241 research outputs found

    Capacitação Integrada em Matemática e Informática básica, como ferramentas de contribuição para reabilitação profissional de segurados do INSS

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: TrabalhoO objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar as ideias e concepções que conduziram o projeto e a ação de extensão que foram realizadas no segundo semestre de 2016, ambos concebidos a partir da necessidade emergente de disponibilizar cursos de capacitação gratuita aos segurados reabilitandos do Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social (INSS), da Mesorregião Centro Ocidental do Paraná, ofertado pela Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Campus de Campo Mourão, para a reabilitação dos mesmos ao mundo do trabalho. Nesse sentido, pretendeu-se proporcionar, por meio da capacitação profissional com ênfase em conhecimentos de informática básica e matemática básica, contribuições para a reabilitação profissional dos trabalhadores ociosos por falta de habilidades e contribuir com a tarefa do ensino-aprendizagem, auxiliando os participantes dos cursos a desenvolverem na prática, tarefas básicas de informática e matemática voltadas para o mundo do trabalho. Além disso, as capacitações visaram preparar melhor os reabilitandos, auxiliando-os no desenvolvimento do intelecto científico e tecnológico, por meio do trabalho executado com estas pessoas e despertar nos mesmos o interesse do maior aprendizado e busca pelo conhecimento às mesmas. Por meio do desenvolvimento das ações deste projeto de extensão ao público-alvo apresentado, buscou-se preparar melhor os reabilitandos a obter destaque na concorrência para vagas de emprego e melhor desempenho no desenvolvimento do seu trabalho. O levantamento de dados foi embasado em observação livre participante, estudo in loco, exploratório, de natureza qualitativa. Pretendeu-se, portanto, mensurar a importância dos cursos, sua aplicabilidade por parte dos alunos no mundo do trabalho e seus resultados, por meio de questionários pré e pós-curso, a fim de demonstrar empiricamente, com dados sólidos e científicos, a contribuição gerada na sociedade. Buscou-se ainda incentivar outras instituições de ensino a promover ações que objetivam a capacitação por meio de cursos profissionalizantes e/ou de qualificação profissiona

    Por uma genealogia do Afrofuturismo

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer uma genealogia do Afrofuturismo, compreendendo de que forma o movimento estético-artístico contribuiu para o enfrentamento contra a marginalização e opressão impostas por grupos dominantes, bem como através de ficção especulativa constrói pretensões futuras para a humanidade. O artigo busca demonstrar como o gênero de ficção que se utiliza da figura do negro ou do continente africano em narrativas futuristas contribui para a formação de identidades. Busca-se identificar quais são as características legitimadoras para se conceber uma obra artística como Afrofuturista

    Genetic variants used as predictors of response in the pharmacological treatment of depression in the brazilian population

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    Depression is one of the most frequent mental illnesses in the world and the lack of response to antidepressants are linked to genetic variants. The genetic diversity of Brazilian population may contribute to a variability in the response to these drugs, and this study aimed to assess how genetic variants are clinically and scientifically in the context of therapeutic response to depression in the Brazilian population. This work was carried out through a survey in literature and information obtained from genetic laboratories about the variants used in Brazil as biomarkers of response to antidepressants. Data from scientific studies published since 2000 that evaluated genetic variants that are related to the response to antidepressants in Brazilian populations, in the PubMed, Scielo, Scopus and Web of Science databases were also collected and compared with the international scenario. All laboratories evaluated included variants of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genes approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as biomarkers. However, the Brazilian genetic panels include variants that lack proven efficacy in PharmGKB and are not FDA-approved, highlighting the need for more regulation of commercialized tests and further studies on genetic variant analysis for depression treatment in our population. A limited number of Brazilian studies in this field were verified, highlighting the need for more regulation of commercialized tests and further studies on genetic variant for depression treatment in our population

    High Resting Energy Expenditure in Women With Episodic Migraine: Exploring the Use of Predictive Formulas

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    INTRODUCTION: Migraine is a common and disabling primary headache, and its pathophysiology is not fully understood. Previous studies have suggested that pain can increase humans\u27 Resting Energy Expenditure (REE). However, no previous study has investigated whether the REE of individuals with migraine differs from the general population. Therefore, this study aims to assess whether the REE of women with migraine differs from that of women without headaches. We also tested the accuracy of REE predictive formulas in the migraine patients. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involves 131 adult women aged between 18 and 65 years, 83 with migraine and 48 without (controls). We collected clinical, demographic, and anthropometric data. Migraine severity was measured using the Migraine Disability Test and Headache Impact Test, version 6. The REE was measured by indirect calorimetry, and it was compared with the predicted REE calculated by formulas. RESULTS: Patients with migraine had higher REE when compared to controls ( DISCUSSION: Considering the benefits of nutritional interventions on treating migraines, accurately measuring REE can positively impact migraine patient care. This study enhances our understanding of the relationship between pain and energy expenditure. Our results also provide valuable insights for healthcare professionals in selecting the most effective predictive formula to calculate energy expenditure in patients with migraine

    Comparison of Strategies for Detection of Conditions Acquired in a Public Hospital According to the System of Related Diagnostic Groups (DRG)

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    O sistema de Grupos Diagnósticos Relacionados (DRG) permite avaliar o desempenho institucional quanto aos serviços da equipe de saúde. Condições adquiridas (CA) associam-se a complicações das ações dessa equipe. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar estratégias para identificar CAs hospitalares mediante registros do sistema DRG. Adotamos a lista de Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs) do Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS). Comparou-se HACs às CAs identificadas no banco de dados (BD) do sistema DRG institucional, aplicando-se Risco Relativo (RR) e intervalo de confiança de 95%. A concordância entre observações (HACs e CAs) foi analisada através da estatística Kappa. Registros do sistema DRG selecionados aleatoriamente foram classificados quanto à probabilidade para HAC. Registraram-se 550 CAs entre 31.472 participantes (1,7%) e 1.594 HACs (5,0%), sendo 123 eventos (7,7%) comuns em ambas. RR de HACs em comparação às CAs foi 5,4 [IC 95%: 4,5-6,6, valor p < 0,01]. A concordância foi pobre (kappa 0,09, IC 95% 0,07-0,1 e valor p < 0,01). Analisando-se subgrupos de HAC 5 (Diagnóstico secundário de quedas e traumas) e 6 (Diagnóstico secundário de infecção do trato urinário associado a cateter) em 91 internações, classificamos 33 como baixo risco para HAC, 34 como alto risco e 24 como risco indeterminado. Concluímos que a análise do BD Institucional subestima a incidência de CAs, embora o método HACs possa incluir falso-positivos. Recomendamos estudos comparativos com outros modelos de identificação de HACs.The system of Related Diagnostic Groups (DRG) allows to evaluate the institutional performance regarding the services of the health team. Acquired conditions (AC) are associated with complications of the actions of this team. The objective of the study was to analyze strategies to identify hospital CAs using DRG system records. We have adopted the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs) list. HACs were compared to the CAs identified in the database (DB) of the institutional DRG system, applying Relative Risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval. The concordance between observations (HACs and CAs) was analyzed using Kappa statistics. Randomly selected DRG system records were classified as to the probability for HAC. We recorded 550 CAs among 31,472 participants (1.7%) and 1,594 HACs (5.0%), with 123 events (7.7%) common in both. RR of HACs compared to CAs was 5.4 [95% CI: 4.5-6.6, p valu

    Effects of dancing on physical activity levels of children and adolescents : a systematic review

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    Background: Dancing has been suggested to increase the levels of physical activity of the youth. However, it is not clear what are the physiological characteristics of the dance classes for young people, mainly regarding the levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during classes. It is also unclear if regular engagement in dance practices can contribute with increases in the amounts of daily/weekly MVPA, recommended by health organizations. Objectives: To conduct a systematic review verifying the amount of time spent at MVPA (primary outcome), by children and adolescents in the following situations: i) During dance classes, and ii) Before and after dance in- terventions. Secondary outcomes included: markers of exercise intensity during class, such as oxygen con- sumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR); VO2peak and lipid profile before and after dance interventions. Methods: Six data sources were accessed (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Wiley, PEDRO and SCOPUS). Study selection included different designs (acute, cohort, randomized controlled trials and others). Participants were from 6 to 19 years old, regularly engaged in dance practices. Methodological quality was assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. Two independent reviewers extracted characteristics and results of each study. Results: 3216 articles were retrieved, and 37 included. Studies indicated that dance classes do not achieve 50% of total class time at MVPA. However, there are peaks of HR and VO2 during dance classes, which reach moderate and vigorous intensities. MVPA/daily/weekly did not improve before and after dance interventions for most of the studies, also VO2peak did not. The few results on lipid profile showed improvements only in overweight and obese participants. Limitations: Lack of meta-analysis, because there were not enough articles to be analyzed on any given outcome of interest, neither under the same study design. Conclusions: Results of individual studies indicated that dance classes did not active 50% of the total time at MVPA levels. This may be related to the absence of improvements in daily/weekly MVPA before and after dance interventions. VO2 and HR attained peaks of moderateto vigorous intensity during dance classes, suggesting that the structure of the classes may be manipulated to maintain longer periods at MVPA levels. Lack of data on cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic outcomes limit conclusions on these parameters. Implications of Keys Finds: Considering there are peaks of HR and VO2 during dance classes, we suggest that the structure of a dance class can be manipulate in order to induce cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptations. Thus, dancing is a potential strategy to contribute with a healthy life style since the earliest ages. Prospero registration: CRD4202014460


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    Objetivo: analisar o perfil epidemiológico e a tendência temporal dos acidentes graves de trabalho no estado de Sergipe, no período de 2009 a 2015. Método: estudo ecológico, descritivo, de série temporal, com base em dados secundários informados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Resultados: foram notificados 1.271 acidentes graves de trabalho com trabalhadores entre 16 e 65 anos de idade; os anos de 2011 (19,5%) e 2009 (15,6%) foram os de maior número de registros; 2011 (23,6%) e 2010 (19.9%) apresentaram maior incidência; 2014 e 2015 registraram as menores taxas. Perfil dos trabalhadores acidentados: sexo masculino (88,8%), entre 25 e 29 anos (17,1%), pardos (61,5%), ensino incompleto da 5ª a 8ª série (20,2%). Conclusão: a análise do perfil epidemiológico e a tendência temporal dos acidentes graves de trabalho no estado de Sergipe revelou tendência geral decrescente no período analisado, ainda que fosse elevado o número de acidentes registrados.Descritores: Epidemiologia Descritiva. Sistemas de Informação. Saúde do Trabalhador. Acidentes de Trabalho

    Oral potentially malignant disorders : clinical-pathological study of 684 cases diagnosed in a Brazilian population

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    The frequency and distribution of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) may vary among different populations. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical-pathological characteristics of OPMD diagnosed in a Brazilian oral pathology laboratory over a period of 11 years. All cases diagnosed as leukoplakia, speckled leukoplakia, erythroplakia, and actinic cheilitis from 2005 to 2015 were analyzed. Clinical information was obtained from laboratory forms and histological information was obtained from histological slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin. the final sample was comprised of 684 cases, of which 292 were males and 392 were females. The mean age was 58 years. The anatomical site most often involved was the lateral border of the tongue (23%), followed by the lower lip (20%), and by the buccal mucosa/vestibule (18%). Leukoplakia accounted for 82% of the sample (564 cases). The mean size of the leukoplakia and speckled leukoplakia lesions was 13 mm (ranging from 1 to 100 mm) and 15 mm (ranging from 5 to 30 mm), respectively (p=0.460). Males reported smoking and drinking alcohol more frequently than females (p=0.001 and p <0.0001, respectively). In half of the cases, dysplasia was not histologically detected, while slight dysplasia was detected in 28% of the cases. The lesions from patients aged from 41 to 80 years presented moderate and severe dysplasia more often than lesions from patients in other age groups. OPMD were more common in females in their sixties. Females were more frequently affected in all anatomical sites, except for the lips. Leukoplakia lesions were the most common OPMD, followed by actinic cheilitis. The lateral border of the tongue was the most affected anatomical site. OPMD located in the floor of the mouth/sublingual mucosa and lesions from older patients presented severe epithelial dysplasia with greater frequency