. Los casos de deterioro cognitivo severo tienen mayor riesgo de mortalidad, aunque se resalta que el riesgo de mortalidad es 2,415 veces mayor en personas con demencia. La asociación entre deterioro cognitivo y dependencia mostró mayor riesgo de mortalidad en los casos que no existen alteraciones sensoriales. Conclusión: La heterogeneidad metodológica proporciona una amplia variedad de elementos a tomar en cuenta en la valoración del funcionamiento cognitivo y la autonomía de las personas mayores de 65 años. Sin embargo, es evidente que esta población con deterioro cognitivo y alteración de la funcionalidad presentan un riesgo significativo de mortalidad

    A tribute to Marie Tharp: Mapping the seafloor of back-arc basins, mid-ocean ridges, continental margins and plate boundaries

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    European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020, 4-8 May 2020Marie Tharp (1920-2006) was a pioneer of modern oceanography. She was an American geologist and oceanographic cartographer who, together with his husband Bruce Heezen, generated the first bathymetric map of the Atlantic Ocean floor. Tharp's work revealed the detailed topography and geological landscape of the seafloor. Her work revealed the presence of a continuous rift valley along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge axis, causing a paradigm in earth sciences that led to the acceptance of plate tectonics and continental drift theories. Piecing maps together in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Marie and his partner Bruce Heezen discovered the 75.000 km underwater ridge bounding around the globe. By this finding, they laid the conclusion from geophysical data that the seafloor spreads from mid-ocean ridges and that continents are in motion with respect to one another¿a revolutionary geological theory at that time. Many years later, satellite images demonstrate that Tharp¿s maps were accurate. In this contribution, we focus on detailed bathymetric maps collected from year 1992 to today, which include bathymetric maps from diverse parts of the world. For instance, we will show a) Back-arc basins (i.e. the Bransfield Basin, Antarctica; and the North Fiji Basin, SW Pacific); b) Mid-ocean ridges and fracture zones (i.e. the MAR at the South of Azores, the MAR at the Oceanographer-Hayes, and the St. Paul Fracture Zone at the Equator), and c) Active tectonic structures from the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea, located at the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary (Gibraltar Arc). Regarding this last area, we will characterize the seafloor expression of the fault systems, as well as the subsurface structure of the faults in the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea. This zone is characterized by a moderate seismicity, mainly reverse and strike-slip focal mechanisms; although large historical (AD1755, AD1829) and instrumental earthquakes or large/great magnitude also occurred, such as the earthquakes of 1969, 1994, 2004 and 2016. In addition, the Gulf of Cadiz-Alboran Sea area is compartmentalized in different crustal domains, bounded by active strike-slip fault systems. We adopted a multi-scale approach, including morphological analysis of shipboard multibeam bathymetry, near-bottom bathymetry obtained with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) at a resolution of 1-2 m, and medium to deep penetration multi-channel seismic (MCS) data. Finally, we will also show a couple of videos from recent marine cruises in the Gibraltar Arc (SHAKE-2015 and INSIGHT-2018), both using state-of-the-art high-resolution marine technologie