32,399 research outputs found

    Modeling Sensor Knowledge of a National Hydrologic Information System

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    In this paper we describe our experience in modeling and using sensor knowledge of a national hydrologic information system in Spain. We developed a web application called VSAIH supported by a knowledge-based system to analyze sensor data and to generate explanations that help users to make decisions based on hydrologic behavior. In the paper, we describe the characteristics of the infrastructure of hydrologic sensors and the representa-tion we used to model sensor knowledge to provide support to the VSAIH application. We also describe semi-automatic procedures that we applied to construct the final model

    Calculation of the optical response of C60 and Na8 using time-dependent density functional theory and local orbitals

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    We report on a general method for the calculation of the frequency-dependent optical response of clusters based upon time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). The implementation is done using explicit propagation in the time domain and a self-consistent program that uses a linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO). Our actual calculations employ the SIESTA program, which is designed to be fast and accurate for large clusters. We use the adiabatic local density approximation to account for exchange and correlation effects. Results are presented for the imaginary part of the linear polarizability, Im [\alpha(w)], and the dipole strength function, S(w), of C60 and Na8, compared to previous calculations and to experiment. We also show how to calculate the integrated frequency-dependent second order non-linear polarizability for the case of a step function electric field, \gamma_{step}(w), and present results for C60.Comment: 11 pages with 6 postscript figures. Submitted for publicatio

    The chaperone TRAP1 as a modulator of the mitochondrial adaptations in cancer cells

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    Mitochondria can receive, integrate, and transmit a variety of signals to shape many biochemical activities of the cell. In the process of tumor onset and growth, mitochondria contribute to the capability of cells of escaping death insults, handling changes in ROS levels, rewiring metabolism, and reprograming gene expression. Therefore, mitochondria can tune the bioenergetic and anabolic needs of neoplastic cells in a rapid and flexible way, and these adaptations are required for cell survival and proliferation in the fluctuating environment of a rapidly growing tumor mass. The molecular bases of pro-neoplastic mitochondrial adaptations are complex and only partially understood. Recently, the mitochondrial molecular chaperone TRAP1 (tumor necrosis factor receptor associated protein 1) was identified as a key regulator of mitochondrial bioenergetics in tumor cells, with a profound impact on neoplastic growth. In this review, we analyze these findings and discuss the possibility that targeting TRAP1 constitutes a new antitumor approach

    Warp evidences in precessing galactic bar models

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    Most galaxies have a warped shape when they are seen from an edge-on point of view. The reason for this curious form is not completely known so far and in this work we apply dynamical system tools to contribute to its explanation. Starting from a simple, but realistic, model formed by a bar and a disc, we study the effect produced by a small misalignment between the angular momentum of the system and its angular velocity. To this end, a precession model is developed and considered, assuming that the bar behaves like a rigid body. After checking that the periodic orbits inside the bar keep being the skeleton of the inner system, even after inflicting a precession to the potential, we compute the invariant manifolds of the unstable periodic orbits departing from the equilibrium points at the ends of the bar to get evidences of their warped shapes. As it is well known, the invariant manifolds associated with these periodic orbits drive the arms and rings of barred galaxies and constitute the skeleton of these building blocks. Looking at them from a side-on viewpoint, we find that these manifolds present warped shapes as those recognized in observations. Lastly, test particle simulations have been performed to determine how the stars are affected by the applied precession, confirming this way the theoretical results obtained.Comment: 14 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A (15th Jan 2016

    Development and implantation of a Thesaurus of Manufacturing Engineering terms

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    Present work shows the teaching-learning experience developed in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering of the University of Malaga. This experience is based on the need to generate a specific glossary of manufacturing engineering terms to be used as a study guide by the students. Eventually, it was decided to make a Thesaurus that would be aimed at a teaching activity. Also, it would take part in the educational innovation project PIE 13-025 of the University of Malaga, within the biennium 2013/2015. The first step consisted of the design of Thesaurus pattern, taking into account the kind of information that it was necessary include in it. Afterward, this pattern would be place on the Virtual Campus and the student would have to complete the information required. Finally, the results obtained in the different applications of this activity would be analyzed and evaluated.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dejar la profesión docente: análisis del papel del apoyo social, el engagement y la inteligencia emocional en la intención de abandono del profesorado

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    The study aimed to test mediator and moderator factors in the relationship between workplace social support (i.e., perceived support from colleagues and supervisors) and intentions to quit in a sample of teaching professionals. Specifically, utilizing job-demands-resources theory to focus on social support, we examined whether work engagement mediated the relationship between workplace social support and intentions to quit. Moreover, the potential moderator role of emotional intelligence in the proposed model was tested. The study sample comprised 1,297 teaching professionals (64.8% females) working as preschool, primary, and secondary teachers in several centers in eastern and southern Spain. The main results demonstrated that work engagement totally mediated the relationship between social support from colleagues/supervisors and intentions to quit. The findings showed that teachers’ levels of emotional intelligence significantly moderated the indirect paths between perceived support from colleagues/supervisors and intentions to quit. Teachers with the lowest levels of work engagement reported low support from colleagues or supervisors, togetherwith low emotional intelligence. Similarly, highest intentions to quit was reported by those teachers reporting low work engagement and low emotional intelligence. Finally, we discuss the relevance of these findings for basic and applied research seeking to retain a more engaged teaching force.Este estudio pretende evaluar los factores mediadores y moderadores en la relación entre el apoyo social organizacional (apoyo percibido de compañeros y supervisores) y los niveles de intención de abandono en una muestra de profesionales de la enseñanza. Específicamente, usando la teoría de demandas y recursos laborales y centrándose en el apoyo social, se examina si el engagement laboral media la relación entre apoyo social organizacional e intención de abandono. Además, se analiza el posible papel moderador de la inteligencia emocional en el modelo propuesto. La muestra del estudio esta compuesta por 1,297 profesionales de la enseñanza (64.8% mujeres) que trabajaban como docentes de Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria en varios centros del este y sur de España. Los resultados principales demostraron que el engagement laboral mediaba totalmente la relación entre el apoyo social de compañeros y supervisores y la intención de abandono. Los hallazgos mostraron que el nivel de inteligencia emocional de los docentes moderaba significativamente las relaciones indirectas entre el apoyo percibido de compañeros y supervisores y la intención de abandono. Los docentes con un nivel más bajo de engagement laboral informaron de bajo apoyo de compañeros y supervisores, así como de un bajo nivel de inteligencia emocional. Igualmente, aquellos docentes con bajo engagement laboral y baja inteligencia emocional informaron de mayores niveles de intención de abandono. Finalmente, se discute la importancia de estos hallazgos para la investigación básica y aplicada enfocada a la retención de un capital docente comprometido

    Depression-related difficulties disengaging from negative faces are associated with sustained attention to negative feedback during social evaluation and predict stress recovery

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    The present study aimed to clarify: 1) the presence of depression-related attention bias related to a social stressor, 2) its association with depression-related attention biases as measured under standard conditions, and 3) their association with impaired stress recovery in depression. A sample of 39 participants reporting a broad range of depression levels completed a standard eye-tracking paradigm in which they had to engage/disengage their gaze with/from emotional faces. Participants then underwent a stress induction (i.e., giving a speech), in which their eye movements to false emotional feedback were measured, and stress reactivity and recovery were assessed. Depression level was associated with longer times to engage/disengage attention with/from negative faces under standard conditions and with sustained attention to negative feedback during the speech. These depression-related biases were associated and mediated the association between depression level and self-reported stress recovery, predicting lower recovery from stress after giving the speech

    Nanowires: A route to efficient thermoelectric devices

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    Miniaturization of electronic devices aims at manufacturing ever smaller products, from mesoscopic to nanoscopic sizes. This trend is challenging because the increased levels of dissipated power demands a better understanding of heat transport in small volumes. A significant amount of the consumed energy is transformed into heat and dissipated to the environment. Thermoelectric materials offer the possibility to harness dissipated energy and make devices less energy-demanding. Heat-to-electricity conversion requires materials with a strongly suppressed thermal conductivity but still high electronic conduction. Nanowires can meet nicely these two requirements because enhanced phonon scattering at the surface and defects reduces the lattice thermal conductivity while electric conductivity is not deteriorated, leading to an overall remarkable thermoelectric efficiency. Therefore, nanowires are regarded as a promising route to achieving valuable thermoelectric materials at the nanoscale. In this paper, we present an overview of key experimental and theoretical results concerning the thermoelectric properties of nanowires. The focus of this review is put on the physical mechanisms by which the efficiency of nanowires can be improved. Phonon scattering at surfaces and interfaces, enhancement of the power factor by quantum effects and topological protection of electron states to prevent the degradation of electrical conductivity in nanowires are thoroughly discussed

    The Spanish Long-term Care System. ENEPRI Research Report No. 88, 15 June 2010

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    Launched in January 2009, ANCIEN is a research project that runs for a 44-month period and involves 20 partners from EU member states. The project principally concerns the future of long-term care (LTC) for the elderly in Europe and addresses two questions in particular: 1) How will need, demand, supply and use of LTC develop? 2) How do different systems of LTC perform? This case study on Spain is part of the first stage in the project aimed at collecting the basic data and necessary information to portray long-term care in each country of the EU. It will be followed by analysis and projections of future scenarios on long-term care needs, use, quality assurance and system performance. State-of-the-art demographic, epidemiologic and econometric modelling will be used to interpret and project needs, supply and use of long-term care over future time periods for different LTC systems