Method validation for determining the citrate content in acacia honey by ion chromatography


Sadržaj limunske kiseline u medu može da pruži informacije za procenu autenticnosti meda. Me utim, važeci Codexalimentarius kao i Pravilnik o kvalitetu meda ne pružaju informacije o sadržaju limunske kiseline u medu. Imajuci to u vidu, predmet ovog rada je razvoj i validacija metode za odre ivanje citrata u medu. Analiza citrata ura ena je primenom jonske hromatografijesa konduktometrijskom detekcijom na DIONEX AS 15 analitickoj koloni uz upotrebu 30 mM kalijum-hidroksida kao mobilne faze.Validovana metoda se može primeniti za odre ivanje sadržaja citrata u medu u intervalu 1 – 100 mg/kg s agranicom detekcije od 0,36 mg/kg igranicomkvantifikacije 1,20 mg/kg.Tacnost metode je proverena testom obogacenja (95 – 101%), a preciznost ponovljenim analizama u toku više dana. Metoda je proverena analizom 25 uzoraka bagremovog meda pri cemu je sadržaj citrata bio u opsegu 10,82 – 55,74 mg/kg. Parametri validacije metode potvr uju mogucnost primene jonskehromatografije sa konduktometrijskom detekcijom za brzo i tacno odre ivanje citrata u uzorcima bagremovog meda.The citric acid content can give useful information about honey authenticity. However, Codex Alimentarius and the Serbian regulation do not provide information on the content of citric acid in honey. Hence,the object of this paper is the method development and validation for the determination of citrate content in honey. The concentration of citrate in honey was determined by ion chromatography with conductivity detection on DIONEX AS 15 column and 30 mM potassium-hydroxide as mobile phase. The method validation revealed that method can be used for determination of citrate in acaciahoney from 1 to100 mg/kg. The limit of detection was 0.36 mg/kg and limit of quantification 1.20 mg/kg. The accuracy was determined with recovery test (95–101%), and precision with repeat analysis during few days. Analysis of 25 acacia honey samples confirmed applicability of method and revealed that amount of citrate was10.82 – 55.74 mg/kg. The statistical parameters of method validation pointed out that the ion chromatography with conductometry detection enabled rapid and accurate determination of citrate in acacia honey

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