884 research outputs found

    Partisanship and Voter Confidence, 2000-2012

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    To what degree is voter confidence in election procedures driven by satisfaction with the outcome of an election, as opposed to trust in government or objective features of the polling place, such as voting technology? Using approximately 30 national surveys over the past decade, we find a consistent relationship between voting for the winner and confidence in election administration. This confidence varies as a function of question wording and electoral context. Respondents are more confident in the quality of the vote count locally than nationally. They are responsive to electoral results at the state and national levels in forming their judgements. And, rather than being influenced by different types of voting technology, respondents lose confidence by virtue of change itself

    Medication overuse headache, addiction and personality pathology: a controlled study by SWAP-200

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    Background: Medication Overuse Headache (MOH) is a type of chronic headache, whose mechanisms are still unknown. Some empirical investigations examining the addiction-like behaviors and processes, as well as personality characteristics underlying MOH development, reached contrasting findings. This study aimed at detecting personality and its disorders (PDs) in MOH patients, with a specific attention to the features of addiction. Methods: Eighty-eight MOH patients have been compared with two clinical populations including 99 patients with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and 91 with PDs using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200 (SWAP-200). MANCOVAs were performed to evaluate personality differences among MOH, SUD and PD groups, controlling for age and gender. Results: MOH patients showed lower traits of the SWAP-200’s clusters A and B disorders than SUD and PD patients, whom presented more severe levels of personality impairment. No differences in the SWAP-200’s cluster C have been found, indicating common personality features in these populations. At levels of specific PDs, MOH patients presented higher obsessive and dysphoric traits, as well as better overall psychological functioning than SUD and PD patients. Conclusions: The study supported the presence of a specific pattern of personality in MOH patients including obsessive (perfectionist) and dysphoric characteristics, as well as good enough psychological resources. No similarities with drug addicted and personality-disordered patients were found. Practitioners’ careful understanding of the personality of MOH patients may be useful to provide more effective treatment strategies and patient-tailored intervention programs

    Technology and Innovation Centre Telč

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    Studie technologického a inovačního centra řeší soubor objektů administrativního a výrobního charakteru, jež se nachází ve svažitém terénu nacházejícím se na okraji města Telč. V blízkosti se nachází objekty jak výrobního charakteru, tak sklady a také objekty obytné. Administrativní objekt zajišťuje provozní funkci areálu, dále funkci sociálně hygienickou a stravovací. Výrobní objekty zajišťují funkci hygienickou, výrobní, skladovací a částečně administrativní. V okolí objektů se nachází zpevněné plochy, které splňují funkci předprostoru – shromaždiště, funkci zásobování a také funkci parkovacích ploch. Tyto plochy doplňují plochy zeleně s nově vysázenými stromy.The study of Technology and inovation center contais the komplex of buildings with administrative and manufactured character. The komplex is situated into slightly steep terrain on the outskirts of town Telč. In the near of Technology Center are located the buildings with manufacturing charakter, warehouses and the residential buildings. The administration building provides operational, social – hygienic function and lunchroom. The production buildings provide hygienic, producing, warehousing and partly administrative function. Around the buildings are parking lots, pedestrian zone and green areas with new plated trees.

    Organización y gestión de un evento deportivo: Torneo de pádel aniversario Forus Elche

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    Este trabajo consiste en la elaboración y gestión de un evento deportivo, con el proceso detallado de como se ha llevado a cabo un torneo de pádel, durante el séptimo aniversario de un centro deportivo de la localidad de Elche, en la provincia de Alicante

    Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang Dan Kapasitas Air Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr)

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    Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) merupakan tanaman pangan yang terpenting ketiga setelah padi dan jagung. Budidaya tanaman kedelai dengan pemupukan anorganik secara terus-menerus dan berlebihan akan menyebabkan kandungan bahan organik tanah semakin berkurang. Peningkatan kesuburan tanah dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan bahan organik. Bahan organik tanah dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemberian bahan organik berupa pupuk kandang ke dalam tanah. Tanah mempunyai hubungan yang sangat erat dengan air, setiap perlakuan yang diberikan pada sebidang tanah akan mempengaruhi tata air pada tempat itu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penambahan pupuk kandang dalam mengurangi jumlah air yang diberikan pada tanaman kedelai. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini ialah semakin besar jumlah pupuk kandang pada tanah, maka semakin berkurang jumlah air yang diberikan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Green House Kelompok Tani Angkasa, Landasan Udara Abdulrachman Saleh Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Mei-Juli 2017. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah timbangan, gelas ukur, tugal, penggaris, kertas label, polybag dan kamera digital. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih kedelai varietas Gema, pupuk kandang kambing, pupuk Urea (46% N), SP-36 (36% P205), KCl (60% K2O), polybag dengan ukuran 35 x 35 cm (diameter 20 cm), air dan tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF), terdiri dari 2 faktor yang diulang 3 kali, faktor 1, yaitu: A0 = Tanpa pupuk kandang, A1 = Pupuk kandang 20 ton ha-1 dan A2 = Pupuk kandang 30 ton ha-1. Sedangkan faktor 2, yaitu: B1 = 100% Kapasitas lapang, B2 = 75% Kapasitas lapang dan B3 = 50% Kapasitas lapang. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 14 hst, 28 hst, 42 hst, dan 56 hst. Parameter panen pada 73 hst. Data pengamatan yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisa ragam (uji F) pada taraf 5%. Dari hasil pengujian didapat pengaruh, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji perbandingan antar perlakuan dengan menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5%. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang 30 ton ha-1 dengan 100% kapasitas lapang memberikan hasil lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan oleh penambahan pupuk kandang 30 ton ha-1 dengan 100% kapasitas lapang memberikan hasil bobot biji per tanaman 16,67% dan 22,48% lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan pupuk kandang 30 ton ha-1 dengan 75% kapasitas lapang dan pupuk kandang 30 ton ha-1 dengan 50% kapasitas lapang

    CFD Fuel Slosh Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Spacecraft Propellant Tanks with Diaphragms

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    Liquid sloshing within spacecraft propellant tanks causes rapid energy dissipation at resonant modes, which can result in attitude destabilization of the vehicle. Identifying resonant slosh modes currently requires experimental testing and mechanical pendulum analogs to characterize the slosh dynamics. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques have recently been validated as an effective tool for simulating fuel slosh within free-surface propellant tanks. Propellant tanks often incorporate an internal flexible diaphragm to separate ullage and propellant which increases modeling complexity. A coupled fluid-structure CFD model is required to capture the damping effects of a flexible diaphragm on the propellant. ANSYS multidisciplinary engineering software employs a coupled solver for analyzing two-way Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) cases such as the diaphragm propellant tank system. Slosh models generated by ANSYS software are validated by experimental lateral slosh test results. Accurate data correlation would produce an innovative technique for modeling fuel slosh within diaphragm tanks and provide an accurate and efficient tool for identifying resonant modes and the slosh dynamic response

    Meeting patient expectations in migraine treatment: what are the key endpoints?

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    Clinical outcomes of migraine treatment are generally based on two major endpoints: acute pain resolution and effects on quality of life (QOL). Resolution of acute pain can be evaluated in a number of ways, each increasingly challenging to achieve; pain relief, pain freedom at 2 h, sustained pain-freedom, and SPF plus no adverse events (SNAE, the most challenging). QOL questionnaires help assess the burden of migraine and identify optimal treatments. Pain resolution and improved QOL form the basis of the ultimate target-meeting patient expectations, to achieve patient satisfaction. To achieve this, it is crucial to choose appropriate endpoints that reflect realistic treatment goals for individual patients. Moreover, SNAE can help discriminate between triptans, with almotriptan having the highest SNAE score. Kaplan-Meier plots are also relevant when evaluating migraine treatments. The use of symptomatic medication may lead to the paradoxical development of medication-overuse headache. In general practice, patients should use simple tools for pain measurement (e.g. headache diary) and a QOL questionnaire. A composite endpoint of pain resolution and QOL restoration would constitute a step forward in migraine management

    Predicting the response to a triptan in migraine using deep attack phenotyping: A feasibility study

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    Background: Triptans, specific symptomatic medications for migraine, are not effective in a proportion of patients, or in all attacks, hence the importance of identifying predictors of response. Our aim was to investigate the association between the efficacy of oral frovatriptan 2.5 mg and clinical characteristics of migraine attacks. Methods: We enrolled 29 consecutive patients affected by migraine without aura at the Headache Center of \u201cMondino\u201d Institute of Pavia. Each patient was given a diary and asked to record prospectively the features of three consecutive migraine attacks while using frovatriptan. A generalized estimating equations approach was used to determine phenotypic features associated with the pain free response at 2 hours. Results: Participants provided complete data for 85 attacks. Thirty of these (34%) patients reported being pain free 2 hours after taking frovatriptan 2.5 mg intake. Unilateral pain, presence of phonophobia, presence of one or more cranial autonomic symptoms and presence of one or more premonitory symptom were each associated with being pain free at 2 hours. Conclusions: The response to frovatriptan was associated with particular features of the migraine attack, either before or during the pain phase of attacks. The data support larger studies to explore detailed attack phenotyping, with particular attention to early signs, to enable individualized treatment in migraine