23 research outputs found

    NaÅ”a je budućnost u očima promatrača ā€“ inicijativa za globalni investicijski međunarodni ugovor

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    The existing international investment regime is not based on a multilateral international organization. This essay argues for the conclusion of an international, legally binding, global investment treaty (GIT), under the auspices of the United Nations (UN). Its wide mandate and equality of votes will ensure the appropriate context for creating a fairer international investment regime, balancing between a strong capitalist agenda and a contemporary outlook on social justice. Concluding a GIT under the auspices of the UN would primarily mean the systematic overseeing of its implementation across the globe and would provide the necessary context, resources and forum for discussion. It should emphasize the right to development, and consolidate and harmonise the main principles of international economic law, balancing them with other competing principles of international law, and moreover constitute an international investment court. Further, a GIT should promote investment and address the topic of corporate social responsibility related to the operations of multinational enterprises. The conclusion of a GIT would open new investment opportunities worldwide and provide an organised framework for development, with more legal certainty for investors. Public international law should offer new guidancePostojeći međunarodni investicijski režim nije utemeljen na multilateralnoj međunarodnoj organizaciji. Autorica se zalaže za sklapanje pravno obvezujućeg globalnog investicijskog međunarodnog ugovora (GIT) pod okriljem Ujedinjenih nacija (UN). Å iroki mandat i jednakost glasova u UN-u, omogućit će odgovarajući kontekst za stvaranje pravičnijeg investicijskog režima, balansirajući između snažnih kapitalističkih težnji i suvremenog pogleda na druÅ”tvenu pravednost. Postojanje takvog međunarodnog ugovora prvenstveno će značiti njegovu sustavnu implementaciju diljem svijeta, te dati potreban kontekst, resurse i forum za diskusije.GIT bi trebao istaknuti pravo na razvoj, konsolidirati i harmonizirati glavne principe međunarodnog prava ekonomije s ostalim principima međunarodnog prava, te uspostaviti međunarodni investicijski sud. Jednako tako, GIT bi trebao promicati investicije i druÅ”tvenu odgovornost multinacionalnih kompanija. Sklapanje GIT-a otvorilo bi nove investicijske mogućnosti diljem svijeta, te dalo organizirani okvir za razvoj, s viÅ”e pravne sigurnosti za ulagače. Međunarodno javno pravo treba ponuditi novi smjer

    Healthcare associated Clostridioides difficile infection in adult surgical and medical patients hospitalized in tertiary hospital in Belgrade, Serbia: a seven years prospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI) is one of the most common healthcare-associated (HA) infections in contemporary medicine. The risk factors (RFs) for HA CDI in medical and surgical patients are poorly investigated in countries with a limited resource healthcare system. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate differences in patientsā€™ characteristics, factors related to healthcare and outcomes associated with HA CDI in surgical and medical patients in tertiary healthcare centre in Serbia. Materials and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted including adult patients diagnosed with initial episode of HA CDI, first recurrence of disease, readmission to hospital, while deaths within 30 days of CDI diagnosis and in-hospital mortality were also recorded. Patients hospitalized for any non-surgical illness, who developed initial HA CDI were assigned to medical group, whereas those who developed initial HA CDI after surgical procedures were in surgical group. The data on patientsā€™ characteristics and factors related to healthcare were collected, too. Results: During 7-year period, from 553 patients undergoing in-hospital treatment and diagnosed with CDI, 268 (48.5%) and 285 (51.5%) were surgical and medical patients, respectively. Age ā‰„ 65 years, use of proton pump inhibitors, chemotherapy and fluoroquinolones were positively associated with being in medical group, whereas admission to intensive care unit and use of second- and third-generation cephalosporins were positively associated with being in surgical group. Conclusions: Based on obtained results, including significant differences in 30-day mortality and in-hospital mortality, it can be concluded that medical patient were more endangered with HA CDI than surgical ones

    Method validation for determining the citrate content in acacia honey by ion chromatography

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    Sadržaj limunske kiseline u medu može da pruži informacije za procenu autenticnosti meda. Me utim, važeci Codexalimentarius kao i Pravilnik o kvalitetu meda ne pružaju informacije o sadržaju limunske kiseline u medu. Imajuci to u vidu, predmet ovog rada je razvoj i validacija metode za odre ivanje citrata u medu. Analiza citrata ura ena je primenom jonske hromatografijesa konduktometrijskom detekcijom na DIONEX AS 15 analitickoj koloni uz upotrebu 30 mM kalijum-hidroksida kao mobilne faze.Validovana metoda se može primeniti za odre ivanje sadržaja citrata u medu u intervalu 1 ā€“ 100 mg/kg s agranicom detekcije od 0,36 mg/kg igranicomkvantifikacije 1,20 mg/kg.Tacnost metode je proverena testom obogacenja (95 ā€“ 101%), a preciznost ponovljenim analizama u toku viÅ”e dana. Metoda je proverena analizom 25 uzoraka bagremovog meda pri cemu je sadržaj citrata bio u opsegu 10,82 ā€“ 55,74 mg/kg. Parametri validacije metode potvr uju mogucnost primene jonskehromatografije sa konduktometrijskom detekcijom za brzo i tacno odre ivanje citrata u uzorcima bagremovog meda.The citric acid content can give useful information about honey authenticity. However, Codex Alimentarius and the Serbian regulation do not provide information on the content of citric acid in honey. Hence,the object of this paper is the method development and validation for the determination of citrate content in honey. The concentration of citrate in honey was determined by ion chromatography with conductivity detection on DIONEX AS 15 column and 30 mM potassium-hydroxide as mobile phase. The method validation revealed that method can be used for determination of citrate in acaciahoney from 1 to100 mg/kg. The limit of detection was 0.36 mg/kg and limit of quantification 1.20 mg/kg. The accuracy was determined with recovery test (95ā€“101%), and precision with repeat analysis during few days. Analysis of 25 acacia honey samples confirmed applicability of method and revealed that amount of citrate was10.82 ā€“ 55.74 mg/kg. The statistical parameters of method validation pointed out that the ion chromatography with conductometry detection enabled rapid and accurate determination of citrate in acacia honey

    Antibiotic consumption and healthcare-associated infections in a tertiary hospital in Belgrade, Serbia from 2011 to 2016

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    Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and irrational use of antibiotics in healthcare settings are major global public health concerns. Surveillance of HAIs in intensive care units (ICU), surgical-site infections (SSIs), and Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs), together with implementation of antibiotic stewardship, are cornerstones of hospital infection prevention programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate antibiotic consumption, especially of broad spectrum antibiotics, in relation to HAI incidence density (ID). Methodology: The study was conducted from 2011 to 2016 in a tertiary hospital, the Military Medical Academy (MMA), in Belgrade, Serbia. Through regular hospital surveillance we identified all patients with a new HAI. Data on consumption of antibacterials for systemic use were expressed as defined daily dose per 100 bed days (DDD/100 BD). Results: The highest incidence density (ID) of HAI was observed among patients in surgical ICUs (47.2 per 1000 patient-days), while the highest incidence rate among SSI was 3.7%. Moreover, the highest ID of CDI in medical patients was 6.2 per 10,000 patient-days, while in surgical patients it was 4.3 per 10,000 patient-days. The most frequently used antibiotics were cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and carbapenems (16.0 +/- 2.3, 4.8 +/- 0.7, 4.3 f 0.7 DDD/100 BD, respectively). There was no significant correlation between consumption of any groups of antibiotics and ID of CDI in medical and surgical patients. Conclusion: The multidisciplinary healthcare team would have crucial importance in the implementation of the antibiotic stewardship program in order to decrease unnecessary exposures of patients treated in healthcare settings

    Outcomes of Clostridioides difficile infection in adult cancer and non-cancer patients hospitalised in a tertiary hospital: a prospective cohort study

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    Background Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is one of the most common healthcare-associated (HA) infections. Cancer patients, particularly haemato-oncological patients, have an increased risk for CDI due to more risk factors compared with non-cancer patients. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in outcomes associated with HA CDI in patients with solid and haematological malignancies compared with patients with no underlying malignant disease in a tertiary healthcare centre in Serbia. Methods A prospective cohort study was conducted including adult patients diagnosed with an initial episode of HA CDI. Their demographic and clinical characteristics associated with risk factors for CDI were documented. Outcomes such as all-cause 30-day mortality, cure of infection, diarrhoea relaps and recurrence of disease were followed. Patients were assigned to cancer and non-cancer groups. Within the cancer group, patients were divided into the solid tumour subgroup and haematological malignancy subgroup. Results During a 7-year period, HA CDI was observed in 28 (5.1%) patients with haematological malignancy, 101 (18.3%) patients with solid tumours and 424 (76.7%) non-cancer patients. Older age (OR 1.04, 95%ā€‰CI 1.02 to 1.07, p<0.001), admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) (OR 2.61, 95%ā€‰CI 1.37 to 4.95, p=0.003), mechanical ventilation (OR 5.19, 95%ā€‰CI 2.78 to 9.71, p<0.001) and use of antibiotics prior to CDI (OR 1.04, 95%ā€‰CI 1.02 to 1.06, p=0.02) were associated with increased mortality. Compared with patients with solid tumours, patients with haematological malignancy were younger (65 vs 57 years, p=0.015), did not require ICU admission (25.0% vs 0%) or mechanical ventilation (8.9% vs 0%) and were treated longer with antibiotics prior to CDI (14 vs 24 days, p=0.002). Conclusions Patients with haematological malignancy were exposed to different risk factors for CDI associated with mortality compared with patients with solid tumours and non-cancer patients. Older age, ICU stay and mechanical ventilation, but not presence or type of cancer, predicted the all-cause 30-day mortality

    Climate and culture in schools with good practice models for addressing students' mental health issues

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    The master's thessis discusess school climate and culture and how they are connected to the occurrence and treatment of psychosocial problems among students at school. In theoretical part, I define the concepts of mental health and mental problems and highlight the importance of both for andolescence. I also focus on the three main concepts that in moden times contrubute to the understanding of the previously mentioned topic. In the following, I talk about the school's impact on mental health among students, define school climate and culture and their connection with the psychosocial distress. In the empirical part, I originate from the conclusions of the preliminary research Dostopnost organiziranih oblik podpore mladim v psihosocialnih in duŔevnih težavah in konteksti teh težav (Dekleva idr., 2018), where some of the participating school representatives estimated that they have some good practices in dealing with such problems. I show more detail on the approaches, ways and methods of work at six of these schools. At the same time, I also research the characteristics of the school climate and culture in connection with the treatment of children facing psychosocial distress, the most frequently perceived difficulties among them and the role in the formation of the school climate and culture in relation to psychosocial difficulties, which the interviewees attribute to the principal. The results show anxiety as the distress workes most often perceive among students. Some of the participants also report the emergence of new difficulties as a result of school closures during the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. Based on the conducted research, I can confirm the interdependence of school climate and culture. What was reflected in the elements of the organizational culture - structure, roles, expectations, guidelines for conduct... then had a direct impact on the climate - specifically on the relationships within each school (towards students, between students and between employees). But since it is a qualitative type of research, which included a conversation with only one person at each school, it is very difficult for me to define the final state of the climate and culture at these schools. The formal role of the principal still plays an important role in most cases. The principal can either positively or negatively influence the behavior of employees when dealing with the distress of young people. However, the master's thessis also presents a case where the principal does not have much influence in solving problems, as other employees solve them without his involvement. The approaches used by interlocutors in solving difficulties among students depend on various factors. One of the most important proved to be the knowledge possessed by an individual professional worker. The more additional knowledge a person has in the field of mental health protection, the more help they can provide themselves either in group or individual form of work. The relationship that the professional worker forms with the individual has also proven to be an important predisposition for helping the individual. The better it is, the more likely the student will let you close and let you help them

    Climate and culture in schools with good practice models for addressing students\u27 mental health issues

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    Delo se ukvarja s Å”olsko klimo in kulturo, ter kako sta le-ti povezani s pojavom in obravnavanjem psihosocialnih težav med učenci in dijaki na Å”oli. V teoretičnih izhodiŔčih opredelim pojma duÅ”evno zdravje in psihosocialne težave, ter izpostavim pomen obojega za obdobje mladostniÅ”tva. Podrobneje osvetlim tri koncepte, ki v sodobnem času prispevajo k razumevanju predhodno omenjene tematike. V nadaljevanju govorim o vplivu Å”ole na duÅ”evno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov, ter podrobneje opredelim Å”olsko klimo in kulturo in njuno povezanost s pojavnostjo stisk. V empiričnem delu izhajam iz ugotovitev preliminarne raziskave Dostopnost organiziranih oblik podpore mladim v psihosocialnih in duÅ”evnih težavah in konteksti teh težav (Dekleva idr., 2018), kjer so nekateri izmed sodelujočih predstavnikov Å”ol ocenili, da pri njih obstajajo dobre prakse pri obravnavi tovrstnih težav. Podrobneje osvetlim pristope, načine in metode dela na Å”estih izmed teh Å”ol. Ob tem raziskujem tudi značilnosti Å”olske klime in kulture v povezavi z obravnavanjem otrok, ki se soočajo s psihosocialnimi stiskami, najpogosteje zaznane stiske med njimi ter vlogo pri oblikovanju Å”olske klime in kulture v odnosu do psihosocialnih stisk, ki jo intervjuvanci pripiÅ”ejo ravnatelju/-ici. Rezultati kažejo, da sodelujoči kot stisko, ki jo med učenci najpogosteje zaznavajo, navajajo anksioznost. Nekateri izmed sodelujočih poročajo tudi o pojavu novih stisk kot posledici zaprtja Å”ol v času prvega vala epidemije Covid-19. Na podlagi opravljene raziskave lahko potrdim soodvisnost Å”olske klime in kulture. Kar se je kazalo v elementih organizacijske kulture ā€“ strukturi, vlogah, pričakovanjih, vodilih za ravnanje ā€“ je imelo potem neposreden vpliv tudi na klimo ā€“ konkretno na odnose znotraj posamezne Å”ole (do učencev, med učenci in med zaposlenimi). A ker gre za kvalitativen tip raziskovanja, ki je zajemal pogovor z zgolj eno osebo na posamezni Å”oli, zelo težko opredelim končno stanje klime in kulture na vsaki od teh Å”ol. Formalna vloga ravnatelja v večini primerov Å”e vedno odigra pomembno vlogo. Ravnatelj/-ica lahko bodisi v pozitivni bodisi v negativni smeri vpliva na ravnanja zaposlenih ob soočanju s stiskami mladih. Je pa znotraj naloge predstavljen tudi primer, ko ravnatelj pri reÅ”evanju stisk nima kaj dosti vpliva, in ostali zaposleni reÅ”ujejo težave brez njegove vpletenosti. Pristopi, ki jih sogovorniki uporabljajo pri reÅ”evanju stisk med učenci so odvisni od različnih dejavnikov. Eden najpomembnejÅ”ih se je izkazal kot znanje, s katerim posamezni strokovni delavec razpolaga. Več ko ima oseba dodatnih znanj s področja varovanja duÅ”evnega zdravja, več pomoči lahko nudi sama bodisi v skupinski ali individualni obliki dela. Prav tako se je kot pomembna predispozicija za pomoč posamezniku izkazal tudi odnos, ki ga strokovni delavec oblikuje z njim. BoljÅ”i kot je, večja je verjetnost, da te bo učenec spustil blizu in ti dovolil, da mu pomagaÅ”.The master\u27s thessis discusess school climate and culture and how they are connected to the occurrence and treatment of psychosocial problems among students at school. In theoretical part, I define the concepts of mental health and mental problems and highlight the importance of both for andolescence. I also focus on the three main concepts that in moden times contrubute to the understanding of the previously mentioned topic. In the following, I talk about the school\u27s impact on mental health among students, define school climate and culture and their connection with the psychosocial distress. In the empirical part, I originate from the conclusions of the preliminary research Dostopnost organiziranih oblik podpore mladim v psihosocialnih in duÅ”evnih težavah in konteksti teh težav (Dekleva idr., 2018), where some of the participating school representatives estimated that they have some good practices in dealing with such problems. I show more detail on the approaches, ways and methods of work at six of these schools. At the same time, I also research the characteristics of the school climate and culture in connection with the treatment of children facing psychosocial distress, the most frequently perceived difficulties among them and the role in the formation of the school climate and culture in relation to psychosocial difficulties, which the interviewees attribute to the principal. The results show anxiety as the distress workes most often perceive among students. Some of the participants also report the emergence of new difficulties as a result of school closures during the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. Based on the conducted research, I can confirm the interdependence of school climate and culture. What was reflected in the elements of the organizational culture - structure, roles, expectations, guidelines for conduct... then had a direct impact on the climate - specifically on the relationships within each school (towards students, between students and between employees). But since it is a qualitative type of research, which included a conversation with only one person at each school, it is very difficult for me to define the final state of the climate and culture at these schools. The formal role of the principal still plays an important role in most cases. The principal can either positively or negatively influence the behavior of employees when dealing with the distress of young people. However, the master\u27s thessis also presents a case where the principal does not have much influence in solving problems, as other employees solve them without his involvement. The approaches used by interlocutors in solving difficulties among students depend on various factors. One of the most important proved to be the knowledge possessed by an individual professional worker. The more additional knowledge a person has in the field of mental health protection, the more help they can provide themselves either in group or individual form of work. The relationship that the professional worker forms with the individual has also proven to be an important predisposition for helping the individual. The better it is, the more likely the student will let you close and let you help them


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    Organizational citizenship behaviour represents the behaviour of the employees that goes beyond their duties. This type of behaviour from the perspective of employer is very desirable since it produces many positive consequences regarding individual and the overall organizational performances. However, readiness of the employees to exert this type of behaviour is influenced by many factors. One of the most important is fulfilment of employeesā€™ psychological contract. Since that there are two basic forms of contracts, relational and transactional, the aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between these types of psychological contract and organizational citizenship behaviour. For the purpose of testing proposed hypothesis, t-test, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis were applied. The results showed that there is a positive relation and positive impact of relational psychological contract on the organizational citizenship behaviour, which was not the case when it was about the transactional contract.Organizaciono građansko ponaÅ”anje predstavlja ponaÅ”anje zaposlenih koji prevazilazi njihove dužnosti. Ovakvo ponaÅ”anje iz perspektive poslodavca je veoma poželjno, jer donosi mnoge pozitivne posledice u pogledu individualnih i ukupnih organizacionih performansi. Međutim, na spremnost zaposlenih da ispoljavaju ovakvu vrstu ponaÅ”anja utiču mnogi faktori. Jedan od najvažnijih je ispunjenje psiholoÅ”kog ugovora zaposlenih. PoÅ”to postoje dva osnovna oblika psiholoÅ”kog ugovora, relacioni i transakcioni, cilj ovog rada je da istraži odnos između ovih vrsta ugovornog organizacionog građanskog ponaÅ”anja. U svrhu testiranja predloženih hipoteza, primenjeni su t-test, Pirsonova korelacija i viÅ”estruka linearna regresiona analiza. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji pozitivan odnos i pozitivan uticaj relacionog psiholoÅ”kog ugovora na organizaciono građansko ponaÅ”anje, Å”to nije bio slučaj kada je reč o transakcionom ugovoru

    Effects of row spacing and plant growth regulation on alfalfa seed yield (medicago sativa l.)

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    The influence of sowing method, growth regulator and harvest method on alfalfa seed yield was examined in three years (2015-2017), in locality near Belgrade, with using alfalfa variety NS Banat ZMS II. Research showed the statistically very significant effect of sowing method on seed yield, and the best average way for all three years period was 60 cm between rows of sowed seed. The growth regulator proved to be effective only in the rainy year, while harvesting crops previously treated with desiccant proved to beuseful, with the exception in the year of establishment when this difference was not statistically significant. Meteorological conditions had the highest influence on the seed yield, amount of precipitation in the vegetation period mostly, and the researched factors have proved to be useful in suppressing the consequences of poor weather. In years suitable for seed production, the recommendation for the production practice is an intermediate distance of 60 cm and the use of a desiccant