4,899 research outputs found

    Dimensional stability and fidelity in the details of resins used in the printing of prototyped surgical guides

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fiabilidade de um modelo impresso com uma resina para guia cirúrgico utilizada em dois modelos de impressoras diferentes. Materiais e Métodos: Após criação de um modelo mestre em STL com medidas padronizadas em formato digital (Grupo Controle) que foi utlizado para a produção de 20 modelos simulando guias cirúrgicos impressos e divididos em dois grupos (10 modelos em cada grupo) de acordo com a impressora utilizada (FDM ou DLP). Os modelos foram medidos relativamente a sua espessura, largura, comprimento e no diâmetro da abertura do guia cirúrgico, com paquímetro manual e os dados forma analisados estatisticamente. Resultados: Na largura e na espessura não forma encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos, porem a espessura apresentou diferença significativa do grupo FDM para os demais e o diâmetro teve diferença significativa entre todos os grupos com o grupo DLP apresentando mais desvio do planeado que o grupo FDM. Conclusão: Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que a impressora DLP é mais precisa com relação ao modelo digital do que a impressora do tipo FDM. Resultando em um modelo com dimensões próximas aos valores planejados no software de manipulação de imagens 3D, porém, as medidas dos furos simulando as aberturas de uma guia cirúrgica foram muito pequenas em relação ao diâmetro planejado, o que pode dificultar o uso do instrumental cirúrgicos ou mesmo a instalação de arruelas metálicas, que podem ocasionar alterações no posicionamento final do implante em relação ao planejado virtualmente

    The Organic Fertilizer Application Effect on Yield and Quality of Two Introduced Rice Varieties in Timor Leste

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    The Lahoten Musan Kabuar and Lahoten Musan Lotuk Naruk varieties are two introduced rice varieties from Timor Leste. Optimization of cultivation techniques using organic fertilizers with different doses is carried out to obtain the best growth and yield quality. The research was carried out from December 2021 to April 2022 using the CDAST laboratory greenhouse at the Universitas Jember. The experimental design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors. The main factor is the type of rice varieties which consists of 2 levels, namely the Lahoten Musan Kabuar variety (V1) and the Lahoten Musan Lotuk Naruk variety (V2). The second factor is the dose of organic fertilizer application, which consists of 4 levels, namely 0 tons ha-1 (P0), 2 tons ha-1 (P1), 4 tons ha-1 (P2), and 6 tons ha-1 (P3). The results showed an interaction between the use of organic fertilizer and the type of varieties on plant height, chlorophyll content, protein content, fat content, and amylose content. Whereas the application of organic fertilizer had no significant effect on the parameters of the number of tillers, number of panicles per plant, number of seeds per panicle, the weight of 100 seeds, carbohydrate content, and water content. The results of DMRT on interaction parameters show that the organic fertilizer dose factor has a more dominant influence than the variety factor

    Hannah Arendt’s Conceptual Framework for the Crisis in Modern Education

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    This work analyzes Hannah Arendt s essay The Crisis in Education published in the late 1950s intending to elucidate its central themes through the concepts presented in other works by the author This intention is a valuable initiative not only because of Arendt s qualifications who is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century but also because the essay has fostered research in the area of education and is frequently included in the bibliography of teacher training courses both in undergraduate and graduate levels due to the critical reflections it elaborates on the relationships between adults and children in modernity which includes the exchange between teachers and student

    O princípio da socialidade na constituição brasileira

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    A presente tese tem como objeto o princípio da socialidade na Constituição Brasileira, pretendendo demonstrar a natureza estruturante do princípio e sua irradiação para a interpretação e aplicação das demais normas constitucionais. Para alcançar este propósito, formularam-se os seguintes objetivos: a) analisar a trajetória histórica do reconhecimento e da consolidação do Estado de Direito Democrático e Social; b) investigar as ordens jurídico- constitucionais e as diferentes concepções doutrinárias acerca da intervenção estatal na sociedade e da promoção da justiça social; c) sustentar o princípio da socialidade como princípio estruturante da Constituição Brasileira, demonstrando as respectivas consequências, entre outros aspectos, a influência sobre a concepção atual do Estado de Direito, a fundamentalização dos direitos sociais, a aplicação dos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas, a reinterpretação dos tradicionais direitos de liberdade, o surgimento de novos direitos ligados à solidariedade e o processo democrático. Do ponto de vista metodológico, desenvolveu-se pesquisa descritiva, cujas fontes principais foram: Constituição Brasileira, tratados internacionais, Constituição de outros Estados Nacionais, doutrina produzida por juristas de diferentes países e a jurisprudência de Cortes Constitucionais, que trazem a lume alguns consensos e divergências quanto à adoção do princípio do Estado Social como princípio estruturante da Constituição e suas consequências. Ao final, apresentam-se considerações, no intuito de contribuir para uma interpretação coerente do ordenamento constitucional brasileiro, que confira eficácia e efetividade às normas constitucionais, para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade cidadã, solidária e inclusiva.The current thesis has as its main object the principle of Social State in Brazilian Constitution, intending to demonstrate the structuring nature of the principle and its irradiation for all other constitutional rules. In order to achieve this purpose, the following objectives will be pursued: a) analyzing Democratic and Social State of Law´s historical development until its constitutional recognition; b) investigating the relations established between different conceptions and constitutional basis of Social State; c) demonstrating the consequences of adopting the Social State principle as a structuring principle of the Brazilian Constitution, considering, among other aspects, its influence on Rule of Law conception; on having social rights considered as fundamental rights; on fundamental rights applicability on private relations; on traditional rights of freedom reinterpretation; on the emergence of new rights inspired on solidarity; and on the democratic process. From methodological point of view, a descriptive research has been developed, having these main sources: Brazilian Constitution, International Laws, doctrine produced by great thinkers from different countries and the jurisprudence of Constitutional Courts from several nations, which intends to bring to light some consensus and divergences regarding the adoption of Social State principle in the Constitution and its consequences. By the end, the author’s considerations will be presented, in order to contribute to the guarantee and consistency of Brazilian Constitutional system and, then, the development of a civic, a solidary and an inclusive society

    PP Coordination, Embedding and Feature Sharing: seeking the connections between notation and processing

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    Este artigo apresenta e discute dois experimentos de correspondência entre frases e figuras em construções de Sintagmas Preposicionais em inglês e em português do Brasil para tentar avaliar a complexidade da representação em termos de estrutura, traços e operações gramaticais. Os resultados dos experimentos em que a coordenação de PPs (Direto Não Estruturado - DU, encaixe (Estrutura Indireta -IS) e compartilhamento de traços (Estruturação Direta - DS) são comparados revelam a seguinte hierarquia com base nos tempos médios de resposta: DU <IS <DS. Uma explicação para a hierarquia é explorada, na qual a construção de compartilhamento de traços é discutida em termos de possíveis conexões com os fenômenos de concordância

    The Importance Of Decolonial Narratives: The Case Of Work Psychology In Rio De Janeiro

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    This paper aims to discuss the importance of decolonial narratives in general and in the field of history of psychology in particular. For this, we take as the starting point the initial results of a recently published empirical study, which investigated different styles of management within the scope of labor in Rio de Janeiro between 1949 and 1965 through the analysis of publications of the journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia. Such results pointed to an inadequacy between the interpretations of the management styles that are used, on the one hand, in the English and North American context and, on the other, in Rio de Janeiro. The discussion of this article focuses on this inadequacy, underlining the differences between how colonial and decolonial narratives conceive the relationship between empirical data and intelligibility matrices and the historiographical and methodological consequences of this relationship

    Trochlear nerve: Celebrating 500 years of description

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    The history of the description and classification of the cranial nerves has paralleled the development of anatomy and its role in providing rationality to medicine. About five hundred years ago, the “Anatomical Notes by the Great Alexander Achillinus of Bologna” (1520) provided the first description of the trochlear nerve. In this article, we review the most important macroscopic achievements through different epochs and pioneers such as Herophilus of Chalcedon, Galen of Pergamon, Andreas Vesalius, Bartolomeo Eustachi, Realdo Colombo, Gabriele Falloppio, Antonio Molinetti, Caspar Bartholin, Thomas Willis and Samuel Thomas von Soemmerring. Each of them contributed to a better understanding of the cranial nerves as we know today. Galen's classification was enduring through his seven pairs of cranial nerves. Realdo Colombo coined the name pathetic nerve or nervus oculorum pateticos to the trochlear nerve in 1559, and Molinetti, nervus trochlearis, in 1669. The term trochlear nerve is derived from the Latin word pulley, trochlea, as it innervates the superior oblique muscle that ends in a tendon that bends through a pulley of connective tissue. Besides description and naming, the inclusion into current cranial nerve classification system and how such knowledge applies to current microsurgical understanding is also discussed

    Managing the Tensions at the Intersection of the Triple Bottom Line: A Paradox Theory Approach to Sustainability Management

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    Corporate sustainability management encompasses multiple dimensions: environmental, social, and economic. Companies are increasingly evaluated within the public sphere, and within their own organizations, according to the degree to which they are perceived to simultaneously promote this nexus of virtues. This article seeks to explore the tensions frequently faced by organizations that strive to manage these dimensions and the role of public policy in that pursuit. A multiple–case study approach is utilized in which the authors selected case organizations according to whether they were attempting to manage the three dimensions of sustainability. The authors utilize paradox theory and a typology provided by previous research to understand the nature of the tensions that emerge in the selected case study organizations. They extend this previous work by examining the role of public policy in providing the situational conditions to make these paradoxical tensions salient, and they examine organizational responses to these conditions. Directions for firms, policy makers, and future researchers are provided on the basis of this study’s findings

    Managing the Tensions at the Intersection of the Triple Bottom Line: A Paradox Theory Approach to Sustainability Management

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    Corporate sustainability management encompasses multiple dimensions: environmental, social, and economic. Companies are increasingly evaluated within the public sphere, and within their own organizations, according to the degree to which they are perceived to simultaneously promote this nexus of virtues. This article seeks to explore the tensions frequently faced by organizations that strive to manage these dimensions and the role of public policy in that pursuit. A multiple–case study approach is utilized in which the authors selected case organizations according to whether they were attempting to manage the three dimensions of sustainability. The authors utilize paradox theory and a typology provided by previous research to understand the nature of the tensions that emerge in the selected case study organizations. They extend this previous work by examining the role of public policy in providing the situational conditions to make these paradoxical tensions salient, and they examine organizational responses to these conditions. Directions for firms, policy makers, and future researchers are provided on the basis of this study’s findings