1,694 research outputs found

    HvZ Website: The Re-Engineering

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    As part of our Software Design and Development class, we were given a customer and tasked with providing them a product that they specifically request. Our customer was the Humans vs Zombies (HvZ) student group here on campus. They are a group that periodically plays a campus-wide game of tag using their own online resources, and they requested that we provide them a new, updated website. Their problem was that they needed to both update their site and acquire a more maintable version. The current site that they own now is three years old with code that is difficult to decipher

    Influence of Diet Quality and Mental Well-Being

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    Increasing evidence suggests that the average American diet is contributing to the increase in mental health issues, with 8.4% of all American adults having experienced at least one depressive episode. Our research study explores the relationship between the food consumed and mental wellbeing. An anonymous online survey was conducted through Google form and shared through social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and GroupMe. This survey included basic demographic questions and questions regarding the individual’s dietary patterns and mental health status. The results were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient in SPSS version 25.0. There is a positive correlation between mental wellbeing and consumption of components of the Mediterranean diet such as a variety of fruits and vegetables. Inclusion of nutrient dense food may significantly increase mental well-being.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2023/1087/thumbnail.jp

    Factores en el uso de las tecnologías de la información en una dependencia policial del Perú, 2023

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar cuáles son los factores en el uso de las tecnologías de la información en una dependencia policial del Perú, 2023. De enfoque cualitativo, tipo básica, estudio de caso como diseño, de carácter holístico; como técnica se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada, su instrumento fue un guion de 12 preguntas en su categoría, fue validado por un especialista con maestría en Gestión Pública. Esta entrevista se aplicó a una muestra de 12 trabajadores de una dependencia policial, se utilizó el programa Atlas Ti9.1 para su análisis, obteniendo como resultados inferenciales que las computadoras (CPU) les falta soporte técnico, con coeficiente de 0.73 según tabla de coocurrencias; asimismo, con un coeficiente de 0.71, conexión a internet; la falta de capacidad logística con coeficiente de 0.50 que repercute en la compra de tecnología de punta y otros dispositivos como el Dron que coinciden los entrevistados que es una herramienta importante para la video videovigilancia cuyo coeficiente fue de 0.46; la ausencia de recursos presupuestales repercute en la compra de tecnología con 0.41 y capacitación en la función policial de 2 meses cuyo coeficiente es de 0.50

    Plan de mantenimiento basado en RCM para mejorar la confiabilidad de la red de transmisión eléctrica de alta tensión, caso: Southern Peru Copper Corporation-SPCC

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    La red de transmisión eléctrica de alta tensión de la empresa Southern Perú Copper Corporation, en adelante SPCC, está conformado por 14 líneas de transmisión de 138kV y dos líneas de transmisión de 220kV los cuales suministran energía eléctrica a las unidades operativas de Ilo, Toquepala y Cuajone. Desde el año 1997 la empresa contratista ENGIE (ex ENERSUR) es responsable de planificar y realizar el mantenimiento de las líneas de transmisión de SPCC bajo la coordinación y supervisión del área de Sistemas de Potencia de SPCC. En base a la metodología de mantenimiento centrado en confiabilidad (RCM) se propone mejorar el Plan de Mantenimiento de las líneas de transmisión de SPCC. Después de analizar los costos anuales por mantenimiento de todas las líneas de transmisión de SPCC, se puede afirmar que los mayores costos de mantenimiento se deben a los lavados en caliente de las líneas de transmisión debido al uso del camión lavador, cuyo precio de alquiler por hora es alrededor de 120doˊlares.Loscostosporlavadoencalienterepresentanenpromedioel36120 dólares. Los costos por lavado en caliente representan en promedio el 36% del total de los costos de mantenimiento de las líneas de transmisión de SPCC. En base a los análisis de criticidad, análisis FMEA, análisis FMECA, análisis costo riesgo beneficio y el análisis RCM de las líneas de transmisión de SPCC, se propone reducir a la mitad la frecuencia de lavados en caliente, con lo cual se obtiene un ahorro de US 69,550 dólares por año equivalente a un ahorro de 20.8% anual en el costo de mantenimiento de las líneas de transmisión, logrando de esta manera optimizar el plan de mantenimiento actual de SPCC y mejorar la confiabilidad de la red de transmisión eléctrica de alta tensión de SPCC

    IEEE Robotics Competition

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    Estimation of Key Dates and Stages in Rice Crops Using Dual-Polarization SAR Time Series and a Particle Filtering Approach

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    Information of crop phenology is essential for evaluating crop productivity. In a previous work, we determined phenological stages with remote sensing data using a dynamic system framework and an extended Kalman filter (EKF) approach. In this paper, we demonstrate that the particle filter is a more reliable method to infer any phenological stage compared to the EKF. The improvements achieved with this approach are discussed. In addition, this methodology enables the estimation of key cultivation dates, thus providing a practical product for many applications. The dates of some important stages, as the sowing date and the day when the crop reaches the panicle initiation stage, have been chosen to show the potential of this technique.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under Project TEC2011-28201-C02-02, and in part by the Generalitat Valenciana under Project ACOMP/2014/136. All SAR images have been provided by DLR in the framework of projects LAN0021 and LAN0234 of the prelaunch AO of TerraSAR-X

    Particle Filter Approach for Real-Time Estimation of Crop Phenological States Using Time Series of NDVI Images

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    Knowing the current phenological state of an agricultural crop is a powerful tool for precision farming applications. In the past, it has been estimated with remote sensing data by exploiting time series of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), but always at the end of the campaign and only providing results for some key states. In this work, a new dynamical framework is proposed to provide real-time estimates in a continuous range of states, for which NDVI images are combined with a prediction model in an optimal way using a particle filter. The methodology is tested over a set of 8 to 13 rice parcels during 2008–2013, achieving a high determination factor R2=0.93 ( n=379 ) for the complete phenological range. This method is also used to predict the end of season date, obtaining a high accuracy with an anticipation of around 40–60 days. Among the key advantages of this approach, phenology is estimated each time a new observation is available, hence enabling the potential detection of anomalies in real-time during the cultivation. In addition, the estimation procedure is robust in the case of noisy observations, and it is not limited to a few phenological stages.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under Projects TEC2011-28201-C02-02 and TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P

    Neonicotinoids Disrupt Circadian Rhythms and Sleep in Honey Bees

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    Honey bees are critical pollinators in ecosystems and agriculture, but their numbers have significantly declined. Declines in pollinator populations are thought to be due to multiple factors including habitat loss, climate change, increased vulnerability to disease and parasites, and pesticide use. Neonicotinoid pesticides are agonists of insect nicotinic cholinergic receptors, and sub-lethal exposures are linked to reduced honey bee hive survival. Honey bees are highly dependent on circadian clocks to regulate critical behaviors, such as foraging orientation and navigation, time-memory for food sources, sleep, and learning/memory processes. Because circadian clock neurons in insects receive light input through cholinergic signaling we tested for effects of neonicotinoids on honey bee circadian rhythms and sleep. Neonicotinoid ingestion by feeding over several days results in neonicotinoid accumulation in the bee brain, disrupts circadian rhythmicity in many individual bees, shifts the timing of behavioral circadian rhythms in bees that remain rhythmic, and impairs sleep. Neonicotinoids and light input act synergistically to disrupt bee circadian behavior, and neonicotinoids directly stimulate wake-promoting clock neurons in the fruit fly brain. Neonicotinoids disrupt honey bee circadian rhythms and sleep, likely by aberrant stimulation of clock neurons, to potentially impair honey bee navigation, time-memory, and social communication

    Cancer Survivors\u27 Self-Efficacy and Spirituality Outcomes Following a Holistic Integrative Intervention

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    Cancer treatments often negatively impact health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) for cancer survivors (CS), ignoring the multi-dimensional nature of the human experience of cancer and its impact on mental and spiritual domains. A holistic integrative approach was implemented on a heterogenous population of cancer survivors during the COVID epidemic with the goal of improving their overall well-being by looking beyond physical functioning. PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between spirituality and self-efficacy of cancer survivors of all types of cancer following a holistic intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Subjects were recruited via network partners and self-referral. Subjects were eligible to participate if they were cancer survivors of any type at any stage of cancer treatment; subjects were ineligible to participate if they presented with any absolute contraindications to exercise testing as per ACSM guidelines. For 16 weeks, subjects were asked to participate in three 75-minute sessions of therapeutic yoga-based with loving kindness meditation per week. Psychosocial support text messages were sent daily to subjects based on their motivational state to encourage participation in these health enhancing behaviors. Data was collected through numerous channels including BlueJay Mobile Telehealth medicine application. RESULTS: A total of 29 survivors provided informed consent. The average age of the subjects was 58.9 years, 25 female survivors and 4 male survivors; 11 of the 29 self-reported as Latino/ Hispanic. The 29 subjects were survivors of the following primary cancers: breast cancer (n=21), cervical cancer (n=2), ovarian cancer (n=1), prostate cancer (n=1), sarcoma (n=1), lymphoma (n=1), thyroid cancer (n=1), or leukemia (n=1). There is a positive association between how confident a cancer survivor feels towards performing exercise in various situations and the amount of social support they receive from their family (p\u3c.001) and friends (p\u3c.001). The individual’s confidence to overcome the obstacle to exercise and their level of hope are associated with the support they receive from loved ones. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that to improve exercise behavior in adult cancer survivors, one should incorporate social support to strengthen barriers self-efficacy to improve outcome expectations. To further understand these associations, longitudinal research is needed and should include more survivors

    The Vehicle, Fall 2002

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    Table of Contents Caterpillar DreamsAubrey Bonannopage 4 GrandmotherNatalie Espositopage 5 PhotographNatalie Espositopage 5 For My SisterAnn Hudsonpage 6 BuckeyeCaleb Judypage 6 A Moment\u27s GlowMelissa Knoblockpage 7 April 8,1994Andy Kochpage 8 Koch FuneralsAndy Kochpage 9 Grandpa Koch\u27s Sense of HumorAndy Kochpage 10 DeparturesDave Moutraypage 11 1958 VetteAlex Nicolpage 11 HomelandDave Moutraypage 12 The TravelerDave Moutraypage 12 GrandpaJennifer Probstpage 13 Confusion upon LearningJody Sanchezpage 14 Chucktown PrideMike Scalespage 14 I Might be WrongDallas Schumacherpage 15-20 UntitledAlex Nicholpage 21 Late NightRachel Seftonpage 22 Old DreamsRachel Seftonpage 23 Two-Minded ThoughtsRachel Sefton & Jodi Sanchezpage 24 Strange GraffitiMike Scalespage 24 On PoetryNick Slicerpage 25-26 Sometimes Things Just Happen That WayThomas Webbpage 26-33 Biographiespage 34-35 Editor\u27s Notepage 36https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1076/thumbnail.jp