239 research outputs found

    Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental e Políticas Públicas: desafios políticos e epistemológicos

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    O presente artigo resulta da proposta de realizar o registro sobre as reflexões elaboradas pelos pesquisadores participantes do Grupo de Discussão de Pesquisas (GDP) sobre Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental e Políticas Públicas, ocorrido durante o VIII EPEA (Julho de 2015 – Rio de Janeiro/RJ). O GDP foi formado a partir dos quatorze trabalhos aprovados, que foram apresentados pelos autores e debatidos pelos participantes. Os coordenadores do GDP apresentaram uma sistematização sobre temas, objetivos e metodologias do conjunto dos trabalhos apresentados, identificando uma rica variedade entre eles. A sistematização foi debatida pelos participantes e, decorrente do debate, uma série de questões de pesquisa foi organizada com o objetivo de forjar uma agenda de investigação, respeitando a diversidade de abordagens e procedimentos teórico-metodológicos. O foco da discussão do GDP foi a gestão pública da Educação Ambiental e as questões de pesquisa que derivam das disputas travadas, tanto nas definições epistemológicas, quanto na materialidade das políticas públicas no contexto de reforma do Estado brasileiro. O artigo conclui ressaltando o conjunto de temas candentes de pesquisa, identificado pelos participantes do GDP

    Avaliação formativa e feedback como ferramenta de aprendizado na formação de profissionais da saúde

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    The different assessment forms are major elements of any teaching and learning process in educational programs, and should be considered as a core component to be planned and implemented in all curriculums, especially in the health professions education. A regular and qualified students’ assessment is closely related to competence and skills of the professionals that will be delivered to society. In this context, formative assessment and well-trained staff to provide effective and regular feedback are essentials in the formation of the future generation of health professionals. This article focuses primarily on formative assessment, feedback and debriefing.As diferentes formas de avaliação são elementos centrais do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de qualquer programa educacional, e devem ser bem planejadas e implementadas em todas as propostas curriculares, especialmente na formação de profissionais na área da saúde. Uma avaliação do estudante adequada e de qualidade guarda estreita relação com a competência e capacitação do profissional que será entregue à sociedade. Neste contexto, a avaliação formativa e a capacitação dos professores para prover feedback efetivo, frequente, e de qualidade são fundamentais na formação dos futuros profissionais da saúde. Este artigo faz uma revisão sobre avaliação formativa, feedback e debriefing

    Characterization of Cysticercus bovis lesions at postmortem inspection of cattle by gross examination, histopathology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Considerando a necessidade do conhecimento da cisticercose bovina e do aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de diagnóstico desta doença, objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência do Cysticercus bovis nos diversos locais anatômicos, tais como: cabeça, coração, esôfago, diafragma, língua, fígado e carcaça, examinados pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal. O diagnóstico foi feito por macroscopia, microscopia e PCR com extração de DNA por fervura para a identificação do metacestóide. Dos 22043 bovinos abatidos, 713 (3,23%) estavam infectados. O coração foi o sítio anatômico mais afetado, com 1,90% (420/22043), seguido da cabeça, 1,11% (245/22043), do esôfago, 0,08% (18/22043), da carcaça, 0,07% (15/22043), do diafragma, 0,03% (7/22043), do fígado, 0,02% (5/22043) e da língua, 0,01% (3/22043). Dos cistos obtidos, 58,35% (416/713) estavam mortos e 41,65% (297/713), vivos. As diferenças entre os sítios anatômicos e a condição morfológica dos cistos foram significativas (p < 0,05). Dos 416 cistos mortos, 253 foram examinados por apresentarem características de: lesões nodulares firmes, brancacentas, com material amarelado, por vezes com aspecto calcário, no interior. O exame microscópico revelou granulomas comumente representados por centro necrótico e/ou mineralizado, envolto por histiócitos dispostos em paliçada, células gigantes multinucleadas, infiltrado misto, predominantemente de mononucleares, e fibrose. Por vezes, a periferia das lesões tinha características de tecido de granulação e mineralização em forma de lâminas lineares. Os restos parasitários foram identificados como um material hialino acelular, contendo elementos ovais e circulares, basofílicos, acidófilos e incolores, denominados corpúsculos calcários. Em algumas lesões foram observados raros corpúsculos, dispersos na reação inflamatória. Nódulos fibrosos, ricos em infiltrado linfóide ou crônico ativos, foram frequentemente visualizados. Dos cistos vivos examinados, 65% (13/20) foram positivos para C. bovis , confirmando o diagnóstico ambulatorial e a eficácia do método de PCR utilizado. Em virtude da positividade observada para C. bovis nos exames histopatológico e PCR, particularmente em fígado e esôfago, sugere-se que seja reformulado o artigo 176 do Regulamento de Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal, incluindo estes locais na rotina de inspeção nos matadouros.Considering the importance of improving methods for diagnosis of bovine Cysticercosis, this study aimed to verify Cysticercus bovis occurrence in different anatomical sites, as head, heart, esophagus, diaphragm, tongue, liver and carcass, examined by federal inspection service. Diagnosis was performed by gross examination, histopatholgy and PCR with boiling DNA extraction for metacestode identification. Of 22043 slaughtered cattle, 713 (3.23%) were infected. The heart was mostly affected with 1.90% (420/22043), followed by head, 1.11% (245/22043), esophagus, 0.08% (18/22043), carcass, 0.07% (15/22043), diaphragm, 0.03% (7/22043), liver, 0.02% (5/22043) and tongue, 0.01% (3/22043). Of the cysts obtained, 58.35% (416/713) were dead and 41.65% (297/713) were alive. The differences among anatomical sites and cysts status were significant (p<0.05). Of the 416 dead cysts 253, characterized by nodular firm whitish lesions, containing yellowish material, some times in calcareous aspect were examined for histopathology. The histological exams of these cysts yielded granulomatous lesions, whose centers were characterized by caseous and/or calcareous material, multinucleate giant cells, histiocytes in palisade and infiltrate composed predominantly by lymphoid cells, wrapped up by fibrosis. Some times the lesions peripheries had granulation tissue and mineralized areas, like linear blade. The parasite debris were like a hyaline, non cellular material with spherical and ovoid, basophilic, eosinophilic and colorless corpuscles. These corpuscles were seen rarely, some times, among inflammatory reaction. Fibrous nodules, rich in lymphoid or mixed infiltrates, were frequently seen. Of the live cysts subjected to PCR with boiling DNA extraction, 65% (13/20) were positive for C. bovis, confirming the ambulatory diagnosis and the efficacy of the PCR procedure used. Due to microscopic and PCR diagnostic exams of C. bovis, mainly in the liver and esophagus, it is suggested changes in the 176 article of the regulatory inspection, by including these sites in the bovine routine inspection at the slaughterhouses

    Association between hospital anxiety depression scale and autonomic recovery following exercise

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    The hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS) is a benchmark used to investigate possible and probable cases of psychosomatic illness. Its affiliation with autonomic recovery after exercise is unclear and, as a technique applied to evaluate cardiovascular risk. We assessed a possible link between HADS and autonomic recovery after exercise. We studied healthy subjects split into two groups: Low HADS (n = 20) and High HADS (n = 21). Subjects consented to moderate aerobic exercise on a treadmill at 60% to 65% of the maximum heart rate (HR) for 30 min. We studied HR variability (HRV) before and during 30 min after exercise. Subjects with higher HADS values presented delayed recovery of HR and root-mean square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals (RMSSD) after submaximal exercise. RMSSD during recovery from exercise had a significant association with HADS. In summary, subjects with higher HADS presented slower vagal recovery following exercise

    Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes from beef samples and cattle slaughterhouses located in the Federal District, Brazil

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a detecção de cepas de Listeria monocytogenes de cortes cárneos bovinos bem como no ambiente de abatedouros frigoríficos localizados no Distrito Federal, promover a sorotipificação pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), realizar antibiograma e submeter às cepas à eletroforese de campo pulsado (Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis - PFGE). Foram analisados um total de 125 cortes cárneos bovinos, 45 amostras de swabs de carcaças e 43 amostras de swabs em que foram detectados 13 cepas de Listeria monocytogenes, sendo 11 em cortes cárneos bovinos e 2 swabs de ambiente em um abatedouro frigorifico. Não foram isoladas cepas de swabs de carcaça. Dentre as 13 cepas de Listeria monocytogenes foram encontradas seis cepas do sorotipo 4b, cinco do sorotipo 1/2c e duas cepas do sorotipo 1/2a. Dentre as 11 cepas de L. monocytogenes encontradas em cortes cárneos bovino, uma (9,1%) cepa apresentou resistência a eritromicina, outra (9,1%) cepa a gentamicina e outra a ciprofloxacina (9,1%) e todas as cepas (100%) apresentaram resistência ao Ác. Nalidíxico. Das duas (2) cepas oriundas de ralos de abatedouro frigorífico, todas (100%) apresentaram resistência ao Ác. Nalidíxico e a sulfonamidas. A análise por eletroforese de campo pulsante (PFGE) demonstrou 13 diferentes pulsotipos, em que foram agrupados em 3 diferentes grupos clonais, que coincidentemente se correlacionavam com os 3 diferentes sorotipos encontrados sugerindo uma ampla disseminação desses perfis no Distrito Federal.The aim of the study was the analysis of Listeria monocytogenes strains in beef samples as well as slaughterhouse environment, located in the Federal District, promote serotyping by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), perform antibiotic susceptibility and submit the strains to Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). A total of 125 beef samples were analyzed, 45 samples of carcasses swabs and 43 swab samples. It detected 13 strains of Listeria monocytogenes, 11 in beef samples. and 2 in slaughterhouse environment. No carcass swabs strains were isolated. Among the 13 strains of L. monocytogenes six strains of serotype 4b were found, five serotype 1/2c and two strains of serotype 1/2a. Among the 11 strains of L. monocytogenes found in beef, one (9.1%) strain showed resistance to erythromycin, one (9.1%) strain to gentamicin, one to ciprofloxacin (9.1%) and all strains (100%) were resistant to nalidixic acid. The two strains coming from the slaughterhouse drains, all (100%) were resistant to nalidixic acid and Sulfonamides. The analysis by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed 13 different pulsotypes; they were grouped into three different clonal groups, coincidentally correlated with the three different serotypes found, what suggests a widespread dissemination of these profiles in the Federal District, Brazil

    Child health promotion in underserved communities: The FAMILIA trial

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    Background: Preschool-based interventions offer promise to instill healthy behaviors in children, which can be a strategy to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease later. However, their efficacy in underserved communities is not well established. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of a preschool-based health promotion educational intervention in an underserved community. Methods: This cluster-randomized controlled study involved 15 Head Start preschools in Harlem, New York. Schools and their children were randomized 3:2 to receive either a 4-month (50 h) educational intervention to instill healthy behaviors in relation to diet, physical activity, body/heart awareness, and emotion management; or their standard curriculum (control). The primary outcome was the change from baseline in the overall knowledge, attitudes, and habits (KAH) score of the children at 5 months. As secondary outcomes, we evaluated the changes in KAH subcomponents and emotion comprehension. Linear mixed-effects models were used to test for intervention effects. Results: The authors enrolled 562 preschool children age 3 to 5 years, 51% female, 54% Hispanic/Latino, and 37% African-American. Compared with the control group, the mean relative change from baseline in the overall KAH score was ∼2.2 fold higher in the intervention group (average absolute difference of 2.86 points; 95% confidence interval: 0.58 to 5.14; p = 0.014). The maximal effect was observed in children who received >75% of the curriculum. Physical activity and body/heart awareness components, and knowledge and attitudes domains, were the main drivers of the effect (p values <0.05). Changes in emotion comprehension trended toward favoring intervened children. Conclusions: This multidimensional school-based educational intervention may be an effective strategy for establishing healthy behaviors among preschoolers from a diverse and socioeconomically disadvantaged community. Early primordial prevention strategies may contribute to reducing the global burden of cardiovascular disease. (Family-Based Approach in a Minority Community Integrating Systems-Biology for Promotion of Health [FAMILIAThis study is funded by the American Heart Association under grant No. 14SFRN20490315. The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). Dr. Fernandez-Jimenez is a recipient of funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 707642. Dr. Bansilal is an employee of Bayer Pharmaceutical

    Different Lifestyle Interventions in Adults From Underserved Communities: The FAMILIA Trial

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    BACKGROUND: The current trends of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors in underserved communities are disturbing. Thus, effective health promotion strategies constitute an unmet need. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of 2 different lifestyle interventions on parents/caregivers of children attending preschools in a socioeconomically disadvantaged community. METHODS: The FAMILIA (Family-Based Approach in a Minority Community Integrating Systems-Biology for Promotion of Health) study is a cluster-randomized trial involving 15 Head Start preschools in Harlem, New York. Schools, and their children's parents/caregivers, were randomized to receive either an "individual-focused" or "peer-to-peer-based" lifestyle intervention program for 12 months or control. The primary outcome was the change from baseline to 12 months in a composite health score related to blood pressure, exercise, weight, alimentation, and tobacco (Fuster-BEWAT Score [FBS]), ranging from 0 to 15 (ideal health = 15). To assess the sustainability of the intervention, this study evaluated the change of FBS at 24 months. Main pre-specified secondary outcomes included changes in FBS subcomponents and the effect of the knowledge of presence of atherosclerosis as assessed by bilateral carotid/femoral vascular ultrasound. Mixed-effects models were used to test for intervention effects. RESULTS: A total of 635 parents/caregivers were enrolled: mean age 38 ± 11 years, 83% women, 57% Hispanic/Latino, 31% African American, and a baseline FBS of 9.3 ± 2.4 points. The mean within-group change in FBS from baseline to 12 months was ∼0.20 points in all groups, with no overall between-group differences. However, high-adherence participants to the intervention exhibited a greater change in FBS than their low-adherence counterparts: 0.30 points (95% confidence interval: 0.03 to 0.57; p = 0.027) versus 0.00 points (95% confidence interval: -0.43 to 0.43; p = 1.0), respectively. Furthermore, the knowledge by the participant of the presence of atherosclerosis significantly boosted the intervention effects. Similar results were sustained at 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: Although overall significant differences were not observed between intervention and control groups, the FAMILIA trial highlights that high adherence rates to lifestyle interventions may improve health outcomes. It also suggests a potential contributory role of the presentation of atherosclerosis pictures, providing helpful information to improve future lifestyle interventions in adults.AGENCIA FINANCIADORA: The American Heart Association, under grant No 14SFRN20490315, funded this study. R.F-J is a recipient of funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 707642. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Current Advances Research in Nutraceutical Compounds of Legumes, Pseudocereals and Cereals

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    The increase of the Western-type diet and life-style, with high content of highly processed fats, salt and sugar, as well as sedentary life, is directly linked to an increasing incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, cancer, cardiovascular diseases or stroke, and inflammatory-related diseases, which are a great challenge in global health and are usually associated with negative effects of globalization: rapid urbanization, diet and increased sedentary life worldwide. This has brought new interest and increased research into plant-based diets. In this context, the implementation in the diet of legumes, cereals and pseudo-cereals, due to their nutraceutical properties, which is interesting as well as advisable. These foods, in addition of having a high nutritional value themselves, have synergistic properties as part of a balanced diet. For example, most legumes are rich in lysine which is scarce in cereals, and these are rich in sulphur amino acids, such as methionine, while these amino acids are scarce in legumes and are of great importance for the central nervous system development. These foods or part of a food, due to their qualities, and that they provide health benefits can be classified as nutraceuticals. In addition, due to their health benefits beyond nutritional properties, can be classified as functional foods, promoting prevention and treatment for the above mentioned diseases, among others. This double function is due mainly to the proteins and the presence of various secondary metabolites and bioactive compounds in these foods of plant (grain and seed) origin. Last discovered knowledge and research features will be described in the present book chapter

    Malaria and other febrile diseases among travellers: the experience of a reference centre located outside the Brazilian Amazon Region

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Malaria is endemic in countries located in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The increasing flow of domestic and international travellers has made malaria a relevant health problem even in non-endemic regions. Malaria has been described as the main diagnosis among travellers presenting febrile diseases after returning from tropical countries. In Brazil, malaria transmission occurs mainly in the Amazon region. Outside this area, malaria transmission is of low magnitude.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud This cross-sectional study aimed to describe the experience in the diagnosis of malaria in a reference centre located outside the Brazilian Amazon Region, emphasizing the differences in clinical and laboratory markers between cases of malaria and those of other febrile diseases (OFD). Medical charts from adult patients (≥18 years) who underwent a thick smear test (TST) for malaria, between January 2001 and December 2014, were retrospectively reviewed.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud A total of 458 cases referred to perform the TST were included. Malaria was diagnosed in 193 (42 %) episodes. The remaining 265 episodes (58 %) were grouped as OFD. The majority of malaria episodes were acquired in the Brazilian Amazon Region. The median time between the onset of symptoms and the TST was 7 days. Only 53 (11.5 %) episodes were tested within the first 48 h after symptom onset. Comparing malaria with OFD, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, and reports of fever were more prevalent in the malaria group. Low platelet count and elevated bilirubin levels were also related to the diagnosis of malaria.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The results indicate that outside the endemic area travellers presenting febrile disease suspected of being malaria underwent diagnostic test after considerable delay. The reporting of fever combined with a recent visit to an endemic area should promptly evoke the hypothesis of malaria. In these cases, specific diagnostic tests for malaria should be a priority. For cases that jump this step, the presence of elevated bilirubin or thrombocytopaenia should also indicate a diagnosis of malaria.This work was supported by the Grant # 2014/05337-6, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)