91 research outputs found

    Tenoscopic examination of the digital flexor tendon sheath a retrospective analysis of 86 horses (2016)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaThe digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS) enfolds the digital flexor tendons and their associated structures, protecting and facilitating its movements. Tenoscopic examination of the DFTS has become a routine procedure in equine surgical practice since it is a minimal invasive technique that allows the exploration of the sheath structures with direct observation of lesions and therefore, confirmation of a diagnosis and, in some cases, early treatment. In this work, medical records of horses that underwent tenoscopic examination of the DFTS in 2016 at four different equine hospitals in the United Kingdom had their medical records reviewed. Eighty-six cases (93 DFTSs) were included in this study. There were 31% Thoroughbreds, 28% Warmbloods, 20% Coldbloods, 12% Ponies and 9% unknown. Ninety-eight percent of horses were lame at the time of clinical examination, effusion was present in 94% of the DFTSs and the hindlimbs were more frequently intervened (61%). Palmar/plantar annular ligament (PAL) constriction (43%) was the most common pathology, followed by sheath penetration (27%), and tears of the flexor tendons (24%) and manica flexoria (MF) (19%). Other diagnosis included tendonitis, infectious tenosynovitis, fibrosis, diseases of sesamoidean ligaments and ganglion cysts. Results show that PAL constriction, flexor tendon and MF tears were diagnosed more frequently in the hindlimbs (72.5%, 64% and 90%, respectively), while traumatic injuries affected more forelimbs (60%). Coldbloods and Ponies were predisposed to MF tears and PAL constriction, Warmbloods to PAL constriction and flexor tendon tears, and Thoroughbreds to traumatic injuries. Young horses (10 years) were commonly diagnosed with MF tears and PAL constriction. Tenoscopy was of extreme importance as a diagnostic method, considering that MF tears were only identified by other diagnostic methods in 61% of cases, flexor tendon tears in 67% and PAL constriction in 53%. In conclusion, tenoscopy was proven to be a simple and useful diagnose and treatment method of DFTS pathology, even though the long term follow-up of the analysed horses was not studied.RESUMO - TENOSCOPIA DA BAÍNHA DIGITAL DOS TENDÕES: ANÁLISE RETROSPETIVA DE 86 CAVALOS (2016) - A bainha digital dos tendões (BDT) envolve os tendões flexores digitais e as estruturas associadas aos mesmos, protegendo-os e facilitando os seus movimentos. A examinação tenoscópica da BDT tornou-se um procedimento de rotina em cirurgia de equinos, visto ser uma técnica cirúrgica minimamente invasiva que permite a observação direta de lesões, confirmação de diagnósticos e, em alguns casos, tratamento precoce. Neste trabalho foram revistos os registos médicos dos cavalos que foram submetidos a tenoscopia da BDT em 2016 em quatro hospitais de equinos no Reino Unido. Oitenta e seis casos (93 BDTs) foram incluídos no presente estudo sendo que 31% eram de raça puro-sangue inglês, 28% de sangue quente, 20% de sangue frio, 12% póneis e 9% de raça desconhecida. Noventa e oito porcento dos cavalos exibiram claudicação e 94% dos membros tinham distensão da BDT. Os membros posteriores foram os mais intervencionados (61%). Constrição pelo ligamento anular palmar/plantar (LAP) (46%) foi a doença mais comum, seguida de lesão percutânea da bainha (27%), e lesões marginais dos tendões flexores (24%) e roturas da manica flexoria (MF) (19%). Outros diagnósticos incluíram tendinite, tenosinovite infeciosa, fibrose, doenças de ligamentos sesamoideus e quistos. Os resultados indicam que a constrição pelo LAP, lesões marginais dos tendões flexores e roturas da MF são mais frequentes nos membros posteriores (72.5%, 64% e 90%, respetivamente), enquanto lesões percutâneas afectam mais os membros anteriores (60%). Cavalos de sangue frio e póneis foram mais propensos a roturas da MF e constrição pelo LAP, cavalos de sangue quente a constrição pelo LAP e lesões marginais dos tendões flexores, e puro-sangue inglês a lesões traumáticas da BDT. Cavalos jovens (10 anos) foram mais afetados por roturas da MF e constrição pelo LAP. A tenoscopia é de extrema importância como método de diagnóstico, considerando que roturas da MF apenas foram identificadas por outros métodos em 61% dos casos, lesões marginais dos tendões flexores em 67% e constrição pelo PAL em 53%. Em conclusão, foi provado que a tenoscopia é uma técnica simples e útil de diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças da BDT, embora o acompanhamento da recuperação do cavalo a longo prazo não tenha sido estudado.N/

    "The inside experience" y la construcción de la narrativa transmedia. Un análisis comunicativo y teóricoliterario

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    This paper deals with some of the most relevant results of our research on Narrative Storytelling theory. The main aims of this paper are to analyze the features that define this new model of successful storytelling in the digital convergence and to approach Narrative Storytelling’s original vision from a narrative perspective that will take into account basically the construction of the story, as it is the key element to distinguish between Narrative Storytelling and other kind of narratives supported by different media. Our standpoint is a qualitative approach applied to the analysis of a case study: the The Inside Experience project. From our point of view, our mixed methodology combining both Literary Theory and Communication Theory provides this analysis with a unique and different perspective.El artículo presentado a continuación muestra los principales resultados de una investigación sobre el concepto de las narrativas transmedia. Más concretamente sus objetivos principales se centran, en primer lugar, en analizar las características que definen este tipo de narraciones novedosas, resultantes de la convergencia digital; en segundo lugar, en abordar su enfoque novedoso desde el punto de vista del análisis de la construcción del relato con el fin de poder diferenciar lo que podría considerarse como narrativa transmedia de otras narrativas que utilizan, a la hora de ser desarrolladas, más de un medio o soporte. Se ha optado por un enfoque metodológico cualitativo articulado en el estudio de caso del proyecto The Inside Experience, bajo una doble perspectiva teóricoliteraria y comunicativa, lo cual aporta la principal singularidad de este análisis

    Los nuevos documentales multimedia interactivos:construcción discursiva de la realidad orientada al receptor activo

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    Today’s technological development is leading to major and varied changes regarding the communication world. Related to a digital context that is multimedia, hypertextual and that allows interactivity, these changes imply a transformation of traditional journalistic genres and formats, which must be redefined in order to take advantage of the possibilities that the new media may offer. One of them is the documentary genre, which has been transformed adopting an innovative and interactive multimedia format known as ‘web documentary’, ‘webdoc’, etc. This reformed genre explores the Internet potentials adopting new forms of discursive approach when describing reality. Based on these aspects, this article aims to delve into the construction of the new narratives inside interactive multimedia documentary, paying a particular attention to the important role assigned to a receiver/user that becomes an active element when it comes to telling the story. It is taken as an specific object of study the ‘webdoc’ conducted by the Laboratorio de Radio Televisión Española, whose analysis will provide the main characteristics that allow us to separate the classic format of documentary from the innovative new format whose characteristics are related to the so-called narrative experience for the receiver/user in documentary genre.El desarrollo tecnológico actual está originando cambios muy importantes y variados en lo que respecta al mundo comunicacional. Dichos avances tienen su principal reflejo en el contexto digital cuyas características de multimedialidad, hipertextualidad e interactividad están posibilitando que los tradicionales géneros y formatos periodísticos se redefinan con el objetivo de aprovechar las citadas características que ofrece ahora el nuevo medio. Uno de ellos es el género documental, el cual está adoptando un novedoso formato multimedia e interactivo que empieza a conocerse como documental web, webdoc, etc. y que está intentando explorar esas potencialidades que ofrece el soporte de Internet a través del planteamiento de nuevas formas discursivas a la hora de narrar la realidad. Partiendo de estos aspectos este artículo pretende ahondar en la construcción de las nuevas narrativas de los documentales multimedia interactivos, haciendo especial hincapié dentro de ellas a la perspectiva de la importancia que cobra el receptor-usuario como elemento activo a la hora de narrar la historia. Concretamente se ha tomado como objeto de estudio los webdoc llevados a cabo por el Laboratorio de Radio Televisión Española, cuyo análisis permite aportar las principales características que presentan en relación al documental en su formato clásico, así como las innovaciones que introduce y que tienen que ver con el planteamiento de las denominadas experiencias narrativas documentales en el receptor-usuario

    The introduction of the receiver’s discourse in transmedia storytelling: the case of TV shows.

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    Los avances tecnológicos han supuesto una revolución en la forma de crear, transmitir y consumir los productos de entretenimiento, dando lugar a nuevas formas de contar historias, como la narrativa transmedia, que se caracterizaría principalmente porque cuenta una historia a partir de distintas plataformas o formatos, permitiendo que el receptor se incorpore de manera creativa a la historia. Este trabajo explora las potencialidades que el formato de las narrativas transmedia aporta a las series de ficción televisivas. En particular se estudian Game of Thrones, Isabel y Cuéntame cómo pasó, atendiendo especialmente al contenido multipantalla creado para estas series y a las posibilidades de inclusión del discurso del receptor como parte integrante del universo narrativo de la serie.Technological advances have caused a certain revolution in the way entertainment products are created, transmitted and consumed. As a result, a new way of telling stories has been born: transmedia storytelling, whose characteristics are that it tells a story using different contents in different platforms and that it allows the creative receiver to be incorporated into the story. This paper deals with the potentials of transmedia storytelling applied to TV shows. The cases under consideration are Game of Thrones, Isabel and Cuéntame cómo pasó. Our analysis will focus on their multiplatform content and the possibility of introducing the receiver’s discourse as an important part of the narrative universe of each TV show

    Diseño de un proyecto socioeducativo para el desarrollo de habilidades de autonomía personal de un menor con discapacidad intelectual

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    Realización de un programa para un niño de 11 años de edad que sufre diversas patologías psíquicas. El menor está tutelado por la Junta de Castilla y León y actualmente reside en una casa de acogida. El trabajo tiene como fin dotar de autonomía al menor, proporcionándole herramientas que faciliten sus relaciones interpersonales. El principal objetivo es el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales para lograr una comunicación asertiva con las personas con las que vaya a interactuar, como son las habilidades personales. Según las necesidades y el estilo de vida del menor, se ha considerado trabajar en aspectos que mejoren su independencia personal: el estilo comunicativo, el nivel de socialización y la motricidad para procurar al sujeto un estilo de vida tan similar como sea posible al resto de los integrantes de la sociedad en términos de la vida cotidiana.Grado en Educación Socia

    Chromatographic analysis of age-related changes in mucosal serotonin transmission in the murine distal ileum

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    BACKGROUND: In the upper bowel, alterations in motility and absorption of key nutrients have been observed as part of the normal ageing process. Serotonin (5-HT) is a key signalling molecule in the gastrointestinal tract and is known to influence motility, however little is known of how the ageing process alters 5-HT signalling processes in the bowel. RESULTS: An isocratic chromatographic method was able to detect all 5-HT precursors and metabolites. Using extracellular and intracellular sampling approaches, we were able to monitor all key parameters associated with the transmission process. There was no alteration in the levels of tryptophan and 5-HTP between 3 and 18 month old animals. There was a significant increase in the ratio of 5-HT:5-HTP and an increase in intracellular 5-HT between 3 and 18 month old animals suggesting an increase in 5-HT synthesis. There was also a significant increase in extracellular 5-HT with age, suggesting increased 5-HT release. There was an age-related decrease in the ratio of intracellular 5-HIAA:extracellular 5-HT, whilst the amount of 5-HIAA did not change with age. In the presence of an increase in extracellular 5-HT, the lack of an age-related change in 5-HIAA is suggestive of a decrease in re-uptake via the serotonin transporter (SERT). CONCLUSIONS: We have used intracellular and extracellular sampling to provide more insight into alterations in the neurotransmission process of 5-HT during normal ageing. We observed elevated 5-HT synthesis and release and a possible decrease in the activity of SERT. Taken together these changes lead to increased 5-HT availability and may alter motility function and could lead to the changes in adsorption observed in the elderly

    Fotoquimioterapia Sistémica no Tratamento de Psoríase na Adolescência

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    Introduction: Ultraviolet-B radiation is known to be effective and safe in childhood and adolescent psoriasis, but little has been published on the combined use of psoralen with ultraviolet-A radiation. The aim of this work is to assess the efficacy and short-term safety of systemic photochemotherapy in an adolescent population.Methods: Relevant clinical data on psoriatic patients aged 13 to 17 was retrospectively collected and analyzed. The sample population included twenty patients, eighteen with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis and two with guttate psoriasis.Results: Nine patients were treated with one single cycle and the remaining eleven with two cycles, in association with systemic therapies in 52%. Total improvement rate was 86.2%, with an average of 16.7 treatments per patient and a mean total cumulative dose of 174.0 J/cm2. The mean time for disease relapse was 4.3 months and two patients (10%) did not experience relapse during one-year follow-up. Side effects occurred in three patients (15%), namely nausea and erythema.Conclusions: Photochemotherapy showed to be highly effective in our adolescent population. Side effects were minor and none led to therapy discontinuation. Carcinogenic potential of ultraviolet-A radiation might be an important limitation. Further studies are warranted to access long-term safety of photochemotherapy.Introdução: A eficácia e segurança da radiação UVB no tratamento da psoríase infantil e da adolescência encontra-se bem descrita na literatura. Contudo, existem poucos dados no que concerne à utilização de psoraleno e UVA (PUVA) nesta faixa etária. O objectivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a eficácia e segurança a curto prazo da terapêutica com PUVA numa população de adolescentes com psoríase.Métodos: Revisão e análise retrospectiva dos dados clínicos relativos aos doentes com psoríase com idade entre 13 e 17 anos. A população analisada incluiu 20 doentes, dezoito com psoríase em placas moderada a grave e dois com psoríase gutata.Resultados: Nove doentes foram tratados com apenas um ciclo de PUVA, e os restantes com dois. Foram associadas terapêuticas sistémicas em 52%. A taxa de resposta total foi de 86,2%, com uma média global de 16,7 tratamentos de PUVA e uma dose cumulativa total média de 174,0 J/cm2. O tempo até recidiva foi de 4,3 meses, e em 2 doentes (10%) não houve recidiva durante um ano de seguimento. Observaram-se efeitos secundários em 3 doentes (15%), nomeadamente náuseas e eritema cutâneo.Conclusões: A fotoquimioterapia demonstrou boa eficácia na nossa população de adolescentes. Os efeitos secundários foram reduzidos e não motivaram suspensão da terapêutica. O potencial carcinogénico da radiação UVA poderá ser uma limitação importante desta modalidade terapêutica, pelo que são necessários mais estudos que avaliem a sua segurança a longo prazo

    Takeover performance evaluation using driving simulation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: In a context of increasing automation of road transport, many researchers have been dedicated to analyse the risks and safety implications of resuming the manual control of a vehicle after a period of automated driving. This paper performs a systematic review about drivers' performance during takeover manoeuvres in driving simulator, a tool that is widely used in the evaluation of automated systems to reproduce risky situations that would not be possible to test in real roads. Objectives: The main objectives are to provide a framework for the main strategies, experimental conditions and results obtained by takeover research using driving simulation, as well as to find whether different approaches may lead to different outcomes. Methodology: First, a literature search following the PRISMA statement guidelines and checklist resulted in 36 relevant papers, which were described in detail according to the type of scenarios and takeover events, drivers' engagement in secondary tasks and the assessed takeover performance measures. Then, those papers were included in a meta-analysis combining PAM clustering and ANOVA techniques to find patterns among the experimental conditions and to determine if those patterns have influence on the observed takeover performance. Conclusions: Less complex experiments without secondary task engagement and conducted in low-fidelity simulators are associated with lower takeover times and crash rates. The takeover time increases with the time budget of the first alert, which reduces the pressure for a driver's quick intervention. (c) 2021, The Author(s)