1,048 research outputs found

    Memória, experiência e narrativa em história da cultura e das artes

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    O ensino, em História da Cultura e das Artes, concentra-se natransmissão de conhecimentos factuais, enquadrados em grelhas de leituracronológica, segundo uma categorização operativa e analítica dos conteúdos,que orienta a aprendizagem para uma visão monolítica dos acontecimentos,em que os saberes se naturalizam como verdades.As explicações, que o historiador transporta no seu discurso, dificultam aconstrução de um espaço próprio e posterior de interpretação pelo aluno emHistória da Cultura e das Artes, que privilegia uma transmissão sucessiva deinformações sobre o passado e serve-se de um conjunto de dispositivos deassociação entre poder e saber - como o currículo e o exame - que validam etestam esse conhecimento.O discurso histórico trabalha a certeza e a objetividade dos factos,segundo um encadeamento de relações de causas e consequências, quepermite estruturar uma exposição racional e irrevogável do passado.A narrativa é apresentada, enquanto campo de investigação e exercíciode experimentação no espaço de sala de aula, em contexto de estágio, nadisciplina de História da Cultura e das Artes, no 10º ano, como possibilidade deconstrução do saber, a partir das memórias dos alunos, que permitemrelacionar conhecimentos com as experiências vividas, selecionando etrabalhando tempos e reminiscências variadas, significando-as, ou seja,relacionando-as e produzindo entendimentos

    Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the seryl-tRNA synthetase from Candida albicans

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    The seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS) from Candida albicans exists naturally as two isoforms resulting from ambiguity in the natural genetic code. Both enzymes were crystallized by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method using 3.2-3.4 M ammonium sulfate as precipitant. The crystals belonged to the hexagonal space group P6(1)22 and contained one monomer per asymmetric unit, despite the synthetase existing as a homodimer (with a molecular weight of ∼116 kDa) in solution. Diffraction data were collected to 2.0 Å resolution at a synchrotron source and the crystal structures of unliganded SerRS and of its complexes with ATP and with a seryl-adenylate analogue were solved by molecular replacement. The structure of C. albicans SerRS represents the first reported structure of a eukaryotic cytoplasmic SerRS.publishe

    Full Financial Education Programmes for People with Disabilities: a Scoping Review

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    ABSTRACT: Financial literacy has been recognised worldwide as a way to confront social inequalities in work access, own financial control and education, particularly among vulnerable groups. People with disabilities, especially those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, experience additional challenges accessing opportunities to learn financial-related competencies. There is an extensive bibliography on this subject that stretches for decades, but this does not translate into an extensive availability of science-based programmes. To our knowledge, no comprehensive search to find the gaps in this evidence has been conducted. We conducted a scoping review that sought to identify the core goals, contents, approaches, gaps and limitations of full financial education programmes for youths and adults with disabilities. Seven publications met the inclusion criteria, which included implementation of programmes that embrace a multidimensional set of skills. Selection and categorisation of the programmes’ contents were conducted independently by three researchers. Findings suggest that money and transactions is the content most consistently addressed in the programmes designed for persons with disabilities. A stronger focus on self-determination skills is needed to support financial-related decision-making and self-advocacy. The results indicate that the use of approaches based on Universal Design for Learning, problem-based learning and the combined use of simulated and community-based instruction are critical strategies to support access to financial competencies. Gaps and future orientations include the need to broaden the number of studies that implement and evaluate programmes considering the multidimensional nature of the financial competencies and its critical role for social inclusion of people with disabilities

    Pais ouvintes e filhos surdos: o lugar das famílias em propostas educacionais bilíngues

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    From the late twentieth century, researches intensify discussions about the foundational role of Sign Language in the educational development of deaf child. In Brazil, Brazilian Sign Language - Libras was officially recognized as the first language of the deaf community and its use and diffusion are guaranteed by legal documents that, in the same sense, provide for the education of the deaf to occur in a bilingual context. Deaf children born into deaf parents homes interact in Sign Language, naturally, like listeners in the auditory-oral language. Therefore, deaf children of hearing parents face difficulties in relating to family members if there is no opportunity to appropriate Sign Language at the suitable time, what interfers negatively in their linguistic and educational development. Although the role of family is made clear and established in legal documents and specific guidelines of the Ministry of Education and the Secretariat of Special Education, regarding the importance of Sing Language learning by family members, programs designed for this purpose, are goals to be pursued by Brazilian Schools. In this way, this study aims to analyze such implications, expanding the discussion about the need to offer family actions in bilingual educational programs that, among other aspects, defend the deaf child's right to interact in the world in/through Libras. In view of the above, it is believed that the Norwegian program Se mitt språk (See my language) can be a relevant reference for future and urgent actions in this regard, which could be verified based on qualitative analysis of observations and written records, through Diary Research, as well as promotional materials and report of the program, collected during a study group visit to that country, sponsored by the Rotary International Foundation.A partir do final do século XX, pesquisas intensificam as discussões sobre o papel fundante da Língua de Sinais no desenvolvimento educacional da criança surda. No Brasil, a Língua Brasileira de Sinais - Libras foi reconhecida, oficialmente, como a primeira língua da comunidade surda, e seu uso e divulgação garantidos por documentos legais que, no mesmo sentido, preveem que a educação do surdo ocorra em contexto bilíngue. As crianças surdas que nascem em lares de pais surdos interagem em Língua de Sinais, naturalmente, como os ouvintes, na língua oral-auditiva. Por conseguinte, crianças surdas, filhas de pais ouvintes, enfrentam dificuldades para se relacionar com os membros da família, caso não haja oportunidade de apropriação da Língua de Sinais, no tempo adequado, o que interfere, negativamente, em seu desenvolvimento linguístico e educacional. Embora o papel da família seja claramente estabelecido em documentos legais e de orientações específicas do Ministério da Educação e da Secretaria de Educação Especial, explicitando a importância da aprendizagem desta língua pelos familiares, pouca ação tem sido dirigida para esse fim, nas escolas brasileiras. Nesse sentido, este estudo tem por objetivo discorrer sobre tais implicações, ampliando a discussão sobre a necessidade da oferta de ações destinadas à família, em programas educacionais bilíngues que, dentre outros aspectos, defendam o direito da criança surda interagir no mundo na/pela Libras. Diante do exposto, acredita-se que o programa norueguês Se mitt språk (Veja minha língua) pode se constituir como relevante referência para futuras e urgentes ações nesse sentido, o que foi possível constatar, a partir de análise qualitativa de observações e registros, por meio de Diário de Campo, bem como por materiais de divulgação e relatório sobre o programa, colhidos durante visita de grupo de estudos ao referido país, patrocinada pela fundação Rotary International


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    RESUMO A atenção domiciliar vem sendo ressignificada no contexto das políticas públicas de saúde brasileiras, ancorando-se em um novo modo de conceber e ofertar o cuidado. A trajetória política, jurídica e ideológica da oferta da atenção domiciliar no país tem instigado a realização de estudos. Analisou-se a trajetória política de implantação e implementação da atenção domiciliar no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, discutindo os movimentos provocados pela regulamentação da Política Nacional de Atenção Domiciliar publicada no país em 2011. Pesquisa descritivo-exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, realizada em 19 serviços de atenção domiciliar ofertados em Minas Gerais, que respeitou os aspectos éticos da pesquisa com seres humanos. Os dados foram obtidos de entrevista com 22 coordenadores/gestores de serviços e três informantes-chave, e foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática. Os resultados estão organizados em duas categorias: a configuração política da atenção domiciliar; a trajetória de implantação da oferta da atenção domiciliar em Minas Gerais e efeitos da política. Os achados mostram a conformação política da AD no país a partir das normativas federais; e a expansão dos serviços no estado impulsionada pela indução financeira da política nacional. Concluiu-se que a atenção domiciliar é alternativa assistencial que acolhe as demandas dos "velhos” serviços, mas, ao mesmo tempo, ela tem contribuído com avanços na integralidade do cuidado e reestruturação produtiva do trabalho em saúde

    Recovery of depleted miR-146a in ALS cortical astrocytes reverts cell aberrancies and prevents paracrine pathogenicity on microglia and motor neurons

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    Copyright © 2021 Barbosa, Gomes, Sequeira, Gonçalves-Ribeiro, Pina, Carvalho, Moreira, Vaz, Vaz and Brites. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).Reactive astrocytes in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) change their molecular expression pattern and release toxic factors that contribute to neurodegeneration and microglial activation. We and others identified a dysregulated inflammatory miRNA profile in ALS patients and in mice models suggesting that they represent potential targets for therapeutic intervention. Such cellular miRNAs are known to be released into the secretome and to be carried by small extracellular vesicles (sEVs), which may be harmful to recipient cells. Thus, ALS astrocyte secretome may disrupt cell homeostasis and impact on ALS pathogenesis. Previously, we identified a specific aberrant signature in the cortical brain of symptomatic SOD1-G93A (mSOD1) mice, as well as in astrocytes isolated from the same region of 7-day-old mSOD1 mice, with upregulated S100B/HMGB1/Cx43/vimentin and downregulated GFAP. The presence of downregulated miR-146a on both cases suggests that it can be a promising target for modulation in ALS. Here, we upregulated miR-146a with pre-miR-146a, and tested glycoursodeoxycholic acid (GUDCA) and dipeptidyl vinyl sulfone (VS) for their immunoregulatory properties. VS was more effective in restoring astrocytic miR-146a, GFAP, S100B, HMGB1, Cx43, and vimentin levels than GUDCA, which only recovered Cx43 and vimentin mRNA. The miR-146a inhibitor generated typical ALS aberrancies in wild type astrocytes that were abolished by VS. Similarly, pre-miR-146a transfection into the mSOD1 astrocytes abrogated aberrant markers and intracellular Ca2+ overload. Such treatment counteracted miR-146a depletion in sEVs and led to secretome-mediated miR-146a enhancement in NSC-34-motor neurons (MNs) and N9-microglia. Secretome from mSOD1 astrocytes increased early/late apoptosis and FGFR3 mRNA in MNs and microglia, but not when derived from pre-miR-146a or VS-treated cells. These last strategies prevented the impairment of axonal transport and synaptic dynamics by the pathological secretome, while also averted microglia activation through either secretome, or their isolated sEVs. Proteomic analysis of the target cells indicated that pre-miR-146a regulates mitochondria and inflammation via paracrine signaling. We demonstrate that replenishment of miR-146a in mSOD1 cortical astrocytes with pre-miR-146a or by VS abrogates their phenotypic aberrancies and paracrine deleterious consequences to MNs and microglia. These results propose miR-146a as a new causal and emerging therapeutic target for astrocyte pathogenic processes in ALS.This work was supported by the Research Grant of the Santa Casa Scientific Research Program on ALS, by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), Portugal, Project Ref. ELA-2015-002 (to DB). Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) also supported the project PTDC/MED-NEU/31395/2017 (to DB), PTDC/MED-QUI/30021/2017 (to RM) and iMed. ULisboa (UIDB/04138/2020 and UIDP/04138/2020), together with Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa and the Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-031395 to DB). Individual fellowships MB (SFRH/BD/129586/2017), CG (SFRH/BD/102718/2014), AV (SFRH/BPD/76590/2011), and JG-R PD/BD/150342/2019 were from FCT. CS was a research fellowship recipient from SCML.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of pacas of captivity as a potential reservoir of zoonotic fungi in Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil

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    Animais silvestres podem ser reservatórios naturais de diferentes microrganismos, sendo fundamental o monitoramento destes patógenos para a geração de conhecimento e criação de ferramentas direcionadas a programas de prevenção e controle de enfermidades infecciosas, incluindo as zoonoses. Assim, objetivou-se relatar a diversidade fúngica da pele de pacas criadas em cativeiro no Acre, Amazônia Ocidental, Brasil. Foram avaliados 26 animais, dos quais amostras cutâneas foram colhidas por raspagem superficial, avulsão pilosa e escova plástica estéril. As amostras foram semeadas em ágar Mycosel e as características fenotípicas das colônias foram analisadas. Em 80,8% das amostras houve isolamento de diferentes fungos, dos gêneros Candida, Microsporum e Trichophyton, dentre outros. Esta é a primeira descrição da identificação de fungos na pele de pacas e sugere que estes animais podem ser considerados importantes reservatórios de microrganismos saprófitas ou patogênicos, de potencial zoonótico, na Amazônia Ocidental.Wild animals can be natural reservoirs of different microorganisms, essential for monitoring these pathogens for the generation of knowledge and creation of tools aimed at programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, including zoonoses. The objective was to report the fungal diversity in the skin of pacas in captivity in Acre, Western Amazon, Brazil. Twenty-six animals were evaluated, from which skin samples were collected by superficial scraping, hair avulsion, and sterile plastic brush. The samples were seeded on Mycosel agar, and the phenotypic characteristics of the colonies were analyzed. In 80.8% of the samples, different fungi were isolated, from the genera Candida, Microsporum, and Trichophyton, among others. This is the first description of the identification of fungi in the skin of pacas and suggests that these animals can be considered essential reservoirs of saprophytic or pathogenic microorganisms with zoonotic potential in the Western Amazon

    Trypanosoma cruzi macrophage infectivity potentiator has a rotamase core and a highly exposed α-helix

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    The macrophage infectivity potentiator protein from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcMIP) is a major virulence factor secreted by the etiological agent of Chagas' disease. It is functionally involved in host cell invasion. We have determined the three-dimensional crystal structure of TcMIP at 1.7 Å resolution. The monomeric protein displays a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPlase) core, encompassing the characteristic rotamase hydrophobic active site, thus explaining the strong inhibition of TcMIP by the immunosuppressant FK506 and related drugs. In TcMIP, the twisted β-sheet of the core is extended by an extra β-strand, preceded by a long, exposed N-terminal α-helix, which might be a target recognition element. An invasion assay shows that the MIP protein from Legionella pneumophila (LpMIP), which has an equivalent N-terminal α-helix, can substitute for TcMIP. An additional exposed α-helix, this one unique to TcMIP, is located in the C-terminus of the protein. The high-resolution structure reported here opens the possibility for the design of new inhibitory drugs that might be useful for the clinical treatment of American trypanosomiasis.This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (PB98-1631 and 2FD97-0518), CSIC and Generalitat de Catalunya (CERBA and 1999SGR188) to M.C., grant PB98-0479 to A.G. and by grant BIO2000-1659 to F.X.G.-R. P.J.B.P. and S.M.-R. acknowledge postdoctoral fellowships from FCT (Portugal). Data collection at DESY was supported by EC grants ERBFMGECT980134 and HPRI-CT-1999-00017 to EMBL-HamburgPeer Reviewe