994 research outputs found

    Divergent Time Scale in Axelrod Model Dynamics

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    We study the evolution of the Axelrod model for cultural diversity. We consider a simple version of the model in which each individual is characterized by two features, each of which can assume q possibilities. Within a mean-field description, we find a transition at a critical value q_c between an active state of diversity and a frozen state. For q just below q_c, the density of active links between interaction partners is non-monotonic in time and the asymptotic approach to the steady state is controlled by a time scale that diverges as (q-q_c)^{-1/2}.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 2-column revtex4 forma

    Nonlinear oscillator with parametric colored noise: some analytical results

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    The asymptotic behavior of a nonlinear oscillator subject to a multiplicative Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise is investigated. When the dynamics is expressed in terms of energy-angle coordinates, it is observed that the angle is a fast variable as compared to the energy. Thus, an effective stochastic dynamics for the energy can be derived if the angular variable is averaged out. However, the standard elimination procedure, performed earlier for a Gaussian white noise, fails when the noise is colored because of correlations between the noise and the fast angular variable. We develop here a specific averaging scheme that retains these correlations. This allows us to calculate the probability distribution function (P.D.F.) of the system and to derive the behavior of physical observables in the long time limit

    Anomalous lifetime distributions and topological traps in ordering dynamics

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    We address the role of community structure of an interaction network in ordering dynamics, as well as associated forms of metastability. We consider the voter and AB model dynamics in a network model which mimics social interactions. The AB model includes an intermediate state between the two excluding options of the voter model. For the voter model we find dynamical metastable disordered states with a characteristic mean lifetime. However, for the AB dynamics we find a power law distribution of the lifetime of metastable states, so that the mean lifetime is not representative of the dynamics. These trapped metastable states, which can order at all time scales, originate in the mesoscopic network structure.Comment: 7 pages; 6 figure

    Global culture: A noise induced transition in finite systems

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    We analyze the effect of cultural drift, modeled as noise, in Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. The disordered multicultural configurations are found to be metastable. This general result is proven rigorously in d=1, where the dynamics is described in terms of a Lyapunov potential. In d=2, the dynamics is governed by the average relaxation time T of perturbations. Noise at a rate r 1/T sustains disorder. In the thermodynamic limit, the relaxation time diverges and global polarization persists in spite of a dynamics of local convergence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. For related material visit http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept

    Collective modes of coupled phase oscillators with delayed coupling

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    We study the effects of delayed coupling on timing and pattern formation in spatially extended systems of dynamic oscillators. Starting from a discrete lattice of coupled oscillators, we derive a generic continuum theory for collective modes of long wavelength. We use this approach to study spatial phase profiles of cellular oscillators in the segmentation clock, a dynamic patterning system of vertebrate embryos. Collective wave patterns result from the interplay of coupling delays and moving boundary conditions. We show that the phase profiles of collective modes depend on coupling delays.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Phase Separation in a Simple Model with Dynamical Asymmetry

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    We perform computer simulations of a Cahn-Hilliard model of phase separation which has dynamical asymmetry between the two coexisting phases. The dynamical asymmetry is incorporated by considering a mobility function which is order parameter dependent. Simulations of this model reveal morphological features similar to those observed in viscoelastic phase separation. In the early stages, the minority phase domains form a percolating structure which shrinks with time eventually leading to the formation of disconnected domains. The domains grow as L(t) ~ t^{1/3} in the very late stages. Although dynamical scaling is violated in the area shrinking regime, it is restored at late times. However, the form of the scaling function is found to depend on the extent of dynamical asymmetry.Comment: 16 pages in LaTeX format and 6 Postscript figure

    Dynamics of localized structures in vector waves

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    Dynamical properties of topological defects in a twodimensional complex vector field are considered. These objects naturally arise in the study of polarized transverse light waves. Dynamics is modeled by a Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with parameter values appropriate for linearly polarized laser emission. Creation and annihilation processes, and selforganization of defects in lattice structures, are described. We find "glassy" configurations dominated by vectorial defects and a melting process associated to topological-charge unbinding.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures included in the text. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2000). Related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear and http://www.imedea.uib.es/Photonics . In this new version, Fig. 3 has been replaced by a better on

    Effect of Shear Flow on the Stability of Domains in Two Dimensional Phase-Separating Binary Fluids

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    We perform a linear stability analysis of extended domains in phase-separating fluids of equal viscosity, in two dimensions. Using the coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Stokes equations, we derive analytically the stability eigenvalues for long wavelength fluctuations. In the quiescent state we find an unstable varicose mode which corresponds to an instability towards coarsening. This mode is stabilized when an external shear flow is imposed on the fluid. The effect of the shear is seen to be qualitatively similar to that found in experiments.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 8 eps figures included. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Polarisation Patterns and Vectorial Defects in Type II Optical Parametric Oscillators

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    Previous studies of lasers and nonlinear resonators have revealed that the polarisation degree of freedom allows for the formation of polarisation patterns and novel localized structures, such as vectorial defects. Type II optical parametric oscillators are characterised by the fact that the down-converted beams are emitted in orthogonal polarisations. In this paper we show the results of the study of pattern and defect formation and dynamics in a Type II degenerate optical parametric oscillator for which the pump field is not resonated in the cavity. We find that traveling waves are the predominant solutions and that the defects are vectorial dislocations which appear at the boundaries of the regions where traveling waves of different phase or wave-vector orientation are formed. A dislocation is defined by two topological charges, one associated with the phase and another with the wave-vector orientation. We also show how to stabilize a single defect in a realistic experimental situation. The effects of phase mismatch of nonlinear interaction are finally considered.Comment: 38 pages, including 15 figures, LATeX. Related material, including movies, can be obtained from http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear/research_topics/OPO

    Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: a model of social interaction

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    We analyze the non-equilibrium order-disorder transition of Axelrod's model of social interaction in several complex networks. In a small world network, we find a transition between an ordered homogeneous state and a disordered state. The transition point is shifted by the degree of spatial disorder of the underlying network, the network disorder favoring ordered configurations. In random scale-free networks the transition is only observed for finite size systems, showing system size scaling, while in the thermodynamic limit only ordered configurations are always obtained. Thus in the thermodynamic limit the transition disappears. However, in structured scale-free networks, the phase transition between an ordered and a disordered phase is restored.Comment: 7 pages revtex4, 10 figures, related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/PhysDept/Nonlinear/research_topics/Social