10 research outputs found

    Cost-effective strategies to knock down genes of interest in the retinas of adult zebrafish

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    High throughput sequencing has generated an enormous amount of information about the genes expressed in various cell types and tissues throughout the body, and about how gene expression changes over time and in diseased conditions. This knowledge has made targeted gene knockdowns an important tool in screening and identifying the roles of genes that are differentially expressed among specific cells of interest. While many approaches are available and optimized in mammalian models, there are still several limitations in the zebrafish model. In this article, we describe two approaches to target specific genes in the retina for knockdown: cell-penetrating, translation-blocking Vivo-Morpholino oligonucleotides and commercially available lipid nanoparticle reagents to deliver siRNA. We targeted expression of the PCNA gene in the retina of a P23H rhodopsin transgenic zebrafish model, in which rapidly proliferating progenitor cells replace degenerated rod photoreceptors. Retinas collected 48 h after intravitreal injections in adult zebrafish reveal that both Vivo-Morpholinos and lipid encapsulated siRNAs were able to successfully knock down expression of PCNA. However, only retinas injected with Vivo-Morpholinos showed a significant decrease in the formation of P23H rhodopsin-expressing rods, a downstream effect of PCNA inhibition. Surprisingly, Vivo-Morpholinos were able to exit the injected eye and enter the contralateral non-injected eye to inhibit PCNA expression. In this article we describe the techniques, concentrations, and considerations we found necessary to successfully target and inhibit genes through Vivo-Morpholinos and lipid encapsulated siRNAs

    Long wavelength-sensing cones of zebrafish retina exhibit multiple layers of transcriptional heterogeneity

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    IntroductionUnderstanding how photoreceptor genes are regulated is important for investigating retinal development and disease. While much is known about gene regulation in cones, the mechanism by which tandemly-replicated opsins, such as human long wavelength-sensitive and middle wavelength-sensitive opsins, are differentially regulated remains elusive. In this study, we aimed to further our understanding of transcriptional heterogeneity in cones that express tandemly-replicated opsins and the regulation of such differential expression using zebrafish, which express the tandemly-replicated opsins lws1 and lws2.MethodsWe performed bulk and single cell RNA-Seq of LWS1 and LWS2 cones, evaluated expression patterns of selected genes of interest using multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization, and used exogenous thyroid hormone (TH) treatments to test selected genes for potential control by thyroid hormone: a potent, endogenous regulator of lws1 and lws2 expression.ResultsOur studies indicate that additional transcriptional differences beyond opsin expression exist between LWS1 and LWS2 cones. Bulk RNA-Seq results showed 95 transcripts enriched in LWS1 cones and 186 transcripts enriched in LWS2 cones (FC > 2, FDR < 0.05). In situ hybridization results also reveal underlying heterogeneity within the lws1- and lws2-expressing populations. This heterogeneity is evident in cones of mature zebrafish, and further heterogeneity is revealed in transcriptional responses to TH treatments.DiscussionWe found some evidence of coordinate regulation of lws opsins and other genes by exogenous TH in LWS1 vs. LWS2 cones, as well as evidence of gene regulation not mediated by TH. The transcriptional differences between LWS1 and LWS2 cones are likely controlled by multiple signals, including TH

    Effects of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Human N-Acetyltransferase 2 Structure and Dynamics by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    BACKGROUND: Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) is an important catalytic enzyme that metabolizes the carcinogenic arylamines, hydrazine drugs and chemicals. This enzyme is highly polymorphic in different human populations. Several polymorphisms of NAT2, including the single amino acid substitutions R64Q, I114T, D122N, L137F, Q145P, R197Q, and G286E, are classified as slow acetylators, whereas the wild-type NAT2 is classified as a fast acetylator. The slow acetylators are often associated with drug toxicity and efficacy as well as cancer susceptibility. The biological functions of these 7 mutations have previously been characterized, but the structural basis behind the reduced catalytic activity and reduced protein level is not clear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed multiple molecular dynamics simulations of these mutants as well as NAT2 to investigate the structural and dynamical effects throughout the protein structure, specifically the catalytic triad, cofactor binding site, and the substrate binding pocket. None of these mutations induced unfolding; instead, their effects were confined to the inter-domain, domain 3 and 17-residue insert region, where the flexibility was significantly reduced relative to the wild-type. Structural effects of these mutations propagate through space and cause a change in catalytic triad conformation, cofactor binding site, substrate binding pocket size/shape and electrostatic potential. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results showed that the dynamical properties of all the mutant structures, especially in inter-domain, domain 3 and 17-residue insert region were affected in the same manner. Similarly, the electrostatic potential of all the mutants were altered and also the functionally important regions such as catalytic triad, cofactor binding site, and substrate binding pocket adopted different orientation and/or conformation relative to the wild-type that may affect the functions of the mutants. Overall, our study may provide the structural basis for reduced catalytic activity and protein level, as was experimentally observed for these polymorphisms

    Role of the midgut-enriched receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP52F in Drosophila melanogaster

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    In Drosophila, a number of cellular processes including proliferation and differentiation are regulated by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). However, to date the mechanisms by which PTPs regulate the developmental processes remain elusive especially in the case of receptor PTPs (RPTPs) which are involved in the regulation of axon guidance and synaptogenesis decisions in Drosophila embryos and larvae. To reveal the other potential functions we utilized systematic data mining approaches focusing on RPTP expression profiles during critical stages of development. This lead to the identification of a highly midgut enriched RPTP-the PTP52F especially in the larva-pupa transition during which the ecdysone action kicks in. Results from real-time PCR and cell based experiments confirmed RPTP52F as an ecdysone response gene. Genetic studies showed a critical role of PTP52F in midgut metamorphosis during larva pupa transition. Using a substrate-trapping strategy we identified, transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase94 (TER94), ortholog of human Valosin Containing Protein (VCP) as a bonafide substrate of PTP52F. Interestingly, tyrosine 800 of TER94 which is phosphorylated by Src kinase is targeted and dephosphorylated by PTP52F. We showed that PTP52F mediated dephosphorylation of TER94 could facilitate the ubiquitin mediated degradation of various proteins including Drosophila inhibitor of apoptosis1 (DIAP1) a key regulator controlling midgut cell death. In vivo evidences demonstrated that the forced expression of TER94 rescued the defect of midgut metamorphosis induced by knockdown of PTP52F, suggesting the importance of coordinated action between PTP52F and TER94. Our studies for the first time reveal a novel regulatory role of a RPTP that contributes to proper tissue organization of midgut formation in Drosophila metamorphosis

    Video_1_Cost-effective strategies to knock down genes of interest in the retinas of adult zebrafish.MP4

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    High throughput sequencing has generated an enormous amount of information about the genes expressed in various cell types and tissues throughout the body, and about how gene expression changes over time and in diseased conditions. This knowledge has made targeted gene knockdowns an important tool in screening and identifying the roles of genes that are differentially expressed among specific cells of interest. While many approaches are available and optimized in mammalian models, there are still several limitations in the zebrafish model. In this article, we describe two approaches to target specific genes in the retina for knockdown: cell-penetrating, translation-blocking Vivo-Morpholino oligonucleotides and commercially available lipid nanoparticle reagents to deliver siRNA. We targeted expression of the PCNA gene in the retina of a P23H rhodopsin transgenic zebrafish model, in which rapidly proliferating progenitor cells replace degenerated rod photoreceptors. Retinas collected 48 h after intravitreal injections in adult zebrafish reveal that both Vivo-Morpholinos and lipid encapsulated siRNAs were able to successfully knock down expression of PCNA. However, only retinas injected with Vivo-Morpholinos showed a significant decrease in the formation of P23H rhodopsin-expressing rods, a downstream effect of PCNA inhibition. Surprisingly, Vivo-Morpholinos were able to exit the injected eye and enter the contralateral non-injected eye to inhibit PCNA expression. In this article we describe the techniques, concentrations, and considerations we found necessary to successfully target and inhibit genes through Vivo-Morpholinos and lipid encapsulated siRNAs.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Cost-effective strategies to knock down genes of interest in the retinas of adult zebrafish.docx

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    High throughput sequencing has generated an enormous amount of information about the genes expressed in various cell types and tissues throughout the body, and about how gene expression changes over time and in diseased conditions. This knowledge has made targeted gene knockdowns an important tool in screening and identifying the roles of genes that are differentially expressed among specific cells of interest. While many approaches are available and optimized in mammalian models, there are still several limitations in the zebrafish model. In this article, we describe two approaches to target specific genes in the retina for knockdown: cell-penetrating, translation-blocking Vivo-Morpholino oligonucleotides and commercially available lipid nanoparticle reagents to deliver siRNA. We targeted expression of the PCNA gene in the retina of a P23H rhodopsin transgenic zebrafish model, in which rapidly proliferating progenitor cells replace degenerated rod photoreceptors. Retinas collected 48 h after intravitreal injections in adult zebrafish reveal that both Vivo-Morpholinos and lipid encapsulated siRNAs were able to successfully knock down expression of PCNA. However, only retinas injected with Vivo-Morpholinos showed a significant decrease in the formation of P23H rhodopsin-expressing rods, a downstream effect of PCNA inhibition. Surprisingly, Vivo-Morpholinos were able to exit the injected eye and enter the contralateral non-injected eye to inhibit PCNA expression. In this article we describe the techniques, concentrations, and considerations we found necessary to successfully target and inhibit genes through Vivo-Morpholinos and lipid encapsulated siRNAs.</p

    A Zebrafish Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa Shows Continuous Degeneration and Regeneration of Rod Photoreceptors

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    More than 1.5 million people suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa, with many experiencing partial to complete vision loss. Regenerative therapies offer some hope, but their development is challenged by the limited regenerative capacity of mammalian model systems. As a step toward investigating regenerative therapies, we developed a zebrafish model of Retinitis Pigmentosa that displays ongoing regeneration. We used Tol2 transgenesis to express mouse rhodopsin carrying the P23H mutation and an epitope tag in zebrafish rod photoreceptors. Adult and juvenile fish were examined by immunofluorescence, TUNEL and BrdU incorporation assays. P23H transgenic fish expressed the transgene in rods from 3 days post fertilization onward. Rods expressing the mutant rhodopsin formed very small or no outer segments and the mutant protein was delocalized over the entire cell. Adult fish displayed thinning of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and loss of rod outer segments, but retained a single, sparse row of rods. Adult fish displayed ongoing apoptotic cell death in the ONL and an abundance of proliferating cells, predominantly in the ONL. There was a modest remodeling of bipolar and M&uuml;ller glial cells. This transgenic fish will provide a useful model system to study rod photoreceptor regeneration and integration

    Reciprocal allosteric regulation of p38γ and PTPN3 involves a PDZ domain-modulated complex formation

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    The mitogen-activated protein kinase p38γ (also known as MAPK12) and its specific phosphatase PTPN3 (also known as PTPH1) cooperate to promote Ras-induced oncogenesis. We determined the architecture of the PTPN3-p38γ complex by a hybrid method combining X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering, and chemical cross-linking coupled to mass spectrometry. A unique feature of the glutamic acid-containing loop (E-loop) of the phosphatase domain defined the substrate specificity of PTPN3 toward fully activated p38γ. The solution structure revealed the formation of an active-state complex between p38γ and the phosphatase domain of PTPN3. The PDZ domain of PTPN3 stabilized the active-state complex through an interaction with the PDZ-binding motif of p38γ. This interaction alleviated autoinhibition of PTPN3, enabling efficient tyrosine dephosphorylation of p38γ. Our findings may enable structure-based drug design targeting the PTPN3-p38γ interaction as an anticancer therapeutic