66 research outputs found


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    This study deals with the phonological analysis of a Japanese singer in some English sounds in live performance music videos. It aims to analyse and describe the pronunciation process of Japanese singer in producing tense vowels, diphthongs, and liquids. It also criticizes the use of songs in English teaching based on the findings. The data are from live performance videos of Japanese singer. The researcher watched and listened to the videos. After that, the researcher listed the words in the lyrics of the songs containing tense vowels, diphthongs, and liquids. The words were transcribed into standard phonetic transcription. Then, the researcher transcribed the words into the phonetic transcription according to the pronunciation of the singer. After that, the data were classified into three parts which were the words containing tense vowels, diphthongs, and liquids. After the researcher analyzed the videos, the findings of this study showed that the Japanese singer as an EFL speaker had different pronunciation process in producing tense vowels, diphthongs, and liquids sound. The findings also gave the criticism on the use of songs in English teaching in a form of caution and contribution.DOI: https://doi.org/10.24071/ijhs.2018.02010


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang pemalinan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Bali. Sebagaimana diketahui sebagian besar sakit pada diri manusia disebabkan oleh pemali. Pemali disebabkan oleh pelanggaran aturan tentang kesepakatan ruang dan waktu, butha dan kala, ruang dan eksistensi kehidupan. Pemali artinya kembali,. Yang dikembalikan adalah segala hal yang dibuat oleh manusia akibat melanggar suatu kesepakatan tentang ruang dan waktu, bhuta dan kala. Bhuta merupakan ruang sedangkan kala adalah waktu atau eksistensi. Dalam pandangan masyarakat Bali, kesepakatan yang dibuat oleh para leluhur dengan penentuan arah yang tepat terhadap suatu ruang yang seharusnya bersinergi dengan alam. Pembagian ruang dalam tata letak yang telah disepakati tentang luanan (arah hulu) teben (arah keluar). Sebuah bangunan yang dibuat hendaknya bersinergi dengan arah angin, arah air, arah api. Ketidakseimbangan antara manusia dan alam akibat pelanggaran kesepakatan akan berdampak pada munculnya berbagai macam penyakit

    Redesain Media Promosi Kedai Digital Bali

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    Abstrak Seiring perubahan jaman yang terus berkembang, membuat biro–biro advertising harus selalu mengikuti perubahan “trend” yang terjadi dimasyarakat Kedai Digital adalah salah satu perusahaan barang dan jasa yang memiliki spesifikasi produk berupa merchandise. Dengan slogan “Bikin merchandise semau kamu!”. Merchandise yang diproduksi berupa mug, pin, jam, bantal, mousepad,poster, dan berbagai macam merchadise pribadi tanpa harus mengorder massal. Keberadaaan Kedai Digital Denpasar belum banyak orang yang tau dan media promosi yang ada masih sedikit maka dari hal tersebut perlu adanya penambahan media dan redesain media yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh media komunikasi visual yang efektif sesuai dengan teori, konsep dan keadaan di lapangan. Data-data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan data teoritis diolah melalui analisis dan sintesa sehingga diperoleh konsep perancangan sebagai dasar merancang media komunikasi visual yang sesuai dengan kriteria desain. Konsep dasar perancangan yang digunakan adalah simple dan kreatif agar visualisasi desain bermacam-macam, memberikan kesan yang tidak monotone serta informatif. Dalam proses perancangan media ditentukan media yang tepat dan sesuai yaitu poster, iklan majalah, iklan koran, stiker, pin, flayer, paperbag,web banner, voucher dan katalog Kata kunci : Keda digital, perancangan, media promosi


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    AbstractEnglish Education Master Program (EEMP) students are required to master listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Regarding the speaking skill, they must have fluency and clarity in speaking English since they should be good models for their students. However, the minimal use of English in their oral communication during the courses leads to the speech disfluency. They are aware of their disfluency but they do not understand the specific aspects of it. Thus, this study aimed to discuss the speech disfluency produced by the master students in oral communication. There was one formulated research question: What are the speech disfluencies which commonly occur in groups presentations among EEMP students? To examine the speech disfluencies, the researchers employed document analysis as the method of the study. The transcription of their groups presentations were analyzed based on the types of disfluency (Shriberg, 1994; Bailoor, John, Laxman, 2015). The findings showed that there were five disfluency types found in this study namely unfilled pause, filled pause, repetition, substitution, and deletion.DOI:doi.org/10.24071/llt.2018.21010


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    PERANCANGAN PROGRAM APLIKASI PENDETEKSIAN BAGIAN TUBUH MANUSIA DENGAN METODE VIOLA-JONES - Pendeteksian, tubuh manusia , fitur, integral image, boosting algorithms, cascade classi$e


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    The present study was aimed at examining whether grammatical accuracy and gender were significant predictors of the use of request strategy (direct or indirect). Participants were 39 seventh semester students (29 males and 10 females) majoring in an International Business Management program at a public higher education institution in Bali. Their English proficiency levels ranged from pre-intermediate to intermediate. The participants were asked to write an e-mail based on a situation carefully designed so as to necessitate the use of indirect strategy. Grammatical accuracy was operationalized as an average score per T-unit. The head act of each request was coded as either direct or indirect, and the binary logistic regression was conducted on the data with significance level being set at p < .05. The results revealed that neither grammatical accuracy (Wald = 0.72, df = 1, p = 0.40) nor gender (Wald = 0.67, df = 1, p = 0.41) was a significant predictor of a request strategy use. The use of request strategy could not also be predicted from the interaction of grammatical accuracy and gender, Wald = 0.66, df = 1, p = 0.42. These results indicate that the odds for using indirect strategy are similar regardless of the level of grammatical accuracy and gender.Ă‚

    Kajian Hukum Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

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    Implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination as an effort by the government to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the vaccination obligation is listed in Presidential Regulation Number 14 of 2021 as well as containing administrative and criminal sanctions for those who refuse vaccination, reasons for refusing vaccination due to fear of serious side effects that threaten life safety, so that it is not appropriate for criminal sanctions to be applied to people who refuse vaccines but obey health protocols. The purpose of this study is to determine the urgency of implementing criminal sanctions for those who refuse Covid-19 vaccination from the perspective of human rights as well as legal consequences and legal protection for recipients and refusals of Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical approach to legislation and comparison and then analyzed qualitatively. As a result, it is concluded that the obligation to vaccinate is a form of human rights restriction in a health emergency, but the application of criminal sanctions for vaccination refusals is full of difficulties and complications, although it can function as an effort to comply with the community, and as a result, vaccine recipients get an international vaccination certificate. criminal law, while legal protections due to AEFI are regulated in-laws and regulations. In addition, victims can apply for other legal steps in civil, criminal, or through consumer protection. Therefore, a Perpu vaccination is needed to ensure legal certainty through a social approach and restorative justice in the success of vaccination.Pelaksanaan vaksinasi Covid-19 sebagai upaya pemerintah untuk menekan penyebaran virus Covid-19 maka kewajiban vaksinasi tercantum pada Perpres Nomor 14 Tahun 2021 sekaligus memuat sanksi administratif dan pidana bagi yang menolak vaksinasi, alasan penolakan vaksinasi karena ketakutan terhadap efek samping serius yang mengacam keselamatan jiwa, sehingga tidak tepat sanksi pidana diterapkan kepada orang yang menolak vaksin namun taat menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui urgensi penerapan sanksi pidana bagi yang menolak vaksinasi Covid-19 ditinjau dari perspektif HAM serta akibat hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi penerima maupun penolak vaksinasi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan perbandingan lalu dianalisis secara kualitatif. Sehingga dihasilkan bahwa kewajiban vaksinasi merupakan bentuk pembatasan HAM pada keadaan darurat kesehatan namun penerapan sanksi pidana bagi penolak vaksinasi sarat akan kesulitan dan kerumitan walaupun dapat berfungsi sebagai upaya kepatuhan masyarakat, dan akibat hukumnya penerima vaksin mendapatkan sertifikat vaksinasi internasional, bagi penolak vaksin dikenakan sanksi administratif dan pidana, sedangkan perlindungan hukum akibat KIPI diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan selain itu korban dapat mengajukan langkah hukum lain secara perdata, pidana, atau melalui perlindungan konsumen. Maka diperlukan Perpu vaksinasi untuk menjamin kepastian hukum melalui pendekatan sosial dan restorative justice dalam mensukseskan vaksinasi. 


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai deskripsi dari kepuasan kerja dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) berdarkan dari perspsi dari karyawan CV. Isa Grafika Semarang. Hal ini juga bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai bagaimana pengaruh dari kepuasan kerja terhadapa Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Matode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi sederhana. Kepuasan kerja akan diukur melalui pekerjaan itu sendiri, gaji, promosi, pengawasan, dan rekan kerja. Sedangkan Organizational Citizenship Behavior diukur melalui altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportmanship, Courtessy, Civic Virtue. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan dari CV. Isa Grafika Semarang. Sedangkan sample penelitian yang digunakan dengan sample jenuh dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 74 orang. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior

    The Ability of Soil Bacteria from Liwa Botanical Gardens to Produce Indole Acetic Acid Hormone (AIA)

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    Hormon AIA berperan besar dalam memperbesar dan memperpanjang sel, pembelahan sel, khususnya pada daerah ujung tanaman. Bakteri yang memiliki kemampuan dalam menghasilkan hormon AIA diantaranya  Enterobacter sp., Azospirillum sp., Klebsiella sp., Alcaligenes faecalis, Azoarcus sp., Serratia sp., Azotobacter sp., Cyanobacteria, Erwinia herbicola, Pseudomonas sp., Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Agrobacterium tumafaciens. Sintesis AIA ini memerlukan senyawa tambahan berupa triptopan. Namun beberapa bakteri mampu memproduksi AIA tanpa penambahan prekursor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat bakteri penghasil hormon AIA dari tanah Kebun Raya Liwa. Pada ini diawali dengan isolasi bakteri tanah asal Kebun Raya Liwa, selanjutnya dilakukan uji kemampuan produksi AIA secara kuantitatif tanpa penambahan triptopan. Pengujian produksi AIA secara kualitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan media Nutrien Broth dengan metode spektrofotometri dengan penambahan reagen salkowsky dan dilakukan pengamatan setelah 72 jam inkubasi. Data yang didapatkan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 9 isolat yang mampu menghasilkan hormon AIA dengan kadar yang berbeda. Isolat penghasil AIA tertinggi yaitu isolat DT1 dengan kadar 114 ppm yang mempunyai karakteristik berbentuk bacil berwarna putih susu dan tidak berspora.     AIA hormone plays a role in enlarging and elongating cells, and cell division, especially at the tip of the plant. Bacteria that have the ability to produce IAA hormones include Enterobacter sp., Azospirillum sp., Klebsiella sp., Alcaligenes faecalis, Azoarcus sp., Serratia sp., Azotobacter sp., Cyanobacteria, Erwinia herbicola, Pseudomonas sp., Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Agrobacterium tumafaciens. The synthesis of AIA requires an additional compound in the form of tryptophan. However, some bacteria can produce AIA without the addition of precursors. The goal of this study was to obtain isolates of AIA hormone-producing bacteria from the soil of the Liwa Botanical Gardens. This begins with the isolation of soil bacteria from the Liwa Botanical Gardens, then a quantitative test of AIA production capability is carried out without the addition of tryptophan. Qualitative testing of AIA production was carried out using Nutrien Broth media with spectrophotometric methods with the addition of Salkowsky reagent and observations were made after 72 hours of incubation. The data obtained are presented in tabular form. The results showed that 9 isolates were able to produce the AIA hormone at different levels. The highest AIA-producing isolate was the DT1 isolate with a concentration of 114 ppm which had the characteristics of a milky white bacillus and no spores.    

    The Influence of Social Media Marketing, Customer Engagement and Digital Advertising on Brand Trust (Go-Jek Users as Research Objects)

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    This study aims to see the effect of social media marketing on customer engagement and brand trust. The sample of this research is people who use go-jek and have used go-jek with a total of 55 respondents. The validity test uses the loading factor value and the reliability test uses the Cronbach`c alpha value and the composite reliability is based on the PLS application. In addition, from third parties submitted by all parties. The weakness of this research is the relatively small number of respondents
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