932 research outputs found

    Community Currencies (CCs) in Spain: An empirical study of their social effects

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    Despite its sudden proliferation along the economic crisis period, no previous study has investigated the social effects of the community currency (CCs) experiences in Spain. Previous research on CCs experiences from different countries provided evidences about social capital improvement, introducing CCs as sustainability tools. This research uses the theoretical frameworks of social capital and complex adaptive systems to approach concepts like sustainability, networks, trust, norms, participation and cooperation. Statistical analysis of the data collected in June 2013 through online survey explores social capital and resilience indicators among the Spanish exchange community users, concluding that Spanish CCs systems improve community social capital through the proposed dimensions, although they are in an early stage and several weakness need to be corrected. The values, motivations, attitude and positive perception of their members suggest that CCs could be appropriate tools for sustainability due its potential to improve social capital and resilience. Detected weakness may affect the interests and commitment of their members. Therefore experience from senior currency systems may help them to face adversities and fully develop their potential for sustainability.Despite its sudden proliferation along the economic crisis period, no previous study has investigated the social effects of the community currency (CCs) experiences in Spain. Previous research on CCs experiences from different countries provided evidences about social capital improvement, introducing CCs as sustainability tools. This research uses the theoretical frameworks of social capital and complex adaptive systems to approach concepts like sustainability, networks, trust, norms, participation and cooperation. Statistical analysis of the data collected in June 2013 through online survey explores social capital and resilience indicators among the Spanish exchange community users, concluding that Spanish CCs systems improve community social capital through the proposed dimensions, although they are in an early stage and several weakness need to be corrected. The values, motivations, attitude and positive perception of their members suggest that CCs could be appropriate tools for sustainability due its potential to improve social capital and resilience. Detected weakness may affect the interests and commitment of their members. Therefore experience from senior currency systems may help them to face adversities and fully develop their potential for sustainability

    Origin and minearology of Lunar meteorites. A study for lunar mining and resources exploitation

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    In recent years the Moon has become once again the target for many of the most ambitious space projects. Our satellite is expected to provide a permanent base by 2030s and open new possibilities for deep-space exploration and the conquest of Mars. During this decade it is paramount to expand our knowledge on lunar surface mineralogy, chemistry and geology; to prospect it and lay the foundations for the future exploitation of its resources. Lunar achondrites provide interesting information about the main rock-forming minerals of the Moon. These rocks were excavated and delivered to Earth by continuous collisions going on the surface of our satellite. Unfortunately we do not know the exact region of origin of these rocks, so the information provided is only partial. This Master Thesis will study the physico-chemical properties of Lunar meteorites, and will also study the main dynamic pathways followed by Lunar meteorites reaching planet Earth

    Continuum Modeling and Simulation in Bone Tissue Engineering

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    Bone tissue engineering is currently a mature methodology from a research perspective. Moreover, modeling and simulation of involved processes and phenomena in BTE have been proved in a number of papers to be an excellent assessment tool in the stages of design and proof of concept through in-vivo or in-vitro experimentation. In this paper, a review of the most relevant contributions in modeling and simulation, in silico, in BTE applications is conducted. The most popular in silico simulations in BTE are classified into: (i) Mechanics modeling and sca old design, (ii) transport and flow modeling, and (iii) modeling of physical phenomena. The paper is restricted to the review of the numerical implementation and simulation of continuum theories applied to di erent processes in BTE, such that molecular dynamics or discrete approaches are out of the scope of the paper. Two main conclusions are drawn at the end of the paper: First, the great potential and advantages that in silico simulation o ers in BTE, and second, the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to further validate numerical models developed in BTE.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno España DPI2017-82501-

    A homogeneous database at mediterranean basin scale and machine learning analysis to understand the potential

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    En attente de validation (après que la conférence soit passée).A homogeneous database at mediterranean basin scale and machine learning analysis to understand the potential . 4. Open Science Meeting 201

    Las devoluciones en caliente:¿Una respuesta deshumanizada?

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    En los últimos años ha habido un aumento considerable de los flujos de inmigración y de las oleadas de refugiados en busca de asilo en Europa. Frente esta situación, los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea han llevado a cabo una serie de medidas que han dado lugar a tratos deshumanizantes. Es decir, los mecanismos implementados, concretamente los jurídicos, han conllevado al trato deshumano de las personas que llegan al Estado. Para ser capaces de respetar los derechos fundamentales de todas las personas y en especial de los inmigrantes que intentan entrar en Europa, también hay que considerar los principios de Derecho internacional. Entre estos principios se encuentra el principio consuetudinario de no devolución, que debe respetarse tanto en alta mar como en las fronteras territoriales, tal y como dice el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Este principio debe respetarse en todo caso y no se puede permitir que los Estados legislen para intentar «legalizar» este tipo de prácticasRecently, the immigration flow and the waves of refugees have increased due to the fact that they are seeking asylum in Europe. Before this situation, member states of the European Union have taken some measures that have lead to dehumanized treatments. The mechanisms implemented, specifi cally the juridical ones, have lead to this treatments when the immigrants reach the State. In order to be able to respect everyone’s Human Rights and especially those of the immigrants that try to reach Europe international principles have to be taken into account. Among these principles we can fi nd the customary principle of non-refoulement that has to be followed, as the European Human Rights Court states, not only in open sea but also in territorial borders. This principle has to be respected in all cases, and trying to legislate to legalise this type of practises is not permitted to the member state

    Effects of contract and trust on franchisor performance

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    The franchisor-franchisee relationship is governed by contracts and trust. This paper analyzes how formal (contracts) and relational (trust) governance mechanisms affected franchisor performance in a service sector franchise for the period 2008¬2015. Using the SOM method in the empirical analysis, the results revealed that trust-based governance was more prominent than contractbased governance in the multi-unit franchise network and the cross-franchising network, negatively affecting franchisor performance in the multi-unit franchise network and positively affecting franchisor performance in the cross-franchising network. In contrast, contracts were more prominent than trust in single-unit franchising, negatively affecting franchisor performance. The primary practical implication is that the franchisor should prevent franchisees in the MUF network from opening new outlets in the same city and competing for the existing outlet’s customers

    Situation and characteristics of people living homeless in Guadalajara during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    El sinhogarismo es a día de hoy un problema social que afecta a todos los países de la Unión Europea y que atenta contra los derechos humanos. Con la llegada de la pandemia a causa de la Covid-19, cada vez son más las personas que se encuentran en situación sin hogar en España y por lo tanto, surge la necesidad de conocer la situación que presentan, así como de profundizar en los factores que han condicionado su trascurso vital. Es por esto que este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) se orienta a la recopilación de información acerca de la situación y características de las personas en situación sin hogar en la provincia de Guadalajara (España), donde no existen estudios previos. El estudio se ha realizado con una muestra de 15 residentes del Centro de Atención Residencial Betania, a través de una entrevista estructurada. Los resultados obtenidos ahondan en las características personales, sociales, laborales y sanitarias de los entrevistados, en las que se observa la multitud de carencias y sucesos vitales estresantes a los que están expuestos. Esto es lo que ha permitido analizar la situación actual de las personas en situación sin hogar en Guadalajara y facilitar nuevos datos para futuras líneas de intervención psicopedagógica.Homelessness is currently a social conflict that affects all the countries of the European Union and is a threat to human rights. With the arrival of the pandemic caused by Covid 19, more and more people are living homeless in Spain, therefore, there is a need to know their situation, as well as to study in depth the factors which have conditioned their lives. This is why this Trabajo Fin de Master (TFM) is aimed at gathering information about the situation and characteristics of people living homeless in the province of Guadalajara (Spain), where no previous studies have been carried out. The study has been performed with a sample of 15 residents of the Centro de Atencion Residencial Betania, using a structured interview. The results obtained delve into the personal, social, occupational and health characteristics of the interviewees, in which the lack of several resources and stressful life events to which they are exposed can be observed. This is what has made it possible to analyse the current situation of people living homeless in Guadalajara and to provide new data for future lines of psycho-pedagogical intervention.Máster Universitario en Psicopedagogía (M117

    Códigos de red lineales

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    En el problema de transmisión de información a través de una red, en la que hay varios receptores, aparece el problema de los “cuellos de botella”, cuando por un conjunto de aristas se quiere transmitir más información de la que admiten, generando un retraso en el sistema. Esto se puede solucionar codificando la información que pasa por dichas aristas, lo que se llama códigos de red (network coding). Cuando esta codificación es lineal en función de los mensajes, hablaremos de códigos en red lineales. En este trabajo introduciremos el problema, daremos una solución a la codificación y estudiaremos la probabilidad de éxito cuando los coeficientes de eligen de forma aleatoria.Grado en Matemática

    La familia Coconeta y El armario de Elena: dos micropiezas desconocidas de Max Aub

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    Malgrat conrear tots els gèneres, i encara que se'l conegui més com a narrador, el teatre va tenir sempre un lloc preferent per a Max Aub, emblemàtic autor de l'exili republicà de 1939. Així ho testifiquen no sols el seu mig centenar d'obres dramàtiques publicades en vida, sinó també les seves prop de trenta peces inèdites. Entre les unes i les altres, es troben també peces teatrals breus inserides en obres d'altres gèneres que han passat desapercebudes per la crítica, o obres que es van publicar de manera pòstuma en edicions de col·leccionista. És el cas de les dues micropeces a les quals està dedicat aquest treball, La familia Coconeta i El armario de Elena, on Aub proposa un joc autoficcional en el qual converteix tant a la seva família com a ell mateix en personatges d'obres breus en l'estètica de l'absurd i la finalitat de les quals és purament lúdica. En aquestes pàgines analitzem el contingut de totes dues peces, tractem de desxifrar les seves claus i subratllar la seva intertextualitat i la seva transculturalitat, així com indaguem en el procés de la seva escriptura a partir dels materials textuals localitzats en diversos arxius internacionals.Max Aub was an emblematic writer of the Spanish Republican exile of 1939; he cultivated all literary genres, and is better known as his work as novelist, however, he also privileged theatre among his literary production. This is proved not only by his fifty dramatic works published in life, but also by his almost thirty unpublished pieces. In addition, there are short plays inserted in works of other genres that have gone unnoticed by critics, or plays that were published posthumously in collector's editions. This is the case of the two micro-plays studied in this paper: La Familia Coconeta and El armario de Elena. In such plays, framed within the aesthetics of the absurd, Aub proposes an auto-fictional game in which he turns his family and himself into characters whose purpose is purely playful. In this article, we analyze the content of both plays, we try to find out their distinctive keys and we aim at underlining their intertextuality and transculturality, as well as look into his writing process through textual materials located in different international archives.A pesar de cultivar todos los géneros, y aunque se le conozca más como narrador, el teatro tuvo siempre un lugar preferente para Max Aub, emblemático autor del exilio republicano de 1939. Así lo atestiguan no solo su medio centenar de obras dramáticas publicadas en vida, sino también sus cerca de treinta piezas inéditas. Entre unas y otras, se encuentran también piezas teatrales breves insertas en obras de otros géneros que han pasado desapercibidas por la crítica, u obras que se publicaron de manera póstuma en ediciones de coleccionista. Es el caso de las dos micropiezas a las que está dedicado este trabajo, La familia Coconeta y El armario de Elena, donde Aub propone un juego autoficcional en el que convierte tanto a su familia como a él mismo en personajes de obras breves en la estética del absurdo y cuya finalidad es puramente lúdica. En estas páginas analizamos el contenido de ambas piezas, tratamos de descifrar sus claves y subrayar su intertextualidad y su transculturalidad, así como indagamos en el proceso de su escritura a partir de los materiales textuales localizados en varios archivos internacionales

    Acercamiento a la obra dramática inédita de Max Aub

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    Este trabajo se dedica a ofrecer un primer acercamiento a más de una veintena de obras dramáticas de Max Aub, de las que –de la mayoría– no se tenían noticias hasta ahora, recuperadas mediante trabajo de archivo en diversos fondos del autor. En el presente artículo se presentan y describen estos materiales inéditos y en diversas fases del proceso de escritura, se insertan en el corpus maxaubiano teatral, y se exponen sus características principales en relación con el conjunto de la obra del autor exiliado. Entre estos textos destacan una adaptación en cinco actos de Don Juan; varias obras breves de temática o ambientación mexicana; una pieza dedicada a la guerra civil española; y siete obras microteatrales, entre otras