3,276 research outputs found

    Authentication of a traditional game meat sausage (Alheira) by species-specific PCR assays to detect hare, rabbit, red deer, pork and cow meats

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    Alheira is a traditional meat product that is typical from the Northeast region of Portugal and much appreciated. It is a sort of sausage produced industrially or by small artisanal producers, having wheat bread and meats as main ingredients. Game meat Alheira (Alheira de caça) is considered one of the most attractive products since it should include different game meats. The aim of the present work was to identify the species of origin of meats added to game meat Alheira samples to verify their compliance with labelling. Species-specific PCR assays targeting mitochondrial genes of rabbit, hare, red deer, cow and pork were optimised and applied to industrial and artisanal samples. The assays revealed adequate specificity for each of the targeted species, with sensitivities of 0.01-0.1%. Results of the evaluation of 18 commercial samples identified several inconsistencies with labelling, namely the absence of declared game species (red deer, hare and rabbit) in ten samples and the presence of undeclared cow species in nine of the analysed samples. These findings indicate the occurrence of misleading labelling, suggesting the adulteration by substitution of game meats by cow meat to reduce production costs and the need to protect and valorise this kind of traditional food product.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the University of Porto/Santander Totta “Projectos pluridisciplinares 2010” and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through grant no. PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity

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    Obesity is a global pandemic complex to treat due to its multifactorial pathogenesis—an unhealthy lifestyle, neuronal and hormonal mechanisms, and genetic and epigenetic factors are involved. Scientific evidence supports the idea that obesity and metabolic consequences are strongly related to changes in both the function and composition of gut microbiota, which exert an essential role in modulating energy metabolism. Modifications of gut microbiota composition have been associated with variations in body weight and body mass index. Lifestyle modifications remain as primary therapy for obesity and related metabolic disorders. New therapeutic strategies to treat/prevent obesity have been proposed, based on pre- and/or probiotic modulation of gut microbiota to mimic that found in healthy non-obese subjects. Based on human and animal studies, this review aimed to discuss mechanisms through which gut microbiota could act as a key modifier of obesity and related metabolic complications. Evidence from animal studies and human clinical trials suggesting potential beneficial effects of prebiotic and various probiotic strains on those physical, biochemical, and metabolic parameters related to obesity is presented. As a conclusion, a deeper knowledge about pre-/probiotic mechanisms of action, in combination with adequately powered, randomized controlled follow-up studies, will facilitate the clinical application and development of personalized healthcare strategies.Supported by funds from European Union 7th FP KBBE.2013.2.2-02—MyNewGut Project (“Factors influencing the human gut microbiome and its effect on the development of diet-related diseases and brain development”, Grant Agreement 613979) and from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness GD-Brain Projects (SAF2015-69265-c2.2)

    Identification of duck, partridge, pheasant, quail, chicken and turkey meats by species-specific PCR assays to assess the authenticity of traditional game meat Alheira sausages

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    Game meat Alheira (Alheira de caça) sausage is a traditional fermented product typical from the Northeast region of Portugal, having bread and meats (including game) as main ingredients. It is a particularly appreciated product by consumers that commands higher prices, especially in comparison with the common Alheira produced with pork and poultry meats. Following our previous work in which several mammalian game meat species were successfully identified in game meat Alheira sausages for authentication purposes, the present work aimed at identifying game bird's species for the overall assessment of labelling compliance. For that purpose, several species-specific PCR assays targeting mitochondrial DNA for the detection of game and domestic bird's meat, namely duck, partridge, pheasant, quail, chicken and turkey were developed, optimised and applied to commercial samples of game meat Alheira for their authentication. The assays revealed a high specificity and sensitivity to detect the addition of all evaluated species down to a level of 0.01% (w/w). PCR results indicated the existence of several inconsistencies with the labelled information, namely the absence of declared game species (duck, partridge and pheasant) and the presence of undeclared poultry meat, pointing out to adulterations owing to substitution of game by domestic meat species. Since this is considered a high-valued traditional product that should be valorised and protected, this work puts in evidence the need for inspection programs to enforce regulation. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the University of Porto/Santander Totta “Projectos pluridisciplinares 2010” and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through grant no. PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Difficulties inadaptationand academic performance in higher education: ananalysis in terms of vocational preferences and level of education

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    [Resumo] Assiste-se a urna maior sensibilidade por parte dos investigadores e autoridades académicas com as dificuldades de adaptaçao e de realizaçao dos estudantes do Ensino Superior. Tais dificuldades sao particularmente sentidas junto dos alunos do 10 ano. Um projecto de investigaçao neste dominio decorre na Universidade do Minho. Neste artigo apresentam- se alguns dados descritivos das dificuldades académicas de urna amostra portuguesa de estudantes do Ensino Superior (n=370), tomando-se quer o facto dos estudantes poderem ou nao estarem a frequentar o curso e estabelecimento de ensino correspondente a sua 1ª escolha vocacional, quer o ano escolar em que os estudantes se encontram. Os resultados sugerem que as dificuldades académicas nas áreas avaliadas nao se diferenciam de acordo com as opçoes vocacionais dos estudantes, muito embora algumas diferenzas sao encontradas quando comparamos os alunos dos anos iniciais e terminais do curso superior que frequentam

    Comparison of deposited surface area of airbone ultrafine particles generated from two welding processes

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    This article describes work performed on the assessment of the levels of airborne ultrafine particles emitted in two welding processes metal-active gas (MAG) of carbon steel and friction-stir welding (FSW) of aluminium in terms of deposited area in alveolar tract of the lung using a nanoparticle surface area monitor analyser. The obtained results showed the dependence from process parameters on emitted ultrafine particles and clearly demonstrated the presence of ultrafine particles, when compared with background levels. The obtained results showed that the process that results on the lower levels of alveolar-deposited surface area is FSW, unlike MAG. Nevertheless, all the tested processes resulted in important doses of ultrafine particles that are to be deposited in the human lung of exposed workers

    Detecção de adulterações em alheiras de caça: identificação de carne de aves com base em marcadores moleculares

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    A avaliação da autenticidade de produtos cárneos inclui diferentes aspectos, como a substituição de carnes com valor económico elevado, por outras de menor valor, e a presença de espécies não declaradas no rótulo [I]. Actualmente, para além da Alheira tradicional, produzida à base de carne de porco e/ou de aves (galinha e peru) são comercializadas Alheiras de caça, geralmente com preço mais elevado. Neste tipo de produtos processados, torna-se difícil a diferenciação das carnes utilizadas, pelo que são propícios a adulterações. Várias técnicas analíticas com base na detecção de proteínas (cromatográficas, electroforéticas e imunológicas) têm sido aplicadas na identificação de espécies em produtos cárneos. Devido à maior estabilidade do DNA, comparativamente com as proteínas, a sua utilização como molécula alvo através da técnica de reacção em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) apresenta-se como uma alternativa específica, rápida e sensível, mais adequada para a identificação de espécies em alimentos processados. Neste trabalho, propõe-se a identificação de espécies de aves (galinha, peru, faisão, perdiz e pato) em Alheiras de caça pela técnica de PCR. Prepararam-se misturas padrão contendo quantidades conhecidas de cada carne em estudo e procedeu-se à extracção de DNA pelo método Wizard [2]. O rendimento de extracção e a pureza dos extractos foram avaliados por espectrofotometria. Para a detecção de carne de perdiz e fa isão, utilizaram-se primers específicos para o gene mitocondrial 12S rRNA [1]. Para a detecção de peru, galinha e pato, foram desenhados primers específicos tendo como alvo o gene cytb. Os resultados demonstraram a especificidade e sensibilidade das reacções, permitindo detectar a adição de todas as espécies em carne de porco até ao nível de 0,01 %, à excepção do peru (0,1%). As metodologias propostas foram aplicadas com sucesso a 15 amostras comerciais de alheiras de caça, tendo-se detectado várias inconsistências na rotulagem, como a ausência de espécies de caça declaradas (faisão, perdiz e pato) e a presença de carnes (galinha e peru) não rotuladas

    A psicose em Lacan: mutações da teoria a partir da clínica

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    Este artigo pretende investigar quais definições sobre a psicose encontram-se na teoria psicanalítica lacaniana, entre as décadas de 1950 e 1960. Faremos um percurso localizando como Lacan parte da Psiquiatria em direção às ideias de Freud, retirando a psicose de uma condição patológica elevando-a a uma das três estruturas clínicas. Interrogaremos o que faz da psicose, na década de 1950, uma estrutura marcada por um déficit simbólico em relação à neurose e apresentaremos a concepção lacaniana acerca dos fenômenos elementares presentes no desencadeamento da psicose, o mecanismo estruturante dos sujeitos psicóticos e a solução apontada por Lacan para estabilização da crise. Quanto à década de 1960, introduziremos o objeto real formulado por Lacan, o objeto a, buscando descrever as principais implicações dessa nova teorização para a concepção de psicose. Ao compararmos esses dois momentos da teoria lacaniana, buscamos demonstrar como a introdução do objeto a modifica o paradigma lacaniano acerca da psicose fundado na forclusão do Nome-do-Pai. Palavras-chave: Psicose. Psicanálise. Lacan

    Analyse du cis- et trans-resveratrol dans les vins produits au portugal

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    Nous mettons au point une méthode d'analyse du resveratrol (trallS-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) à I'aide de Ia chromatographie en phase gazeuse et détection par ionisation de tlamme (FID), apres une extraction du vin par I'éther et sylilation par I'hexaméthyldisilazane (HMDS). Le seuil de détection est de 5 IIgII.Une séparation parfaite des différents isom"res tralls et eis du resveratrol est obtenue et permet leur détermination dans tous les vins étudiés. Ainsi nous montrons que I'isomere eis est toujours présent dans le vin et peut atteindre de 30 à 70 p. cent du resveratrol total. Nous présentons ici une premiere étude sur la composition en resveratrol des vins provenant de différentes régions du Portugal. Les vins analysés présentent des teneurs en isomeres trans de l'ordre de 120 à 500 Ilglldans les vins blancs, et de 400 à 4500 IIgIIdans les vins rouges. Une étude plus particuliere du Vinho Verde (vin du Nord dUPortugal) a été effectuée.Trans-resveratrol (trans-3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) has been reported as contributing to the health promoting properties of wine. In this study wines made exclusively from native Portuguese varieties were assayed for the levels of trans-resveratrol. The method developed uses GC-FID and GC-MS determinations of TMS derivatives; derivatisation by hexamethyldisilazane following ether extraction of wines. Two currently used food antioxydants nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and 2' ,4' ,5' -trihydroxybutyrophenone (THBP), were employed as internai standards, being extracted and derivatised in exactly the same way as the determined resveratrol. These internal standards permitted the verification of a good linearity and reproducibility for this determination, with a detection limit of 5 μg/l. A characteristic of this method is the enhanced discrimination between cis- and trans- isomers of resveratrol with the consequent possibility of the determination of cis-resveratrol. The levels of resveratrol from wines of different regions of Portugal was studied. There appeared to be considerable variation in the concentrations encountered in the various wines although generally red wines contained much higher levels than white wines. The use of glucosidase enzymes in winemaking led to an increase of 3 - to 4 - fold in the levels of resveratrol encountered in Vinho Verde wines. Differences were noted between the resveratrol levels of specifie varietal wines from the Vinho Verde