47 research outputs found

    Proses Pengurusan Jenazah Muslim Di Surakarta Perspektif Islam

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    Latar belakang yang melandasi penelitian ini adalah masih adanya masyarakat muslim di Surakarta yang melaksanakan budaya lokal dalam pengurusan jenazah muslim, yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan; mengetahui proses pengurusan jenazah muslim menurut ajaran agama Islam, mengetahui proses pengurusan jenazah muslim di Surakarta, mengetahui hukum pelaksanaan budaya dalam pengurusan jenazah muslim di Surakarta. Penelitian ini ialah penelitian lapangan yang bersifat kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian deskriptif analitik, objek penelitian yang dipilih oleh peneliti ialah Surakarta. Waktu penelitian yang dibutuhkan yaitu dua bulan, terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Februari-31 Maret 2012. Sumber primer dalam penelitian ini adalah orang yang mengurusi jenazah dan tokoh masyarakat yang ada di Surakarta. Sumber sekunder dalam penelitian ini ialah dokumendokumen yang terkait dengan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti ialah wawancara terstruktur dengan para informan dan observasi non partisipatif. Teknik analisa yang digunakan ialah analisis deskriptif bersifat induktif. Hasil peneltian yang hasilkan ialah budaya lokal yang terdapat dalam pengurusan jenazah muslim di Surakarta yang harus ditinggalkan karena tidak sesuai dengan ajaran agama Islam ialah adanya keyakinan bahwa azimat bisa menghalangi kematian seseorang, menyalakan thinthir ketika ada orang yang meninggal dunia, menaruh senjata tajam di atas perut orang yang baru meninggal dunia, brobosan, menyapu jalan jenazah dengan sapu lidi, sawuran, oglok, payung dari kertas, menaruh anakan pohon pisang, menaruh kendi, menaruh cengkir yang sudah dipecah, kembang setaman, nasi ungkur-ungkuran, nasi asahan, nasi golong, selamatan setelah kematian, ruh akan kembali kerumah anggota keluarga pada hari-hari tertentu, membangun kubah atau cungkup


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    Losmen yang merupakan salah satu dari UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) yang terus berkembang dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya dengan mengunakan media internet sebagai alat bantu untuk mempermudah manajemen penyewaan kamar dan sebagai melakukan promosi. Hal ini didasari dengan semakin banyaknya jumlah pengguna internet dari waktu ke waktu.Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah sistem manajemen losmen berbasis website. Website ini dibangun menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Langkah pengembangan aplikasi yaitu mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pemakai, menganalisi, merancang, penerapan dan menguji sistem serta mengevaluasi sistem menggunakan black box test dan alpha test.            Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan sebuah program “SISTEM MANAJEMEN LOSMEN BERBASIS WEBSITE” yang dapat memberikan kemudahan manajemen losmen dalam mengelola losmen serta wisatawan dapat melakukan pemesanan kamar secara langsung.Berdasarkan uji coba black box dan alpha test memberikan hasil bahwa website ini layak dan dapat digunakan. Kata kunci : wisatawan, losmen, sistem informasi manajeme

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Multipoint Transmitter – Receiver untuk Inspeksi Bawah Air Berbasis Ultrasonik Frekuensi Rendah

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    Non-destructive testing and evaluation are testing techniques that test and evaluate the properties of a material, component, or system without causing any damage caused by the testing and evaluation process. Ultrasonic sensors are devices with minimal risk in their use and are quite often used in non-destructive testing and evaluation processes. Low frequency ultrasonic (200kHz) has been used in the testing and evaluation process in several scientific fields. Improving the test capability of low-frequency ultrasonic measurement instruments while remaining efficient and affordable is the core of this research. Increasing test capability and efficiency by adding five test points to a low-frequency ultrasonic measurement instrument for underwater inspections have been carried out by engineering a trigger signal generator that transmits 35kHz signals at 50V voltage proven to improve the quality of the echo signal received when compared to using trigger signal sourced directly from the wave generator device, the use of a pre-amplifier module on the receiver side of the echo signal is proven to be able to increase the voltage level of the echo signal and improve the reading value of the received echo signal, as well as the signal coupling mechanism built in this study, proved to be adequate to increase efficiency multipoint testing using one ultrasonicbased testing instrument

    Relevansi Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Kitab Ayyuhal Walad dan Serat Wulangreh dengan Pendidikan Saat Ini

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    Moral education is the most important part of human life. This study aims to analyze and compare the concept of moral education in the book Ayyuhal Walad by Imam Ghazali and Serat Wulangreh by Paku Buwono IV. This type of research is library research (Library Research). The approach used in this study is a descriptive historical approach.  The results of this study are in the Book of Ayyuhal Walad by Imam Ghazali and Serat Wulangreh by Paku Buwono IV, that: a) the sources of moral education are the Koran, al-sunah, ijmak, qiyas, b) The purpose of education morals, namely that knowledge is put into practice, has a good personality and stays away from bad behavior, seeking knowledge with the aim of seeking a formal diploma is inappropriate and inappropriate because it is part of the goals of the world, c) Educational material, namely material for spiritual and inner (heart) education originating from the Shari'a which includes monotheism, tasawuf, ubudiyah and dhauq, which dhauq cannot be achieved except by practicing it, d) Everyone who studies knowledge must have a teacher or murshid. A teacher or student must have good behavior or morals, have good knowledge, riyadhoh and mujahadah. Methods of moral education, namely the method of storytelling

    Register Bisnis Properti Dalam Majalah Properti Indonesia Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Ajar Yang Inovatif Teks Eksposisi Di Smp Kelas VII Semester 2

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    This research has three purposes, (1) describe the kind of registers of properties business found on Indonesia's properties magazine, (2) describe the application of registers of properties business as the alternative for innovative teaching materials of exposition text in teaching Bahasa Indonesia grade VII, and (3) describe rearranging (from easier to more difficult) teaching materials of exposition text. The method used in this research is qualitative method. This research was begun from February 1st, 2017 to May 2nd, 2017. The data of this research are registers of properties business that were got from data sources of Indonesia Properties magazine edition August - December 2016. The technique of gathering information in this research uses listening and writing technique. To analyze the data in this study used referral pad technique, extension techniques on the method agih, and sign reading techniques. There are three results of this research. One, the kind of registers of Indonesia Business magazine are five, namely: registers of properties business as basis word, affix, combination, frequent and abbreviation (abbreviation and acronym). Two, the results of registers of properties business are used as teaching materials for exposition text in SMP, class VII on curriculum 2013, KD 4.2 and 4.4. Three, rearranging teaching materials of exposition text has been begun from analysing KI-KD, mapping teaching materials to determine the order of materials, and making teaching materials was begun from giving concrete example and explaining abstract one

    Preceptorship Training to Improve the Adaptasi of New Nurses in Hospitals

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    new nurses in hospitals find it difficult to adapt since they have not had any previous work experiences that can give and effect on the decrease of quality of nursing care provided to patients. Preceptorship assists the transition of the new nurses to improve their competence in preparing themselves to face the work safety. This study aimed to prove the effectiveness of preceptorship trainings to improve the adaptation of the new nurses in hospitals. This study used a quasi-experimental design conducted in the intervention and control groups without randomization. The samples were 50 new nurses, 17 preceptors in the intervention group and 50 new nurses, 17 preceptors in the control group taken by a purposive sampling technique. A pre-post- test was performed to observe the implementation of preceptorship and asses the adaptability of the new nurses after given the trainings. The results statistically showed that the adaptability of the new nurses in the intervention group significantly increased compared with the control group. The preceptorship ability of the participants in the intervention group increased significantly compared to the control group. The study concluded that preceptorship trainings are effective to improve the adaptability of new nurses in hospitals. Keywords: Training, Preceptorship, Adaptation of new nurse

    Dampak Penyerapan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (Studi Kasus di Provinsi Jambi)

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    The regional budget is an important instrument in the administration of public services, so that it can provide benefits to the welfare of the community. However, in its implementation there are still many that have not been fulfilled as a result of suboptimal absorption of the budget that impacts government performance. Therefore, the problem of delays in budget absorption and low levels of budget absorption must be addressed immediately. Based on this problem, this research was conducted. The purpose of this study is to analyze the tendency of budget absorption, analyze the factors that influence the absorption of the SKPD expenditure budget in the Jambi Provincial Government, analyze the influence of SKPD expenditure absorption on agency performance and look for appropriate policy strategies in efforts to improve financial and service performance Jambi Provincial Government. The results of the analysis show that 1) when viewed from the total expenditure, all SKPD of the Provincial Government of Jambi tends to experience delays in budget absorption, and when viewed per type of expenditure, 82.61% SKPD tends to experience a delay in absorption of the personnel expenditure budget, all SKPDs tend to experience delays budget absorption of goods and services expenditure, and 43.90% SKPD tend to experience delays in capital expenditure budget absorption; 2) budget planning and budget execution are factors that significantly influence the uptake of the budget while human resource capacity (HR) has no significant effect; 3) budget absorption has a positive and significant effect on agency performance


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini menerapkan perancangan sebuah sistem informasi untuk sistem transaksi fitur game online dengan pembayaran pulsa yang mengadaptasi sistem website e-commerce surya4games. Surya4games memiliki permasalahan penarikan tunai dari saldo pulsa. Selama ini, untuk melakukan penarikan tunai menggunakan cara tidak efektif yaitu menjual kembali pulsa tersebut kepada orang-orang yang membutuhkan. Dari cara itu memiliki banyak kekurangan, yaitu tidak pastinya pembeli dan total pulsa yang dibeli, serta waktu yang dibutuhkan tidak pasti. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan adalah SDLC, mulai dari analisis, desain, dan implementasi. Pada penelitian ini, sistem penarikan tunai dari saldo pulsa menggunakan pendekatan sistem yang dimiliki TCash, sedangkan tools pembuatan website e-commerce yang digunakan adalah Content Management System (CMS) OpenCart. TCash merupakan suatu layanan yang memungkinkan pelanggan melakukan transaksi menggunakan ponsel. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan sebuah prototype website e-commerce yang dinamakan AgustKyusu yang terdiri dari dua user,yaitu administrator dan customer.   Kata kunci: Sistem Transaksi, Game Online, Pulsa, CMS OpenCart, Website E-commerce