524 research outputs found

    The Effects of School Autonomy on Students\u27 Reading Achievement in Early Grades: A Dose-Response Treatment Approach

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    School autonomy is at the core of influential educational policies aimed at improving school effectiveness and students\u27 academic performance both in the United States and abroad. Initiatives that promote a transfer of authority from higher levels of the school system to local schools, such as the charter school movement and School-Based Management (SBM), have become increasingly popular in the last two decades. These initiatives operate under the premise that local stakeholders (principals, teachers, and parents) understand their students\u27 needs better than higher-level administrators, which enables them to make better educational decisions regarding students\u27 academic success. However, despite the prominence of such decentralization efforts in the current policy environment, evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of autonomous schools on students\u27 learning is surprisingly limited and inconsistent. The question of primary interest in this dissertation is: What are the effects of increased school autonomy on schools\u27 average reading gains for students in Kindergarten and first grade? Data for this investigation came from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study - Kindergarten (ECLS-K), a nationally representative sample of schools and of students who were followed from Kindergarten through eighth grade. The independent variables were constructed from a series of questions about decision-making answered by the principal in each school, resulting in three measures of school autonomy: (1) school autonomy over instructional matters; (2) school autonomy over personnel/administrative issues; and (3) a global measure of school autonomy. To minimize the problem of estimation bias inherent in observational studies such as this, and to account for the non-binary nature of the independent variables, propensity scores for dose-response models were used (Joffe and Rosenbaum, 1999). Using this approach, we are able to compare similar schools (those with similar propensity scores) that are exposed to different doses of school autonomy. Such a comparison allows us to estimate the effects of incremental doses of the treatment (school autonomy) on the outcomes variables (reading gains). For each measure of school autonomy, one propensity score - defined as the probability of assignment to a particular dose of the treatment, given a set of covariates - was computed per school. The effects of the treatments were estimated by regressing each outcome variable on the doses of school autonomy, controlling for the respective propensity score. This was done separately for each measure of school autonomy. The results of these analyses show that none of the treatment effects is statistically significant. Increased doses of school autonomy are not associated with higher reading gains in Kindergarten or first grade in this nationally representative sample of schools. The conclusion was the same when I estimated the treatment effects using a subclassification method. Surprisingly, increased doses of every school autonomy measure were found to have positive effects on schools\u27 average reading gains for a particular subgroup of schools: private schools that adopted School-Based Management (SBM). This finding, however, is based on a small number of schools and requires further investigation

    Engineering model transformations with transML

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007%2Fs10270-011-0211-2Model transformation is one of the pillars of model-driven engineering (MDE). The increasing complexity of systems and modelling languages has dramatically raised the complexity and size of model transformations as well. Even though many transformation languages and tools have been proposed in the last few years, most of them are directed to the implementation phase of transformation development. In this way, even though transformations should be built using sound engineering principles—just like any other kind of software—there is currently a lack of cohesive support for the other phases of the transformation development, like requirements, analysis, design and testing. In this paper, we propose a unified family of languages to cover the life cycle of transformation development enabling the engineering of transformations. Moreover, following an MDE approach, we provide tools to partially automate the progressive refinement of models between the different phases and the generation of code for several transformation implementation languages.This work has been sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with project METEORIC (TIN2008-02081), and by the R&D program of the Community of Madrid with projects “e-Madrid" (S2009/TIC-1650). Parts of this work were done during the research stays of Esther and Juan at the University of York, with financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant refs. JC2009-00015, PR2009-0019 and PR2008-0185)

    Marketing de relacionamento e fidelização de clientes na internet: estudo de caso Ibest

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    Explora as novas formas de comunicação para o desenvolvimento de relações duradouras com os clientes. É uma análise dos principais avanços do marketing em termos de conectividade, impulsionada principalmente pela Internet que maximiza a interatividade, a circulação de informações em redes de contatos e disponibiliza recursos únicos de coleta de dados e personalização de produtos, serviços e comunicações. A necessidade de interagir com o cliente, surge da realidade de um mercado mais competitivo e fragmentado, onde a fidelidade do consumidor se perde nas infinitas opções de produtos. O trabalho é um estudo de caso do iBest, provedor de Internet grátis e portal de informações e serviços e analisa as estratégias de fidelização na era virtual: produtos e serviços baseados na idéia de comunidades, personalização, e-mail marketing e diversas formas de atendimento. Inicia-se no Marketing de massa, do cliente sem rosto, seguindo pelo Marketing direto, na busca por uma comunicação dirigida a clientes cuidadosamente selecionados. Progride até o Marketing de relacionamento, enfatizando a retenção e o aumento da participação dos clientes


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    O presente trabalho tem como escopo discorrer sobre a propriedade e sua função socioambiental, bem como retratar o instituto da reforma agrária neste cenário. Para isto, inicialmente será traçado um contexto histórico que retratará de forma escorreita como o modo de colonização influenciou na forma atual de divisão de terras. Ato contínuo, serão expostas as principais normas que acompanham o direito agrário no Brasil durante o interregno da colonização até a atualidade, de maneira que seja exteriorizada a relação deste ramo autônomo do direito com a reforma agrária, tal como a função socioambiental da propriedade. Por fim, será feita uma análise a respeito da efetividade de tais regramentos

    Adiponectin promotes syncytialisation of BeWo cell line and primary trophoblast cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In human pregnancy, a correct placentation depends on trophoblast proliferation, differentiation, migration and invasion. These processes are highly regulated by placental hormones, growth factors and cytokines. Recently, we have shown that adiponectin, an adipokine, has anti-proliferative effects on trophoblastic cells. Here, we complete this study by demonstrating that adiponectin modulates BeWo and human villous cytotrophoblast cell differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We showed that hCG secretion was up-regulated by adiponectin treatment in both BeWo cells and human cytotrophoblasts from very early placentas (5-6 weeks). The expression of two trophoblast differentiation markers, leptin and syncytin 2, was also up-regulated by adiponectin in BeWo cells. Moreover, adiponectin treatment induced a loss of E-cadherin staining in these cells. In parallel, we demonstrated that AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 are up-regulated during forskolin induced BeWo cell differentiation, reinforcing the role of adiponectin in trophoblast syncytialization. SiRNA mediated down-regulation of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 was used to demonstrate that adiponectin effects on differentiation were essentially mediated by these receptors. Finally, using a specific inhibitor, we demonstrated that the PKA signalling pathway could be one pathway involved in adiponectin effects on trophoblast differentiation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Adiponectin enhances the differentiation process of trophoblast cells and could thus be involved in functional syncytiotrophoblast formation.</p

    A new miocene–pliocene ichnotaxon for vermetid anchoring bioerosion structures

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    A revision of Renichnus arcuatus Mayoral, 1987, the vermetid attachment etching trace fossil (fixichnia), is presented here with an emended diagnosis. Renichnus arcuatus should be used only for nested reniform depressions arranged in linear series or solitary ones. A new ichnotaxon, Santichnus mayorali ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., is described to name a bioerosion structure that previous authors included under R. arcuatus. The new trace fossil comes from the Miocene–Pliocene deposits from Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, Canary Islands, and is characterized as a shallow canal, semicircular in cross-section that occurs on the surface of hard substrates. Santichnus mayorali follows a logarithmic spiral path that may depart in its outer whorl in a somewhat straight shaft that becomes recurved back toward the spiral. From an actualistic point of view, this new ichnotaxon is interpreted as the anchorage bioerosion structure of vermetid gastropods. Given the close relationship between the two ichnotaxa (Renichnus and Santichnus) that share vermetid gastropods as their tracemakers, it is proposed that they should be considered as compound trace fossils when they occur interconnected


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    The edge effects in forest fragments are one of the more significant consequences of the fragmentation promoted by land uses. To understand and manage them we need accurate knowledge about the influences in different use types on the borders of the forest fragments. In this sense, this study has identified the extent of edge effects in a forest fragment in relation to different neighborhoods. The study was conducted in a Forest Reserve (Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, SP) and its surroundings. The area was mapped and three types were selected to study their edge effects: forest, urban and agricultural areas. The classification and the extent of the edge effects were obtained through a field survey of border indicators in 100 meters from border to interior. The data were evaluated by analysis of variance. The indicators showed a predominance of abiotic edge effects at depths less than 70m. This effect was more significant when the neighborhood was an urban area. The group of biotic indicators extended beyond the 100 meters and the effects were more intense in an agricultural area. By the method adopted, the best parameters for the analysis of edge effects were temperature and diameter of trees.Os efeitos de borda em fragmentos de floresta constituem a consequ\ueancia mais significativa da fragmenta\ue7\ue3o promovida pelos usos da terra. Para compreend\uea-los e manej\ue1-los \ue9 necess\ue1rio um conhecimento mais preciso sobre as influ\ueancias exercidas pelas diferentes tipologias de uso sobre as fronteiras dos fragmentos florestais. Nessa dire\ue7\ue3o, este estudo identificou e estabeleceu a extens\ue3o de efeitos de borda em um fragmento de floresta em rela\ue7\ue3o a diferentes vizinhan\ue7as. O trabalho foi realizado na Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande - SP e seu entorno. A regi\ue3o foi mapeada e foram selecionadas tr\ueas tipologias para estudo dos respectivos efeitos de borda: florestal, urbana e agr\uedcola. A qualifica\ue7\ue3o e a extens\ue3o dos efeitos de borda foram obtidas por meio do levantamento em campo de indicadores dos efeitos em transec\ue7\uf5es de 100 metros, avaliados por an\ue1lise de vari\ue2ncia. O grupo de indicadores abi\uf3ticos apresentou predom\uednio de efeitos de borda em profundidades menores que 70 m e foi mais expressivo quando a vizinhan\ue7a era a ocupa\ue7\ue3o urbana. O grupo de indicadores bi\uf3ticos se estendeu al\ue9m dos 100 m e os efeitos foram mais intensos na tipologia agr\uedcola. Pelo m\ue9todo adotado, os melhores par\ue2metros para an\ue1lise dos efeitos de borda foram temperatura e di\ue2metro das \ue1rvores


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    The edge effects in forest fragments are one of the more significant consequences of the fragmentation promoted by land uses. To understand and manage them we need accurate knowledge about the influences in different use types on the borders of the forest fragments. In this sense, this study has identified the extent of edge effects in a forest fragment in relation to different neighborhoods. The study was conducted in a Forest Reserve (Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande, SP) and its surroundings. The area was mapped and three types were selected to study their edge effects: forest, urban and agricultural areas. The classification and the extent of the edge effects were obtained through a field survey of border indicators in 100 meters from border to interior. The data were evaluated by analysis of variance. The indicators showed a predominance of abiotic edge effects at depths less than 70m. This effect was more significant when the neighborhood was an urban area. The group of biotic indicators extended beyond the 100 meters and the effects were more intense in an agricultural area. By the method adopted, the best parameters for the analysis of edge effects were temperature and diameter of trees.Os efeitos de borda em fragmentos de floresta constituem a consequência mais significativa da fragmentação promovida pelos usos da terra.  Para compreendê-los e manejá-los é necessário um conhecimento mais preciso sobre as influências exercidas pelas diferentes tipologias de uso sobre as fronteiras dos fragmentos florestais. Nessa direção, este estudo identificou e estabeleceu a extensão de efeitos de borda em um fragmento de floresta em relação a diferentes vizinhanças. O trabalho foi realizado na Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande - SP e seu entorno. A região foi mapeada e foram selecionadas três tipologias para estudo dos respectivos efeitos de borda: florestal, urbana e agrícola. A qualificação e a extensão dos efeitos de borda foram obtidas por meio do levantamento em campo de indicadores dos efeitos em transecções de 100 metros, avaliados por análise de variância. O grupo de indicadores abióticos apresentou predomínio de efeitos de borda em profundidades menores que 70 m e foi mais expressivo quando a vizinhança era a ocupação urbana. O grupo de indicadores bióticos se estendeu além dos 100 m e os efeitos foram mais intensos na tipologia agrícola. Pelo método adotado, os melhores parâmetros para análise dos efeitos de borda foram temperatura e diâmetro das árvores