556 research outputs found

    In vivo assessment of the mechanical properties of the child cortical bone using quantitative computed tomography

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    The mechanical properties of the rib cortical bone are extremely rare on children due to difficulties to obtain specimens to perform conventional tests. Some recent studies used cadaveric bones or bone tissues collected during surgery but are limited by the number of samples that could be collected. A non-invasive technique could be extremely valuable to overcome this limitation. It has been shown that a relationship exists between the mechanical properties (apparent Young’s modulus and ultimate strength) and the bone mineral density (assessed using Quantitative Computed Tomography, QCT), for the femur and recently by our group for the adult ribs ex vivo. Thus the aim of this study was to assess the mechanical properties of the child rib cortical bone using both QCT images in vivo and the previous relationship between bone mineral density and mechanical properties of the rib cortical bone. Twenty-eight children were included in this study. Seven age-groups have been considered (1, 1.5, 3, 6, 10, 15, 18 years old). The QCT images were prescribed for various thoracic pathologies at the pediatric hospital in Lyon. A calibration phantom was added to the clinical protocol without any modifications for the patient. The protocol was approved by the ethical committee. A 3D reconstruction of each thorax was performed using the QCT images. A custom software was then used to obtain cross-sections to the rib midline. The mean bone mineral density was then computed by averaging the Hounsfield Units in a specific cross-section and by converting the mean value (Hounsfield Units) in bone mineral density using the calibration phantom. This bone mineral density was assessed for the 6th rib of each subject. Our relationship between the bone mineral density and the mechanical properties of the rib cortical bone was used to derive the mechanical properties of the child ribs in vivo. The results give values for the apparent Young’s modulus and the ultimate strength. The mechanical properties increase along growth. As an example the apparent Young’s modulus in the lateral region ranges from 7 GPa +/-3 at 1 year old up to 13 GPa +/- 2 at 18 years old. These data are in agreement with the few previous values obtained from child tissues. This methodology opens the way to in vivo measurement of the mechanical properties of the child cortical bone based on calibrated QCT images

    A new algorithm to implement causal ordering

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    ¿Afecta la calidad del hábitat alimentario a la capacidad reproductiva de la garceta común, Egretta garzetta?

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    In order to understand the role of foraging habitat quality on fecundity parameters we measured habitat use, breeding parameters, and body condition of chicks in six colonies of Little Egrets in southern France. The foraging habitat available differed between colonies; it was mainly natural marshes around the Carrelet colony, agricultural lands (rice fields and dry crops) around the Agon colony, a mix of agricultural and natural lands around the Redon and Fiélouse colonies, a mix of natural and urbanised/industrial lands around the Palissade colony, and mainly cultivated and urbanised lands around the Chaumont colony. The habitat attractiveness to adult Little Egret breeding was higher for natural marshes than for other habitat types. Agricultural marshes (rice fields) came next. Other human–made habitats came last. Clutch size and body condition index of chicks did not differ between colonies. Brood size was influenced by both the association of the proportion of natural marshes in the foraging area and clutch size, and the association of clutch size and the total number of heron pairs in the colony. The effect of the proportion of natural marshes could not be distinguished from the effects of the colony size. The potential influence of other parameters not taken into account in this study is discussed.Con la finalidad de conocer el papel que ejerce la calidad del hábitat alimentario sobre los parámetros de fecundidad, se evaluaron el uso del hábitat, los parámetros reproductivos y las condiciones físicas de los polluelos de seis colonias de garceta común en el sur de Francia. El hábitat alimentario disponible variaba de unas colonias a otras, siendo principalmente marismas naturales en el entorno de la colonia de Carrelet, terrenos agrícolas (campos de arroz y cultivos de secano) alrededor de la colonia de Agon, una combinación de terrenos agrícolas y naturales alrededor de las colonias de Redon y Fiélouse, una combinación de terrenos naturales y urbanizados/industriales alrededor de la colonia de Palissade, y principalmente terrenos cultivados y urbanizados alrededor de la colonia de Chaumont. En la época de reproducción, los adultos de garceta común se sienten atraídos principalmente por las marismas naturales, en detrimento de otros tipos de hábitat. Las tierras agrícolas anegadas (campos de arroz) siguen en orden de preferencia, mientras los hábitats construidos por el hombre ocupan el último lugar. El tamaño de la puesta y el índice de estado físico de los polluelos no mostraron diferencias entre las colonias. El tamaño de la nidada estuvo influenciado tanto por la asociación de la proporción de marismas naturales en el hábitat alimentario y el tamaño de la puesta, como por la asociación del tamaño de la puesta y el número total de parejas de garzas de la colonia. El efecto de la proporción de marismas naturales no se puede diferenciar del ejercido por el tamaño de la colonia. Se discute también la influencia potencial de otros parámetros que no se han tenido en cuenta en este estudio

    Multi-hydrogenated compounds monitoring in optical fibre manufacturing process by photoacoustic spectroscopy

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    Sub-ppm hydrogen chloride (HCl) and water vapour (H2O) monitoring using photoacoustic spectroscopy in optical fibre manufacturing is reported. The development and performance of a sensor based on an acoustic resonant configuration is described, and on-site measurements are presented. Two DFB lasers emitting in the 1370nm and 1740nm range were used for the detection of H2O and HCl, respectively. A detection limit (defined for a SNR=3) of 60ppb for HCl and 40ppb for H2O was achieved. Contamination sources of the carrier gas used for the fibre preform manufacturing are identified and discusse

    Fast Autofocusing using Tiny Transformer Networks for Digital Holographic Microscopy

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    The numerical wavefront backpropagation principle of digital holography confers unique extended focus capabilities, without mechanical displacements along z-axis. However, the determination of the correct focusing distance is a non-trivial and time consuming issue. A deep learning (DL) solution is proposed to cast the autofocusing as a regression problem and tested over both experimental and simulated holograms. Single wavelength digital holograms were recorded by a Digital Holographic Microscope (DHM) with a 10x\mathrm{x} microscope objective from a patterned target moving in 3D over an axial range of 92 ÎĽ\mum. Tiny DL models are proposed and compared such as a tiny Vision Transformer (TViT), tiny VGG16 (TVGG) and a tiny Swin-Transfomer (TSwinT). The experiments show that the predicted focusing distance ZRPredZ_R^{\mathrm{Pred}} is accurately inferred with an accuracy of 1.2 ÎĽ\mum in average in comparison with the DHM depth of field of 15 ÎĽ\mum. Numerical simulations show that all tiny models give the ZRPredZ_R^{\mathrm{Pred}} with an error below 0.3 ÎĽ\mum. Such a prospect would significantly improve the current capabilities of computer vision position sensing in applications such as 3D microscopy for life sciences or micro-robotics. Moreover, all models reach state of the art inference time on CPU, less than 25 ms per inference

    From Antenna to Antenna: Lateral Shift of Olfactory Memory Recall by Honeybees

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    Honeybees, Apis mellifera, readily learn to associate odours with sugar rewards and we show here that recall of the olfactory memory, as demonstrated by the bee extending its proboscis when presented with the trained odour, involves first the right and then the left antenna. At 1–2 hour after training using both antennae, recall is possible mainly when the bee uses its right antenna but by 6 hours after training a lateral shift has occurred and the memory can now be recalled mainly when the left antenna is in use. Long-term memory one day after training is also accessed mainly via the left antenna. This time-dependent shift from right to left antenna is also seen as side biases in responding to odour presented to the bee's left or right side. Hence, not only are the cellular events of memory formation similar in bees and vertebrate species but also the lateralized networks involved may be similar. These findings therefore seem to call for remarkable parallel evolution and suggest that the proper functioning of memory formation in a bilateral animal, either vertebrate or invertebrate, requires lateralization of processing

    Can airborne ultrasound monitor bubble size in chocolate?

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    Aerated chocolate products consist of solid chocolate with the inclusion of bubbles and are a popular consumer product in many countries. The volume fraction and size distribution of the bubbles has an effect on their sensory properties and manufacturing cost. For these reasons it is important to have an online real time process monitoring system capable of measuring their bubble size distribution. As these products are eaten by consumers it is desirable that the monitoring system is non contact to avoid food contaminations. In this work we assess the feasibility of using an airborne ultrasound system to monitor the bubble size distribution in aerated chocolate bars. The experimental results from the airborne acoustic experiments were compared with theoretical results for known bubble size distributions using COMSOL Multiphysics. This combined experimental and theoretical approach is used to develop a greater understanding of how ultrasound propagates through aerated chocolate and to assess the feasibility of using airborne ultrasound to monitor bubble size distribution in these systems. The results indicated that a smaller bubble size distribution would result in an increase in attenuation through the product

    The practices of apartheid as a war crime: a critical analysis

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    The human suffering caused by the political ideology of apartheid in South Africa during the Apartheid era (1948-1994) prompted worldwide condemnation and a variety of diplomatic and legal responses. Amongst these responses was the attempt to have apartheid recognised both as a crime against humanity in the 1973 Apartheid Convention as well as a war crime in Article 85(4)(c) of Additional Protocol I. This article examines the origins, nature and current status of the practices of apartheid as a war crime and its possible application to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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