1,430 research outputs found

    O bagaço da cana-de-açúcar em combinação com folhas caulinares de bambu para seu emprego em chapas de partículas

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    O desenvolvimento e o progresso industrial beneficiaram a humanidade com muitas facilidades e avanços tecnológicos importantes. Porém, trouxeram consigo conseqüências avassaladoras como os impactos ambientais causados pela exploração indiscriminada de recursos naturais. Assim surgiam alternativas ecologicamente corretas a fim de reduzir os impactos ambientais e gerenciar da melhor forma o uso dos recursos naturais, como o de pesquisas desenvolvidas com materiais de construção alternativos. Seguindo essa iniciativa, este trabalho tem como objetivo a produção e análise de chapas de partículas fabricadas com folhas caulinares de bambu e bagaço da cana-de-açúcar, e o levantamento das usinas de beneficiamento de cana-de-açúcar do estado de São Paulo. Essas chapas de vedação utilizam o bagaço oriundo de uma usina cujo resíduo advém do processo de fabricação do açúcar e do álcool.The development and industrial progress have brought many facilities and technological advances to mankind. However, it also brought devastating consequences such as environmental impacts caused by indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources. Thus arose environmentally friendly alternatives to reduce environmental impacts and better manage the use of natural resources, such as the researches developed with alternative building materials. Following this initiative, this work aims the production and analysis of particleboards made with with bamboo leaf steam and sugar cane bagasse, besides a data collection of sugar-cane mills of the state of Sao Paulo. These sealing boards uses the bagasse coming from a mill whose waste comes from the manufacturing process of sugar and alcohol

    Kinetics of crystallization of FeB-based amorphous alloys studied by neutron thermo-diffractometry

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    Kinetics of crystallization of two amorphous alloys, Fe70Cr10B20 and Fe80Zr10B10, have been followed up by neutron thermodiffractometry experiments performed in the two axis diffractometer D20 (ILL, Grenoble). The structural changes are directly correlated with the temperature dependence of the magnetization. Fe70Cr10B20 crystallizes following a two-step process: an eutectic crystallization of alfa-Fe (bcc) and the metastable tetragonal phase (Fe0.8Cr0.2)3B followed by another eutectic transformation to the stable phase (Fe0.75Cr0.25)2B and more segregation of alfa-Fe. These tetragonal phases are magnetically anisotropic, giving rise to a large increase of the coercivity. This behaviour is similar to that of Fe80B20 alloys, with Cr atoms replacing the Fe positions in both crystalline phases. Fe80Zr10B10 shows also a two-step process in which two polymorphic transformations take place.Comment: 3 pages. Proceedings International Workshop Non-Crystalline Solids 2006, Gijon (Spain

    Avaliação acústica das chapas de partículas produzidas com bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e folha caulinar de bambu

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    O escopo dessa pesquisa é aproveitar o bagaço da cana-de-açúcar proveniente do processo industrial de beneficiamento do açúcar e do álcool das usinas do estado de São Paulo-Brasil, cujo tema é a gestão de resíduos agroindustriais, utilizando-se desse resíduo em conjunto com as folhas caulinares do bambu na fabricação de chapas de partículas. Essas chapas podem ser empregadas em forros e revestimentos de paredes e móveis como alternativa à utilização da madeira, pois o bagaço tem em sua composição a celulose e a hemicelulose, que estão presentes em cerca de 70% da composição dos resíduos agrícolas, podendo assim, substituir a madeira em alguns casos, como por exemplo, nas chapas de aglomerado. Confeccionados em forma de blocos (ou tijolos) nos traços 100%, 75%, 50%, 40%, 25% e 0% de cana, estes tiveram seu desempenho acústico avaliado por meio do ensaio de condutividade acústica, que consiste em medir o isolamento sonoro que os blocos absorvem.The scope of this research is centered in the reuse of the sugarcane bagasse produced from the industrial processing of sugar and ethanol from the mills in Sao Paulo state, Brazil. It is analyzed the use of this abundant industrial residue, mixed with bamboo leaves steam in the manufacturing of particleboards. These plates can be eventually used in ceilings and wall coverings, or in furniture, as an alternative to the use of wood. The sugarcane bagasse residue has in its composition cellulose and hemicelluloses. In fact, these components represent 70% of the agricultural residues composition. In many applications, the studied product may be able to replace the wood, for instance, in the particleboards. Acoustic conductivity tests were made in the prisms produced with 100%, 75%, 50%, 40%, 25% and 0% of sugar cane incorporation. The results, in terms of noise insulation are compared with reference values for other materials

    Mito-nuclear sequencing is paramount to correctly identify sympatric hybridizing fishes

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    Background. Hybridization may drive speciation and erode species, especially when intrageneric sympatric species are involved. Five sympatric Luciobarbus species—Luciobarbus sclateri (Günther, 1868), Luciobarbus comizo (Steindachner, 1864), Luciobarbus microcephalus (Almaça, 1967), Luciobarbus guiraonis (Steindachner, 1866), and Luciobarbus steindachneri (Almaça, 1967)—are commonly identified in field surveys by diagnostic morphological characters. Assuming that i) in loco identification is subjective and observer-dependent, ii) there is previous evidence of interspecific hybridization, and iii) the technical reports usually do not include molecular analyses, our main goal was to assess the concordance between in loco species identification based on phenotypic characters with identifications based on morphometric indices, mtDNA only, and a combination of mito-nuclear markers. Materials and methods. Specimens of Luciobarbus from six Guadiana River sub-basins were collected and sequenced for the cytochrome b and beta-actin genes. For comparative purposes, samples of Luciobarbus from other 12 river basins were also used. Four levels of taxonomical identification were conducted based on: identification made in the field (in loco identification), cytb gene only, beta-actin gene only, and mito-nuclear combined genomes. Results. Results showed that interspecific hybridization seems to be high (around 41%) and likely favoured by non-random mating and the loss of fluvial connectivity. About 34% of the hybrids showed mito-nuclear discordance. Misidentifications were frequent when only phenotypic characters are considered, and the use of a single mitochondrial gene is not sufficient: the use of two mito-nuclear markers showed that around 82% of the in loco identifications based on the phenotype were not correct. Conclusion. Incorrect species assignment likely generated biased results in previous studies on the biology and ecology of Guadiana barbels and in the assignment of conservation status and, consequently, on the establishment of conservation management measuresinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The trophic relationships of several commercial finfish species from the southwest Atlantic.

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    This study aims to quantify the trophic relationships of seven commercially valuable predatory fish species (Argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi, southern hake Merluccius australis, Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides, southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis australis, red cod Salilota australis, kingclip Genypterus blacodes and hoki Macruronus magellanicus) over a two-year period. A total of 1590 stomachs from these species was collected from the high seas of the southwest Atlantic and in the waters around the Falkland Islands. The percentage similarity index shows that all species except southern hake occupy very similar trophic positions, with a high percentage dietary overlap. Despite this, niche breadths were relatively narrow, with the majority of feeding occurring on locally abundant prey items (notothiniid fish and the squids Illex argentinus and Loligo gahi). In the two species for which sample size was largest, Argentine hake and kingclip, geographical differences in diet were found, which may be related to regional variation in prey abundance. The results are discussed in relation to the seasonal migrations of predators and prey and the hydroclimate regime

    Bounds on the mass of the b' quark, revisited

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    Recent results from the DELPHI collaboration led us to review the present bounds on the b' quark mass. We use all available experimental data for m_b' > 96 GeV to constrain the b' quark mass as a function of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa elements in a sequential four generations model. We find that there is still room for a b' with a mass larger than 96 GeV.Comment: 9 pages and 7 figures. REVTEX

    Fisheries interactions of Delphinus delphis in the north-east Atlantic with an emphasis on Galicia, north-west Spain.

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    Bycatch from interactions with fisherie s remains the biggest global threat to marine mammals. Galicia, north - west Spain, is one of the world’s main fishing regions and a high level of cetacean - fisheries interactions has been reported from on - board observers, interviews with fisheries stakeholde rs and analysis of stranded and by - caught carcasses. Delphinus delphis is the most abundant cetacean in the area and since 1990 necropsies of over 1800 stranded and by - caught Delphinus have been conducted. Life history data (age, maturity, and pregnancy ra te data) from stranded and by - caught cetaceans can be used to construct life tables and to estimate overall mortality and fisheries mortality rates. Age and maturity were determined from stranded and by - caught Delphinus between 1990 and 2009. Males and fem ales reach sexual maturity at 8.5 and 7.5 years of age, respectively, and no temporal difference in age at sexual maturity was observed. Results indicate 13% annual mortality in the Delphinus delphis north - east Atlantic population and necropsy data suggest s that 60% of mortality (i.e. 7.2% annual mortality) is attributable to fisheries interactions, predominantly from pair trawls and gillnets. By - caught Delphinus were found to die significantly younger than non - by - caught animals (p=<0.001) although no sex - r elated difference in bycatch rate was observed (p=0.051). The estimated annual mortality due to fisheries interactions greatly exceeds the 2% limit set by ASCOBANS and the IWC and high bycatch rates are also reported for other countries e.g. the UK, France and Portugal. Although Delphinus delphis in the north - east Atlantic is one continuous population, the high level of bycatch occurring in parts of the range is most likely unsustainable and will be discussed. There is a need to carry out on - board monitorin g, notably in the north - west Iberian Peninsula (Galicia and Portugal), to incorporate cetacean bycatch into fisheries advice and, above all, to start introducing mitigation measures

    Are there climatic signals in fishery data for sardine (Sardina pilchardus) along the Iberian Atlantic coast?

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    The Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is distributed along the whole shelf of the Iberian Peninsula with the highest catches being taken from southern Galician waters and northern Portugal. The fishery is dependent on the strength of the recruitment in this area and recruitment processes seem to be driven by a combination of oceanographic (local) and climatic (global) events. In an exploratory analysis we examined whether the variability observed in landings from ICES areas VIIIc (northern) and IXa (western Iberia) from 1940 to 2005, and in estimated annual recruitment and spawning stock size for the whole stock could be related to environmental conditions at large and local scales, taking into account temporal autocorrelation in the response variables. Landings for areas VIIIc and IXa show differing trends and were most strongly related, respectively, to the multi-decadal Atlantic oscillation (AMO) and to SST (with an optimum around 15o C). Recruitment was negatively related to air temperature (AT). We stress the need for taking into account time lagged effects, non linear relationships, autocorrelation in response variables and collinearity between explanatory variables. We discuss possible mechanisms underlying these observed patterns and whether the apparent climatic relationships have any predictive value

    Morphometric and meristic variation in Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and southern hake (Merluccius australis) from the southwest Atlantic.

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    Samples of Merluccius hubbsi (N=147) were collected from the southwest Atlantic, in the high seas at 42o S and 46oS and from the waters around the Falkland Islands. A sample of M. australis (N=23) was also collected in Falkland Islands waters. Variation in the population structure was investigated using multivariate analysis of a total of external and skeletal morphometric data, counts of fin rays and teeth, and measurements on scales. All measurements were standardised to mean body size and each character set was analysed separately. Principle components analysis and discriminant analysis were used to identify differences between M. hubbsi from different areas and differences between the two species. The results indicate the presence of two groups of Merluccius hubbsi within the study area, one found on the high seas and one in the waters around the Falkland Islands. Results are discussed in relation to the reproductive and trophic migrations of M. hubbsi, the relative importance of genetic and environmental differences, and the results of similar studies from the southwest Atlantic