2,912 research outputs found

    La autoeficacia y la motivación en el trabajo

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    Referencia de la publicación original: D. de Quijano, S. & Navarro Cid, J. (2000). La autoeficacia y la motivación en el trabajo. Apuntes de Psicología, 18 (1), 159-177.El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de la autoeficacia como constructo significativo para el análisis y evaluación de la motivación en el trabajo. Sustituye con ventaja el concepto de expectativa de Vroom y ofrece información útil para el diagnóstico y la intervención en la motivación. Basándose en la Escala de autoeficacia general de Jerusalem y Schwarzer y su adaptación española realizada por Baesssler y Schwarzer, los autores de este artículo realizaron una nueva versión de la misma centrada en la autoeficacia general frente al trabajo y la integraron en un instrumento más complejo para el diagnóstico de la motivación. Se ofrecen resultados de la validez y fiabilidad de la escala, así como de su funcionamiento en relación al instrumento más complejo en el que se integra.This paper center in the contributions of self-efficacy to the analysis and evaluation of work motivation. It is argued thet the concept of self-efficacy succesfully replaces Vroom’s concept of expectancy , and offers useful information for diagnose and intervention in motivation. Authors adapt Baessler and Schwarzer’s Spanish adaptation of the Jerusalem and Schwarzer’s Scale of General Self-efficacy, to work situations and integrate it in a broader instrument to motivation diagnose. Validity and rehability data are presented and relations among subscales are considered

    Unconventional cosmology on the (thick) brane

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    We consider the cosmology of a thick codimension 1 brane. We obtain the matching conditions leading to the cosmological evolution equations and show that when one includes matter with a pressure component along the extra dimension in the brane energy-momentum tensor, the cosmology is of non-standard type. In particular one can get acceleration when a dust of non-relativistic matter particles is the only source for the (modified) Friedman equation. Our equations would seem to violate the conservation of energy-momentum from a 4D perspective, but in 5D the energy-momentum is conserved. One could write down an effective conserved 4D energy-momentum tensor attaching a ``dark energy'' component to the energy-momentum tensor of matter that has pressure along the extra dimension. This extra component could, on a cosmological scale, be interpreted as matter-coupled quintessence. We comment on the effective 4D description of this effect in terms of the time evolution of a scalar field (the 5D radion) coupled to this kind of matter.Comment: 9 pages, v2. eq.(17) corrected, comments on effective theory change

    The perception of tactile feeling and corresponding textile attributes worldwide

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    The textile industry has been exploring sensory analysis as means to evaluate different products as a strategy to improve product comfort. The sensory analysis uses a set of attributes standardized for sensory evaluation: the lexicons. This paper compares three lexicons developed to assess the sensory comfort of textile fabrics, by researchers from France, Portugal and Brazil. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis was conducted for the development of these lexicons. The study showed that France and Portugal have thirteen attributes in common and seven attributes are common in France, Portugal and Brazil: Light-Heavy, Gross-Fine, Fresh-Hot, Soft, Plushy, Elasticity and Falling.This work was supported by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136

    Vector boson fusion topology and simplified models for dark matter searches at colliders

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    In this paper we study the possible searches at colliders using Vector Boson Fusion topology in the context of Simplified Models signatures. We examine the possible physics reach of these searches with regard to monojet-type searches, and determine how these two signatures are complementary

    Distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla oceánica de Gran Canaria: Efecto de la variabilidad de mesoescala

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    11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- Published online 21 April 2009.[EN] In October 1991, the horizontal distribution of invertebrate larvae was studied in the waters surrounding the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). The cruise was typified by the presence of three recurrent mesoscale hydrographic structures: a cyclonic eddy southwest of the island, a warm lee region downstream of the island and the offshore boundary of an upwelling filament from the African coast reaching the southeast of the island. Decapod larvae were the most abundant group. In general, a rather high spatial variability was found. The horizontal distribution of the invertebrate larvae groups showed that the highest values of abundance occurred in an elongated zone around the island oriented in the overall direction of flow, leeward and windward of the island, while the lowest values occurred off the eastern and western flanks of the islands. On the other hand, Stomatopoda and Mollusca larvae showed a distribution associated with the boundary of the upwelling filament and decapod larvae of pelagic species were distributed around the eddy structure. Our results suggest specific retention mechanisms for the larvae of neritic invertebrate populations that are related to the particular physical oceanography around Gran Canaria.[ES] Se estudió la distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) en octubre de 1991. La campaña se caracterizó por la presencia de tres fenómenos oceanográficos de mesoescala recurrentes: un remolino ciclónico al suroeste de la isla, la estela cálida a sotavento de la misma y el borde de un filamento proveniente del afloramiento africano situado al sureste de Gran Canaria. Las larvas de crustáceos decápodos fueron las más abundantes. En general, las larvas de los diferentes taxa estudiados mostraron una gran variabilidad en cuanto a su distribución espacial. La distribución horizontal de las larvas de los diferentes grupos de invertebrados mostró que las densidades más altas se registraban alrededor de la isla en la banda cercana y orientada hacia el suroeste, en la dirección del flujo, mientras que los valores más bajos se encontraron en el norte y en los flancos este y oeste de la isla. Por otro lado, las larvas de estomatópodos y moluscos presentaron una distribución asociada al frente del filamento, mientras que las larvas de decápodos pelágicos se distribuyeron en torno al remolino ciclónico. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de mecanismos de retención específicos para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones insulares, relacionados con los procesos físicos de mesoescala predominantes.This work was funded by the MAST 0031 project of the European Union and the ConAfrica project (CICYT, CTM2004-02319) of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. JML was supported by a postgraduate grant (BES-2005-10960) from the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe

    Design e validação de um modelo de reabilitação com implantes curtos

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    Objectives: This research intended to develop and validate a digital model that could be used to study the stresses and strains created in the different components involved in oral fixed rehabilitations with short implants. The validated model was then used to simulate a clinical- like situation. Methods: A digital model was created considering the posterior areas of the mandible. Its materialization obtained ten specimens of the experimental prototype. Seven of them were static compressive tested until failure and, for the other three, the tests were progressively interrupted, to allow the establishment of a damage sequence. On the numerical model a finite element analysis was performed with Abaqus software, under similar conditions to the experimental situation. Results: The stress pattern on the FEA and the failure location on the static test were similar. The sequence in which each part reached the yield strength was the same as that observed on the interrupted static test (resin, prosthetic framework, implants and implant screws, in this order). Due to these results, the model was considered valid. A clinical-like simulation with the validated model showed that buccal cortical bone, around the implants platform, is the weakest part of such a rehabilitation. Conclusions: This research allowed the development and validation of a computer-aided design model that can be used to study an oral fixed rehabilitation supported by short implants. For clinical purposes, it is important to refer that the highest stress and strain values were found on the cortical bone around the buccal aspect of the implants.Objetivos: O objetivo desta investigação foi o desenvolvimento e validação experimental de um modelo digital, que permita o estudo das tensões e deformações geradas nos diferentes componentes de uma reabilitação oral fixa sobre implantes curtos. O modelo obtido foi então usado para simular uma situação clinica. Métodos: Um modelo numérico foi criado considerando a região posterior da mandibula. A sua materialização permitiu obter dez amostras do protótipo experimental. Sete delas foram sujeitas a ensaios estáticos de compressão até à falência. Nas restantes três, os ensaios foram interrompidos com forças gradualmente crescentes, estabelecendo a sequência pela qual os componentes se deformaram. O modelo numérico foi também sujeito a uma simulação com elementos finitos, usando o software Abaqus, em condições semelhantes à simulação experimental. Resultados: O padrão de tensões obtido no modelo numérico foi similar à localização das fraturas no modelo experimental. A sequência segundo a qual a tensão de cedência foi alcançada em cada parte do modelo numérico foi a mesma encontrada quando o ensaio estático se interrompeu (por esta ordem: resina, prótese, implantes e parafusos). Estes resultados permitiram considerar o modelo válido. A simulação de uma situação clínica, com o modelo validado, revelou que o osso cortical, em vestibular da plataforma dos implantes, é a região mais débil da reabilitação. Conclusões: Esta investigação permitiu o desenvolvimento e a validação de um modelo que permite o estudo de reabilitações fixas sobre implantes curtos. Clinicamente é importante realçar que o osso cortical é a zona que apresenta tensões e deformações mais elevadas. (Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac. 2017;58(2):79-90)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Grupos en las organizaciones: herramienta básica para gestionar la incertidumbre y ambigüedad crecientes

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    El mundo del trabajo y de las organizaciones ha sufrido una transformación fundamental en los últimos años: hay mucha más incertidumbre. La respuesta organizativa a dicha incertidumbre ha sido la de diseñar organizaciones más complejas fundamentadas en el trabajo en equipo. Pero no todas las tareas requieren del trabajo en equipo ni todos los grupos de trabajo son auténticos equipos. En este trabajo repasaremos las investigaciones que venimos realizando para clarificar cómo entender operativamente la incertidumbre de las tareas que ha de hacer el equipo, el nivel de desarrollo que pueden alcanzar los equipos de trabajo y cómo el ajuste entre uno y otro (a mayor incertidumbre en las tareas más necesario su abordaje en equipos) es determinante en la efectividad que dichos equipos consiguen. Ofrecemos también guías para la intervención profesional si el objetivo es diseñar y dirigir equipos de trabajo eficaces

    Astrocyte reactivity to Fas activation is attenuated in TIMP-1 deficient mice, an in vitro study

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    BACKGROUND: Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) is a multifunctional secreted protein with pleiotropic actions, including the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), cell death/survival and growth promoting activities. After inflammatory challenge, the levels of TIMP-1 are highly and selectively upregulated in astrocytes among glial cells, but little is know about its role in these neural cells. We investigated the influence of TIMP-1 null mutation in the reactivity of cultured astrocytes to pro-inflammatory stimuli with TNF-α and anti-Fas antibody. RESULTS: When compared to WT, mutant astrocytes displayed an overall increased constitutive gelatinase expression and were less responsive to Fas-mediated upregulation of MMP-9, of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and of intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), all markers of astrocyte inflammatory response. In contrast, TNF-α treatment induced all these factors similarly regardless of the astrocyte genotype. The incorporation of (3)H-thymidin, a marker of cell proliferation, increased in wild-type (WT) astrocytes after treatment with anti-Fas antibody or recombinant TIMP-1 but not in mutant astrocytes. Finally, lymphocyte chemotaxis was differentially regulated by TNF-α in WT and TIMP-1 deficient astrocytes. CONCLUSION: We provide evidence that the alteration of the MMP/TIMP balance in astrocytes influences their reactivity to pro-inflammatory stimuli and that Fas activation modulates the expression of members of the MMP/TIMP axis. We hypothesise that the Fas/FasL transduction pathway and the MMP/TIMP system interact in astrocytes to modulate their inflammatory response to environmental stimuli