4,137 research outputs found

    Sleep Duration is Inversely Associated with Serum Uric Acid Concentrations and Uric Acid to Creatinine Ratio in an Elderly Mediterranean Population at High Cardiovascular Risk

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate sleep duration and sleep variability in relation to serum uric acid (SUA) concentrations and SUA to creatinine ratio. This is a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from 1842 elderly participants with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome in the (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) PREDIMED-Plus trial. Accelerometry-derived sleep duration and sleep variability were measured. Linear regression models were fitted to examine the aforementioned associations. A 1 hour/night increment in sleep duration was inversely associated with SUA concentrations (β = −0.07, p = 0.047). Further adjustment for leukocytes attenuated this association (p = 0.050). Each 1-hour increment in sleep duration was inversely associated with SUA to creatinine ratio (β = −0.15, p = 0.001). The findings of this study suggest that longer sleep duration is associated with lower SUA concentrations and lower SUA to creatinine ratio.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS)European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant 2013–2018; 340918)Consejería de Salud de la Junta de AndalucíaGeneralitat ValencianaGeneralitat de Catalunya (PERIS 2016–2020 Incorporació de Científics I Tecnòlegs, SLT002/0016/00428)Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) (B-0003-2017

    Current trends of accelerometry to assess physical activity

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    Evaluar la actividad física de forma precisa y fiable sigue siendo un importante reto para los epidemiólogos, científicos, médicos, especialistas en ejercicio e investigadores del comportamiento. Para ello, actualmente, los acelerómetros son dispositivos ampliamente utilizados en investigación científica. En el presente artículo se pretende dar muestra de cuál es la situación actual del uso de la acelerometría para cuantificar niveles de actividad física. Así como sus limitaciones y perspectivas de futuro con el fin de contribuir a su mejor uso

    An exploratory study of contracted security officers\u27 retention

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    One of the characteristics of the contracted or outsourced security officers\u27 industry is its high turnover rate. The objective of this qualitative study was to explore some of the factors that contribute to security officer\u27s permanence in their employing organizations. The study took place in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Eight security officers with more than a year\u27s tenure, employed with 4 different companies, voluntarily agreed to participate in the research. The results of the study show that security officers who experienced good treatment, support, and care about their personal and family needs from owners, executives and supervisors, tended to continue working with their employer. Security officers also found meaning in their positions as they felt that their work contributed to their companies´ and clients\u27 wellbeing. The results also show that the security officers enjoy helping others through their positions, and that they perceive that their job contributes to their personal development and learning; they also feel they have good prospects for the future. These factors were found to contribute to the security officers\u27 job satisfaction and commitment to their companies, and impacted their decision to continue their employment with these companies. The conclusion presents recommendations that could enhance employee retention


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    Abstract The sweet cherry ‘Sweetheart’, although having a short shelf life, is highly appreciated by consumers due to its organoleptic characteristics. Different storage methods were tested to study the maintenance of quality during a period of 27 days: 1) cold (air at 1°C and 95% relative humidity) (CC), 2) cold and polypropylene film bags (1°C and 95% relative humidity) (MA) and 3) cold and controlled atmosphere (1°C, 95% RH, 10% CO2 and 8% O2) (CA). Quality parameters tested included external colour (L*, a*, b*), total soluble solids (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA). To evaluate nutritional quality anthocyanins, total antioxidant activity, and total phenolics were measured. Results allow us to say that phenolic compounds were relatively stable and similar during storage in CC and MA. Cherries stored under CA conditions presented lowest concentrations of phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds, total anthocyanins and antioxidant activity were inversely correlated with values of colour coordinates. Considering all the evaluations done during this work it is unquestionable that fruits stored in controlled atmosphere conditions had significantly different quality

    Conservation laws, classical symmetries and exact solutions of the generalized KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation

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    For a generalized KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation we have studied conservation laws by using the multiplier method, and investigated its first-level and second level potential systems. Furthermore, the Lie point symmetries of the equation and the Lie point symmetries associated with the conserved vectors are determined. We obtain travellingwave reductions depending on the form of an arbitrary function. We present some explicit solutions: soliton solutions, kinks and antikinks

    Electronic Noses Applications in Beer Technology

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    This chapter describes and explains in detail the electronic noses (e-noses) as devices composed of an array of sensors that measure chemical volatile compounds and apply classification or regression algorithms. Then, it reviews the most significant applications of such devices in beer technology, with examples about defect detection, hop classification, or beer classification, among others. After the review, the chapter illustrates two applications from the authors, one about beer classification and another about beer defect detection. Finally, after a comparison with other analytical techniques, the chapter ends with a summary, conclusions, and the compelling future of the e-noses applied to beer technology

    Screening and Evaluation of Essential Oils from Mediterranean Aromatic Plants against the Mushroom Cobweb Disease, Cladobotryum mycophilum

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    The main aim of this study was to evaluate the use of essential oils (EOs) as an alternative to synthetic fungicides used in the control of cobweb disease of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) caused by Cladobotryum mycophilum. The EOs used were obtained by hydrodistillation from five Mediterranean aromatic species (Lavandula × intermedia, Salvia lavandulifolia, Satureja montana, Thymus mastichina, and Thymus vulgaris), analyzed by gas chromatography, and tested in vitro for their antifungal activity against C. mycophilum. In vitro bioassays showed that the EOs obtained from T. vulgaris and S. montana (ED50 = 35.5 and 42.8 mg L−1, respectively) were the most effective EOs for inhibiting the mycelial growth of C. mycophilum, and were also the most selective EOs between C. mycophilum and A. bisporus. The in vivo efficacy of T. vulgaris and S. montana EOs at two different concentrations (0.5 and 1%) were evaluated in two mushroom growing trials with C. mycophilum inoculation. The treatments involving T. vulgaris and S. montana EOs at the higher dose (1% concentration) were as effective as fungicide treatment. The effect of these EOs on mushroom productivity was tested in a mushroom cropping trial without inoculation. They had a strong fungitoxic effect at the first flush. However, a compensatory effect was observed by the end of the crop cycle and no differences were observed in biological efficiency between treatments. The main compounds found were carvacrol and p-cymene for S. montana, and p-cymene and thymol for T. vulgaris. These results suggest that T. vulgaris and S. montana EOs may be useful products to manage cobweb disease if used as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program

    Factores que inciden en el precio de las tierras de uso agrícola en la provincia de Mares, departamento de Santander

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    Usualmente en la formación de los precios de las tierras de uso agrícola nohan existido parámetros que puedan ser aceptados sin reparo por vendedoresy compradores. Para los primeros prevalecen factores de caráctersubjetivo, mientras que para los segundos son la calidad agroecológica delos suelos y su capacidad para generar renta, los factores determinantes almomento de pactar el precio.La tierra es un factor complejo capaz de incidir en el desarrollo de una sociedad,que bien administrada puede contribuir al crecimiento económico, a generar empleo, a resolver problemas de pobreza y de seguridad alimentaria. De hecho, la historia muestra cómo las sociedades que han logrado convertirse en naciones industrializadas son aquellas que primero resolvieron sus problemas agrarios y las que no, han tenido que padecer los efectos contrarios. La tierra es un factor que incide en las relaciones sociales, políticas y económicas que se dan dentro de una nación por su existencia material y su valor como bien productivo, y también por su influencia social que inspira cosmogonías, cosmovisiones y sentimientos que trascienden muchos espacios sociales.La búsqueda del acceso equitativo a la tierra de uso agrícola medianteprogramas redistributivos como los de reforma agraria hasido un esfuerzo inútil y costoso en Colombia; actualmente se procuraencontrar estrategias e instrumentos que coadyuven a dinamizarlos mercados de tierras, como una alternativa que posibilite lastransacciones de compraventa, arrendamiento y leasing a preciosrazonables, dada la información que se tenga del comportamientodel mercado y la transparencia que se alcance en las negociaciones.mercado de tierras, precio de la tierra, renta de la tierra, administración de tierras, tierras agrícolas.

    Fluminagrion gen. nov. for Acanthagrion taxaense Santos, 1965, from Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

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    A new genus of Coenagrionidae, Fluminagrion, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is described, diagnosed, and illustrated, based on examination of the type series and additional specimens of Acanthagrion taxaense Santos, 1965, deposited in the collection of MNRJ/Brazil. This genus is characterized by: posterior lobe of prothorax trilobate, with medial lobe rounded and projected in both sexes; segment 3 of genital ligula C-shaped in lateral view, bifid in ectal view, ending in lobes directed laterally with apexes pyramidal in cross-section; male cercus entire and decumbent from proximal fourth, with brush-like setae at about half its length; female lacking mesepisternal fossa, S8 with vulvar spine. Um novo gênero de Coenagrionidae do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Fluminagrion é descrito, diagnosticado, e ilustrado, com base no exame da série-tipo e espécimes adicionais de Acanthagrion taxaense Santos, 1965, depositados na Coleção do MNRJ/Brasil. Este gênero é caracterizado por: lobo posterior do protórax trilobado, com lóbulo mediano arredondado e projetado em ambos os sexos; segmento 3 da lígula genital em forma de ‘C’ em vista lateral, bífido em vista ectal, terminado em lobos direcionados lateralmente com ápices piramidais na seção transversal; cercos do macho inteiros e descendentes a partir do quarto proximal, com um conjunto de setas em forma de pincel em cerca de metade de seu comprimento; fêmea sem fossa mesepisternal no mesepisterno, S8 com espinho vulvar.Fil: Anjos Dos Santos, Danielle. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - Sede Esquel. Departamento de Biología. Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Ecología y Sistemática Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Lozano, Federico. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos; ArgentinaFil: Costa, Janira Martins. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional. Departamento de Entomologia. Setor de Insetos Aquáticos; Brasi

    Improving IV Site and IV Fluid/Antibiotic End Time Documentation in the Observation Unit

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    Abstract Category: Practice Innovation / Performance Improvement (PI) Purpose: The purpose of this initiative was to achieve 100% compliance with IV site and IV fluid (IVF) end time documentation in the Observation status patients in the Observation Unit in order to bill appropriately. Methods: Mid-February 2017, PI project identified by Unit-Based Practice Council to improve incomplete documentation and resulting lost charges. Mid-February through March 2017, interventions discussed and implemented: handoff report document modified to include designated lines for IV end time documentation; RN’s were encouraged to communicate pending IV solution end times every shift; education/reminders were provided in daily huddles by resource RN’s; RN’s were instructed to discontinue IV medication in the electronic health record before transfer, surgery, or at discharge; Net Page (Text) by Unit Administrative Partner (secretary) to remind nurses every 4 hours to document IV site & bag end time; and IV Pump set to alert nurses at the end of infusions. Findings: IV site documentation compliance audits improved from 52.4% in the pre-intervention quarter (Oct-Dec 2016) to 71.7% in the immediate post-intervention quarter (Apr-Jun 2017); with improvements to 100% in each of the two subsequent quarters (Jul-Sep 2017 and Oct-Dec 2017). IV fluid/antibiotic end time documentation compliance audits improved from 14.3% in the pre-intervention quarter (Oct-Dec 2016) to 54.8% in the immediate post-intervention quarter (Apr-Jun 2017); with improvements to 93.3% in the Jul-Sep 2017 quarter and 100% in the Oct-Dec 2017 quarter. Discussion: In order to bill appropriately for care related to IV fluid/antibiotic administration in the Observation status patient, IV site documentation and IV fluid/antibiotic start and end times must be documented. If any of these elements are missing, there is an inability to bill appropriately, resulting in lost charges and lost revenue. Through targeted staff education and interventions aimed at hardwiring the process to document appropriately, the Observation unit has been able to sustain improvements in the compliance of documentation of IV site and IV fluid/antibiotic end times. This has resulted in the ability to bill appropriately. Implications for Practice: Appropriate documentation plays a vital role in the healthcare economy. Billing and reimbursement for services rendered are dependent upon accurate documentation. Excellence in nursing documentation will continue to help optimize organizational performance and promote a culture of safety for patients
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