311 research outputs found

    Evidence for the stress-linked immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in humans

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    Secondary sexual traits that develop under the action of testosterone, such as masculine human male facial characteristics, have been proposed to signal the strength of the immune system due to the sex hormone's immunosuppressive action. Recent work has suggested that glucocorticoid stress hormones may also influence expression of such sexual signals due to their effects on immune function. Precise roles, however, remain unclear. Here we show positive relationships between testosterone, facial attractiveness and immune function (antibody response to a hepatitis B vaccine) in human males, and present some preliminary evidence that these relationships are moderated by naturally co-occurring cortisol (a glucocorticoid stress hormone involved in the fight-or-flight response). We conclude that our results provide support for a role of glucocorticoids in hormonally mediated sexual selection

    Single-Sink Fractionally Subadditive Network Design

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    We study a generalization of the Steiner tree problem, where we are given a weighted network G together with a collection of k subsets of its vertices and a root r. We wish to construct a minimum cost network such that the network supports one unit of flow to the root from every node in a subset simultaneously. The network constructed does not need to support flows from all the subsets simultaneously. We settle an open question regarding the complexity of this problem for k=2, and give a 3/2-approximation algorithm that improves over a (trivial) known 2-approximation. Furthermore, we prove some structural results that prevent many well-known techniques from doing better than the known O(log n)-approximation. Despite these obstacles, we conjecture that this problem should have an O(1)-approximation. We also give an approximation result for a variant of the problem where the solution is required to be a path

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together Berbasis Home Experiment Pada Materi Koloid

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    Studi ini untuk menentukan efektivitas penggunaan model koorperatif learning NHT home experimentuntuk memahami konsep dan ketrampilan sains siswa pada materi proses koloid. Penelitian denganmetode eksperimen dilakukan dalam kelas XI-IA2 dan XI-IA3 pada SMA Negeri 11 Banda Acehsemester kedua tahun akademik 2012/2013. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pretes danpostes untuk pemahaman dan ketrampilan proses sains, lembar aktivitas guru dan siswa, dan angketuntuk mengentahui respon siswa terhadap pelaksanaan model pelajaran yang dilakukan

    Phosphorus and metal removal combined with lipid production by the green microalga Desmodesmus sp.: An integrated approach

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    This work focused on the potential of Desmodesmus sp. to be employed for wastewater 15 bioremediation and biodiesel production. The green microalga was grown in a culture medium with a phosphorus (P) content of 4.55 mg L-1 16 simulating an industrial effluent; it was also exposed to a bimetal solution of copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) for 2 days. P removal was between 94 and 100%. After 2 days of exposure to metals, 94% of Cu and 85% of Ni were removed by Desmodesmus sp. Adsorption tests showed that the green microalga was able to remove up to 90% of Cu and 43% of Ni in less than 30 minutes. The presence of metals decreased the lipid yield, but biodiesel quality from the biomass obtained from metal exposed samples was higher than that grown without metals. This result revealed that this technology could offer a new alternative solution to environmental pollution and carbon-neutral fuel generation

    EviAtlas : a tool for visualising evidence synthesis databases

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    Abstract: Systematic mapping assesses the nature of an evidence base, answering how much evidence exists on a particular topic. Perhaps the most useful outputs of a systematic map are an interactive database of studies and their meta-data, along with visualisations of this database. Despite the rapid increase in systematic mapping as an evidence synthesis method, there is currently a lack of Open Source software for producing interactive visualisations of systematic map databases. In April 2018, as attendees at and coordinators of the first ever Evidence Synthesis Hackathon in Stockholm, we decided to address this issue by developing an R-based tool called EviAtlas, an Open Access (i.e. free to use) and Open Source (i.e. software code is freely accessible and reproducible) tool for producing interactive, attractive tables and figures that summarise the evidence base. Here, we present our tool which includes the ability to generate vital visualisations for systematic maps and reviews as follows: a complete data table; a spatially explicit geographical information system (Evidence Atlas); Heat Maps that cross-tabulate two or more variables and display the number of studies belonging to multiple categories; and standard descriptive plots showing the nature of the evidence base, for example the number of studies published per year or number of studies per country. We believe that EviAtlas will provide a stimulus for the development of other exciting tools to facilitate evidence synthesis

    Body height affects the strength of immune response in young men, but not young women

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    Body height and other body attributes of humans may be associated with a diverse range of social outcomes such as attractiveness to potential mates. Despite evidence that each parameter plays a role in mate choice, we have little understanding of the relative role of each, and relationships between indices of physical appearance and general health. In this study we tested relationships between immune function and body height of young men and women. In men, we report a non-linear relationship between antibody response to a hepatitis-B vaccine and body height, with a positive relationship up to a height of 185 cm, but an inverse relationship in taller men. We did not find any significant relationship between body height and immune function in women. Our results demonstrate the potential of vaccination research to reveal costly traits that govern evolution of mate choice in humans and the importance of trade-offs among these traits

    Photosynthetic traits and biochemical responses in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa duch.) leaves supplemented with led lights

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    Selected light wavebands promote plant development and/or the biosynthesis of targeted metabolites. This work offers new insights on the effects of red (R), green (G), blue (B), and white (W – R:G:B; 1:1:1) LED light supplementation on physiochemical traits of strawberry leaves. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, photosynthetic pigments, and superoxide anion (•O2–) content were analysed in plants grown for 1 (T1) and 17 (T17) d with light supplementations. At T1, light supplementations resulted in the enhancement of the de-epoxidation state of xanthophylls and nonphotochemical quenching, but no changes were observed in maximal photosynthetic rate (PNmax), irrespective of light spectra. At T17, xanthophyll contents remained higher only in R-supplemented plants. Overall, W light resulted in higher photosynthesis, whilst R and B light depressed PNmax values and promoted•O2 – formation at T17. G light did not induce variations in photosynthetic traits nor induced oxidative stress at both T1 and T17

    Supplemental red LED light promotes plant productivity, “photomodulate” fruit quality and increases Botrytis cinerea tolerance in strawberry

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    This work provides new evidences on the effect of pre-harvest red (R), green (G), blue (B), and white (W - R:G:B; 1:1:1) LED light supplementation on production, nutraceutical quality and Botrytis cinerea control of harvested strawberry fruit. Yield, fruit color, firmness, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, primary and specialized metabolites, expression of targeted genes and mold development were analyzed in fruit from light-supplemented plants, starting from the strawberry flowering, radiating 250 mu mol m-2 s-1 of light for five hours per day (from 11:00 to 16:00 h), until the fruit harvest. Briefly, R light induced the highest productivity and targeted antho-cyanin accumulation, whilst B and G lights increased the accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites especially belonging to ellagitannin and proanthocyanidin classes. R light also promoted pathogen tolerance in fruit by the upregulation of genes involved in cell wall development (F x aPE41), inhibition of fungus poly-galacturonases (F x aPGIP1) and the degradation of B. cinerea beta-glucans (F x aBG2-1). Our dataset highlights the possibility to use red LED light to increase fruit yield, "photomodulate" strawberry fruit quality and increase B. cinerea tolerance. These results can be useful in terms of future reduction of agrochemical inputs through the use of R light, enhancing, at the same time, fruit production and quality. Finally, further analyses might clarify the effect of pre-harvest supplemental G light on postharvest fruit quality

    Glutathione Transferase from Trichoderma virens Enhances Cadmium Tolerance without Enhancing Its Accumulation in Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum

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    BACKGROUND: Cadmium (Cd) is a major heavy metal pollutant which is highly toxic to plants and animals. Vast agricultural areas worldwide are contaminated with Cd. Plants take up Cd and through the food chain it reaches humans and causes toxicity. It is ideal to develop plants tolerant to Cd, without enhanced accumulation in the edible parts for human consumption. Glutathione transferases (GST) are a family of multifunctional enzymes known to have important roles in combating oxidative stresses induced by various heavy metals including Cd. Some GSTs are also known to function as glutathione peroxidases. Overexpression/heterologous expression of GSTs is expected to result in plants tolerant to heavy metals such as Cd. RESULTS: Here, we report cloning of a glutathione transferase gene from Trichoderma virens, a biocontrol fungus and introducing it into Nicotiana tabacum plants by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Transgenic nature of the plants was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization and expression by reverse transcription PCR. Transgene (TvGST) showed single gene Mendelian inheritance. When transgenic plants expressing TvGST gene were exposed to different concentrations of Cd, they were found to be more tolerant compared to wild type plants, with transgenic plants showing lower levels of lipid peroxidation. Levels of different antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione transferase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, guiacol peroxidase and catalase showed enhanced levels in transgenic plants expressing TvGST compared to control plants, when exposed to Cd. Cadmium accumulation in the plant biomass in transgenic plants were similar or lower than wild-type plants. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study suggest that transgenic tobacco plants expressing a Trichoderma virens GST are more tolerant to Cd, without enhancing its accumulation in the plant biomass. It should be possible to extend the present results to crop plants for developing Cd tolerance and in limiting Cd availability in the food chain

    Wood processing by-products treated with the lignin-based conditioner as mulch for soil protection

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    Wood processing by-products such as bark of different wood species and hydrolysis lignin were applied as soil mulch. The lignin-based soil conditioner (LSC) representing a lignin-based polyelectrolyte complex with the different composition (a lignin/polymer mass ratio) was obtained under laboratory conditions and was intended to protect sandy soil from erosion by simultaneous application of a soil conditioner as an adhesive, mulch and plant seeds by hydroseeding. The study revealed the pronounced dependence of the properties of the treated wood-originated mulch on the wood species as well as on the composition, the applied concentration and the application rate of LSC. A comparison of the obtained results showed that the treated hydrolysis lignin was characterised by higher compressive strength, higher water resistance and lower moisture losses from sandy soil for a given LSC composition and application rate than the bark-based mulch. The conditioner concentrations don't have negative impact on the germination of seeds plants of the coastal dune zone. First published online: 21 Oct 201