12 research outputs found

    Does Online Learning Meet the Expectation? A Case Study of Short Semester General English Class

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    The fact that today’s students are mostly equipped with high level of digital literacy encourages English teachers to use the Internet as one of the teaching learning media. Moreover,, the abundance of online materials for EFL students which are easily accessible makes the teachers’ job much easier. However, these advantages do not come alone without any drawbacks that challenge the teachers in implementing effective online teaching-learning activities for the class and get the most of it. This paper highlights the challenges that the teachers face in implementing online learning for general English class during the short semester program and reveals students’ perceptions on it as part of the reflection on the teaching-learning process. The unique characteristic of this program which is run only for one month requires the teacher creatively seeking effective activities for the class in order to meet the program requirement. The class shows that the students’ performance during the online learning is better compared to the offline class. The students become more active as well as enthusiastically involved in posting thread and giving feedback to their classmates’ thread. Although during the process the students show interest in joining the online discussion, the teacher still have difficulty in finding the strategy to measure the effectiveness of this mode of learning. The reflective writing written by the students identify some issues which mostly deal with their impressions in joining the online learning as well as their difficulties in performing during the teaching learning process. Some students even give suggestions for better improvement in the next application of online learning. Keywords: online learning, teacher’s reflection, students’ perception, students’ performance

    An Investigation of the First Year Students’ Common Writing Problemsthrough Self Report Paragraph: A Reflection

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    Abstrak. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas kesulitan-kesulitanyang dihadapi oleh para mahasiswa semester pertama FKIP Bahasa InggrisUniversitas Jember dalam menulis komposisi bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas.subyek penelitian ini adalah 37 mahasiswa Writing 1. Data diambil dari tugasakhir yang berupa paragraf yang berisi permasalahan mahasiswa yang palingmenyulitkan ketika mereka menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian inipula dipakai sebagai refleksi pembelajaran bagi guru selama satu semesterpembelajaran writing 1. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dari paragraph yang ditulismahasiswa didapatkan enam jenis permasalahan paling pokok yang dirasa sangatmenyulitkan bagi mahasiswa ketika menulis bahsa Inggris. Kosakata (vovabulary),struktur bahasa Inggris (grammar), ide pokok (main idea),  isi (content), organisasi ide (organization),dan permasalahan psikologi penulis (writer’s block) adalah enam hal yang dirasamahasiswa sangat menyulitkan mereka dalam proses menulis. Dengan mengetahuipermasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa dapat memberikan input yang sangatberguna bagi guru dalam mempersiapkan materi pembelajaran pada pembelajaranberikutnya sekaligus dapat membantu para mahasiswa meningkatkan kemampuanmenulis mereka. Kata kunci: permasalahan menulis, paragraf,mahasiswa baru, persepsi siswa

    Students’ Perceptions of Flipped Approach in EFL Classroom: A Survey Research

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    This research investigated the implementation of Flipped Approach in EFL classroom with the implementation of the E-learning platform. The participants were 42 sophomore English majors of Advanced Paragraph Writing class at Jember University. A within-subjects research design exposed all participants to have Writing Class by flipped learning and to use the E-learning platform. A one-shot survey design was used in this research by distributing two questionnaires “Perception of Flipped Learning Experience” and “Technology Acceptance Model” and doing the in-class observations as “Flipped Note” to collect the data. Data were analyzed quantitatively through SPSS 16.0 by applying the formula of Descriptive Statistics. The results of this research revealed that the implementation of the flipped approach in the classroom: (1) motivated the students in learning the materials, (2) enhanced the students’ knowledge, (3) and engaged them more in the learning tasks. They explained that the flipped approach gave them a new experience in language learning processes, in which they learned the materials before coming to the classroom so that they could criticize the materials. This way of learning aligns with the idea of student-centred learning. It is notable, however, that the students who did not learn the materials yet, could not criticize the materials and could not reach better outcomes in flipped classroom Moreover, the use of E-learning in the flipped classroom gave the students beneficial outcomes in the learning processes. Students revealed on the Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire that E-learning facilitates them properly, and they wanted to look forward to having E-learning in the future learning processes. Despite this finding, there remain limitation on the “server down” issue which needs to be straightened for more accessible E-learning among users


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    This survey study aimed to know the students perception on reading comprehension problems of narrative text. The sample participants were randomly selected from the tenth grade students of SMAN 2 Jember in academic year of 2019/2020. Questionnaire adopted from Xiubo Zhang (2006) was used to collect the students perception and it was translated into Indonesian. The result showed that the students still experienced some problems in reading narrative text. Based on the result of the questionnaire, the most problematic aspect that hinder the students reading comprehension was Motivation (65.6%), followed by Strategies (63.7%), Background Knowledge (63.3%), Reading Process (60%) and Language Knowledge (55.4%). The result implied that the teacher should focus on fostering students motivation by giving intensive course and reading assignment based on the students interests. In order to see further into the problem faced by the students, future reseacher could use direct assesment by using diagnostic test or other measurement

    The Learning Strategies Used by EFL Students in Learning English

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    ABSTRACTThis research was aimed to focus on the most frequently used strategy by the successful and unsuccessful senior high school students and describe the difference of strategy used by them. This was a survey design with a questionnaire as the instrument. The participants were 40 students consisting of 20 successful students and 20 unsuccessful students of tenth grade in SMAN 2 Jember. The writer distributed SILL questionnaires to observe their Language Learning Strategy (LLS) based on Oxford (1990), which covers six categorizes of strategies namely cognitive, metacognitive, memory-related, compensatory, affective, and social. The statistical analysis showed that metacognitive became the most frequently learning strategy used by successful students in scale of high use, while the unsuccessful students were medium users of cognitive strategy. It also indicated successful learners employed all six categorizes of strategies in a highly frequencies than the unsuccessful ones. This makes the assumption that successful students have the ability to plan clear goals, control, review, and evaluate their learning rather than unsuccessful students who focus more on the way they think, memorize, summarize, and repeat the learning.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk fokus pada strategi yang paling sering digunakan oleh siswa SMA yang sukses dan kurang sukses serta menggambarkan perbedaan strategi yang digunakan oleh mereka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dengan instrument berupa kuesioner, sedangkan tanggapan siswa dalam memilih strategi dibahas secara deskriptif. Partisipan adalah 40 siswa yang terdiri dari 20 siswa yang sukses dan 20 siswa yang tidak sukses dari kelas sepuluh di SMAN 2 Jember. Penulis membagikan kuesioner SILL untuk mengamati Language Learning Strategy (LLS) atau strategi pembelajaran bahasa mereka berdasarkan teori Oxford (1990, yang dikategorikan menjadi enam macam strategi, yaitu kognitif, metakognitif, memori, kompensatori, afektif, dan sosial. Menurut hasil statistic metacognitive menjadi strategi pembelajaran yang paling sering digunakan oleh siswa yang sukses dalam skala tinggi, sedangkan siswa yang kurang sukses adalah pengguna menengah dari strategi kognitif. Ini juga menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang sukses menggunakan keenam kategori strategi dalam frekuensi yang sangat tinggi daripada yang kurang sukses. Ini membuat asumsi bahwa siswa yang sukses memiliki kemampuan untuk merencanakan tujuan yang jelas, mengendalikan, meninjau, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran mereka daripada siswa yang kurang sukses, yang lebih fokus pada cara mereka berpikir, menghafal, merangkum, dan mengulangi pembelajaran. How to Cite: Sartika,  D. H. M., Santihastuti, A., Wahjuningsih, E. (2019). The Learning Strategies Used by EFL Students in Learning English. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 6(1), 10-20. doi:10.15408/ijee.v6i1.1211

    The Effect of Using Comic Strips on The Eighth Grade Students' Narative Writing Achievement at SMP Negeri 5 Jember

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      The aim of this research was to investigate whether or not there was a significant effect of using Comic Strips on the eighth grade students’ narrative writing achievement at SMP Negeri 5 Jember. The research design used was quasi-experimental research with post-test only design. The respondent of the research was chosen by using cluster random sampling. Two of the seven classes were selected as the experimental group and the control group. Through a lottery, class VIII-F was chosen as the experimental group and class VIII-E was chosen as the control group. The data was selected by writing test. Then, the data collected were analyzed by using independent sample t-test. Based on the result of the posttest scores, the mean score writing post-test in experimental group was 76.8000 while the mean score of control group was 70.5156. Moreover, based on the output of Independent sample t-test, the value of sig column of Lavene’s test was 0.020 and this value was lower than 0.05. It indicated that the result of t-test analysis was significant. It meant that the result of this research proved that the use of Comic Strips significantly affected the eighth grade students’ narrative writing achievement at SMP Negeri 5 Jember. It can be seen, especially, from the content and language use.   Keywords : Writing, Writing Achievement, Comic Strips, Media &nbsp

    The Lexical Density of Erlangga’s “English On Sky” Analysis

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    The aims of this research were to know whether the reading texts found in “English On Sky” textbook  for 8th Grade of Junior High School were appropriate and meet the content of the curriculum or not by analyzing the lexical density of its texts and identifying the type of reading text which should be given based on the KTSP curriculum. The research design used was descriptive qualitative research. The instrument of this research was document which was get from collecting the reading texts found in the textbook. The data in this study was analyzed quantitatively in the form of description and used descriptive statistics for describing the features of data. The result of this result was there was no reading text in the textbook that was categorized as high lexical density. The readi ng texts were categorized as low and moderate lexical density as there were 12 reading texts were categorized as low lexical density and 12 reading texts were categorized as moderate lexical density. 12 reading text that categorized as low lexical density had 40% - 50% lexical density percentage. On the contrary 12 reading texts that categorized as moderate lexical density had 50% - 60% lexical density percentage. The highest percentage of the lexical density reading text found in the textbook was 57.72% entitled “Camping”. Meanwhile, the lowest percentage of the lexical density reading text was 41.61% entitled “None of your business!”. Based on the analysis, the genre found in this textbook were descriptive, recount, and narrative. In conclusion, this textbook were easy enough to understand for student and met the content of school-based curriculum.   Keywords: Descriptive Qualitative Research, Discourse Analysis, Lexical Density, Reading Text &nbsp

    Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Strategies on Apologizing Expression of “The Princess Diaries” (2001) The Movie: A Discourse Analysis

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    This research was intended to analyze the politeness strategy employed by the characters in expressing apology based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness strategies in the movie The Princess Diaries (2001). Designed as a descriptive-qualitative research, the data was analyzed by using the descriptive method where politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) was applied to see the types of politeness strategies. The data was taken from an American Comedy, Family and Romance movie entitled The Princess Diaries (2001). The result of the analysis showed that there were 15 utterances that can be classified as apologizing expression which were analyzed by using Brown and Levinson (1987) Politeness Strategies. Those 15 utterances were divided into 11 utterances using positive politeness and 4 utterances using negative politeness. Based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness strategies, positive politeness happened in a group of friend and a group of family that have close relationship with the Speaker while negative politeness used to avoid offence of the Hearer by showing respect. Thus, it is concluded that positive politeness was the most politeness strategies applied by all the characters in the movie to express apology, and all the characters who applied positive politeness strategy are female.   Keywords: Politeness Strategies, Apologizing Expression, Discourse Analysis. &nbsp