22 research outputs found

    Prvi nalaz dinoflagelata Ceratoperidinium yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

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    Ceratoperidinium is a very rare dinoflagellate genus reported from both the western and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. While Ceratoperidinium yeye had been collected from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye from the Alborán Sea, C. yeye and C. mediterraneum from Lebanese coastal waters, and Ceratoperidinium sp. from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, this paper reports on the first occurrence of the dinoflagellate C. yeye in the Adriatic Sea. There are very scarce data about this species in literature.Dinoflagelat Ceratoperidinium veoma se rijetko javlja. Zabilježen je u Sredozemnom moru i to Ceratoperidinium yeye u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye u Alboránskom moru, C. yeye i C. mediterraneum u Libanonskim obalnim vodama i Ceratoperidinium sp. u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca. U radu su iznesene lokacije i opisani ekološki uvjeti pri kojima su zabilježeni prvi nalazi vrste C. yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

    Prvi nalaz dinoflagelata Ceratoperidinium yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

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    Ceratoperidinium is a very rare dinoflagellate genus reported from both the western and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. While Ceratoperidinium yeye had been collected from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye from the Alborán Sea, C. yeye and C. mediterraneum from Lebanese coastal waters, and Ceratoperidinium sp. from the Bay of Palma de Mallorca, this paper reports on the first occurrence of the dinoflagellate C. yeye in the Adriatic Sea. There are very scarce data about this species in literature.Dinoflagelat Ceratoperidinium veoma se rijetko javlja. Zabilježen je u Sredozemnom moru i to Ceratoperidinium yeye u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca, C. cf. yeye u Alboránskom moru, C. yeye i C. mediterraneum u Libanonskim obalnim vodama i Ceratoperidinium sp. u zaljevu Palma de Mallorca. U radu su iznesene lokacije i opisani ekološki uvjeti pri kojima su zabilježeni prvi nalazi vrste C. yeye u istočnom dijelu Jadrana

    Prvi nalaz proizvodnje domoične kiseline u kulturama vrste Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha iz srednjeg Jadrana

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    In this study, three isolates of the potentially toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia were analysed for morphological and toxicological features. Cultures of Pseudo-nitzschia were established from seawater samples collected from the southern part of the Velebit Channel (central Adriatic Sea) during February 2019. All culture isolates were identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha. Domoic acid (DA) production was confirmed in all isolates analysed. The highest concentrations of cellular DA were found in early culture stages, with the lowest cell abundance, for all P. calliantha isolates. This study is the first to report DA production by P.calliantha isolated from the Adriatic Sea.Ovim istraživanjem analizirane su morfološke i toksikološke osobine potencijalno toksičnog roda dijatomeja Pseudo-nitzschia. Tri stanične kulture Pseudo-nitzschia uspostavljene su iz uzoraka morske vode prikupljenih iz južnog dijela Velebitskog kanala (srednji Jadran) tijekom veljače 2019. Pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) utvrđeno je da sve izolirane kulture pripadaju vrsti Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha. Proizvodnja domoične kiseline (DA) potvrđena je za sve analizirane izolate. Najviše koncentracije stanične DA u svim izolatima vrste P. calliantha određene su u ranoj uzgojnoj fazi, s najmanjom brojnošću stanica. Ovo istraživanje je prva potvrda proizvodnje DA u kulturama vrste P. calliantha izoliranim iz Jadranskog mora

    High proliferation of Pseudo-nitzschia cf. arenysensis in the Adriatic Sea: ecological and morphological characterisation

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    The aim of the present study isto characterise the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia community during a bloom period together with environmental conditions. High proliferation of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was observed in September 2017 at the shellfish breeding area in the Krka River estuary (Central eastern Adriatic Sea). The peak of abundance (1.8 x 106 cells L-1) was recorded at 7 m depth, and the increased abundance persisted for four weeks.Morphological analyses of field samples based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that Pseudo-nitzschia cf. arenysensis was prevailing (94%) in the Pseudo-nitzschia assemblage. Several strains were successfully isolated from net samples in order to better define morphological features and phylogenetic characterisation. The isolated Pseudo-nitzschia strains corresponded morphologically to the P. cf. arenysensis from the field samples, based on our SEM observations. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the Croatian strains grouped with P. arenysensis using the ITS and LSU rDNA sequences. Spearman rank correlation showed that salinity was an important environmental factor affecting the vertical distribution of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in this highly variable area. Availability of increased concentration of orthophosphates and ammonium and low Si: TIN ratio may have promoted the bloom of P. cf. arenysensis in the estuary

    Utjecaj čimbenika okoliša na varijabilnost zooplanktona u priobalju istočnog Jadrana (Sredozemno more)

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    The objectives of this paper were to determine the main environmental drivers of zooplankton variability in coastal waters adjacent to urban areas and to evaluate the differences in zooplankton abundance and population structure in relation to chemical and biological parameters in the water column. Samples were collected seasonally from May 2006 to January 2009 at 8 sampling sites in the bays and channels along the eastern Adriatic coast. Zooplankton population structure showed high similarity within the investigated region, especially evident in the homogeneity of copepod community composition, where relative importance of the individual species showed characteristic high ranking of small and medium-sized taxa. Zooplankton numerical variability primarily responded to seasonal variation in water temperature and spatial variation in salinity, but spatial distribution of the collected data showed that abundances were also linked to chemical and biological parameters generally used as descriptors of water quality. This indicates that zooplankton community size reflects the trophic status of an area and supports the use of zooplankton studies as an auxiliary method in the evaluation of the trophic state of coastal waters.Ciljevi ovog rada su bili utvrditi glavne ekološke pokretače varijabilnosti zooplanktona u obalnim vodama u blizini urbanih područja, te procijeniti razlike u brojnosti i strukturi zooplanktonske zajednice u odnosu na kemijske i biološke čimbenike vodenog stupca. Uzorci zooplanktona su sakupljani sezonski od svibnja 2006. do siječnja 2009. godine, na 8 postaja u zaljevima i kanalima duž istočne obale Jadrana. Struktura populacija zooplanktonske zajednice pokazala je visoku sličnost unutar čitavog istraživanog područja, što je posebno vidljivo u homogenosti sastava kopepodne zajednice, gdje je relativna važnost pojedinih vrsta svuda ukazala na karakteristično visoki udio malih i srednjih taksona. Numerička varijabilnost zooplanktona prvenstveno je bila povezana sa sezonskim varijacijama temperature i prostornim varijacijama slanosti, ali je prostorna raspodjela prikupljenih podataka pokazala da je također povezana s kemijskim i biološkim parametrima kojima se opisuje kvaliteta vode. To ukazuje da je brojnost zooplanktona povezana s trofičkim stanjem područja i ide u prilog istraživanju zooplanktona kao pomoćnog parametra u procjeni trofičkog stanja obalnih voda

    Large-scale testing of phytoplankton diversity indices for environmental assessment in Mediterranean sub-regions (Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas)

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    Abstract According to the methodological standards established by Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the assessment for the pelagic habitat under the Biodiversity Descriptor should be carried out at the regional or sub-regional level. In the case of Mediterranean Sea, the sub-regional assessment seems optimal to take into account biogeographic differences in species composition and functional characteristics. Previous research has shown that phytoplankton diversity indicators are efficient for reliable environmental assessments, although more effort has been recommended to test these indicators on a wide spatial scale to cover wider gradients of natural and anthropogenic pressures. In this work, a set of eight diversity indices was tested against the pressure levels within a common data set of the structure and abundance of phytoplankton communities from the Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas. Expert knowledge was used to define four categories of impacts that take into account partial pressures, such as point and non-point pollution, industry, ports and fisheries. At the level of the common data set, most of the diversity, evenness and dominance indices could only distinguish between the highest level of impact and the rest of impact categories. These indices maintained the distinction between two levels of subsequently dichotomised impacts (no to low impact vs. high impact) across latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. On average, the indices were less sensitive to impacts in the northernmost and westernmost areas than in the southernmost and easternmost areas, although they still showed a significant response. The results also suggest that phytoplankton communities become more uniform and less dominated by a single taxon as sampling depth increases at sites with low impact, while evenness and dominance at impacted sites remain similar at all depths. In order to establish meaningful definitions of good environmental status and targets for pelagic habitats in the Mediterranean Sea, it is necessary to establish spatially specific thresholds by additional examination of indices of good performance

    Morfologija i ekologija slabo poznatog dinoflagelata Prorocentrum arcuatum (Dinophyceae) iz Medulinskog zaljeva (istočni dio Jadranskog mora)

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    The unusual and prolonged occurrence of rare and poorly known dinoflagellate Prorocentrum arcuatum in the phytoplankton of the shallow aquaculture site in Medulin Bay was recorded from July 2013 to October 2014. This enabled us to investigate changes in abundance and environmental drivers of P. arcuatum population dynamics in natural conditions, and to provide first detailed description of P. arcuatum from field samples based on SEM images. During 15 months of observations we also recorded seasonal variability in P. arcuatum cell size. The optimum physical conditions for P. arcuatum proliferation were reached in autumn 2013, during the narrow temperature range between 19.6 oC – 20.4 oC, and salinity between 36.7 - 37.7. Despite the general similarity in physical conditions in autumn 2014, this increase in the abundance of P. arcuatum was not repeated, which might be connected to higher competition due to observed interannual changes in phytoplankton population structure.Na području Medulinskog zaljeva, u razdoblju od srpnja 2013. do listopada 2014. godine, zabilježena je pojava rijetke i slabo poznate vrste dinoflagalata Prorocentrum arcuatum. Prisutnost vrste P. arcutum u fitoplanktonskoj zajednici Medulinskog zaljeva tijekom 15- mjesečnog razdoblja omogućila je istraživanje promjene u brojnosti vrste i okolišnih parametara koji uvjetuju dinamiku populacije vrste P. arcuatum u prirodnim uvjetima, a ujedno nam je omogućilo i prvi detaljni opis P. arcuatum temeljen na SEM metodologiji. Tijekom istraživanja zabilježili smo sezonsku varijabilnost u veličini stanica P. arcuatum. Optimalni fizikalni uvjeti za povećanu brojnost P. arcuatum zabilježeni su u jesen 2013. pri rasponu temperature od 19.6 oC do 20.4 oC i salinitetu 36.7 - 37.7. Unatoč činjenici da su slični okolišni uvjeti zabilježeni i naredne godine, u jesen 2014, povećanje brojnosti P. arcuatum se nije ponovilo, što može biti povezano s većom kompetitivnošću drugih vrsta uslijed godišnjih promjena fitoplanktonske zajednice

    Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories : A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    Refined baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set per European Union Member State (MS), in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The inventories are based on the initial assessment of the MSFD (2012) and the updated data of the European Alien Species Information Network, in collaboration with NIS experts appointed by the MSs. The analysis revealed that a large number of NIS was not reported from the initial assessments. Moreover, several NIS initially listed are currently considered as native in Europe or were proven to be historical misreportings. The refined baseline inventories constitute a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation, providing an improved basis for reporting new NIS introductions, facilitating the MSFD D2 assessment. In addition, the inventories can help MSs in the establishment of monitoring systems of targeted NIS, and foster cooperation on monitoring of NIS across or within shared marine subregions. Highlights • Refined MSFD baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set in EU. • The inventories are given per EU Member State (MS) and MSFD subregion up to 2012. • The NIS lists provide a basis for reporting new NIS introductions in EU after 2012. • Our work constitutes a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation

    Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories: A synthesis in the context of the European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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    Refined baseline inventories of non-indigenous species (NIS) are set per European Union Member State (MS), in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The inventories are based on the initial assessment of the MSFD (2012) and the updated data of the European Alien Species Information Network, in collaboration with NIS experts appointed by the MSs. The analysis revealed that a large number of NIS was not reported from the initial assessments. Moreover, several NIS initially listed are currently considered as native in Europe or were proven to be historical misreportings. The refined baseline inventories constitute a milestone for the MSFD Descriptor 2 implementation, providing an improved basis for reporting new NIS introductions, facilitating the MSFD D2 assessment. In addition, the inventories can help MSs in the establishment of monitoring systems of targeted NIS, and foster cooperation on monitoring of NIS across or within shared marine subregions.Henn Ojaveer and Maiju Lehtiniemi wish to acknowledge the project COMPLETE (Completing management options in the Baltic Sea region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping), co-financed by the European Union's funding Programme Interreg Baltic Sea Region (European Regional Development Fund). João Canning-Clode was supported by a starting grant in the framework of the 2014 FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01606/2014/CP1230/CT0001) and wish to acknowledge the support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), through the strategic project UID/MAR/04292/2019 granted to MARE