725 research outputs found

    Cultivating a greener future:Exploiting trichoderma derived secondary metabolites for fusarium wilt management in peas

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    This study aimed to identify efficient Trichoderma isolate(s) for the management of Fusarium wilt in peas. Four different pea germplasms (Sarsabz, Pea-09, Meteor and Supreme) were evaluated for resistance against Fusarium oxysporum in pot assay. Resistant germplasm exhibits a varying range of disease severity (23%) and percent disease index (21%), whereas susceptible and highly susceptible germplasm exhibit maximum disease severity (44–79%) and percent disease index (47–82%). The susceptible germplasm Meteor was selected for in vivo experiment. Five different Trichoderma spp. (Trichoderma koningii, T. hamatum, T. longibrachiatum, T. viride, and T. harzianum) were screened for the production of hydrolytic extracellular enzymes under in vitro. In-vitro biocontrol potential of Trichoderma spp. was assayed by percentage inhibition of dry mass of Fusarium oxysporum pisi (FOP) with Trichoderma spp. metabolite filtrate concentrations. Maximum growth inhibition was observed by T. harzianum (50–89%). T. harzianum metabolites in filtrate conc. (40%, 50%, and 60%) exhibited maximum reduction in biomass and were thus used for in vivo management of the disease. The pot experiment for in-vivo management also confirmed the maximum inhibition of FOP by T. harzianum metabolites filtrate at 60% by reducing disease parameters and enhancing growth, yield, and physiochemical and stress markers. Trichoderma strains led to an increase in chlorophyll and carotenoids (34-26%), Total phenolic 55%, Total protein content 60%, Total Flavonoid content 36%, and the increasing order of enzyme activities were as follows: CAT > POX > PPO > PAL in all treatments. These strains demonstrate excellent bio-control of Fusarium wilt in pea via induction of defense-related enzymes. The present work will help use Trichoderma species in disease management programme as an effective biocontrol agent against plant pathogens

    Identifying the abilities of biostimulants to improve vegetable production compared with conventional fertilizer

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    Vegetables are important agricultural products with numerous health benefits. Excessive chemical fertilization to meet the food challenge has resulted in environmental and soil health hazards. Considering this aspect, the current study was conducted with the aim to introduce biostimulants as an alternative to chemical fertilizers to improve soil quality, crop quality, and yield. In the first experiment, the response of radish was noted against the application of glycine (GLY), aspartic acid (ASP), lysine (LYS), vitamin B complex (VBC), and chemical fertilizers (CF). The biostimulants were sourced from Sigma Aldrich and Martin Dow Market Ltd. The results indicated that ASP has significantly improved the phenolic contents in shoot (1.01%) and root (12.23%) compared with CF. Additionally, total protein was significantly increased in shoot with GLY (251.81%) and in root with ASP (57.06%). Shoot ascorbic acid contents were significantly improved with ASP (179.90%), VBC (159.91%), and LYS (139.92%). Plant fresh and dry weight was improved with VBC (478.31%) and ASP (364.73%). The N and P concentrations in radish root were higher in VBC (25.93%) and LYS (100%). Soil organic matter was improved ASP (61.51%), followed by VBC (60.13%). Soil available P concentration was also enhanced with LYS (40.43%), ASP (31.20%), and VBC (23.19%). The second experiment was focused on identifying the response of turnip crop against the following treatments: chemical fertilizers (CF), Isabion¼ (ISA), 25% CF + LYS + GLY (CLG), 25% CF + ASP + GLY (CAG), and 25% CF + ASP + LYS (CAL). The biostimulants were sourced from Sigma Aldrich Syngenta, Pakistan. The results denoted that CAL and ISA significantly improved the phenolic contents in turnip shoot and root. The ascorbic acid in turnip shoot was improved with CAL (19.27%), CAG (18.13%), ISA (17.68%), and in root with CLG (26.96%). The P concentration in turnip shoot was significantly higher in ISA (19.25%), CLG (16.85%), and CAG (12.26%). Soil total N was improved in all treatments. ISA improved the available P concentration, whereas CF (67.87 mg kg−1) followed by ISA (65.93 mg kg−1) improved the soil available K. Both studies conclude that biostimulants capable of improving vegetable quality

    Efeitos deletérios do uso do åcido hialurÎnico para fins estéticos / Deletary effects of the use of hyaluronic acid for aesthetic purposes

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    Objetivo: Avaliar os riscos do uso desregulado do ĂĄcido hialurĂŽnico (AH). MĂ©todos: Trata-se de uma revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura, cujo tema foi pesquisado em diferentes bases de dados com o cruzamento dos descritores “ácido hialurĂŽnico”; “malefĂ­cios”; “consequĂȘncias”; “estĂ©tica”, sendo incluĂ­dos artigos dos Ășltimos 5 anos, com texto completo, que tratavam dos efeitos negativos do uso do AH, nos idiomas inglĂȘs e portuguĂȘs, relacionados a humanos. Resultados: Os artigos analisados evidenciaram um aumento no uso de AH em procedimentos estĂ©ticos e a necessidade do conhecimento da histĂłria clĂ­nica, anatomia facial e tĂ©cnicas de injeção para bons resultados. Profissionais nĂŁo capacitados sĂŁo um risco adicional para aplicação e nem todos conseguem lidar com a gama de reaçÔes adversas existentes. Eritemas, edemas, hematomas, abcessos, infecçÔes, alergias, necrose, oclusĂŁo vascular, inflamaçÔes sĂŁo possĂ­veis efeitos da aplicação errĂŽnea do AH.  Esses, gerados principalmente por respostas imunes negativas ao AH, trazem grandes prejuĂ­zos estĂ©ticos, psicolĂłgicos e funcionais na vida dos pacientes. ConsideraçÔes finais: Diante do elevado risco do uso de AH de forma desregulada, Ă© de extrema importĂąncia profissionais bem capacitados para a aplicação facial do AH, para que minimize ao mĂĄximo os efeitos adversos e garanta um bom resultado estĂ©tico

    A problemĂĄtica da epidemia de demĂȘncia vascular no Brasil: uma revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica / The problem of the epidemic of vascular dementia in Brazil: a bibliographic review

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    Introdução: DemĂȘncia Ă© uma das causas de incapacidade na velhice, sendo que 1 a 4% de todos os casos sĂŁo demĂȘncia vascular (DV), por lesĂŁo encefĂĄlica, em idade avançada. DĂ©ficits cognitivos com provĂĄvel interferĂȘncia na atenção complexa, mudanças de personalidade e humor e depressĂŁo sĂŁo os principais sintomas da DV. Objetivo: Investigar a relação do aumento da expectativa de vida com a ocorrĂȘncia de casos de DV, descrevendo a incidĂȘncia e a prevalĂȘncia dessa realidade no Brasil. Metodologia: Foi realizada revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica de artigos das bases EBSCO, SCIELO, LILACS e Google AcadĂȘmico e livros mĂ©dicos. DiscussĂŁo: O AVC, isquemia cerebral e problemas vasculares, patologias incidentes no envelhecimento, estĂŁo relacionados intimamente com DV, com grande nĂșmero de sobreviventes desenvolvendo-a, resultado de lesĂ”es cerebrais.  O Brasil, nono paĂ­s com maior prevalĂȘncia de demĂȘncia, tem a proporção de DV maior que em outros paĂ­ses. Mesmo com avanços mĂ©dicos e maior longevidade, houve aumento dos casos de DV. Fatores de risco podem ser genĂ©ticos, metabĂłlicos, tĂłxicos, pressĂŁo elevada, eventos cardĂ­acos, menopausa, idade, sedentarismo, anestesia geral, inflamação, estresse, infecção, depressĂŁo. MetabĂłlicos e tĂłxicos por serem modificĂĄveis e reversĂ­veis chamam muita atenção como possĂ­veis mĂ©todos de prevenção de DV. AlĂ©m disso, estudos mostraram neuroplasticidade maior em pacientes com alta escolaridade, demonstrando menor risco a DV, indicando escolaridade como uma forma de intervenção. ConsideraçÔes finais: Diante da epidemia de DV no Brasil, controle de fatores de risco e detecção do transtorno em estĂĄgios iniciais poderiam ser importantes na tentativa de amenizar prejuĂ­zos, diminuindo o nĂșmero de casos.

    Three-Year Clinical Follow-Up of Children Intrauterine Exposed to Zika Virus

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    Congenital Zika virus (ZIKV) infection may present with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. Some sequelae, particularly neurodevelopmental problems, may have a later onset. We conducted a prospective cohort study of 799 high-risk pregnant women who were followed up until delivery. Eighty-three women and/or newborns were considered ZIKV exposed and/or infected. Laboratory diagnosis was made by polymerase chain reaction in the pregnant mothers and their respective newborns, as well as Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus, and ZIKV serology. Serology for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and syphilis infections were also performed in microcephalic newborns. The newborns included in the study were followed up until their third birthday. Developmental delay was observed in nine patients (13.2%): mild cognitive delay in three patients, speech delay in three patients, autism spectrum disorder in two patients, and severe neurological abnormalities in one microcephalic patient; sensorineural hearing loss, three patients and dysphagia, six patients. Microcephaly due to ZIKV occurred in three patients (3.6%). Clinical manifestations can appear after the first year of life in children infected/exposed to ZIKV, emphasizing the need for long-term follow-up

    Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. Our current exposure reaches nearly 40,000 km2^2 str and provides us with an unprecedented quality data set. The performance and stability of the detectors and their enhancements are described. Data analyses have led to a number of major breakthroughs. Among these we discuss the energy spectrum and the searches for large-scale anisotropies. We present analyses of our Xmax_{max} data and show how it can be interpreted in terms of mass composition. We also describe some new analyses that extract mass sensitive parameters from the 100% duty cycle SD data. A coherent interpretation of all these recent results opens new directions. The consequences regarding the cosmic ray composition and the properties of UHECR sources are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, talk given at the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio de Janeiro 201

    A search for point sources of EeV photons

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    Measurements of air showers made using the hybrid technique developed with the fluorescence and surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory allow a sensitive search for point sources of EeV photons anywhere in the exposed sky. A multivariate analysis reduces the background of hadronic cosmic rays. The search is sensitive to a declination band from -85{\deg} to +20{\deg}, in an energy range from 10^17.3 eV to 10^18.5 eV. No photon point source has been detected. An upper limit on the photon flux has been derived for every direction. The mean value of the energy flux limit that results from this, assuming a photon spectral index of -2, is 0.06 eV cm^-2 s^-1, and no celestial direction exceeds 0.25 eV cm^-2 s^-1. These upper limits constrain scenarios in which EeV cosmic ray protons are emitted by non-transient sources in the Galaxy.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Reconstruction of inclined air showers detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    We describe the method devised to reconstruct inclined cosmic-ray air showers with zenith angles greater than 60∘60^\circ detected with the surface array of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The measured signals at the ground level are fitted to muon density distributions predicted with atmospheric cascade models to obtain the relative shower size as an overall normalization parameter. The method is evaluated using simulated showers to test its performance. The energy of the cosmic rays is calibrated using a sub-sample of events reconstructed with both the fluorescence and surface array techniques. The reconstruction method described here provides the basis of complementary analyses including an independent measurement of the energy spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using very inclined events collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP

    Association Among Polyphenol Intake, Uric Acid, and Hyperuricemia: A CrossSectional Analysis in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk

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    Dietary polyphenol intake has been associated with a decreased risk of hyperuricemia, but most of this knowledge comes from preclinical studies. The aim of the present study was to assess the association of the intake of different classes of polyphenols with serum uric acid and hyperuricemia. This cross- sectional analysis involved baseline data of 6332 participants. Food polyphenol con- tent was estimated by a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and from the Phenol-Explorer database. Multivariable-adjusted linear regression models with serum uric acid (milligrams per deciliter) as the outcome and polyphenol intake (quintiles) as the main independent variable were fitted. Cox regression models with constant follow-up time (t=1) were performed to estimate the prevalence ratios (PRs) of hyperuricemia (≄7 mg/dL in men and ≄6 mg/dL in women). An inverse association between the intake of the phenolic acid class (ÎČ coefficient, −0.17 mg/dL for quintile 5 versus quintile 1 [95% CI, −0.27 to −0.06]) and hydroxycinnamic acids (ÎČ coefficient, −0.19 [95% CI, −0.3 to −0.09]), alkylmethoxyphenols (ÎČ coefficient, −0.2 [95% CI, −0.31 to −0.1]), and methoxyphenols (ÎČ coefficient, −0.24 [95% CI, −0.34 to −0.13]) subclasses with serum uric acid levels and hyperuricemia (PR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.71– 0.95]; PR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.71– 0.95]; PR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.70– 0.92]; and PR, 0.79 [95% CI, 0.69– 0.91]; respectively) was found. The intake of hydroxybenzoic acids was directly and significantly as- sociated with mean serum uric acid levels (ÎČ coefficient, 0.14 for quintile 5 versus quintile 1 [95% CI, 0.02– 0.26]) but not with hyperuricemia

    Total and Subtypes of Dietary Fat Intake and Its Association with Components of the Metabolic Syndrome in a Mediterranean Population at High Cardiovascular Risk

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    Background: The effect of dietary fat intake on the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and in turn on cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains unclear in individuals at high CVD risk. Objective: To assess the association between fat intake and MetS components in an adult Mediterranean population at high CVD risk. Design: Baseline assessment of nutritional adequacy in participants (n = 6560, men and women, 55-75 years old, with overweight/obesity and MetS) in the PREvenciĂłn con DIeta MEDiterrĂĄnea (PREDIMED)-Plus randomized trial. Methods: Assessment of fat intake (total fat, monounsatured fatty acids: MUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids: PUFA, saturated fatty acids: SFA, trans-fatty acids: trans-FA, linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid, and ω-3 FA) using a validated food frequency questionnaire, and diet quality using 17-item Mediterranean dietary questionnaire and fat quality index (FQI). Results: Participants in the highest quintile of total dietary fat intake showed lower intake of energy, carbohydrates, protein and fiber, but higher intake of PUFA, MUFA, SFA, TFA, LA, ALA and ω-3 FA. Differences in MetS components were found according to fat intake. Odds (5th vs. 1st quintile): hyperglycemia: 1.3-1.6 times higher for total fat, MUFA, SFA and ω-3 FA intake; low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c): 1.2 higher for LA; hypertriglyceridemia: 0.7 lower for SFA and ω-3 FA intake. Conclusions: Dietary fats played different role on MetS components of high CVD risk patients. Dietary fat intake was associated with higher risk of hyperglycemia
