7 research outputs found

    Cultural Tourism and the Aragonese Language: Case Study of San Juan de Plan (Chistau Valley, Huesca, Aragon)

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    El presente proyecto de investigación turística ha sido galardonado con la Excelencia en el marco del XI Fórum de REDINTUR, siendo distinguido entre los ocho mejores Trabajos de Fin de Máster en Turismo del año 2021[Resumen] En los últimos años el patrimonio cultural ha adquirido relevancia como elemento que puede contribuir a la consecución del desarrollo sostenible. En este sentido, la lengua, como parte del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de las comunidades locales, juega un papel central. El aragonés es una lengua minorizada propia de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón. Las medidas llevadas a cabo en los últimos años en favor de su difusión y normalización tienen por objetivo dotarla de nuevos usos sociales, entre los que se encuentra el turismo. En este contexto, por medio del método mixto o triangulación metodológica, en el que se combinan el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo con la revisión documental y el análisis de datos secundarios, se analiza el caso de San Juan de Plan, un municipio oscense situado en el Valle de Chistau, donde la lengua aragonesa goza de una buena vitalidad y donde fueron promovidas una serie de medidas para la inclusión de dicho elemento patrimonial en la dinámica turística. El objetivo final del presente estudio es conocer la predisposición de los agentes turísticos del municipio hacia el aragonés como recurso turístico por medio del análisis de sus actitudes lingüísticas y sus opiniones.[Abstract] In recent years, cultural heritage has become recognised as a key contributor to more sustainable development. As a central part of the intangible cultural heritage of local communities, language plays a vital role in this. Aragonese is a minority language of the region of Aragon. Measures have been taken in recent years to promote the dissemination and normalisation of the language and to expand its utility in different social and economic contexts, tourism included. This study analyses the case of San Juan de Plan, a town in the Chistau Valley (Huesca), where Aragonese is still widely spoken and where locals have taken measures to include the language in their tourism activities. The main aim of the research is to assess the perception among tourism stakeholders in the town of Aragonese as a tourism resource. The analysis of linguistic attitudes and opinions was carried out using a triangulation research approach involving qualitative and quantitative analysis, literature review, and secondary data analysis

    Business ethics crisis and social sustainability. The case of the product "Pura Vida" in Peru

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    Peru is a Latin American country with one of the most powerful and dynamic emerging economies in the world; however, it reveals considerable inconsistencies and socioeconomic inequalities. This research demonstrates that business ethics and corporate social responsibility are closely related with the welfare state of the country/region where a company is incorporated. Research work has been carried out on the case of the product "Pura Vida", of the Gloria Company, implementing a mixed research method (documentary, quan and qual) in which a descriptive collection of data from different sources, in relation to the company and the crisis with Pura Vida milk, has been used; additionally, an ad hoc survey has been conducted on a sample of Peruvian citizens to know their insight in relation to the relevant aspects of business ethics and corporate responsibility and their opinion regarding the specific case being investigated; finally, in-depth interviews were held with the company's management staff. It is shown that without a certain degree of welfare state, it is difficult to implement ethics and social responsibility in companies and in society as a whole. In addition, the main concerns of Peruvians regarding ethics and social responsibility can be observed

    Happiness and Cultural Tourism: The Perspective of Civil Participation

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    In this research we analyze links between happiness and cultural tourism, taking the European Holy Grail Route in Spain as a cultural tourist product. Questions that arise are, among others, can cultural tourism generate understanding and social cohesion? Consequently, can it also mean increasing the happiness of both tourists and the host population? How and what can be learned from cultural tourism as a peaceful social process? Specifically, a qualitative approach was made in which we conducted semi-structured interviews with people belonging to civil society associations linked to the route. An analysis of the narratives (from the interviews) through the grounded theory was carried out. Improved individual reasons for happiness and social cohesion as a result of positive significant experiences are observed in the first step of results, and an exportable Decalogue of social behavior in cultural tourism experiences is presented and evaluated by the interviewees and shown as a research proposal

    Cultural landscapes as images of destination: perception and valuation as tourist product

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    Los paisajes culturales se han convertido en productos turísticos que, dependiendo de la imagen de destino proyectada, ejercen una importante atracción del turismo cultural y de naturaleza. Este potencial es objeto de estudio actualmente, y los de imágenes de destino pertenecen a una literatura extensa en ciencias sociales. La unión de paisajes culturales e imágenes de destino se ha situado en las primeras filas de investigación, este trabajo aporta conocimiento sobre la percepción y valoración que de ellos se tienen. Se indaga la percepción y valoración de los paisajes culturales e imágenes de destino a una muestra de turistas entre las Comunidades Autónomas, y un Panel de Experto para averiguar en el caso de Toledo, los componentes de la imagen de destino turística, las posibilidades del paisaje como producto turístico en sí mismo y diferenciado, las estrategias para su desarrollo turístico, y la promoción y difusión de los paisajes culturalesCultural landscapes have become tourism products that, depending on the image of the intended destination, exert an important attraction of cultural tourism and quality nature. This potential is currently under study, and those of destination images belong to an extensive literature in social sciences. The union of cultural landscapes and images of destination has been placed in the first lines of research, so this work is an attempt to contribute knowledge with respect to perception and value for sustainable tourism development. Therefore, the perception and valuation of the cultural landscapes and images of a destination have been tested with a sample of tourists from a broad range of Autonomous Communities, and an Expert Panel to investigate, in the case of Toledo, the components of the tourist destination image, the possibilities of differentiated landscape as a tourism product in itself, the strategies for its tourism development, and the promotion and dissemination of cultural landscapes

    Are spanish entrepreneurs happy in the 21st century? A quantitative study through the survey of the Sociological Research Centre (CIS)

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    Los emprendedores españoles poseen unos niveles de felicidad que vienen determinados por variables sociodemográficas, sirvan de ejemplo la confesión religiosa o el estado civil. En esta investigación, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis estadístico cuantitativo basado en los resultados del barómetro del CIS (septiembre 2018), con el objeto de examinar las relaciones bivariantes entre religión-felicidad y estado civil-felicidad en el colectivo objeto de nuestro estudio. Actualmente, la ciencia económica avanza inclu-yendo en sus explicaciones racionales teorizaciones sobre la importancia que poseen las variables espirituales, psicológicas y sociológicas de bienestar. Todo lo cual implica un funcionamiento más adecuado de la economía y la sociedad, más allá de planteamientos centrados exclusivamente en el desempeño y la productividad. Es necesario llevar a cabo más investigaciones en este sentido para desarrollar al máximo el conocimiento en torno al happiness management y la Economía de la Felicidad en el siglo XXI.Spanish entrepreneurs have levels of happiness that are determined by sociodemographic variables, such as religious confession or marital status. In this research, a quantitative statistical analysis has been carried out based on the results of the CIS barometer (September 2018), in order to examine the bivariate relationships between religion-happiness and marital status-happiness in the collective object of our study. Currently, economic science is advancing including in its rational explanations theorizations about the importance of the spiritual, psychological and sociological variables of well-being. All of which implies a more adequate functioning of the economy and society, beyond approaches focused exclusively on performance and productivity. It is necessary to carry out more research in this sense to develop to the maximum the knowledge around happiness management and the Economy of Happiness in the 21st century.18 página

    Rural tourism: A sustainable alternative

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    The aim of this article is to show and share the results of the research we made in order to improve the situation of sustainable interior rural tourism in Spain. We chose our region: Aragon and we studied the case. We had to consider the financial crisis in the hope that our results would contribute to minimize it. We knew beforehand that rural tourism had been less affected than other sectors but still it was important to reach our goal. It had to be proved that rural interior tourism could be sustainable in Spain by means of quantitative secondary data. It is well-known that tourism is the first source and activity in Spain, but due to the increase in the international sector of new exotic destinations abroad, rural tourism could be threatened and sustainable rural interior tourism could be an alternative for present and future times. We got qualitative data through personal interviews to experts and a SWOT analysis, id est, the measure and description of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as an instrument to measure the state of the question within a theoretical framework of sustainable tourism. The results of this research have proved it. Rural tourism is existing and viable in Aragon, with important benefits for present and future opportunities.Interior rural sustainable tourism Aragon Spain