23 research outputs found
An Epidemiological Study of Exhaustion in the Context of Chronic stress. Concept, Cortisol, Causes and Consequences
The interest in exhaustion has increased rapidly during the last few decades in many developed countries. In Sweden, prevalence of exhaustion increased by 50 percent on average between 1989 and 2005, and recent data reveals that exhaustion still remains at this higher level. Scientifically, exhaustion is not clearly defined. Chronic stress is acknowledged to give rise to exhaustion, but specific mechanisms involved have generally been overlooked in stress research. The relatively new concept of âhypocortisolismâ in this context, referring to low levels of circulating cortisol, and observed in disorders featuring exhaustion, should be of interest. Hypocortisolism has also been suggested to comprise a mechanism for development of stress-related disease that challenges the previous general view of stress pathophysiology. The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate whether exhaustion as concept may be helpful in elucidating stress mechanisms. The four included Papers explored the discriminant validity of exhaustion in relation to depression and anxiety; HPA activity in exhaustion; associations with psychosocial work stressors; and significance for onset of a âstress-related diseaseâ, i.e. cardiac disease. Two study populations were used. For Papers I, III, and IV, analyses were performed on data from the Malmö Shoulder and Neck Study (N = 12,607); prospective data on coronary heart disease for Paper IV was obtained through data linkage. For Paper II, a working population sample (N = 78) was analysed. Exhaustion was assessed by means of the (inverted) SF-36 vitality measure. In Paper I, exhaustion emerged separately from depression and anxiety in factor analysis, supporting the conceptual integrity of exhaustion. In Paper II, HPA dysregulation in terms of a flattened diurnal cortisol rhythm (due to lower morning cortisol) was found in exhaustion. In Paper III, relationships with work-related stressors were demonstrated. Finally, in Paper IV, the contribution of exhaustion, independent from depression and anxiety, in development of coronary heart disease was indicated in men. The findings point to a unique and potentially important role of exhaustion in stress theory. It may, however, be important to focus gender in search of relevant concepts and mechanisms for development of stress-related disease. The search for preventive measures should be essential in future research
Insomnia Symptoms, Sleep Duration, and Disability Pensions: a Prospective Study of Swedish Workers.
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have found insomnia and long sleep duration to be independently associated with subsequent disability pension (DP). However, the issue of a possible gender-based pattern in this context has received little attention. PURPOSE: This study aims to assess the impact of insomnia symptoms and sleep duration on the DP rates among Swedish women and men during a 12-year follow-up period. METHOD: The participants, from the general population of Malmö, Sweden, were enrolled from 1992 to 1994 (n = 4,319; participation rate 41 %), aged 45-64, healthy, and employed â„30 h per week. Baseline inquiry data concerning psychosocial circumstances and self-reported sleep habits were compared with official register-based DP rates. RESULTS: Five hundred and nine persons were granted a DP. Insomnia symptoms, affirmed by 33 % of the men and 41 % of the women, were associated with receiving a DP; the hazard ratios in the fully adjusted model were 1.4 for both men [95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.1, 1.9] and women (95 % CI 1.1, 1.7). The fully adjusted hazard ratio for women sleeping â„9 h was 7.8 (95 % CI 3.7, 16.6) for DP due to a mental disorder. In the age-adjusted analyses, the sub-domain "difficulties falling asleep" was related to DP due to mental disorders in men and DP due to cardiovascular diseases in women. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that preventing and treating insomnia symptoms could reduce DP and that disease mechanisms linking sleep disturbances to DP may differ by gender
Synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress
Purpose Little is known about the interaction between job control and social support at work on common mental disorders. To examine whether there is a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress and whether it differs by the level of job demands. Methods About 1,940 male and female workers from the Malmo Shoulder and Neck Study were chosen for this cross-sectional study. Job control, social support at work, and job demands were measured by the Swedish version of the Job Content Questionnaire, and general psychological distress was assessed by the General Health Questionnaire. Results A significant excessive risk increase for general psychological distress was observed when workers had both low job control and low social support at work in both men and women. The synergistic effect was stronger in women, when job demands were low (Rothman's synergy index was 2.16 vs. 1.51 when job demands were high). However, in male workers, while a strong synergistic effect between job control and social support at work was found when job demands were low (synergy index was 9.25), there was an antagonistic effect when job demands were high (synergy index was 0.52). Conclusions There was a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress, but the synergistic effect or its effect size differed by the level of job demands and gender. An atomic, additive approach to the risk assessment of the psychosocial work characteristics on common mental disorders could be misleading or lead to a risk underestimation
Locus coeruleus and dopaminergic consolidation of everyday memory
Item does not contain fulltextThe retention of episodic-like memory is enhanced, in humans and animals, when something novel happens shortly before or after encoding. Using an everyday memory task in mice, we sought the neurons mediating this dopamine-dependent novelty effect, previously thought to originate exclusively from the tyrosine-hydroxylase-expressing (TH+) neurons in the ventral tegmental area. Here we report that neuronal firing in the locus coeruleus is especially sensitive to environmental novelty, locus coeruleus TH+ neurons project more profusely than ventral tegmental area TH+ neurons to the hippocampus, optogenetic activation of locus coeruleus TH+ neurons mimics the novelty effect, and this novelty-associated memory enhancement is unaffected by ventral tegmental area inactivation. Surprisingly, two effects of locus coeruleus TH+ photoactivation are sensitive to hippocampal D1/D5 receptor blockade and resistant to adrenoceptor blockade: memory enhancement and long-lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in CA1 ex vivo. Thus, locus coeruleus TH+ neurons can mediate post-encoding memory enhancement in a manner consistent with possible co-release of dopamine in the hippocampus
Disclosing the definition on the upcycling concept : An exploratory study investigating the concept of upcycling and standardisation and its role on the path towards a circular textile industry
The âupcyclingâ term and concept have gained interest as a new strategy of implementing circularity within businesses, however the concept have not yet been defined, resulting in a somewhat divided perception of what it entails and what activities it includes. This misunderstanding may hinder the circular economy development. However, Standards have been discussed to add structure to the industry, concerning sustainable standards, they have been argued necessary in order to reach levels of necessary change. Thus, this study aims to explore what upcycling is, how such terminology is defined and standardized, furthermore how this might be a way to come closer to a circular textile industry. Together with a review of earlier research on standards, policies and around change in institutions, an in-depth literature review was conducted to depict the definitions on upcycling within different fields. Additionally, interviews were conducted with companies and âexpertsâ within the textile and fashion industry, investigating the industryâs perception on âupcyclingâ along with standardization of such circular terminology. Findings of the study confirmed standards are an important way to reach a level of agreement enabling for a circular change. However, it existed split opinions on the definition of âupcyclingâ and what activities that are in fact upcycling. Nonetheless most of the reviewed articles as well as respondents both amongst the companies as well as the âexpertsâ argued that it essentially means keeping value or adding value, financially and or value as material quality. However, concerning the activities and what the value adding activities are, it seems to depend in what state the discarded material or product are in. Hence it is important to evaluate before âupcyclingâ, making the process of upcycling more efficient, regarding material optimization, also financially more desirable, a win win. The thesis argues to provide with knowledge regarding the âupcyclingâ concept, as well on the importance of agreed definitions through standards, how they are developed and how it encourages institutional change.
Personlig utveckling genom eget ansvar och socialt stöd : en intervjustudie om arbetslösa ungas egna upplevelser av deltagandet i projektet Vita Villan
Arbetslöshet har visats medföra effekter pÄ folkhÀlsan. Arbetslösheten Àr för tillfÀllet stor isamhÀllet och det Àr frÀmst unga som drabbas. Till följd av detta har Tranemo kommun startatprojektet Vita Villan med syfte att frÀmja arbetslösa ungas vÀlmÄende och förbÀttra derasmöjligheter till sysselsÀttning. Det finns mÄnga sÀtt arbeta pÄ dÄ mÀnniskor pÄverkas pÄ olikasÀtt och i olika sammanhang. Sociala faktorer och individens upplevelser inverkar pÄarbetslöshetens konsekvenser. Syftet med studien var att undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser avprojektet samt hur Vita Villan har pÄverkat dem. Studien bygger pÄ Ätta enskilda intervjuermed deltagare frÄn Vita Villan. Resultatet visade att deltagarna överlag upplevde projektetVita Villan som positivt. Deltagarna fick hjÀlp med att utforma ett CV och de kÀnde att de fÄttsocialt stöd frÄn bÄde handledare och övriga deltagare. Det som betydde allra mest var sjÀlvasysselsÀttningen, att ha nÄgonstans att tillbringa sin vardag. Slutsatsen blir dÀrför att den hÀrtypen av projekt kan medföra positiv pÄverkan pÄ deltagarnas psykiska hÀlsa men Àven attarbetssÀttet kan utvecklas för att bli mer effektivt, bland annat kan förbÀttringar ske genommer individanpassat stöd och större utrymme för egen aktivering. Fler studier behövs för attkvalitetssÀkra arbetsmetoderna och sÀkerstÀlla arbetets effekter
Det kÀndes bra i hjÀrnan : En studie om hur barn i förskola och förskoleklass uttrycker sina kÀnslor för musik med mÄlandet som stöd
Syftet med studien Àr att förstÄ hur barns kÀnslor kan pÄverkas av musik i den skapande verksamheten. Detta gör vi genom att utgÄ frÄn vÄr hypotes att musik av skilda karaktÀrer pÄverkar barn pÄ olika sÀtt. Undersökningen Àr baserad pÄ 15 barn i förskola och skola. I den empiriska undersökningen utmanas barnen att uttrycka sina kÀnslor till musiken via ett annat kreativt instrument nÀmligen, att mÄla. UtifrÄn en kvalitativ undersökning med observationer samt intervjuer presenteras barnens upplevelser utifrÄn tvÄ olika musikstycken. I enlighet med vÄr hypotes kunde vi se och fÄ belÀgg för att musiken har en kÀnslomÀssig och fysisk inverkan beroende pÄ musikens karaktÀr. I resultatet kan vi se att barnens reaktioner av musiken Àr varierad, vissa barn kÀnde olust inför den medan andra kÀnde glÀdje och visade en hög energi. Resultatet visar Àven att musiken lockar fram en skapandelust hos barnen dÀr samtalen mellan barnen var höga gÀllande fÀrgval och motiv.
Exhaustion is differentiable from depression and anxiety: Evidence provided by the SF-36 vitality scale.
Stress-related exhaustion is an increasingly focused phenomenon, although scientifically not yet fully conceptualised. This is perhaps partly due to the fact that the distinction between exhaustion and other already established concepts, such as depression, is not clear. This study explores whether exhaustion can be differentiated from depression and anxiety, by means of introducing the SF-36 vitality scale as a strategy for the measurement of exhaustion. The Malmö Shoulder and Neck Study cohort, in this study including 12,607 middle-aged men and women, was utilized. Depression and anxiety were assessed by the general health questionnaire (GHQ). Factor analysis was performed in order to potentially discriminate between the included measures. Factor analysis showed that all four exhaustion items of the (inverted) SF-36 vitality scale loaded on a single factor, separate from the GHQ depression and anxiety factors. These results support the notion that exhaustion can be distinguished from depression and anxiety, providing an empirical foundation for defining exhaustion as a unique concept. Furthermore, since SF-36 has been widely used in clinical and epidemiological studies, the benefits of using the SF-36 vitality scale in the assessment of exhaustion could be substantial