289 research outputs found

    Contribitions from Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry

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    Neonaticide is the homicide of a child by a parent during the first 24 hours of life. The goal of this paper is to characterize cases of neonaticide that have occurred in the Great Lisbon area. The clinical files of all neonaticide cases that were studied at the Delegação do Sul, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses (INMLCF, IP), between January, 1st 2001 and December 31st 2010 were reviewed and analyzed. Five cases of neonaticide were identified (2.96 per 100000 live births), perpetrated by five mothers with an average age of 25 years, whose main motivation was unwanted pregnancy. The pregnancies were concealed, no pre-natal care was obtained and delivery was unassisted and occurred at home. There were no cases of mental disorders that could justify, under a medico-legal point of view, a decision of not guilty by reason of insanity. Although rare, neonaticide cases affect societies and raise forensic questions. Due to its lower association with major psychopathology, low careseeking behavior, opportunities for prevention are reduced. Therefore, the early detection of pregnancy in women of fertile age may provide a valuable chance to offer the required support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A review of the parasites of deep-water fishes from Macaronesian Islands, North-East Atlantic Ocean

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    The deep-water fish fauna of Macaronesian islands is currently estimated at a total of 1029 different fish species, but records of both ecto- and endoparasites are from only about 30 of those species. This fact presents an exciting field of research for scientists interested in fish parasitology, by exploring the structure of parasite communities and their connections with ecological and oceanographic variables. Research on the effect of climatic changes on the parasite faunas, on the occurrence of fish parasites in man and its impact on human health, has not been carried out to date. The present review aims to collate our present knowledge about the parasites of deep-water fishes of Macaronesia, and to suggest directions for future research on the parasites of fishes from the deepwater realm. A checklist of the parasites infecting the deep-water fishes from this region is included.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Science as a cultural activity: comparative study of Brazilian and Portuguese teachers’ conceptions about science

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    This is a comparative study on Brazilian and Portuguese science teachers’ conceptions about science and cultural diversity awareness. Interviews before and after the TE-CD course revealed differences between teachers of both countries, which may be associated to their previous teacher training and social context. This preliminary study showed that further research in both countries is of paramount importance in order to elucidate in more detail the differences not only between the science teachers’ conceptions about science but also between their teacher training. This can contribute to improve science teacher training curriculum in both countries, with special reference to cultural diversity.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, IE, UMinho (FCT R&D unit 317), Portuga

    Do science teachers conceive science as a cultural activity? Results of a comparative study

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    Apresentamos e discutimos os resultados de um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal envolvendo professores de ciências e suas concepções sobre a natureza da ciência. As entrevistas mostraram que os professores brasileiros apresentaram uma definição ampla da ciência que envolve a natureza da ciência enquanto os portugueses focalizaram-se mais na noção positivista da ciência, o que pode estar associados à sua formação científica inicial. Os resultados sustentam a importância de pesquisas com amostras maiores de participantes em ambos os países, o que poderá gerar dados que contribuam para melhorar os currículos de formação do professor de ciências em ambos os países, com especial referência à diversidade cultural.Here are presented and discussed the results of a comparative study between Brazil and Portugal involving science’s teachers and their conceptions of the nature of science. The interviews showed that Brazilian teachers presented a broad definition of science that involves the nature of science while the Portuguese teacher are more focused on the positivist notion of science, which can be associated with their initial scientific training. The results support the need to develop researches with larger samples of participants in both countries, which could generate data that would contribute to improving sciences teachers’ curricula with particular reference to cultural diversity in both countries.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT)Projeto Estratégico da FCT: UID/CED/00317/201

    Curriculum et culture : un débat contemporain sur la tension du multiculturalisme dans le curriculum des cours de pédagogie

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    La présente recherche a comme objectif d'analyser la relation entre le curriculum et le multiculturalisme, cherchant à comprendre les liens tissés, leurs points de rencontres, leurs ruptures, leurs tensions et/ou conflits, dans la tentative de démarquer une approximation/éloignement de l'approche inspirée par le multiculturalisme critique dans les méandres d'un cours de formation de professeur(e)s. Considérant que l'interaction professer/e et élève se construit dans un dialogue et que cette pratique dialogique n'est pas neutre, passive ou linéaire, mais idéologique, politique et intéressée, cette interlocution surviendra par l'interprétation et la négociation des sens entre les auteurs pédagogiques. De cette façon, le processus de production de sens et de signifiés dans le curriculum autorise et (dés)-autorise, inclut ou exclut les particularités culturelles dans la mesure où il détermine qui a le droit de parler, quand et sur quoi. La production de la signification dans le curriculum est intrinsèquement liée à la production et à la dissémination des relations du pouvoir et celles-ci, pour une fois, doivent être analysées visant à combattre le stéréotype, le sexisme, la xénophobie, la hiérarchisation des classes, entre autres processus qui, inexorablement, arrivent aussi dans la salle de classe. Le curriculum assure, légitime, implante et transforme les relations sociales concrètes. Le curriculum scolaire, historiquement, a toujours été lié à un modèle de personne, de monde ou de société, transmettant des visions personnelles et intéressées et produisant des identités individuelles et sociales particulières. À partir de l'analyse du contenu du matériel recueilli, avec l'appui de la théorie des représentations, nous cherchons à comprendre le processus de signification des professeurs de la dernière année du programme de Pédagogie et du projet de re-structuration en ce qui concerne la thématique en question. Le chemin parcouru pour réaliser cette recherche fut au moyen d'une étude de cas ethnographique où furent constatées, explicitées et interprétées des représentations du curriculum et du multiculturalisme, dans la tentative de comprendre comment ces représentations instituent (ou non) la conception d'une éducation multiculturelle critique. Cette lecture du cas étudié était basée sur une conception de la connaissance relationnelle, selon une perspective heuristique, rompant avec le paradigme hermétique achevé et cristallisé, visant à une perspective de connaissance relationnelle qui survient en flux, étant construite et re-construite à tout moment. Les résultats obtenus font preuve d'une sensibilité dans le traitement de la diversité culturelle tant en ce qui concerne le projet du programme que les sens manifestés par les professeur/e/s, sujets de cette recherche. Le curriculum est conçu selon une perspective critique, étant compris comme un processus de construction de la connaissance qui survient à l'intérieur de n'importe quel espace pédagogique. Le multiculturalisme est vu selon la perspective de la célébration des cultures, sans mettre en évidence les mécanismes de l'oppression et de l'exclusion de certains groupes socialement marginalisés. Selon les résultats obtenus, on prétend que la construction du curriculum, inspiré par un multiculturalisme critique, ne se résume pas seulement à inclure, dans le projet d'un cours, des fondements théoriques qui inspirent une pratique multiculturelle ou simplement dans la constatation, pure et simple, de la part des auteurs pédagogiques de l'existence de la diversité. De cette manière, la construction du multiculturalisme comme principe organisateur du curriculum sera assurée selon un penser/agir/sentir fixé dans un paradigme solidaire, basé sur l'éthique de la compréhension dans lequel il y a respect/acceptation/valorisation des multiples univers culturels qui sont présents dans les écoles/universités

    Educação e imigração: oficinas interculturais como dispositivos para apoiar a participação das famílias imigrantes

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar alguns resultados da pesquisa “Diálogo família escola em contexto de diversidade”, cujo objetivo foi analisar as formas de comunicação entre famílias imigrantes e escola, para alcançar o apoio educativo dos/as alunos/as imigrantes na Espanha. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que utiliza uma epistemologia qualitativa, por meio do estudo de caso com enfoque participativo. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de informações a oficina formativa/investigativa e a entrevista semiestruturada. Apresenta-se aqui a experiência formativa e investigativa das oficinas interculturais como dispositivo para apoiar as famílias em contexto de imigração. Discute os resultados da citada experiência, ressaltando algumas pistas para fomentar a participação das famílias nas escolas em contexto de imigração. Uma pesquisa desta natureza se faz relevante dentro das políticas globais, nacional e local, para todo programa que busque a igualdade de oportunidades em contexto de diversidades/desigualdades culturais, na medida em que contribui para um projeto educativo igualitário. &nbsp

    Os desafios da educação no século XXI no município do Bailundo (Angola): um olhar para as exigências actuais usando as NTIC

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    The use of technologies in the educational sector is vital in these times. The research analyzes a quantitative-qualitative study that demonstrates the advances and importance of new technologies. The same aims to understand the challenges of education in the 21st century in the city of Bailundo, as well as the use of new information and communication technologies in education (NTIC), analyzing the historical trajectory in education in the aspects of learning and didactics. The possibility of including technologies in the classroom allowed advances and changes in the current requirements of the profile of teachers, managers and students in the 21st century, being a reality that is still little explored in Angola today, for several reasons that will be detailed throughout the article. The inclusion of NTIC in education constitutes a new challenge, and not only impacted on social and educational demands and needs, but also created new opportunities for teachers, improving and modernizing their pedagogical practice and the school. These new practices can contribute by offering students opportunities to access NTIC, thus preventing further social inequalities from being generated. Technologies are here to stay, and it is not a didactic tool, but a new concept that includes resources, learning spaces and interactive tools for the development of the teaching and learning process for this 21st century.El uso de las tecnologías en el sector educativo es vital en estos tiempos. La investigación analiza un estudio cuantitativo-cualitativo que demuestra los avances y la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías. El mismo tiene como objetivo comprender los desafíos de la educación en el siglo XXI en la ciudad de Bailundo, así como el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la educación (NTIC), analizando la trayectoria histórica de la educación en los aspectos de aprendizaje y didáctica. La posibilidad de incluir tecnologías en el aula permitió avances y cambios en las exigencias actuales del perfil de docentes, directivos y estudiantes en el siglo XXI, siendo una realidad aún hoy poco explorada en Angola, por varias razones que serán detalladas a lo largo el artículo. La inclusión de las NTIC en la educación constituye un nuevo desafío, y no solo impactó en las demandas y necesidades sociales y educativas, sino que también generó nuevas oportunidades para los docentes, mejorando y modernizando su práctica pedagógica y la escuela. Estas nuevas prácticas pueden contribuir ofreciendo a los estudiantes oportunidades de acceso a las NTIC, evitando así que se generen más desigualdades sociales. Las tecnologías llegaron para quedarse, y no es una herramienta didáctica, sino un nuevo concepto que incluye recursos, espacios de aprendizaje y herramientas interactivas para el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje para este siglo XXI.O uso de tecnologias no setor educacional é vital nestes tempos. A pesquisa analisa um estudo quanti-qualitativo que demonstra os avanços e a importância das novas tecnologias. Esse estudo  tem como objetivo compreender os desafios da educação no século XXI no Município do Bailundo, bem como o uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação (NTIC), analisando a trajetória histórica na educação nos aspectos da aprendizagem e da  didática. A possibilidade de incluir as tecnologias na sala de aula permitiu avanços e mudanças nas atuais exigências do perfil do professor, dos gestores e alunos do século XXI, sendo uma realidade ainda pouco explorada atualmente em Angola, por diversas razões que serão detalhadas ao longo do artigo. A inclusão das NTIC na educação constitui um novo desafio, e não só impactou nas demandas e necessidades sociais e educacionais, como também, criou novas oportunidades, para o docente, melhorando e modernizando sua prática pedagógica e da escola. Essas novas práticas podem contribuir oferecendo aos estudantes oportunidades de acesso às NTIC, evitando, dessa maneira, que sejam geradas mais desigualdades sociais. As tecnologias chegaram para ficar, e não se trata de uma ferramenta didática, mas um novo conceito que inclui recursos, espaços de aprendizagem e ferramentas interativas para o desenvolvimento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem para esse século XXI

    Psychopathology of aggressors in intimate partner violence

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    Despite the decreasing of the overall crime in Portugal indicated by official statistics, the same is not true with domestic violence. Most interventions are directed towards the treatment and support of victims, so therefore, there is a very short knowledge about the characteristics of aggressors, both in the context of domestic violence, as in intimate relationships in particular, especially with regard to the existence of psychopathology or mental illness. This work aims to identify mental disorders (personality disorders or mental illness) associated with such conduct, with respect to the aggressor. A research was performed in the PubMed, PsycINFO and Index databases and nineteen expert reports of aggressors, in the context of domestic violence conducted in the Clinical Forensic South Delegation of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, were analyzed. The majority of these cases fulfills the diagnostic criteria for personality disorder, the most prevalent being the borderline type, or has a high rating in certain pathological traits.Therefore, it seems important to develop domestic violence prevention programs, including signaling and an assessment of the aggressors at the earliest possible stage, followed by a specialized intervention aimed at their rehabilitation and prevention of violent behavior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pilares para uma cultura de liberdade

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    O presente trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre as complexas relações que ligam a temática da Cultura aos diversos sectores da vida social e económica. Reflexão esta baseada na abordagem e desafios propostos pela economia da cultura. A Cultura, pensada no seu sentido mais amplo, é considerada como elemento fundamental de desenvolvimento de uma sociedade livre, tolerante e pluralista. As transformações derivadas dos progressos tecnológicos e do desenvolvimento económico, que fazem com que o nosso mundo seja cada vez mais global, exigem que a temática cultural e as condições da produção artística sejam repensadas a partir destas novas premissas. Partindo de uma perspectiva dominante que faz depender a Cultura da intervenção do Estado/Governo, questiona-se o valor, limites e perigos de uma excessiva dependência. A partir de um desafio crítico aos argumentos que têm marcado o debate em torno desta temática lançamos pistas para um novo enquadramento político cultural. Com base numa abordagem que se pretende racional e equilibrada, serão chamados à cena o Mercado e a Sociedade Civil, como sectores produtores mas, sobretudo, como co-responsáveis na criação de um ambiente pluralista, em que a liberdade cultural e artística possa ser assegurada e desfrutada. A construção de um ambiente cultural de liberdade, de pluralismo e de tolerância implica a complementaridade e os esforços de cooperação entre estes três pilares da sociedade: Estado, Mercado e Sociedade Civil. A esta luz, a construção de uma sociedade mais aberta e plural implica simultaneamente que novas políticas culturais devam ser repensadas, e que se procurem novos critérios de aplicação dos recursos públicos, privilegiando áreas prioritárias para a construção do futuro da cultura e das artes no nosso país. O caso das Bibliotecas Públicas serve-nos de ilustração e aplicação, na medida em que reflecte o paradigma das instituições que, dada a sua filosofia e missão, reflectem actividades importantes a serem suportadas pelo sector público e que permitem colocar em prática muitas das tarefas que o cidadãocontribuinte espera que sejam realizadas pelo Estado. ABSTRACT: The purpose of the following work is to reflect on the complex relations that link Culture to several sectors of social and economical life. This reflection is based on the approach and challenges proposed by cultural economy. Culture, in general, is considered to be an essential element of development of a free, tolerant and pluralist society. The transformations derived from technological progresses and the economical development, which make our world more global, demand that the theme of culture and the conditions of artistic production be rethink based on these new premises. From a dominant point of view which makes cultural depend on the State/Government, it is questioned the value, limits and dangers of the excessive dependence. From a critical challenge to the arguments that have marked the debate surrounding this theme we launch some clues for a new cultural political framing. Based on the approach that intends to be rational and balanced, will be called to the scene Market and Civil Society, as productive sectors, but, above all, as co-responsible in the creation of a pluralist environment, where cultural and artistic freedman may be assured and enjoyed. The construction of cultural environment of freedom, of pluralism and tolerance implies complementary and the efforts of cooperation between these three pillars of society: State, Market and Civil Society. To this light, the construction of a more open and plural society implies simultaneously that new cultural politics must be rethink, and that new criteria of application of public resources must be found, favouring priority areas for the construction of culture and arts in our country. The case of Public Libraries serves us as illustration and application, as they reflect the paradigm of the institutions that, given to its philosophy and mission, reflect important activities to be supported by the public sector and that allow to put in practice many tasks that the tax-paying citizen expects that are carried out by the State