321 research outputs found

    Experimental bilocality violation without shared reference frames

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    Non-classical correlations arising in complex quantum networks are attracting growing interest, both from a fundamental perspective and for potential applications in information processing. In particular, in an entanglement swapping scenario a new kind of correlations arise, the so-called nonbilocal correlations that are incompatible with local realism augmented with the assumption that the sources of states used in the experiment are independent. In practice, however, bilocality tests impose strict constraints on the experimental setup and in particular to presence of shared reference frames between the parties. Here, we experimentally address this point showing that false positive nonbilocal quantum correlations can be observed even though the sources of states are independent. To overcome this problem, we propose and demonstrate a new scheme for the violation of bilocality that does not require shared reference frames and thus constitute an important building block for future investigations of quantum correlations in complex networks.Comment: 10 page

    Maximal qubit violation of n-locality inequalities in a star-shaped quantum network

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    Bellʼs theorem was a cornerstone for our understanding of quantum theory and the establishment ofBell non-locality played a crucial role in the development of quantum information. Recently, itsextension to complex networks has been attracting growing attention, but a deep characterization ofquantum behavior is still missing for this novel context. In this work we analyze quantum correlationsarising in the bilocality scenario, that is a tripartite quantum network where the correlations betweenthe parties are mediated by two independent sources of states. First, we prove that non-bilocalcorrelations witnessed through a Bell-state measurement in the central node of the network form asubset of those obtainable by means of a local projective measurement. This leads us to derive themaximal violation of the bilocality inequality that can be achieved by arbitrary two-qubit quantumstates and arbitrary local projective measurements. We then analyze in details the relation between theviolation of the bilocality inequality and the CHSH inequality. Finally, we show how our method canbe extended to then-locality scenario consisting ofntwo-qubit quantum states distributed amongn1+nodes of a star-shaped networ

    Experimental study of nonclassical teleportation beyond average fidelity

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    Quantum teleportation establishes a correspondence between an entangled state shared by two separate par- ties that can communicate classically and the presence of a quantum channel connecting the two parties. The standard benchmark for quantum teleportation, based on the average fidelity between the input and output states, indicates that some entangled states do not lead to channels which can be certified to be quantum. It was re- cently shown that if one considers a finer-tuned witness, then all entangled states can be certified to produce a non-classical teleportation channel. Here we experimentally demonstrate a complete characterization of a new family of such witnesses, of the type proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110501 (2017) under different con- ditions of noise. Furthermore, we show non-classical teleportation using quantum states that can not achieve average teleportation fidelity above the classical limit. Our results have fundamental implications in quantum information protocols and may also lead to new applications and quality certification of quantum technologies.Comment: 5 pages + Supp. Material

    Neutron imaging of lithium concentration in LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 cathode

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    LiNi0.33Mn0.33Co0.33O2 (NMC) is a promising substitute for LiCoO2 because of its good thermal stability and high energy density. In this work, the lithium concentration distributions in an NMC cathode using neutron computed radiography technique at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) CG-1D Cold Neutron Imaging Facility. Samples with four different state of charge (SOC) were prepared for neutron imaging: 70% SOC, 100% SOC, 105% SOC, and 110% SOC. The neutron tomographic reconstruction of NMC cathode reveals the information of electrochemical transport and spatial Li distribution inside the cathode. The experimental results were explained by a diffusion numerical model which maps the Li concentration evolution during the electrochemical reactions. The study demonstrates that neutron imaging technique can be a very powerful tool to understand the lithium concentrations and evaluate its state of conditions, thus providing information for design of safe lithium ion batteries and estimating their lives

    Bayesian Point Set Registration

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    Point set registration involves identifying a smooth invertible transformation between corresponding points in two point sets, one of which may be smaller than the other and possibly corrupted by observation noise. This problem is traditionally decomposed into two separate optimization problems: (i) assignment or correspondence, and (ii) identification of the optimal transformation between the ordered point sets. In this work, we propose an approach solving both problems simultaneously. In particular, a coherent Bayesian formulation of the problem results in a marginal posterior distribution on the transformation, which is explored within a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. Motivated by Atomic Probe Tomography (APT), in the context of structure inference for high entropy alloys (HEA), we focus on the registration of noisy sparse observations of rigid transformations of a known reference configuration.Lastly, we test our method on synthetic data sets.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Structure of some CoCrFeNi and CoCrFeNiPd multicomponent HEA alloys by diffraction techniques

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    The structure of CoCrFeyNi (y = 0, 0.8 and 1.2) and CoCrFeNi-Pdx (x = 0.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5) High Entropy Alloys has been investigated by neutron and standard X-ray as well as by high-energy X-ray diffraction techniques. The alloys were produced by arc melting and afterwards heat treated under several different conditions. It has been concluded that the CoCrFeNi alloy in as-cast condition is, contrary to what is claimed in the literature, not single-phase but consists of at least two different phases, both of fcc type. The difference in lattice constant between the two phases is close to 0.001 Å. Diffraction patterns measured by X-ray and neutron diffraction have shown that the structure of the alloy is not affected by 3 h heat treatment up to 1100 °C. Changing the amount of Fe has no drastic effect on alloy structure. The Pd-containing alloys have also all been found not to be single-phase but to consist of at least four different phases, all being of fcc type. The lattice constants for all phases increase with Pd content. The relative amounts of the different phases depend on Pd concentration. Furthermore, heat treatments of 3 h duration at different temperatures have a significant effect on the alloy phase composition. It is suggested that HEAs should be considered as multicomponent alloys presenting “simple” diffraction patterns, e.g. consisting of one or several lattices of fcc, hcp or bcc type with very close lattice parameters

    Flexible sample environment for high resolution neutron imaging at high temperatures in controlled atmosphere

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    High material penetration by neutrons allows for experiments using sophisticated sample environments providing complex conditions. Thus, neutron imaging holds potential for performing in situ nondestructive measurements on large samples or even full technological systems, which are not possible with any other technique. This paper presents a new sample environment for in situ high resolution neutron imaging experiments at temperatures from room temperature up to 1100 °C and/or using controllable flow of reactive atmospheres. The design also offers the possibility to directly combine imaging with diffraction measurements. Design, special features, and specification of the furnace are described. In addition, examples of experiments successfully performed at various neutron facilities with the furnace, as well as examples of possible applications are presented. This covers a broad field of research from fundamental to technological investigations of various types of materials and components

    Growth delay of human bladder cancer cells by Prostate Stem Cell Antigen downregulation is associated with activation of immune signaling pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored protein expressed not only in prostate but also in pancreas and bladder cancer as shown by immunohistochemistry and mRNA analysis. It has been targeted by monoclonal antibodies in preclinical animal models and more recently in a clinical trial in prostate cancer patients. The biological role played in tumor growth is presently unknown. In this report we have characterized the contribution of PSCA expression to tumor growth.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A bladder cell line was engineered to express a doxycycline (dox) regulated shRNA against PSCA. To shed light on the PSCA biological role in tumor growth, microarray analysis was carried out as a function of PSCA expression. Expression of gene set of interest was further analyzed by qPCR</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Down regulation of the PSCA expression was associated with reduced cell proliferation <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>. Mice bearing subcutaneous tumors showed a reduced tumor growth upon treatment with dox, which effectively induced shRNA against PSCA as revealed by GFP expression. Pathway analysis of deregulated genes suggests a statistical significant association between PSCA downregulation and activation of genes downstream of the IFNα/β receptor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These experiments established for the first time a correlation between the level of PSCA expression and tumor growth and suggest a role of PSCA in counteracting the natural immune response.</p

    Rabies Virus Infection Induces Type I Interferon Production in an IPS-1 Dependent Manner While Dendritic Cell Activation Relies on IFNAR Signaling

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    As with many viruses, rabies virus (RABV) infection induces type I interferon (IFN) production within the infected host cells. However, RABV has evolved mechanisms by which to inhibit IFN production in order to sustain infection. Here we show that RABV infection of dendritic cells (DC) induces potent type I IFN production and DC activation. Although DCs are infected by RABV, the viral replication is highly suppressed in DCs, rendering the infection non-productive. We exploited this finding in bone marrow derived DCs (BMDC) in order to differentiate which pattern recognition receptor(s) (PRR) is responsible for inducing type I IFN following infection with RABV. Our results indicate that BMDC activation and type I IFN production following a RABV infection is independent of TLR signaling. However, IPS-1 is essential for both BMDC activation and IFN production. Interestingly, we see that the BMDC activation is primarily due to signaling through the IFNAR and only marginally induced by the initial infection. To further identify the receptor recognizing RABV infection, we next analyzed BMDC from Mda-5−/− and RIG-I−/− mice. In the absence of either receptor, there is a significant decrease in BMDC activation at 12h post infection. However, only RIG-I−/− cells exhibit a delay in type I IFN production. In order to determine the role that IPS-1 plays in vivo, we infected mice with pathogenic RABV. We see that IPS-1−/− mice are more susceptible to infection than IPS-1+/+ mice and have a significantly increased incident of limb paralysis