41 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)

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    The third edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines provides the key aspects to consider when performing flow cytometry experiments and includes comprehensive sections describing phenotypes and functional assays of all major human and murine immune cell subsets. Notably, the Guidelines contain helpful tables highlighting phenotypes and key differences between human and murine cells. Another useful feature of this edition is the flow cytometry analysis of clinical samples with examples of flow cytometry applications in the context of autoimmune diseases, cancers as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid. All sections are written and peer-reviewed by leading flow cytometry experts and immunologists, making this edition an essential and state-of-the-art handbook for basic and clinical researchers

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)

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    The third edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines provides the key aspects to consider when performing flow cytometry experiments and includes comprehensive sections describing phenotypes and functional assays of all major human and murine immune cell subsets. Notably, the Guidelines contain helpful tables highlighting phenotypes and key differences between human and murine cells. Another useful feature of this edition is the flow cytometry analysis of clinical samples with examples of flow cytometry applications in the context of autoimmune diseases, cancers as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid. All sections are written and peer-reviewed by leading flow cytometry experts and immunologists, making this edition an essential and state-of-the-art handbook for basic and clinical researchers

    Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)

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    The third edition of Flow Cytometry Guidelines provides the key aspects to consider when performing flow cytometry experiments and includes comprehensive sections describing phenotypes and functional assays of all major human and murine immune cell subsets. Notably, the Guidelines contain helpful tables highlighting phenotypes and key differences between human and murine cells. Another useful feature of this edition is the flow cytometry analysis of clinical samples with examples of flow cytometry applications in the context of autoimmune diseases, cancers as well as acute and chronic infectious diseases. Furthermore, there are sections detailing tips, tricks and pitfalls to avoid. All sections are written and peer‐reviewed by leading flow cytometry experts and immunologists, making this edition an essential and state‐of‐the‐art handbook for basic and clinical researchers.DFG, 389687267, Kompartimentalisierung, Aufrechterhaltung und Reaktivierung humaner Gedächtnis-T-Lymphozyten aus Knochenmark und peripherem BlutDFG, 80750187, SFB 841: Leberentzündungen: Infektion, Immunregulation und KonsequenzenEC/H2020/800924/EU/International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2/iCARE-2DFG, 252623821, Die Rolle von follikulären T-Helferzellen in T-Helferzell-Differenzierung, Funktion und PlastizitätDFG, 390873048, EXC 2151: ImmunoSensation2 - the immune sensory syste

    Beschleunigen parodontale Entzündungen den Alterungsprozess des menschlichen Körpers? – Das Inflammaging-Konzept

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    Parodontitiden stellen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte die häufigste orale Erkrankung dar. Sie teilen viele Merkmale mit anderen chronischen Erkrankungen, insbesondere einen aus dem Gleichgewicht geratenen Zytokinhaushalt. Die Beziehungen zwischen oralen und inneren Erkrankungen beruhen auf einer mit dem Alter stetig zunehmenden Akkumulation von Proteinoxidierungen, Radikalen, Schäden am Genom und am Epigenom, der klonalen Verbreitung mutierter mtDNA, Immunoseneszenz, psychosozialem Stress, dem vermehrten Auftreten dysbiotischer Mikrobiome, Metaflammation sowie auf Homotoleranz. Die genannten Phänomene sind beteiligt an einem Prozess, welcher einen menschlichen Organismus entzündungsbedingt vorzeitig altern lässt, dem sogenannten Inflammaging. Klinische Folgen des Inflammagings sind die erhöhte Anfälligkeit für Infekte und Malignome sowie ein vermehrtes Auftreten von Autoimmunerkrankungen. Es ist daher plausibel, dass auch über viele Jahre hinweg persistierende parodontale und periimplantäre Entzündungen zum Inflammaging beitragen und somit die Gesundheitserwartung beeinträchtigen. Inflammaging stellt das zentrale Paradigma der Parodontalen Medizin dar. Seine Kontrolle ist das essenzielle Ziel jeder Parodontitis- und Periimplantitistherapie

    Effect of glycine powder air-polishing on the gingiva

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    Objectives: Safety and efficacy of glycine powder air-polishing (GPAP) in removing subgingival biofilm have been previously demonstrated. The hypothesis that GPAP results in less gingival erosion than sodium bicarbonate air-polishing (SBAP) or hand-instrumentation was assessed. Material and Methods: In each of 10 patients, eight teeth with a residual probing depth of at least 5 mm following initial periodontal therapy were randomly assigned to the following interventions: GPAP (test), SBAP (positive control), hand-instrumentation (positive control), or no treatment (negative control). In each group, gingival biopsies were taken immediately after instrumentation and one 14 days later. Damaged gingival epithelium (GE) was assessed by light microscopy and quantified by a histological score (values 1-4). Differences between groups were evaluated using the marginal homogeneity test. Results: GPAP resulted in minor erosions of the GE (scores 1 and 2), whereas positive control specimens displayed moderate to severe erosions (scores 2-4). Differences between GPAP and positive controls were significant (p<0.05). Fourteen days following instrumentation GE under assessment was found to be intact in all groups. Conclusion: The data indicated that GPAP results in less gingival erosion than SBAP or hand instrumentation, further supporting the safety of this new debridement technique. © 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard.link_to_subscribed_fulltex