1,521 research outputs found
The Use of an Alternative Extraoral Periapical Technique for Patients with Severe Gag Reflex
Gag reflex is a physiologic mechanism that promotes contraction of the muscles of the tongue and pharyngeal walls. Different factors, including intraoral radiographic films and sensors, may trigger this reflex. Patients with severe gag reflex may not be able to tolerate the presence of intraoral radiographic films or sensors during root canal therapy (RCT). This factor may prevent an appropriate intraoral radiograph, which is important in RCT. Different approaches have been used to facilitate dental procedures in patients suffering from severe gag reflex. The use of an extraoral radiographic technique is an alternative method to obtain working length confirmation in patients with severe gag reflex. In this report of 2 cases, the use of an extraoral radiographic technique as an alternative approach during RCT in patients with severe gag reflex associated with phobic behavior and trismus was successfully demonstrated
Species Richness and Diversity in Bee Assemblages in a Fragment of Savanna (Cerrado) at Northeastern Brazil
The conservation of the fauna of bees inhabiting the Brazilian savanna is threatened due to changes in land use in the last decades. We investigated the composition, species richness and abundance of a bee assemblage in the vicinity of the Chapada Diamantina National Park. In addition, we compiled data on composition and diversity from another bee assemblage located in the same portion of the Cerrado, which was previously investigated by one of us almost 30 years ago, in order to produce a more complete panorama on beta diversity of bees in this region. We used a non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analysis (NMDS) to compare composition of bee assemblages from diff erent types of open vegetation. We recorded 77 bee species (H’ = 2.95; J = 0.68), 42% of them were singletons. We collected slightly more than half of the species and 60% of the genera recorded in the bee assemblage studied three decades ago. H’ was signifi cantly lower in our area than in the previous study (t = 8.588, p <0.001), but equitability (J) was very similar. Several factors may contribute to these diff erences, including local diff erences in bee assemblage composition, diff erences in the probability of capturing the diff erent species (many rare species), factors affecting the sampling itself, and perhaps species loss over the three decades separating the two studies. The magnitude of species loss is difficult to assess because the two studies were not carried out exactly in the same area and there were differences in sampling time and sampling effort
Strategies for management of oral cancer in primary and secondary healthcare services
O avanço verificado no enfrentamento de neoplasias
malignas por meio dos sistemas de saúde envolve
melhorias nas áreas de vigilância, organização de redes
de assistência, programas específicos voltados às
prevenções primária e secundária e, obviamente, aos
avanços técnico-científicos que caracterizam a abordagem
diagnóstica e terapêutica. Embora seja notável
o reconhecimento de avanços no manejo de neoplasias
malignas em todas as áreas citadas, o câncer da boca
permanece com indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade
que parecem não acompanhar o acúmulo científico
no conhecimento da doença. O presente manuscrito
objetiva discutir os motivos desse descompasso, a
necessidade de reorientação de prioridades na abordagem
do câncer da boca e sua efetivação como política
pública de saúde. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTProgress in cancer management by health systems
involves improvements in surveillance, organization
of healthcare services, specific programs
focused on primary and secondary prevention,
and scientific and technical advances in diagnosis
and treatment. Despite well-known progress
in the management of malignant neoplasms in
all the above areas, oral cancer displays persistently
high morbidity and mortality rates, apparently
failing to reflect the accumulated scientific
knowledge on the disease. The current article discusses
the reasons for this mismatch, the need for
redefining priorities in oral cancer management,
and the implementation of such priorities as a
public health policy
A new systematization of histological analysis for the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease
Background: Hirschsprung's Disease (HD) is characterized by intestinal sub-occlusion and the absence of enteric ganglion cells. A rectal biopsy examination is performed to confirm the diagnosis. In a recent study, we demonstrated that the analysis of 60 sections of rectal mucosa and submucosa stained by H&E may ensure a 90% diagnostic accuracy. Although the need to analyze so many sections makes the process of reading the slides more time-consuming, this encouraged us to study their distribution in the healthy rectal submucosa, to simplify the diagnosis.
Objectives: To develop a method that facilitates HD diagnosis by studying the distribution of ganglion cells in the submucosal plexus.
Methods: Using the calretinin technique, we studied the distribution of plexuses in 60 fragments of rectal submucosa from 19 cadavers. After the study, the reading method created was used for diagnosis in 47 cases of suspected HD, using H&E staining. The accuracy was verified by comparing the results obtained with H&E to those obtained with the acetylcholinesterase technique, the golden standard in our laboratory.
Results: The study of submucosal plexus distribution showed that just by examining the submucosal region every 20 µm, approximately, it is possible to locate a ganglionic plexus, and we have already been able to diagnose HD with 93% accuracy.
Conclusion: The study of ganglion cell distribution enabled the creation of a simplified method for reading the slides. The method applied achieved good accuracy and it can be used as an alternative method in HD diagnosis
Chemical and physical characterization of fresh-cut potatoes
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar química e fisicamente batatas minimamente processadas durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Batatas (Solanum tuberosum, L.) ágata e monalisa foram minimamente processadas como minibatatas. Após o processamento, as batatas foram acondicionadas sob vácuo parcial e, posteriormente, armazenadas em câmaras frias a 5 e 15ºC, por nove dias. A cada três dias, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: frmeza, atividade da polifenoloxidase e peroxidase, açúcares solúveis totais, amido e vitamina C total. Nas batatas armazenadas a 15ºC, constatou-se que, após nove dias de armazenamento, sua frmeza era 3,3 vezes menor em batatas monalisa e 4,3 vezes menor para a cultivar ágata, quando comparadas com o produto recém-processado. A atividade da polifenoloxidase mostrou-se praticamente estável em batatas monalisa armazenadas a 5ºC. Batatas monalisa minimamente processadas apresentaram maior atividade da peroxidase a 5ºC, sendo 86% maior do que a atividade desta enzima em batatas ágata ao fnal do período experimental. O teor inicial de açúcares solúveis totais nas batatas minimamente processadas era 28% maior na cultivar monalisa, quando comparada com tubérculos de ágata. As duas cultivares apresentaram tendência de elevação do teor de amido nos primeiros três dias, para as duas temperaturas estudadas. Em ambas as cultivares, armazenamento a 5ºC possibilitou maior manutenção dos teores de vitamina C.The present work was carried out aiming to evaluate chemical and physical characteristics of fresh-cut potatoes stored under 5 and 15°C. Potatoes, (Solanum tuberosum L.) ágata and Monalisa were minimally processed as baby potatoes. After processing, the material was packed under partial vacuum and stored at 5 and 15°C for nine days. Every three days tubers were evaluated for frmness, enzymatic activity (polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase), total soluble sugars, starch, and total vitamin C. After nine days of storage, monalisa and ágata potatoes stored under 15°C had a frmness that was 3.3 and 4.3 times lower than the same product right after processing. Polyphenoloxidase activity was approximately stable during the storage period for monalisa potatoes stored under 5°C. Fresh-cut monalisa potatoes had the highest peroxidase activity at 5°C, being 86% higher than ágata potatoes at nine days of storage. For total soluble sugars, monalisa potatoes had 28% more sugars than ágata right after processing. Both cultivars showed a tendency to increase starch content on the frst three days of storage, for both temperatures studied. For both cultivars, it was verifed that storage at 5°C allowed higher retention of total vitamin C content
Acromial type in Brazilian young adults: a radiological study
Introduction: Acromion curved and hooked play a key role in shoulder impingement syndrome. Little is known about the acromial type in Brazilian population. Aim: To describe the acromial type profile in Brazilian young adults; to evaluate its correlation to gender and handedness and the occurrence of symmetry between genders. Methodology: Forty acromions of 20 Brazilian adults, both genders, between 21-25 years old were studied. The acromion type was classified by Bigliani/Epstein method by supraspinatus outlet view radiographs. Results: As there was no gender difference in the occurrence of acromial type, we considered male and female groups together. Thus, of the 20 right acromions, we found 5 (25%) type I, 8 (40%) type II and 7 (35%) type III. Of the 20 left acromions, we found 4 (20%) type I, 11 (55%) type II and 5 (25%) type III. The only left-handed volunteer (100%) presented for the right and left shoulder acromial type III. Of the 19 right-handed volunteers, 5 (26.3%) presented right acromion type I, 8 (42.1%) type II, and 6 (31.6%) type III; for the left acromion, 4 (21.1%) presented type I, 11 (57.9%) type II, and 4 (21.1%) type III. Acromial symmetry occurred in female (60%) and male (70%) groups. Conclusion: Type II acromion was the most predominant for right and left shoulder in Brazilian young adults. There was no correlation between acromial type and gender. It was not possible to analyze the correlation between acromial type and handedness. Acromial type tends to be symmetric in our sample
No Direito de Família contemporâneo um dos problemas enfrentados é a dificuldade prática para assegurar o cumprimento da obrigação alimentar, indicando a experiência que a coação pessoal surte efeito. Neste contexto, o estudo tem por objetivo discorrer sobre as possibilidades e os limites jurídicos para aplicação de medidas coercitivas no âmbito das ações alimentícias, trazendo uma breve reflexão sobre o direito aos alimentos à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana, distinguindo os conceitos de medidas coercitivas típicas e atípicas existentes no atual diploma processual e, em seguida, abordando a divergência jurisprudencial sobre a utilização das medidas atípicas, frente ao Projeto de Lei n. 185/2022 da Câmara dos Deputados. Por fim, apresenta-se a possibilidade da sua regulação e normatização. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa teórica, tendo como fontes a doutrina, a legislação, a jurisprudência dos Estados do Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul, assim como do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e Supremo Tribunal Federal, e documentos sobre a temática em discussão
Valorizando a sensorialidade de produtos cosméticos atráves de claims
Introdução: Os claims sensoriais podem ser usados de forma a valorizar os benefícios de um produto ao comunicar sua experiência de forma objetiva e ressaltar o que mais se destaca em sua performance. Uma das formas de suporte de claims é através de dados obtidos por painéis treinados nos quais muitas vezes temos já disponíveis / previstos durante o desenvolvimento de produtos. Objetivo: Propor um formato pró ativo de recomendação de claims sensoriais, baseado nos resultados pré existentes em painel treinado, maximizando dessa forma os resultados obtidos e a sinceridade na comunicação.
Metodologia: Workshop conduzido internamente baseado em dados sensoriais de painel treinado, comparativo versus range Top Seller de mercado e entendimento da expectativa da categoria, maturidade do mercado, rotina da consumidora com base na categoria analisada. Resultados: Uma análise comparativa pode ser realizada entre o perfil sensorial de um produto de interesse contrastado com uma base de dados específica que normalmente contempla produtos líderes de venda da categoria em questão. Dessa forma, foi possível entender quais atributos específicos de uma determinada formula foi valorizado por atingir intensidades diferenciadas, ou na média do mercado, e contrastá-las a expectativa das consumidoras. Conclusão: Conclui-se, portanto, que o produto avaliado apresenta diferenciais quando comparado aos produtos mais vendidos do mercado através de atributos relevantes para os consumidores da categoria e, baseado nestas informações, criados claims genuínos sobre a performance / eficácia do produto. Nenhum outro teste necessitou ser feito posteriormente uma vez que os claims foram criados baseados em dados existentes no painel sensorial treinado e em testes de consumidor já previsto durante o desenvolvimento do produto
Melhorias operacionais em um restaurante universitário: um enfoque de múltiplas abordagens
Muitas universidades públicas brasileiras oferecem alimentação para seus estudantes e funcionários. O serviço pode ser prestado em diferentes modelos, havendo um enfoque no qual há um self-service parcial, que é o modelo adotado pelo restaurante universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, o objeto de estudo utilizado. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi desenvolver propostas de melhorias no âmbito operacional que possam ser implementadas no local estudado. Através da utilização de algumas ferramentas da qualidade, como Diagrama de Ishikawa, Brainstorming e Fluxogramas, foi possível sugerir propostas que sanasse os problemas identificados. Dessa forma, cabe à administração do restaurante, junto à universidade, avaliar a disponibilidade de recursos para que as sugestões sejam implementadas.Joinville, S
Rainfall Prediction in the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil Using Generalized Additive Models
The state of Paraíba is part of the semi-arid region of Brazil, where severe droughts have occurred in recent years, resulting in significant socio-economic losses associated with climate variability. Thus, understanding to what extent precipitation can be influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) patterns in the tropical region can help, along with a monitoring system, to set up an early warning system, the first pillar in drought management. In this study, Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to filter climatic indices with higher predictive efficiency and, as a result, to perform rainfall predictions. The results show the persistent influence of tropical SST patterns in Paraíba rainfall, the tropical Atlantic Ocean impacting the rainfall distribution more effectively than the tropical Pacific Ocean. The GAMLSS model showed predictive capability during summer and southern autumn in Paraíba, highlighting the JFM (January, February and March), FMA (February, March and April), MAM (March, April and May), and AMJ (April, May and June) trimesters as those with the highest predictive potential. The methodology demonstrates the ability to be integrated with regional forecasting models (ensemble). Such information has the potential to inform decisions in multiple sectors, such as agriculture and water resources, aiming at the sustainable management of water resources and resilience to climate risk
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