2,262 research outputs found

    Compressed k2-Triples for Full-In-Memory RDF Engines

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    Current "data deluge" has flooded the Web of Data with very large RDF datasets. They are hosted and queried through SPARQL endpoints which act as nodes of a semantic net built on the principles of the Linked Data project. Although this is a realistic philosophy for global data publishing, its query performance is diminished when the RDF engines (behind the endpoints) manage these huge datasets. Their indexes cannot be fully loaded in main memory, hence these systems need to perform slow disk accesses to solve SPARQL queries. This paper addresses this problem by a compact indexed RDF structure (called k2-triples) applying compact k2-tree structures to the well-known vertical-partitioning technique. It obtains an ultra-compressed representation of large RDF graphs and allows SPARQL queries to be full-in-memory performed without decompression. We show that k2-triples clearly outperforms state-of-the-art compressibility and traditional vertical-partitioning query resolution, remaining very competitive with multi-index solutions.Comment: In Proc. of AMCIS'201

    Repensar la profesión desde la formación y la práctica: Las Prácticas Externas de Pedagogía

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    El presente artículo presenta las innovaciones que se están realizando en la asignatura de Prácticas Externas del Grado de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Barcelona. Para ello, abordamos y presentamos la importancia de los Seminarios de Práctica Reflexiva, el replanteamiento, por parte de todas las partes involucradas, del trabajo por competencias, la participación de todos los agentes (tutoras de la facultad, alumnado y tutoras de las organizaciones de prácticas), y los resultados de las acciones (y proyectos) para la mejora del perfil profesional del futuro graduado o graduada en Pedagogía

    Bacterial carbon demand and growth efficiency in a coastal upwelling system

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    Eleven culture experiments were conducted in the coastal upwelling ­system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) by inoculating GF/C filtrated (10%) in 0.2 µm filtrated (90%) surface seawater collected under contrasting hydrographic conditions. Short-term (4 d) laboratory incubations were performed in the dark at 15°C. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, bacterial biomass (BB), bacterial production (BP) and electron transport system (ETS) activity were then monitored to: (1) study the course of bacterial carbon demand (BCD) and growth efficiency (BGE) during the incubation period; and (2) determine how BCD and BGE were linked with changing environmental conditions. Following the 4 d incubation, BP decreased by <4 times its initial values (range from 3 to 11 times) and ETS activity increased by 6 times its initial values (range from 1 to 75 times). As a result, BCD increased by 5 times (range from 1 to 16 times) and the BGE decreased by 15 times (range from 2 to 55 times) over the same period. BGE integrated over the 4 d incubation period ranged from 7 ± 1% to 55 ± 11% (mean ± SD: 27 ± 15%); integrated BGE increased significantly (R2 = 0.64, p < 0.003) with the initial concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and decreased significantly (R2 = 0.55, p < 0.01) with the C:N ratio of the bioavailable dissolved organic matter (BDOM). A multiple linear regression with DIN and the C:N ratio of BDOM explained 89% of the observed variability in the integrated BGE, demonstrating the strong dependence of growth efficiency on nutrient conditions and the quality of the organic substrate feeding the community of this coastal embayment.This study was funded by fellowships to C.L. from the early-stage training site ECOSUMMER (MESTCT-2004-020501) and the Carlsberg Foundation.Peer reviewe

    Síndrome de burnout y su impacto laboral entre los profesionales de la logopedia y otras disciplinas sanitarias: un estudio descriptivo

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    Introduction: Burnout syndrome is the result of a situation of chronic work stress, which occurs over a long period of time and compromises the physical and emotional health of workers. Health professionals are the group that suffers the greatest risk from these conditions. The objective of the present study was based on knowing the prevalence of burnout syndrome in a sample made up of health professionals who are working in a multidisciplinary team, although with greater attention to speech therapy language. Methos: A descriptive cross-sectional methodology is proposed, carried out by a group of 60 health professionals, who are working in the Autonomous Community of Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha. As measurement instruments, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire and an ad-hoc. Results: Show the prevalence of burnout was low, although they presented changes in mood and stress at work. In addition, some significant relationships were discovered between the subscales of emotional exhaustion and personal fulfillment through the MBI questionnaire, when professionals suffer changes in mood and work stress. There were significant differences between the speech therapists in support and labor protection and in the performance of tasks. On the other hand, the non-speech therapists showed significant differences in that the work situation with their team caused them stress, in active listening and the therapeutic bond with the patient. Discussion: We have found the prevalence of burnout was low and significant differences between the speech therapists and non-speech therapists.Introducción: El síndrome de burnout es el resultado de una situación de estrés laboral crónico, que compromete la salud física y emocional de los trabajadores siendo los profesionales sanitarios quienes más lo sufren. El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer la prevalencia del síndrome de burnout en una muestra de profesionales sanitarios que trabajan en un equipo multidisciplinar, prestando mayor atención a los logopedas. Método: Se propone una metodología descriptiva de corte transversal, realizada en un grupo de 60 profesionales sanitarios, de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y de Castilla-La Mancha. Se utilizó el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) y un cuestionario elaborado ad-hoc. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que la prevalencia de burnout fue escasa, si bien, aparecen cambios en el estado de ánimo y estrés en el trabajo con diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las subescalas de cansancio emocional y realización personal a través del MBI, cuando los profesionales sufren cambios en el estado de ánimo y estrés laboral. En cuanto al tipo de profesional los logopedas mostraron puntuaciones elevadas en apoyo y protección laboral y en la organización del tiempo. En cambio, los no logopedas, mostraban mejores puntuaciones en estrés en el trabajo, en la escucha activa y el vínculo terapéutico con el paciente. Discusión: Encontramos escaso burnout con importantes diferencias entre logopedas y no logopedas

    Effects of the photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter on bacterial physiology and diversity in a coastal system

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    8 páginas, 2 tablas, 1 figuraThe effect of solar radiation on dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the subsequent impact of photo-altered DOM on bacterial activity and community structure were assessed during two experiments in the coastal system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). After exposure of 0.2 μm filtered seawater for 3.5 days to dark and full sunlight, an inoculum of the bacterial community collected at the same time as the exposed water was added and the mixture was incubated for 4 days in the dark at 15 °C. Changes in bacterial production (BP), diversity (assessed by Fluorescence in situ hybridization) and electron transport system (ETS) activity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) and DOM humic-like absorption and fluorescence were followed. The exposure to sunlight had no effect on DOM concentrations while an average (±SD) decrease in DOM humic fluorescence of 45 ± 10% was found. The incubations with photo-altered DOM had lower BP (57 ± 11%), ETS (42 ± 9%) and bacterial carbon demand (BCD) (42 ± 8%) compared with the dark incubations, while bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) was unaffected. This suggests that DOM photo-alteration had a negative effect on bacterial metabolism in the study system. The bacterial growth on irradiated DOM resulted in a significant enrichment of the Gammaproteobacteria group compared with the dark control, indicating that solar exposure of DOM led to rapid changes in the bacterial community composition of the Ría de Vigo.This study was funded by fellowships to C.L from the early stage training site ECOSUMMER (MEST-CT-2004-020501) and the Carlsberg FoundationPeer reviewe

    A functional data analysis for assessing the impact of a retrofitting in the energy performance of a building

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    There is an increasing interest in reducing the energy consumption in buildings and in improving their energy efficiency. Building retrofitting is the employed solution for enhancing the energy efficiency in existing buildings. However, the actual performance after retrofitting should be analysed to check the effectiveness of the energy conservation measures. The aim of this work was to detect and to quantify the impact that a retrofitting had in the electrical consumption, heating demands, lighting and temperatures of a building located in the north of Spain. The methodology employed is the application of Functional Data Analyses (FDA) in comparison with classic mathematical techniques such as the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The methods that are commonly used for assessing building refurbishment are based on vectorial approaches. The novelty of this work is the application of FDA for assessing the energy performance of renovated buildings. The study proves that more accurate and realistic results are obtained working with correlated datasets than with independently distributed observations of classical methods. Moreover, the electrical savings reached values of more than 70% and the heating demands were reduced more than 15% for all floors in the building.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-096296-B-C2

    A Functional Data Analysis for Assessing the Impact of a Retrofitting in the Energy Performance of a Building

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    There is an increasing interest in reducing the energy consumption in buildings and in improving their energy efficiency. Building retrofitting is the employed solution for enhancing the energy efficiency in existing buildings. However, the actual performance after retrofitting should be analysed to check the effectiveness of the energy conservation measures. The aim of this work was to detect and to quantify the impact that a retrofitting had in the electrical consumption, heating demands, lighting and temperatures of a building located in the north of Spain. The methodology employed is the application of Functional Data Analyses (FDA) in comparison with classic mathematical techniques such as the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The methods that are commonly used for assessing building refurbishment are based on vectorial approaches. The novelty of this work is the application of FDA for assessing the energy performance of renovated buildings. The study proves that more accurate and realistic results are obtained working with correlated datasets than with independently distributed observations of classical methods. Moreover, the electrical savings reached values of more than 70% and the heating demands were reduced more than 15% for all floors in the building.This paper was funded by the Spanish Government (Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry) under the project RTI2018-096296-B-C21

    The Trp73 Mutant Mice: A Ciliopathy Model That Uncouples Ciliogenesis From Planar Cell Polarity

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    Sec. Genetics of Common and Rare Diseases[EN] p73 transcription factor belongs to one of the most important gene families in vertebrate biology, the p53-family. Trp73 gene, like the other family members, generates multiple isoforms named TA and DNp73, with different and, sometimes, antagonist functions. Although p73 shares many biological functions with p53, it also plays distinct roles during development. Trp73 null mice (p73KO from now on) show multiple phenotypes as gastrointestinal and cranial hemorrhages, rhinitis and severe central nervous system defects. Several groups, including ours, have revisited the apparently unrelated phenotypes observed in total p73KO and revealed a novel p73 function in the organization of ciliated epithelia in brain and trachea, but also an essential role as regulator of ependymal planar cell polarity. Unlike p73KO or TAp73KO mice, tumor-prone Trp53−/− mice (p53KO) do not present ependymal ciliary or planar cell polarity defects, indicating that regulation of ciliogenesis and PCP is a p73-specific function. Thus, loss of ciliary biogenesis and epithelial organization might be a common underlying cause of the diverse p73KO-phenotypes, highlighting Trp73 role as an architect of the epithelial tissue. In this review we would like to discuss the data regarding p73 role as regulator of ependymal cell ciliogenesis and PCP, supporting the view of the Trp73-mutant mice as a model that uncouples ciliogenesis from PCP and a possible model of human congenital hydrocephalusSIThis work was supported by Grants SAF2015-71381-R from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad co-financed by FEDER funds (to MCM) and LE021P17 from Junta de Castilla y Leon. JV-F and SF-A are holders of predoctoral fellowships from the Junta de Castilla y León. LM-A is supported by a pre-doctoral scholarship from the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (AECC