4,400 research outputs found

    Eye drop Self-medication: Comparative Questionnaire-based study of two Latin American cities.

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    A broad spectrum of ocular symptoms are treated by self-medication with commercial eye-drops.  This behavior threatens individuals' visual health. In Latin America, evidence is poor. Objective:  To  detect,  characterize  and  compare  patterns  of  ophthalmic  self-medication  between  Córdoba (Argentina) and Barranquilla (Colombia).Design:  Analytic, cross-sectional and comparative population-based study. Setting: Two private tertiary care ophthalmology centers from Córdoba, Argentina, and Barranquilla, Colombia.Participants:  Patients 18 years of age or older who consulted for the first time in this two institutions duringAugust-November 2009, were included. A number of 570 patients were enrrolled.Methods:  Data collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Main outcome measure: To determine thefrequency of self-medication with eyedrops on a specific population of two cities in Latin America.Results:  Comparable  rates  of  ocular  self-medication  were  found  (25.6%  and  25.7%  for  Cordoba  and Barranquilla, respectively). The percentage of men and women who self-medicated was not significantly different between both samples. The major source of eye drops recommendation in the Argentineans patients was the pharmacist (31%); while the social source was predominant in Colombian individuals (53%). In Cordoba, the most frequently used product was a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drop in combination with a vasoconstrictive agent (32%); while in Barranquilla, antibiotic eye drops were preferred (33%). Self-medication was higher between the ages of 31 and 50 years old in Argentinean citizens (28%) and between 18 to 31 years old in the Colombiancommunity (39%). This habit was found mostly in patients who completed university studies in Cordoba (33%); in Barranquilla, individuals with lower educational level practice more this behavior (36%).Conclusion:  In both populations, patients commonly treat ocular conditions by self-medicating. Currently, anincreasing number of eye drops are obtainable without prescription and a high percentage of self-medicated patients in both samples ignore the possible side effects of the used medication.Fil: Marquez, Gabriel. Fundación VER; ArgentinaFil: Hildegard Piñeros-Heilbron. Fundación Oftalmológica del Caribe; ColombiaFil: Sanchez, Victoria M.. Fundación VER; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Victor Eduardo Roque. Fundación VER; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Gramajo, Ana L.. Fundación VER; ArgentinaFil: Juarez, Claudio P.. Fundación VER; Argentina. Fundación Oftalmológica del Caribe; ColombiaFil: Peña, Fernando. Fundación Oftalmológica del Caribe; ColombiaFil: Luna, José D.. Fundación VER; Argentin

    EDROOM: a free tool for the UML2 component based design and automatic code generation of tiny embedded real time system

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    International audienceThe use of tiny real time kernels to develop embedded systems is broadly extended. They offer basic services with small overhead footprints in the final product. Usually, these kind of kernels are compliant with the POSIX 1003.13 specification. The use of graphical modelling and automatic code generation tools for developing these kind of small software embedded system if often not considered for several reasons: they are expensive, the learning curve to obtain benefits is often large and finally the generated code usually does not fit well with the platform or exceed the desired size. In this paper we present the adaptation of a free tool, known as EDROOM, to develop this kind of real time software system. EDROOM is inspired on the ROOM modelling language and provides graphical modelling and automatic Embedded C++ code generation. EDROOM is compliant with the new UML2 graphical notation for component based system design and hierarchical behaviour. The new version of EDROOM is a cross development multiplatform generation tool and includes facilities for static control of all resources in order to completely avoid the use of dynamic memory. Our tool has been used in the software development of a small satellite (NANOSAT-01) which is fully functional nowadays. The tool is free distributed in conjunction with a group of code test bench that can be used to validate any port to another architecture

    Early Science with the Large Millimetre Telescope: Molecules in the Extreme Outflow of a proto-Planetary Nebula

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    Extremely high velocity emission likely related to jets is known to occur in some proto-Planetary Nebulae. However, the molecular complexity of this kinematic component is largely unknown. We observed the known extreme outflow from the proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 16342-3814, a prototype water fountain, in the full frequency range from 73 to 111 GHz with the RSR receiver on the Large Millimetre Telescope. We detected the molecules SiO, HCN, SO, and 13^{13}CO. All molecular transitions, with the exception of the latter are detected for the first time in this source, and all present emission with velocities up to a few hundred km s1^{-1}. IRAS 16342-3814 is therefore the only source of this kind presenting extreme outflow activity simultaneously in all these molecules, with SO and SiO emission showing the highest velocities found of these species in proto-Planetary Nebulae. To be confirmed is a tentative weak SO component with a FWHM \sim 700 km s1^{-1}. The extreme outflow gas consists of dense gas (nH2>_{\rm H_2} > 104.8^{4.8}--105.7^{5.7} cm3^{-3}), with a mass larger than \sim 0.02--0.15 M_{\odot}. The relatively high abundances of SiO and SO may be an indication of an oxygen-rich extreme high velocity gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letter

    CoQ deficiency causes disruption of mitochondrial sulfide oxidation, a new pathomechanism associated with this syndrome

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    Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is a key component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, but it also has several other functions in the cellular metabolism. One of them is to function as an electron carrier in the reaction catalyzed by sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR), which catalyzes the first reaction in the hydrogen sulfide oxidation pathway. Therefore, SQR may be affected by CoQ deficiency. Using human skin fibroblasts and two mouse models with primary CoQ deficiency, we demonstrate that severe CoQ deficiency causes a reduction in SQR levels and activity, which leads to an alteration of mitochondrial sulfide metabolism. In cerebrum of Coq9R239X mice, the deficit in SQR induces an increase in thiosulfate sulfurtransferase and sulfite oxidase, as well as modifications in the levels of thiols. As a result, biosynthetic pathways of glutamate, serotonin, and catecholamines were altered in the cerebrum, and the blood pressure was reduced. Therefore, this study reveals the reduction in SQR activity as one of the pathomechanisms associated with CoQ deficiency syndrome

    Evolution of the threshold temperature definition of a heat wave vs. evolution of the minimum mortality temperature: a case study in Spain during the 1983–2018 period

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    An area of current study concerns analysis of the possible adaptation of the population to heat, based on the temporal evolution of the minimum mortality temperature (MMT). It is important to know how is the evolution of the threshold temperatures (Tthreshold) due to these temperatures provide the basis for the activation of public health prevention plans against high temperatures. The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal evolution of threshold temperatures (Tthreshold) produced in different Spanish regions during the 1983–2018 period and to compare this evolution with the evolution of MMT. The dependent variable used was the raw rate of daily mortality due to natural causes ICD X: (A00-R99) for the considered period. The independent variable was maximum daily temperature (Tmax) during the summer months registered in the reference observatory of each region. Threshold values were determined using dispersion diagrams (annual) of the prewhitened series of mortality temperatures and Tmax. Later, linear fit models were carried out between the different values of Tthreshold throughout the study period, which permitted detecting the annual rate of change in Tthreshold.This research project was funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) under file number ENPY 470/19 and is supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, in addition to the research projects ISCIII: ENPY107/18 and ENPY 376/1

    Nucleotomía percutánea automatizada: experiencia en 425 casos

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    En el presente trabajo exponemos nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento de la hernia discal lumbar mediante Nucleotomía Percutánea Automatizada. El estudio comprende el periodo de Junio de 1988 a Diciembre de 1992. Se incluyen un total de 425 enfermos de edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 58 años. Los pacientes han sido evaluados a las 6 semanas, a los 3 y a los 6 meses tras la intervención. Los resultados han sido satisfactorios en el 71% de los casos. Solamente hubo una complicación de espondilodiscitis. En el 29% de los casos se obtuvieron malos resultados. Un porcentaje importante de los fracasos, se debieron a una mala selección de los pacientes desde el punto de vista de su perfil psicológico.Our experience using automated percutaneous nucleotomy for treatment for herniated disc is presented. A total of 42 5 patientes, aged between 18 and 58 years and operated from June 88 to December 1992, has been included. Patients were clinically assessed at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Satisfactory results were found in 71% of cases. As for complications, there was only a case of discitis. In 29% of patients, the outcome was poor. An important group of failures were due to bad selection of patients regadings psychological profile

    Recomendaciones para la informatización de los servicios de neonatología

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    El objetivo es proporcionar el marco para la recopilación de datos en el área de la salud de los recién nacidos que permitan la armonización de la asistencia sea cual sea su lugar de nacimiento. Para ello es necesario conocer la población atendida y la mayor dificultad es la ausencia de un sistema de recopilación de datos y de unos estándares asistenciales para todas las condiciones del recién nacido. Es imprescindible disponer de un registro único en el que se recojan los principales datos perinatales y neonatales de todos los recién nacidos. La Sociedad Española de Neonatología (SEN) debe ser el depositario y responsable de la base de datos, que debe cumplir todas las exigencias legales de privacidad y confidencialidad. A nivel de cada centro es posible conocer el peso relativo de la afección atendida por grupos de diagnósticos relacionados (DRG) y los resultados desde el aspecto de calidad asistencial. Mediante análisis comparativos (estudios de benchmarking,. . .) es posible establecer las pautas de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Es necesario conocer la población de recién nacidos atendida y definir criterios de diagnóstico y tratamiento para mejorar la calidad asistencial. La SEN desea dirigirse a los responsables asistenciales de los centros hospitalarios para pedirles su apoyo y colaboración en la puesta en marcha de estas recomendaciones

    Developement of real time diagnostics and feedback algorithms for JET in view of the next step

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    Real time control of many plasma parameters will be an essential aspect in the development of reliable high performance operation of Next Step Tokamaks. The main prerequisites for any feedback scheme are the precise real-time determination of the quantities to be controlled, requiring top quality and highly reliable diagnostics, and the availability of robust control algorithms. A new set of real time diagnostics was recently implemented on JET to prove the feasibility of determining, with high accuracy and time resolution, the most important plasma quantities. With regard to feedback algorithms, new model–based controllers were developed to allow a more robust control of several plasma parameters. Both diagnostics and algorithms were successfully used in several experiments, ranging from H-mode plasmas to configuration with ITBs. Since elaboration of computationally heavy measurements is often required, significant attention was devoted to non-algorithmic methods like Digital or Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Networks. The real time hardware and software adopted architectures are also described with particular attention to their relevance to ITER.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France