6,741 research outputs found

    Extremal energies of integral circulant graphs via multiplicativity

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    AbstractThe energy of a graph is the sum of the moduli of the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. Integral circulant graphs can be characterised by their order n and a set D of positive divisors of n in such a way that they have vertex set Z/nZ and edge set {(a,b):a,b∈Z/nZ,gcd(a-b,n)∈D}. Among integral circulant graphs of fixed prime power order ps, those having minimal energy Eminps or maximal energy Emaxps, respectively, are known. We study the energy of integral circulant graphs of arbitrary order n with so-called multiplicative divisor sets. This leads to good bounds for Eminn and Emaxn as well as conjectures concerning the true value of Eminn

    Modified Laminar Bone in Ampelosaurus atacis and Other Titanosaurs (Sauropoda): Implications for Life History and Physiology

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    BACKGROUND: Long bone histology of the most derived Sauropoda, the Titanosauria suggests that titanosaurian long bone histology differs from the uniform bone histology of basal Sauropoda. Here we describe the long bone histology of the titanosaur Ampelosaurus atacis and compare it to that of basal neosauropods and other titanosaurs to clarify if a special titanosaur bone histology exists. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Ampelosaurus retains the laminar vascular organization of basal Sauropoda, but throughout most of cortical growth, the scaffolding of the fibrolamellar bone, which usually is laid down as matrix of woven bone, is laid down as parallel-fibered or lamellar bone matrix instead. The remodeling process by secondary osteons is very extensive and overruns the periosteal bone deposition before skeletal maturity is reached. Thus, no EFS is identifiable. Compared to the atypical bone histology of Ampelosaurus, the large titanosaur Alamosaurus shows typical laminar fibrolamellar bone. The titanosaurs Phuwiangosaurus, Lirainosaurus, and Magyarosaurus, although differing in certain features, all show this same low amount or absence of woven bone from the scaffolding of the fibrolamellar bone, indicating a clear reduction in growth rate resulting in a higher bone tissue organization. To describe the peculiar primary cortical bone tissue of Phuwiangosaurus, Ampelosaurus, Lirainosaurus, and Magyarosaurus, we here introduce a new term, "modified laminar bone" (MLB). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Importantly, MLB is as yet not known from extant animals. At least in Lirainosaurus and Magyarosaurus the reduction of growth rate indicated by MLB is coupled with a drastic body size reduction and maybe also a reduction in metabolic rate, interpreted as a result of dwarfing on the European islands during the Late Cretaceous. Phuwiangosaurus and Ampelosaurus both show a similar reduction in growth rate but not in body size, possibly indicating also a reduced metabolic rate. The large titanosaur Alamosaurus, on the other hand, retained the plesiomorphic bone histology of basal neosauropods

    The ORCA2 transcription factor plays a key role in regulation of the terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway

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    Background: The terpenoid indole alkaloid (TIA) pathway leads to the production of pharmaceutically important drugs, such as the anticancer compounds vinblastine and vincristine. Unfortunately, these drugs are produced in trace amounts, causing them to be very costly. To increase production of these drugs, an improved understanding of the TIA regulatory pathway is needed. Towards this end, transgenic Catharanthus roseus hairy roots that overexpress the ORCA2 TIA transcriptional activator were generated and characterized.Results: Transcriptional profiling experiments revealed that overexpression of ORCA2 results in altered expression of key genes from the indole and terpenoid pathways, which produce precursors for the TIA pathway, and from the TIA pathway itself. In addition, metabolite-profiling experiments revealed that overexpression of ORCA2 significantly affects the levels of several TIA metabolites. ORCA2 overexpression also causes significant increases in transcript levels of several TIA regulators, including TIA transcriptional repressors.Conclusions: Results presented here indicate that ORCA2 plays a critical role in regulation of TIA metabolism. ORCA2 regulates expression of key genes from both feeder pathways, as well as the genes (STR and SGD) encoding the enzymes that catalyze the first two steps in TIA biosynthesis. ORCA2 may play an especially important role in regulation of the downstream branches of the TIA pathway, as it regulates four out of five genes characterized from this part of the pathway. Regulation of TIA transcriptional repressors by ORCA2 may provide a mechanism whereby increases in TIA metabolite levels in response to external stimuli are transient and limited in magnitude

    Digital backpropagation in the nonlinear Fourier domain

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    Nonlinear and dispersive transmission impairments in coherent fiber-optic communication systems are often compensated by reverting the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which describes the evolution of the signal in the link, numerically. This technique is known as digital backpropagation. Typical digital backpropagation algorithms are based on split-step Fourier methods in which the signal has to be discretized in time and space. The need to discretize in both time and space however makes the real-time implementation of digital backpropagation a challenging problem. In this paper, a new fast algorithm for digital backpropagation based on nonlinear Fourier transforms is presented. Aiming at a proof of concept, the main emphasis will be put on fibers with normal dispersion in order to avoid the issue of solitonic components in the signal. However, it is demonstrated that the algorithm also works for anomalous dispersion if the signal power is low enough. Since the spatial evolution of a signal governed by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation can be reverted analytically in the nonlinear Fourier domain through simple phase-shifts, there is no need to discretize the spatial domain. The proposed algorithm requires only OpDlog2 Dq floating point operations to backpropagate a signal given by D samples, independently of the fiber's length, and is therefore highly promising for real-time implementations. The merits of this new approach are illustrated through numerical simulations

    Heterogeneous Timed Machines

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    International audienceWe present an algebra of discrete timed input/output au- tomata that execute in the context of different clock granularities -- timed machines -- as models of systems that can be dynamically inter- connected at run time in a heterogeneous context. We show how timed machines can be refined to a lower granularity of time and how timed machines with different clock granularities can be composed. We propose techniques for checking whether timed machines are consistent or feasi- ble. Finally, we investigate how consistency and feasibility of composition can be proved at run-time without computing products of automata

    Direct and inverse measurement of thin films magnetostriction

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    Two techniques of measurements of thin film magnetostriction are compared: direct, when changes of the substrate curvature caused by the film magnetization are controlled, and inverse ("indirect"), when the modification of the magnetic anisotropy induced by the substrate deformation (usually bending) is measured. We demonstrate how both the elastic strength of the substrate and the effective magneto-mechanical coupling between the substrate deformation and magnetic anisotropy of the film depend on different conditions of bending. Equations to be used for magnetostriction value determination in typical cases are given and critical parameters for the corresponding approximations are identified.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to JMM

    Nonlinear Fourier transform for optical data processing and transmission:advances and perspectives

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    Fiber-optic communication systems are nowadays facing serious challenges due to the fast growing demand on capacity from various new applications and services. It is now well recognized that nonlinear effects limit the spectral efficiency and transmission reach of modern fiber-optic communications. Nonlinearity compensation is therefore widely believed to be of paramount importance for increasing the capacity of future optical networks. Recently, there has been steadily growing interest in the application of a powerful mathematical tool-the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT)-in the development of fundamentally novel nonlinearity mitigation tools for fiber-optic channels. It has been recognized that, within this paradigm, the nonlinear crosstalk due to the Kerr effect is effectively absent, and fiber nonlinearity due to the Kerr effect can enter as a constructive element rather than a degrading factor. The novelty and the mathematical complexity of the NFT, the versatility of the proposed system designs, and the lack of a unified vision of an optimal NFT-type communication system, however, constitute significant difficulties for communication researchers. In this paper, we therefore survey the existing approaches in a common framework and review the progress in this area with a focus on practical implementation aspects. First, an overview of existing key algorithms for the efficacious computation of the direct and inverse NFT is given, and the issues of accuracy and numerical complexity are elucidated. We then describe different approaches for the utilization of the NFT in practical transmission schemes. After that we discuss the differences, advantages, and challenges of various recently emerged system designs employing the NFT, as well as the spectral efficiency estimates available up-to-date. With many practical implementation aspects still being open, our mini-review is aimed at helping researchers assess the perspectives, understand the bottlenecks, and envision the development paths in the upcoming NFT-based transmission technologies

    Mapping the Semantic Space for the Subjective Experience of Emotional Responses to Odors

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    Two studies were conducted to examine the nature of the verbal labels that describe emotional effects elicited by odors. In Study 1, a list of terms selected for their relevance to describe affective feelings induced by odors was assessed while participants were exposed to a set of odorant samples. The data were submitted to a series of exploratory factor analyses to 1) reduce the set of variables to a smaller set of summary scales and 2) get a preliminary sense of the differentiation of affective feelings elicited by odors. The goal of Study 2 was to replicate the findings of Study 1 with a larger sample of odorant samples and participants and to validate the preliminary model obtained in Study 1 by using confirmatory factor analysis. Overall, the findings point to a structure of affective responses to odors that differs from the classical taxonomies of emotion such as posited by discrete or bidimensional emotion theories. These findings suggest that the subjective affective experiences or feelings induced by odors are structured around a small group of dimensions that reflect the role of olfaction in well-being, social interaction, danger prevention, arousal or relaxation sensations, and conscious recollection of emotional memorie

    Emotional Processing of Odors: Evidence for a Nonlinear Relation between Pleasantness and Familiarity Evaluations

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    Pleasantness, familiarity, and intensity are 3 interdependent dimensions commonly used to describe the perceived qualities of an odor. In particular, many empirical studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between familiarity and pleasantness. However, on the basis of both theoretical and methodological perspectives, we questioned the validity of such a relation for malodors. We report 2 studies based on subjective judgments of a large sample of odorants (Experiment 1) associated with autonomic recordings (Experiment 2). Multivariate exploratory analysis performed on the data splits the whole odorant set into 2 subsets composed, respectively, of unpleasant and pleasant odorants. Subsequent correlation analyses have shown that the relation between pleasantness and familiarity is specific for the pleasant odors in the 2 experiments. Moreover, autonomic activity was more important in response to malodors than to pleasant odors and was significantly correlated with unpleasantness ratings in the subset of unpleasant odors. These 2 studies argue in favor of a functional dissociation in the relations between both subjective and autonomic responses to odors as a function of pleasantness and indicate that researchers in the olfactory domain should consider the relations between pleasantness and familiarity as more complex than linea
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