78 research outputs found

    Implicancias para la salud y apoyo institucional en mujeres docentes jubiladas

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    The objectives of this article were to deepen in the experiences of fifteen retired female teachers during their health–illness process; to investigate how they value their state of health, what strategies they implemented, and what institutional support was received. The methodology used was the qualitative paradigm, with Heidegger´s phenomenological–hermeneutic approach, which proposes an interpretative phenomenology from the intersubjectivity between the researcher and the retired women, through semi-structured in-depth interviews.Among the main findings, it stands out that most of the interviewees did not seek medical attention when they were working and when they retired, they were diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid cancer, among others. Several teachers continue to work, stating that they still feel productive. UNAN University has policies to support all retired teachers. Most of them did not have a life project, being necessary for the university to have a support plan for women teachers in the pre-retirement stage. Therefore, there should be a health approach aimed at pre-retirees and retirees, promoting healthy lifestyles and biannual medical checkups, which will strengthen the line of research on the elderly.Este artículo tiene como objetivo profundizar en las vivencias de quince docentes jubiladas, durante el proceso de salud-enfermedad; indagar cómo valoran su estado de salud, cuáles estrategias realizaron y cuál ha sido el apoyo institucional recibido. Se utilizó como metodología el Paradigma cualitativo, con el enfoque fenomenológico- hermenéutica de Heidegger, quien propone una fenomenología interpretativa desde la intersubjetividad entre la investigadora y las jubiladas, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a profundidad.Entre los principales hallazgos destaca que la mayoría de entrevistadas no buscaron atención médica cuando laboraban y al jubilarse fueron diagnosticadas con diabetes, hipertensión, cáncer de tiroides, entre otras. Varias docentes siguen laborando, refiriendo que aún se sienten productivas. La UNAN tiene políticas de apoyo a todos los docentes jubilados. La mayoría no tenía un proyecto de vida, siendo necesario que la universidad tenga un plan de apoyo para las mujeres docentes en etapa de prejubilación. Por lo tanto, debe existir un enfoque salubrista dirigido a las prejubiladas y jubiladas, promoviendo estilos de vida saludable y chequeo médico semestral, lo que permitirá fortalecer la línea de investigación del adulto mayor

    La Teoría Fundamentada como camino cualitativo en el estudio de la vejez: una revisión narrativa

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    El objetivo de esta revisión narrativa, es conocer la contribución de la Teoría fundamentada como método cualitativo en el estudio de la vejez. Se realizó búsqueda virtual, en las bases de datos de lengua inglesa Medline y Google académico, iniciando desde el 2007 al 2018, encontrándose 40 artículos originales de 14 países en revistas especializadas que llevaran las palabras claves de teoría fundamentada y vejez. Se realizó búsqueda bibliográfica, sistematización de datos, selección de los artículos, para luego realizar el análisis y evaluación final. Los resultados indican que la Teoría fundamentada fue utilizada en su mayoría por disciplinas sociales como: Enfermería, Psicología y Sociología, en países como España, Suecia, Canadá, México y Estados Unidos, predominando las mujeres como autora y coautoras. La Teoría fundamentada fue utilizada como único método cualitativo en la mayoría de artículos; aplicando las entrevistas en profundidad cómo única técnica de recogida de datos. Estos resultados denotan el avance de la Teoría fundamentada como metodología de investigación cualitativa, en el estudio de problemas sociales, siendo muy útil para profundizar en temas como la vejez, permitiendo la captura de vivencias, experiencias y emociones, tal y como lo expresan los informantes claves. Descarga

    Induction of Apoptosis by Flavopiridol in Human Neuroblastoma Cells Is Enhanced under Hypoxia and Associated With <b> <i>N-myc</i> </b> Proto-oncogene Down-Regulation

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    Abstract Purpose: Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumor of children that arises from the sympathetic nervous system. Survival rates for neuroblastoma patients is low despite intensive therapeutic intervention, and the identification of new effective drugs remains a primary goal. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, flavopiridol, has demonstrated growth-inhibitory and cytotoxic activity against various tumor types. Our aim was to investigate flavopiridol effects on advanced-stage, N-myc proto-oncogene (MYCN)-amplified human neuroblastomas and the modulation of its activity by hypoxia, a critical determinant of tumor progression and a major challenge of therapy. Experimental Design: Cell viability was monitored by 3-(4,5 dimethyl-2 thiazolyl)-2,5 diphenyl-2H tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and trypan blue dye exclusion assays; DNA synthesis was assessed with the bromodeoxyuridine pulse-labeling technique; apoptosis was studied by Giemsa staining, DNA fragmentation, terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling reaction, flow cytometric determination of hypodiploid DNA content, and evaluation of caspase activity and cytochrome c (CytC) release; MYCN expression was determined by Northern and Western blotting. Results: Flavopiridol caused dose- and time-dependent decreases in neuroblastoma viability by inducing apoptosis, as confirmed by morphologic and biochemical criteria. Cell death was preceded by DNA synthesis inhibition and G1-G2 arrest, reversed by the pancaspase inhibitor, zVAD-fmk, and associated with caspase-3 and -2 activation and CytC increase. Moreover, flavopiridol strongly down-regulated MYCN mRNA and protein expression. Exposure to hypoxia enhanced both the extent of apoptosis and flavopiridol effects on CytC, caspase 3, and MYCN. Conclusions: These results indicate that flavopiridol has growth-inhibitory and apoptotic activity against advanced-stage neuroblastomas in vitro and is worthy of further investigation for the treatment of this disease

    Construcción socioemocional de la jubilación en mujeres docentes universitarias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. 2020

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    Cuando la mujer se jubila se producen cambios en todos los ámbitos, quedando su vida laboral rezagada, ahora tiene que organizarse con su nuevo estatus de jubilada. El estudio indaga como las docentes universitarias jubiladas viven y construyen la realidad social en torno a su jubilación, como se entrelazan sus expectativas ante la jubilación y la vejez. Estos resultados permitirán descubrir los elementos que intervienen en la construcción socioemocional, desde su experiencia y en torno a sus expectativas y valoraciones frente a la jubilación. Se utilizó el Paradigma cualitativo, mediante el método fenomenológico; creando categorías a través de los datos recogidos mediante las entrevistas a profundidad. Los resultados indican que las jubiladas conceptualizan la vejez como un proceso asociado a sus facultades mentales que puede ser natural o patológico. Se identifican vivencias referidas a la libertad y necesidad de cumplir proyectos durante su jubilación; asimismo, presentan emociones y sentimientos diversos como: alegría, satisfacción, tristeza, incertidumbre y temor al nuevo cambio de vida. La jubilación tiene gran impacto en las docentes jubiladas, sufriendo situación de duelo; por lo que es necesario planificar talleres y encuentros intergeneracionales dirigidos a jubiladas y prejubilados donde el escenario sea la Universidad; propiciando la reflexión en torno a las representaciones sociales del envejecimiento, la vejez y la jubilación

    Neuronal and glioma-derived stem cell factor induces angiogenesis within the brain

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    SummaryStem cell factor (SCF) is overexpressed by neurons following brain injury as well as by glioma cells; however, its role in gliomagenesis remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that SCF directly activates brain microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) in vitro and induces a potent angiogenic response in vivo. Primary human gliomas express SCF in a grade-dependent manner and induce normal neurons to express SCF in brain regions infiltrated by glioma cells, areas that colocalize with prominent angiogenesis. Downregulation of SCF inhibits tumor-mediated angiogenesis and glioma growth in vivo, whereas overexpression of SCF is associated with shorter survival in patients with malignant gliomas. Thus, the SCF/c-Kit pathway plays an important role in tumor- and normal host cell-induced angiogenesis within the brain

    FTY720 inhibits mesothelioma growth in vitro and in a syngeneic mouse model

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    Background: Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a very aggressive type of cancer, with a dismal prognosis and inherent resistance to chemotherapeutics. Development and evaluation of new therapeutic approaches is highly needed. Immunosuppressant FTY720, approved for multiple sclerosis treatment, has recently raised attention for its anti-tumor activity in a variety of cancers. However, its therapeutic potential in MM has not been evaluated yet. Methods: Cell viability and anchorage-independent growth were evaluated in a panel of MM cell lines and human mesothelial cells (HM) upon FTY720 treatment to assess in vitro anti-tumor efficacy. The mechanism of action of FTY720 in MM was assessed by measuring the activity of phosphatase protein 2A (PP2A)-a major target of FTY720. The binding of the endogenous inhibitor SET to PP2A in presence of FTY720 was evaluated by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation. Signaling and activation of programmed cell death were evaluated by immunoblotting and flow cytometry. A syngeneic mouse model was used to evaluate anti-tumor efficacy and toxicity profile of FTY720 in vivo. Results: We show that FTY720 significantly suppressed MM cell viability and anchorage-independent growth without affecting normal HM cells. FTY720 inhibited the phosphatase activity of PP2A by displacement of SET protein, which appeared overexpressed in MM, as compared to HM cells. FTY720 promoted AKT dephosphorylation and Bcl-2 degradation, leading to induction of programmed cell death, as demonstrated by caspase-3 and PARP activation, as well as by cytochrome c and AIF intracellular translocation. Moreover, FTY720 administration in vivo effectively reduced tumor burden in mice without apparent toxicity. Conclusions: Our preclinical data indicate that FTY720 is a potentially promising therapeutic agent for MM treatment

    Socio-environmental impacts of non-native and transplanted aquatic mollusc species in South America: What do we really know?

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    The impacts of biological invasions remain poorly known for some habitats, regions and taxa. To date, there has been no comprehensive effort to review and synthesize the impacts of invasive mollusc species in South America. In this paper, we provide a synoptic view on what is known on documented socio-ecological impacts of aquatic no-native mollusc species (NNMS) and transplanted mollusc species (TMS) from South America. An expert group involving malacologists and taxonomists from different countries, the “South America Alien Molluscs Specialists” (eMIAS), shared and summarized the scientific literature, databases, and published and unpublished information on confirmed impacts of NNMS and TMS in South America. Three broad categories, non-mutually exclusive were used as a framework: “Environmental/Biodiversity impacts”, “Economic and social effects”, and “Human health impacts”. Some 21 NNMS and seven TMS have documented impacts on at least one of those three categories. We encourage targeting the less known areas of research, such as economic valuation of human health (and veterinary) impacts attributable to NNMS or TMS and expand our knowledge of environmental impacts for the species listed in this study.Fil: Carranza, Alvar. Universidad de la República; Uruguay. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Uruguay; UruguayFil: Agudo Padrón, Ignacio. Projeto “avulsos Malacológicos”; BrasilFil: Collado, Gonzalo A.. Universidad del Bio Bio; Chile. Sociedad Malacológica Chile; ChileFil: Damborenea, Maria Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Fabres, Alejandra. Sociedad Malacológica Chile; Chile. Universidad Católica de Maule; ChileFil: Gutierrez Gregoric, Diego Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Lodeiros, Cesar. Universidad Técnica de Manabí; Ecuador. Universidad de Oriente; VenezuelaFil: Ludwig, Sandra. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Pastorino, Roberto Santiago Guido. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Penchaszadeh, Pablo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Salvador, Rodrigo B.. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa,; Nueva Zelanda. The Artic University of Norway; NoruegaFil: Spotorno, Paula. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; BrasilFil: Thiengo, Silvana. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Vidigal, Teofania Heloisa Dutra Amorim. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Darrigran, Gustavo Alberto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Studi Potensi Jumlah Penumpang Bus Pemadu Moda Rute Malang – Bandar Udara Juanda Pp

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    Bandar Udara Malang yang belum melayani banyak tujuan penerbangan membuat pengguna moda pesawat memilih Bandar Udara Juanda. Disisi lain angkutan yang melayani rute Malang-Juanda PP hanya angkutan travel. Untuk itu dibutuhkan moda lain yang lebih ekonomis dan memiliki kapasitas lebih banyak dibandingkan angkutan travel. Bus pemadu moda adalah moda alternatif yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuisioner karakteristik sosial-ekonomi, karakteristik perjalanan serta kuisioner dengan teknik penyusunan stated preference. Stated preference memiliki atribut biaya perjalanan, waktu tempuh dan frekuensi keberangkatan. Sedangkan untuk prediksi tarif bus pemadu moda yang direncanakan diperoleh dari perhitungan BOK. Tarif yang telah diperoleh dari perhitungan BOK dibandingkan dengan nilai ATP dan WTP yang diperoleh dari kuisioner yang telah disebarkan. Sehingga didapatkan tarif ideal yang akan diberlakukan apabila bus pemadu moda tersebut direalisasikan.Setelah melakukan perhitungan tarif berdasarkan BOK diperoleh tarif sebesar Rp 23.374,- serta berdasarkan ATP dan WTP diperoleh tarif sebesar Rp 43.675,-. Dengan demikian perkiraan awal tarif bus pemadu moda sebesar Rp 40.000,- dapat diberlakukan. Hasil dari pemodelan pemilihan moda dengan metode stated preference untuk selisih biaya perjalanan Malang-Juanda: dan Juanda-Malang : , untuk selisih waktu tempuh perjalanan () rute Malang-Juanda : dan rute Juanda-Malang : , sedangkan untuk selisih Frekuensi Keberangkatan () rute Malang-Juanda : dan rute Juanda-Malang : .Potensi perpindahan pengguna travel ke bus pemadu moda rute Malang-Juanda sebanyak 705 orang per hari (83,97%). Sedangkan untuk rute Juanda-Malang sebanyak 1516 orang per hari (90,24%)

    Minimal asbestos exposure in germline BAP1 heterozygous mice is associated with deregulated inflammatory response and increased risk of mesothelioma

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    Germline BAP1 mutations predispose to several cancers, in particular malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an aggressive malignancy generally associated to professional exposure to asbestos. However, to date we found that none of the mesothelioma patients carrying germline BAP1 mutations were professionally exposed to asbestos. We hypothesized that germline BAP1 mutations might influence the asbestos-induced inflammatory response that is linked to asbestos carcinogenesis, thereby increasing the risk of developing mesothelioma after minimal exposure. Using a BAP1+/- mouse model, we found that, compared to their wild type littermates, BAP1+/- mice exposed to low-dose asbestos fibers showed significant alterations of the peritoneal inflammatory response, including significantly higher levels of pro-tumorigenic alternatively polarized M2 macrophages, and lower levels of several chemokines and cytokines. Consistent with these data, BAP1+/- mice had a significantly higher incidence of mesothelioma after exposure to very low doses of asbestos, doses that rarely induced mesothelioma in wild type mice. Our findings suggest that minimal exposure to carcinogenic fibers may significantly increase the risk of malignant mesothelioma in genetically predisposed individuals carrying germline BAP1 mutations, possibly via alterations of the inflammatory response