356 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan desain didaktis untuk meminimalisir hambatan belajar siswa, memperoleh lesson analysis sebagai self refclection guru dan desain didaktis revisi berdasarkan hasil temuan pada materi tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah 30 siswa kelas XI, 30 siswa kelas X dan guru. Hasil temuan menunjukkan karakteristik hambatan belajar siswa pada tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana yaitu siswa mengalami kesukaran menuliskan tata nama senyawa biner ionik, biner kovalen, asam, basa, poliatomik, dan senyawa yang melibatkan unsur transisi. Desain didaktis dibuat berdasarkan hambatan belajar siswa, berupa chapter design dan lesson design dilengkapi dengan prediksi respon siswa dan antisipasi guru. Setelah implementasi desain didaktis, hambatan belajar yang teridentifikasi telah berkurang, kecuali penulisan nama senyawa poliatomik. Selanjutnya diperoleh refleksi diri guru berdasarkan lesson analysis antara lain tambahan variasi soal, manajemen waktu dan penguatan konsep tata nama senyawa yang melibatkan unsur transisi. Berdasarkan aspek-aspek tersebut diperoleh suatu desain didaktis revisi pada tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana dari hasil temuan penelitian. Kata Kunci: Desain Didaktis, Hambatan belajar, Lesson Analysis, refleksi diri guru, Tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana. This study aims for developing didactical design in order to decrease learning obstacle, to make lesson analysis as teacher’s sefl reflection and revision didactical design based on findings of nomernclature of simple inorganic and organic compounds. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects are 30 students of grade XI, 30 students of grade X and a teacher. It was found that characteristics of students’ learning obstacle on nomenclature of simple inorganic and organic compounds are have difficulty to give ionic, covalent, polyatomic and oxidation state nomenclature. Didactical design which is designed based on students’ learning obstacle is stated in the form of chapter design and lesson design including students’ responses prediction and teacher’s anticipation. After the implementation of didactical design, students’ learning obstacle have been decreased, except for nomenclature of poliatomic compounds. Further, teacher’s selft reflection based on lesson analysis are additional variations of tasks, time management, and strengthening the concept of nomenclature which involves an element of transition or oxidation state. Based on these aspects, the revision of didactical design simple inorganic and organic compounds nomenclature was the developed. Keywords: Didactical Design, Lesson Analysis, Teacher’s Self Reflection, Nomenclature of Simple Inorganic and Organic Compound

    ANALISIS MANAJEMEN SARANA DAN PRASARANA: Studi Kasus di SD Negeri Kacapiring Bandung

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    Penelitian ini berjudul ”Analisis Manajemen Sarana dan Prasarana (Studi Kasus di SD Negeri Kacapiring Bandung)”. Latar belakang penelitian ini didasarkan pada permasalahan bahwa manajemen sarana dan prasarana di sekolah yang belum sepenuhnya mengikuti aturan yang berlaku dan tidak adanya dokumen lengkap sebagai pedoman pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan tentang proses manajemen sarana dan prasarana yang terjadi di SD Negeri Kacapiring Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Untuk pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh di lapangan dilakukan analisis data untuk mendapatkan temuan penelitian. Keabsahan data diuji dengan kredibilitas data dan konfirmabilitas. Temuan penelitian yaitu proses manajemen sarana dan prasarana di SD Negeri Kacapiring yang meliputi perencanaan, pengadaan, pendistribusian, pemakaian, pemeliharaan, inventarisasi dan penghapusan sudah cukup baik. Proses manajemen sarana dan prasarana mulai dari perencaaan sampai pada penghapusan dilakukan sesuai dengan dan teori mengenai konsep manajemen sarana dan prasarana baik itu perencanaan, pengadaan, pendistribusian, pemakaian, pemeliharaan, inventarisasi dan penghapusan. Namun proses manajemen sarana dan prasarana yang dilakukan belum secara keseluruhan mengikuti aturan yang berlaku. Akhirnya penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa proses manajemen sarana dan prasarana yang dilakukan sekolah mulai dari perencaaan sarana dan prasarana sampai pada penghapusan sarana dan prasarana dapat dikatakan cukup baik namun belum secara keseluruhan mengikuti aturan yang berlaku serta tidak adanya dokumen lengkap sebagai pedoman pengelolaan dan penulis dapat merekomendasikan pelaksanaan manajemen sarana dan prasarana di SD Negeri Kacapiring Bandung. ----------The study entitled “Analysis of Management of Facility and Infrastructure (Case Study at SD Negeri Kacapiring)”. The background of the study by virtue of problems that management of facility and infrastructure processes at school not totality following with the legal rules and no comprehensive document as manual of management of facility and infrastructure at school. The intention of the study is to describe on management of facility and infrastructure processes at SD Negeri Kacapiring Bandung. This method used qualitative methodology approach was adopted with case study program and the primary data were collected by conducting observation, interview, and documentation. The data collected were analyzed to get the findings of the study. The validation of the data was done with data credibility and confirmation. The findings of the study is the process of facility and infrastructure management in SD Negeri Kacapiring, including the planning, supplying, distributing, using, maintenance, inventory, and abolishment were done quite well. The processes starting from planning to abolishment were done by the theory of management concept including planning, supplying, distributing, using, maintenance, inventory, and abolishment. However the process of facility and infrastructure management in SD Negeri Kacapiring not totality following with the legal rules. To concluding, the researcher found that the process of planning, supplying, distributing, using, maintenance, inventory, and abolishment were good but not totality following with the legal rules and no comprehensive document as manual of management. Therefore, researcher recommends others to apply the facility and infrastructure management in SD Negeri Kacapiring Bandung


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan desain didaktis untuk meminimalisir hambatan belajar siswa, memperoleh lesson analysis sebagai self refclection guru dan desain didaktis revisi berdasarkan hasil temuan pada materi tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah 30 siswa kelas XI, 30 siswa kelas X dan guru. Hasil temuan menunjukkan karakteristik hambatan belajar siswa pada tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana yaitu siswa mengalami kesukaran menuliskan tata nama senyawa biner ionik, biner kovalen, asam, basa, poliatomik, dan senyawa yang melibatkan unsur transisi. Desain didaktis dibuat berdasarkan hambatan belajar siswa, berupa chapter design dan lesson design dilengkapi dengan prediksi respon siswa dan antisipasi guru. Setelah implementasi desain didaktis, hambatan belajar yang teridentifikasi telah berkurang, kecuali penulisan nama senyawa poliatomik. Selanjutnya diperoleh refleksi diri guru berdasarkan lesson analysis antara lain tambahan variasi soal, manajemen waktu dan penguatan konsep tata nama senyawa yang melibatkan unsur transisi. Berdasarkan aspek-aspek tersebut diperoleh suatu desain didaktis revisi pada tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana dari hasil temuan penelitian. Kata Kunci: Desain Didaktis, Hambatan belajar, Lesson Analysis, refleksi diri guru, Tata nama senyawa anorganik dan organik sederhana. This study aims for developing didactical design in order to decrease learning obstacle, to make lesson analysis as teacher’s sefl reflection and revision didactical design based on findings of nomernclature of simple inorganic and organic compounds. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects are 30 students of grade XI, 30 students of grade X and a teacher. It was found that characteristics of students’ learning obstacle on nomenclature of simple inorganic and organic compounds are have difficulty to give ionic, covalent, polyatomic and oxidation state nomenclature. Didactical design which is designed based on students’ learning obstacle is stated in the form of chapter design and lesson design including students’ responses prediction and teacher’s anticipation. After the implementation of didactical design, students’ learning obstacle have been decreased, except for nomenclature of poliatomic compounds. Further, teacher’s selft reflection based on lesson analysis are additional variations of tasks, time management, and strengthening the concept of nomenclature which involves an element of transition or oxidation state. Based on these aspects, the revision of didactical design simple inorganic and organic compounds nomenclature was the developed. Keywords: Didactical Design, Lesson Analysis, Teacher’s Self Reflection, Nomenclature of Simple Inorganic and Organic Compound

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Load Balancing Web Server Menggunakan Haproxy

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    Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan informasi menuntut akses yang cepat untuk mendapatkan informasi – informasi terkini, salah satunya yang paling dominan mempengaruhi kecepatan akses suatu alamat website tertentu adalah server penyedia layanan. Server merupakan penyedia layanan dan sebagai pusat pemrosesan data sehingga menuntut kinerja server secara maksimal agar dapat memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan yaitu Load balancing atau membagi beban (request) pada web server bertujuan untuk meringankan beban yang ditanggung masing – masing server, sehingga mampu meningkatkan kinerja server dengan ketersediaan layanan web server tetap terjaga (selalu aktif) ketika salah satu server tidak dapat melayani permintaan atau request dari klien maka secara otomatis server lain langsung menggantikanya, sehingga klien tidak mengetahui bahwa server tersebut down. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan memberi request kepada server load balancer secara bersamaan yang pada mulanya menggunakan 1 server aktif kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan 2 server aktif, pada masing – masing server mengaktifkan awstats, webalizer dan goaccess sebagai apache analizer. setelah itu, dapat dibandingkan hasil berupa statistik antara menggunakan 1 server (server tunggal) dan menggunakan 2 server (web server cluster). Selanjutnya, untuk mengetahui ketersediaan layanan server, dilakukan dengan mematikan salah satu server ketika klien sedang mengakses. Hasilnya, dengan menggunakan 2 server aktif yang diakses melalui load balancer, beban yang ditanggung server dibagi pada kedua server tersebut, sehingga server mampu berkerja lebih cepat dalam melayani request yang datang. Selanjutnya, dengan adanya load balancer layanan server tetap tersedia ketika salah satu server down (mati). Ketika salah satu server down maka server lain secara otomatis menggantikannya, sehingga klien dapat terus mengakses seakan – akan tidak ada masalah pada serve


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan tepung tangkai jamur kancing (Champignon) terhadap performan kelinci lokal jantan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan tanggal 27 Februari sampai 3 Mei 2008 di Dusun Ngiri, Desa Ngemplak, Kecamatan Karangpandan, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan menggunakan 16 ekor kelinci lokal jantan. Penelitian ini menggunakan empat perlakuan ( P0, P1, P2, dan P3), setiap perlakuan terdiri empat ulangan dan tiap ulangan berisi satu ekor. Ransum terdiri hijauan rumput lapang, konsentrat dan tepung tangkai jamur kancing (Champignon). Hasil penelitian diperoleh untuk rata-rata konsumsi pakan P0 (43,45), P1 (45,51), P2 (47,66), P3 (50,08) g/ekor/hari, pertambahan berat badan harian P0 (5,21), P1 (6,11), P2 (6,28), P3 (6,35) g/ekor/hari, konversi pakan P0 (8,33), P1 (7,45), P2 (7,57), P3 (7,78), dan feed cost per gain P0 Rp.16.610/kg-, P1 Rp.12.660/kg-, P2 Rp.12.740/kg-, P3 Rp.11.940/kg-, Rp/kg/ekor. Penggunaan tepung tangkai jamur kancing sampai taraf 15 % ternyata tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap konsumsi pakan, pertumbuhan berat badan harian dan konversi pakan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa penggunaan tepung tangkai jamur kancing tidak mampu meningkatkan konsumsi pakan, pertambahan berat badan harian, konversi pakan, feed cost per gain. Kata kunci: kelinci lokal jantan, konsentrat, tepung tangkai jamur kancing, performan kelinci lokal jantan


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    Permasalahan yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah banyaknya siswa yang belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimum, dikarenakan penerapan model dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang belum maksimal. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan pendekatan saintifik berorientasi project based learning pada mata pelajaran mikrokontroler. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Negeri 4 Bandung kelas XII AVI 3 dengan menggunakan metode pre-experimental design dengan desain penelitian one group pretest-postest design. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dan instrument yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah tes hasil belajar ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Hal tersebut dapat ditunjukkan dari hasil uji hipotesis yang menerima hipotesis 0 (h0) dan menolak hipotesis alternatif (ha) di ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan saintifik berorientasi project based learning pada mata pelajaran mikrokontroler mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. -------- The problem underlying this study is the number of student learning outcomes who have not reached the minimum completeness criteria, due to the application of models and approaches learning are not maximized. Based on this background, this study aims to improve student learning outcomes through the implementation of scientific approach which the orientation is on project based learning for microcontroller subject. This study was conducted in SMK 4 Bandung AVI XII in 3rd class by using quantitative methods research with the design is one group pretest-posttest design. The method used to analyze the data is descriptive analysis techniques and instruments used for data collection is a learning test result of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The results showed that there is an improving student learning outcomes in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. It can shown from the results of hypothesis tests accept the hypothesis 0 (h0) and reject the alternative hypothesis (Ha) in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Based on these results it can be concluded that application of scientific approach uses project-based learning in the microcontroller subject is able to improve student learning outcomes


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    This research focuses on finding out the improvement of the students’ reading skill at the Tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Way Jepara through graphic organizers. Classroom action research (CAR) was implemented in this research which was conducted to solve the students’ problem in English reading. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) was done based on Kemmis and McTaggart’s design. The researcher did two cycle in which each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The finding of the research indicated that the implementation of graphic organizers was successful since the criteria of success were achieved. The first criterion was 70 % of students could pass the target score 70 based on the KKM. Based on the calculation on table 1, it is known that the mean score of pretest that consist of 32 students is 6.92 and the posttest is 8.27, in other words, it can be said that the use of graphic organizers is effective to improve students' reading comprehension.This research focuses on finding out the improvement of the students’ reading skill at the Tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Way Jepara through graphic organizers. Classroom action research (CAR) was implemented in this research which was conducted to solve the students’ problem in English reading. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) was done based on Kemmis and McTaggart’s design. The researcher did two cycle in which each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The finding of the research indicated that the implementation of graphic organizers was successful since the criteria of success were achieved. The first criterion was 70 % of students could pass the target score 70 based on the KKM. Based on the calculation on table 1, it is known that the mean score of pretest that consist of 32 students is 6.92 and the posttest is 8.27, in other words, it can be said that the use of graphic organizers is effective to improve students' reading comprehension

    Management of Inclusion Education in Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to determine the management of inclusive Education in elementary schools. The method used is a literature review from previous articles analyzed to comply with the management of inclusive Education in elementary schools. Based on the results of the literature review, it is known that management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising the efforts of members of the organization and using other organizational resources to achieve the goals of the organization that have been set. Inclusive learning does not require children with special needs to familiarize themselves with the lives of reasonable citizens but can participate in the lives of citizens actively. In inclusive learning, learning is started as an effort to empower all abilities optimally and integrated so that all children can later contribute to the lives of residents for the benefit of living together. Departing from the above thoughts, in inclusive learning, it is not children who are required to adapt to the curriculum but the curriculum that must familiarize themselves with the needs of children to develop all their abilities. The consequence of such a principle is that adaptive learning programs are needed in Indonesia, known as individualized instructional programs, designed based on children's special needs

    The Implementation of Curriculum 2013: English Teachers’ Perceptions on Developing Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials

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    Curriculum 2013 has been implemented in both primary and secondary schools in Indonesia. To execute this, teachers are supposed to be the only medium that has a major role in running this curriculum. However, they do not seem to have well preparations to implement the 2013 curriculum. Some fundamental aspects in this curriculum such as planning lesson and teaching materials need to have more attention in order to run the program well. Moreover, teachers should be well informed regarding these aspects, yet the implementation of 2013 curriculum in English teaching learning is not completely perfect. Considering the issue above, this research aims to investigate English teachers’ perceptions towards developing lesson plans and teaching materials. A questionnaire was used to collect the data about their insights on developing lesson plan and teaching materials. To triangulate the data, this research also administered an interview. The finding indicates that the English teachers tended to feel that structuring lesson plan is not an easy task. They sometimes felt burdensome in modifying the lessons and teaching materials. Besides, 80% of the participants stated that their teaching objectives were achieved after concerning those aspects. The results indicate that teachers needed sufficient knowledge and strong motivation to deal with these important aspects


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    ABSTRACTTax is a compulsory contribution by the state that can be imposed, which aims at public expenditures related to the state's task of administering government. Not only are taxpayers obligated to pay dues or taxable entrepreneurs are also obliged to provide correct and timely tax returns in submitting the tax report. But the tax reporting process, there are still many taxable entrepreneurs who are negligent or late in submitting the report. The problem raised in this paper is how the mechanism for reporting Value Added Tax on Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods and How Sanctions against taxpayers who are late in reporting the Value Added Tax period. The type of research used is normative juridical research, library research with the problem approach used in writing this thesis is the statutory approach. The results of the research show that the mechanism of reporting the value added tax that has been made by the government is quite easy to do by taxpayers, especially taxable entrepreneurs. Then the application of sanctions for taxable entrepreneurs who are late to report value added tax is subject to sanctions in the form of administrative sanctions that are still quite mild
