1,124 research outputs found

    The Ballad Tradition in Elizabeth Siddal's Literary and Artistic Works

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    This essay analyzes the ballad influence in the poetry and paintings of Elizabeth Siddal. To conduct this task, I have chosen four of her poems – “Fragment of a Ballad”, “Love and Hate”, “At Last”, “Worn Out” – and two of her best-known pictures – Clerk Saunders and Eve of St. Agnes. The aim of this research is to demonstrate that Siddal drew inspiration from ballad writers such as Walter Scott, John Keats and Alfred Tennyson to subvert their subjects and work with them from a feminine perspective. Both her poems and her paintings have been analyzed to show how the artist interpreted those ballads written by her predecessors to offer her own version and a possible answer to the issues presented from a feminine point of view. Finally, this paper proves that Elizabeth Siddal has taken the ballad genre and adapted it to show her discomfort with Victorian standards.Este trabajo de fin de grado analiza la influencia de la balada en la poesía y la pintura de Elizabeth Siddal. Para desempeñar esta tarea, he elegido cuatro de sus poemas – “Fragment of a Ballad”, “At Last”, “Love and Hate”, “Worn Out” – y dos de sus cuadros más conocidos – Clerk Saunders y Eve of St. Agnes. El objetivo de esta investigación es demostrar que Siddal se inspiró en autores como Walter Scott, John Keats y Alfred Tennyson para subvertir sus temas y trabajar con ellos desde una perspectiva femenina. Tanto los poemas como las pinturas se han analizado para mostrar cómo la autora interpretó esas baladas escritas por sus antecesores ofreciendo su propia versión e incluso una respuesta a las problemáticas planteadas desde un punto de vista femenino. Por último, este trabajo demuestra que Elizabeth Siddal ha tomado el género de la balada y lo ha adaptado para expresar su malestar con las normal sociales victorianas.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving

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    Driving requires reacting to a wide variety of complex environment conditions and agent behaviors. Explicitly modeling each possible scenario is unrealistic. In contrast, imitation learning can, in theory, leverage data from large fleets of human-driven cars. Behavior cloning in particular has been successfully used to learn simple visuomotor policies end-to-end, but scaling to the full spectrum of driving behaviors remains an unsolved problem. In this paper, we propose a new benchmark to experimentally investigate the scalability and limitations of behavior cloning. We show that behavior cloning leads to state-of-the-art results, including in unseen environments, executing complex lateral and longitudinal maneuvers without these reactions being explicitly programmed. However, we confirm well-known limitations (due to dataset bias and overfitting), new generalization issues (due to dynamic objects and the lack of a causal model), and training instability requiring further research before behavior cloning can graduate to real-world driving. The code of the studied behavior cloning approaches can be found at https://github.com/felipecode/coiltraine

    Análisis de factores que intervienen en la internacionalización de las Pymes en Colombia

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    La comprensión de los factores que interviene en la internacionalización de las Pymes en Colombia, conlleva toda una compleja estructura, fundamentación, estrategias, teorías, modelos y metodología organizacional, en el contexto dinámico del mundo comercial y financiero. Por consiguiente, se realizó un análisis de las teorías, modelos de internacionalización y de los factores que allí se reflejan y que interviene en el desarrollo de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, se comparó con las Pymes en Colombia y se apoyó en datos estadísticos de entidades gubernamentales y bases de datos.The comprehension of the factors involved in the internationalization of SMEs in Colombia, involves a complex structure, support, fundamentation, strategies, theories, models and organizational methodology, in the dynamic context of the business and financial world Therefore, we analyzed the theories, models of internationalization and the factors that are involved in the development of small and medium enterprises compared with Colombian SMEs with governmental statistics and databaseUniversidad del Rosari

    Exploratory analysis of nutrient concentrations in Eucalyptus leaf color patterns

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of leaf color pattern to analyze leaf nutrient concentrations in Eucalyptus and to establish relationships between color patterns and leaf nutrient concentrations. The study was carried out in Eucalyptus stands at 25 months old using three leaves from the lower of tree crowns classified into five color patterns of Munsell color charts for plant tissues. The principal component analyses and the self-organizing maps were used to aid in the classification of samples in leaf color patterns. Subsequently, the k-means cluster algorithm was performed. In principal component analysis, the 7.5 GY 8/8 leaf color pattern stood out from the others and it was mainly influenced by nitrogen, phosphorous, copper, and potassium concentrations. The samples of 7.5 GY 8/4 leaf color pattern did not present a great nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, copper and potassium concentrations as the 7.5 GY 8/8 neither a great manganese, calcium, boron, zinc and iron concentrations as others leaf color patterns. The self-organizing map provides a greater proximity between the 7.5 GY 8/8 and 7.5 GY 8/4 leaf color patterns and the others leaf color patterns were randomly distributed in the U-matrix. Although the k-means algorithm presented two clusters in both analyses, the self-organizing map presented a slight superiority than principal component analysis. Using leaf color patterns was possible to infer about leaf nutrient concentrations in Eucalyptus. Both methods were able to distinguish only the healthy leaves 7.5 GY 8/8 from those whose were in the leaf senescence process

    Impacto das ações dos consumidores de redes sociais no faturamento de uma loja física

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2014.Ações dos consumidores nas mídias sociais estão entre as ações de comunicação de marketing mais usadas para aumentar a lucratividade de empresas de todos os portes. Na rede social, elas estimulam interações junto aos internautas, mas a sua efetividade no Faturamento de organizações implica em análises longitudinais de indicadores dessas redes e do próprio Faturamento da empresa. Dados das veiculações diárias das ações de comunicação e o monitoramento dos indicadores de participação e popularidade de uma organização na rede social foram coletados ao longo de 359 dias seguidos. Os resultados das regressões temporais multivariadas demonstraram que as ações de consumidores contextualizadas à rede social tiveram efeito imediato ou quase imediato no Faturamento da empresa. Ademais, foram apresentadas quais métricas de rede social mais impactam no faturamento de uma loja física de micro e pequeno porte. Com os resultados, o gestor melhora seu poder de decisão, lhe proporcionando investir seus recursos de forma mais eficiente. _____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTConsumers actions on social media are among the actions of marketing communication most commonly used to increase the profitability of companies of all sizes. In social networks, they stimulate interactions with internet users, but its effectiveness in the organization’s revenue imply longitudinal analysis of the social network’s metrics and the company’s revenue. Data of daily placements of communication actions and the monitoring of indicators of participation and popularity of an organization in the social network were collected over 359 days. The results of multivariate regressions showed that the temporal promotional activities contextualized to the social network took effect immediately and almost immediately on the company’s revenue. Furthermore, it was found which social network metrics impacted more on the micro and small physical stores’ revenue. With the results, the manager improves his decision-making power, providing a better look ate the investments made on those networks adding up to a more efficient allocation os the company’s marketing budget

    The Relationship between Systems Engineering and Innovation : Empirical evidences from a large, novel subsea project in Norway

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    This study investigates the relationship between the practice of systems engineering and innovation and is intended to characterise the way they interact in a high-tech environment. The propositions are built upon two independent theoretical frameworks, namely process-oriented view and capability-oriented view. Two propositions aim at verifying the general alignment of their processes and capabilities and another two aim at identifying particular elements of misalignment. The probe is carried out as a case study in Åsgard Subsea Compression Project, and the research is based on qualitative analyses of primary data acquired through questionnaires and interviews. Åsgard is considered a highly innovative project in the global oil and gas industry; utilises intensively systems engineering concepts and methods; and is contemporary to this study. The inquiry articulates the analyses and anchors the findings by establishing triangulations in multiple dimensions: theoretical frameworks, data collection methods and data collection units. The concurrent perspectives, methods and data collection units evolve independently throughout the research and in the end converge to a few consistent and reliable conclusions. The empirical evidences consistently indicate that there are general synergies between the processes of systems engineering and innovation; and that whilst the capabilities necessary for the practice of the former are not the same as for the latter, they are mutually supportive. Nevertheless a particularly controversial relationship between the contemporary innovation’s time-based strategy and the systems engineering capabilities emerge as a provocative question mark


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    O presente artigo traça uma abordagem geral sobre a responsabilidade civil extracontratual, assentando as premissas afetas ao tema e destrinchando doutrinariamente os pressupostos exigidos pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para a sua configuração

    Proceso orientativo en la transición a la universidad del alumnado con neae: revisión teórica

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    La incorporación del alumnado con Necesidades Educativas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE) a estudios superiores supone un tema de mucho interés en la actualidad, pues a pesar de la importancia del papel orientador en esta transición, no existe una guía clara sobre cómo proceder con este colectivo. Existen diversas herramientas para la orientación académica en Secundaria y en la universidad, pero cabe cuestionarse qué ocurre en el paso entre etapas. Por lo tanto, se plantea como objetivo principal del presente estudio, analizar la realidad actual y la transformación que ha experimentado este tránsito de Bachillerato hacia la Universidad en el alumnado con NEAE, el papel del orientador/a y de los propios centros educativos en este proceso, así como los recursos de que se disponen e investigaciones realizadas al respecto. Para llevarlo a cabo se ha realizado una búsqueda de la literatura existente, y los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir la necesidad de incorporar nuevas medidas que respondan a la demanda del alumnado con NEAE de recibir mejor información y orientación en las etapas preuniversitarias para afrontar el proceso de transiciónThe incorporation of students with Educational Support Needs into higher education is a topic of interest today, because despite the importance of the guidance role in this transition, there is no clear guide on how to proceed with this group. There are various tools for academic guidance in secondary and university, but it is questionable what happens in the step between stages. Therefore, it is proposed as the main objective of this study, to analyze the current reality and the transformation that has experienced this transition from Baccalaureate to University in students with NEAE, the role of the counsellor and the educational institutions themselves in this process, as well as the resources available and research carried out in this regard. In order to do this, a search has been carries out for existing literature, and the results obtained allow to conclude the need to incorpórate new measures that respond to the demand of students with educational needs to receive better information and guidance in the pre-university stages to fase the transition process

    Mapeamento geológico da região de Vila Estrela, distrito de Cumaru do Norte, sudeste do Pará

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    A área estudada abrange a região de Vila Estrela, no município de Cumaru do Norte, extremo sudeste do estado do Pará, próximo à fronteira tríplice entre os estados do Pará, Mato Grosso e Tocantins. O contexto geológico e geotectônico da região representa a evolução de metassedimentos Paleoproterozoicos sobre embasamento granito-gnáissico Arqueano, localizados no Domínio Santana do Araguaia, Província Transamazonas. Foi realizado mapeamento geológico na escala 1:25.000 e o resultado foi o reconhecimento de diversos litotipos, agrupados em duas unidades informais. São elas: Unidade 1-Embasamento (composto por granitóides e ortognaisses) e Unidade 2-Metassedimentos (metacalcáreo branco, metapelito ardoseano, metacalcáreo, metassiltito, metacalcáreo preto, filito carbonoso, meta-arenitos e subvulcânicas máficas). Os metassedimentos podem ser correlacionáveis com a Fm. Fazenda Santa Fé, embora sua parte superior também seja similar à Fm. Gorotire. Os elementos estruturais observados foram agrupados em duas fases de deformação: Dn e Dn+1. A fase Dn, responsável pela geração da foliação principal Sn, paralela ao plano axial de dobras fechadas isoclinais com vergência para Sul, encontra-se (sub)paralela ao acamamento sedimentar primário dos metassedimentos. A fase Dn+1 gerou dobras abertas com vergência para Nordeste e eixo caindo para NNW. O metamorfismo regional da área (M1) pode ser caracterizado como de baixo grau, fácies sub-xisto verde, o qual foi sobreposto por um evento posterior (M2) relacionado à possível intrusão, a qual gerou metamorfismo de contato na fácies albita-epidoto-hornfels e infiltração de fluidos tardi-magmáticos hidrotermais, além de um evento de caráter retrógrado tardi-M2. A partir de então, conclui-se que os eventos hidrotermais que afetaram as rochas de Vila Estrela situam-se próximo ao contato entre as unidades 1 e 2; e que a idade máxima obtida para a deposição dos metassedimentos (<1.9Ga) não condiz com as idades tradicionalmente atribuídas para a deformação e metamorfismo no Domínio Santana do Araguaia (Província Transamazonas). Essa idade máxima também questiona a correlação entre os metassedimentos de Vila Estrela com os da Fm. Fazenda Santa Fé, tida como Arqueana. Já a Fm. Gorotire, cuja idade de deposição é similar aos metassedimentos aqui descritos, têm estratigrafia similar apenas ao topo dos metassedimentos de Vila Estrela