328 research outputs found

    Relative localization for aerial manipulation with PL-SLAM

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis chapter explains a precise SLAM technique, PL-SLAM, that allows to simultaneously process points and lines and tackle situations where point-only based methods are prone to fail, like poorly textured scenes or motion blurred images where feature points are vanished out. The method is remarkably robust against image noise, and that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods for point based contour alignment. The method can run in real-time and in a low cost hardware.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Estimator stability analysis in SLAM

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    IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV), 2004, Lisboa (Portugal)This work presents an analysis of the state estimation error dynamics for a linear system within the Kalman filter based approach to Simultaneous Localization and Map Building. Our objective is to demonstrate that such dynamics is marginally stable. The paper also presents the necessary modifications required in the observation model, in order to guarantee zero mean stable error dynamics. Simulations for a one-dimensional robot and a planar vehicle are presented.This work was supported by the project 'Supervised learning of industrial scenes by means of an active vision equipped mobile robot.' (J-00063).Peer Reviewe

    Stochastic State Estimation for Simultaneous Localization and Map Building in Mobile Robotics

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    En Cutting Edge Robotics, 223-242. Advanced Robotic Systems Press, 2005.The study of stochastic models for Simultaneous Localization and Map Building (SLAM) in mobile robotics has been an active research topic for over fifteen years. Within the Kalman filter (KF) approach to SLAM, seminal work (Smith and Cheeseman, 1986) suggested that as successive landmark observations take place, the correlation between the estimates of the location of such landmarks in a map grows continuously. This observation was later ratified (Dissanayake et al., 2001) with a proof showing that the estimated map converges monotonically to a relative map with zero uncertainty. They also showed how the absolute accuracy of the map reaches a lower bound defined only by the initial vehicle uncertainty, and proved it for a one-landmark vehicle with no process noise. From an estimation theoretic point of view, we address these results as a consequence of partial observability. We show that error free reconstruction of the map state vector is not possible with typical measurement models, regardless of the vehicle model chosen, and show experimentally that the expected error in state estimation is proportional to the number of landmarks used. Error free reconstruction is only possible once full observability is guaranteed.This work was supported by projects: 'Supervised learning of industrial scenes by means of an active vision equipped mobile robot.' (J-00063), 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929).Peer Reviewe

    Epigenetic mechanisms underlying cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease hallmarks in 5XFAD mice

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    5XFAD is an early-onset mouse transgenic model of Alzheimer disease (AD). Up to now there are no studies that focus on the epigenetic changes produced as a result of Aß-42 accumulation and the possible involvement in the different expression of related AD-genes. Under several behavioral and cognition test, we found impairment in memory and psychoemotional changes in female 5XFAD mice in reference to wild type that worsens with age. Cognitive changes correlated with alterations on protein level analysis and gene expression of markers related with tau aberrant phosphorylation, amyloidogenic pathway (APP, BACE1), Oxidative Stress (iNOS, Aldh2) and inflammation (astrogliosis, TNF-¿ and IL-6); no changes were found in non-amyloidogenic pathway indicators such as ADAM10. Epigenetics changes as higher CpG methylation and transcriptional changes in DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) family were found. Dnmt1 increases in younger 5XFAD and Dnmt3a and b high levels in the oldest transgenic mice. Similar pattern was found with histone methyltransferases such as Jarid1a andG9a. Histone deacetylase 2 (Hdac2) or Sirt6, both related with cognition and memory, presented a similar pattern. Taken together, these hallmarks presented by the 5XFAD model prompted its use in assessing different potential therapeutic interventions based on epigenetic targets after earlier amyloid deposition.This study was supported by Spanish MINECO, and the European Regional Development Funds (SAF-2012- 39852, BFU2013-48822-R and CSD2010-00045). CGF, AC, and MP belong to 2014 SGR 525; and SS and CS to 2014 SGR 625.Peer Reviewe

    Pigments ceràmics encapsulats

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    En aquesta comunicació es presenta un panorama actual del món de la investigació en pigments ceràmics, amb les diferents classificacions establertes per a la seua classificació sistemàtica, s'emfatitza la via del encapsulament de colors ceràmics mitjançant rutes de síntesis sol-gel com la més innovadora, prometedora i rendible de totes les vies d'investigació en el camp dels pigments ceràmics, i es presenten alguns resultats aclaridors respecte de repeste de la naturalesa d'aquests pigments

    Genetics and genetic counseling in psychiatry : Results from an opinion survey of professionals and users

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    Background: The heritability of several psychiatric disorders is high, and specific at-risk variants have been identified. Therefore, genetic counseling and genetic testing can be prescribed to some psychiatric patients, but these services are not standardized for most of the population. The aims of the study were to gather opinions from mental health professionals and users regarding (a) the genetics of psychiatric disorders and (b) the usefulness of a genetic counseling unit in psychiatry. Methods: The survey was conducted in the province of Tarragona (Spain), and we analyzed 152 valid questionnaires from professionals and 959 from users. Results: Sixty-one percent of professionals strongly believed that psychiatric disorders have a genetic basis, and 59% rated a genetic counseling unit in psychiatry as very or extremely useful. However, only a few professionals reported that patients asked them about the genetics of their diseases (12%) or the possibility of transmitting the disease to offspring (19%). Forty-seven percent of users strongly believed that psychiatric disorders have a genetic basis, 30% responded that they talked with their families about the genetics of their diseases, and 43% were worried about transmitting the disease to offspring; however, only 14% reported that their psychiatrist had talked to them about this topic. Remarkably, 80% of users would consider a genetic counseling unit very or extremely useful. Conclusions: The present study showed that mental health professionals were more aware of the genetic basis of psychiatric disorders than users, and both considered the implementation of a genetic counseling service very useful

    Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 mediates overlapping mechanisms across brain disorders

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    MECP2 and its product, Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2), are mostly known for their association to Rett Syndrome (RTT), a rare neurodevelopmental disorder. Additional evidence suggests that MECP2 may underlie other neuropsychiatric and neurological conditions, and perhaps modulate common presentations and pathophysiology across disorders. To clarify the mechanisms of these interactions, we develop a method that uses the binding properties of MeCP2 to identify its targets, and in particular, the genes recognized by MeCP2 and associated to several neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Analysing mechanisms and pathways modulated by these genes, we find that they are involved in three main processes: neuronal transmission, immuno-reactivity, and development. Also, while the nervous system is the most relevant in the pathophysiology of the disorders, additional systems may contribute to MeCP2 action through its target genes. We tested our results with transcriptome analysis on Mecp2-null models and cells derived from a patient with RTT, confirming that the genes identified by our procedure are directly modulated by MeCP2. Thus, MeCP2 may modulate similar mechanisms in different pathologies, suggesting that treatments for one condition may be effective for related disorders

    Graph edit distance or graph edit pseudo-distance?

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    Graph Edit Distance has been intensively used since its appearance in 1983. This distance is very appropriate if we want to compare a pair of attributed graphs from any domain and obtain not only a distance, but also the best correspondence between nodes of the involved graphs. In this paper, we want to analyse if the Graph Edit Distance can be really considered a distance or a pseudo-distance, since some restrictions of the distance function are not fulfilled. Distinguishing between both cases is important because the use of a distance is a restriction in some methods to return exact instead of approximate results. This occurs, for instance, in some graph retrieval techniques. Experimental validation shows that in most of the cases, it is not appropriate to denominate the Graph Edit Distance as a distance, but a pseudo-distance instead, since the triangle inequality is not fulfilled. Therefore, in these cases, the graph retrieval techniques not always return the optimal graph
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