638 research outputs found

    Implementasi “Assaf” Terhadap Capaian Pemahaman Konsep Cahaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh “ASSAF” (Assessment Animation Format) terhadap hasil tes pemahaman konsep siswa di salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Bandung pada materi Cahaya. Kajian difokuskan pada hasil tes pemahaman konsep cahaya dan kuantitas miskonsepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan butir soal “ASSAF”. Data untuk menarik kesimpulan hasil penelitian, dikumpulkan melalui pemberian tes pemahaman konsep siswa yang dilakukan sesudah pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian tersebut digunakan metode penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Randomized posttest-only control group. Subjek penelitian ini melibatkan dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol berupa paper and pencil test dan kelompok eksperimen berupa “ASSAF”. Data pemahaman konsep yang akan diperoleh dari kedua kelompok tersebut dicari rata-ratanya dan diolah dengan menggunakan Uji Hipotesis nonparametrik (Uji Wilcoxon). Setelah dilakukan uji perbedaan melalui uji wilcoxon didapatkan bahwa nilai Z hitung lebih besar daripada nilai Z tabel. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis alternatif pertama (H1: me>mk) diterima, sekaligus memiliki pengertian bahwa hasil tes pemahaman konsep kelas eksperimen lebih baik secara signifikan dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Selain itu diperoleh data bahwa persentase rata-rata posttest pemahaman konsep untuk kelas eksperimen sebesar 67,96 % dan persentase rata-rata posttest pemahaman konsep untuk kelas kontrol sebesar 44,62%

    Glycerol as an Energy Source for Ruminants: a Meta-Analysis of in Vitro Experiments

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    Glycerol or glycerin is generally recognized as a safe compound to be used in animal feed, especially for ruminants. A number of in vitro studies related to glycerol supplementation in ruminant ration have been published but to date the results have not been summarized. The objective of this study was, therefore, to evaluate in vitro digestibility, ruminal fermentation characteristics, total gas and methane production through the meta-analysis approach. Meta-analysis was applied to 13 experiments and 42 treatments dealing with glycerol supplementation in ruminants. Data were analyzed by general linear model procedure in which the glycerol levels and the different studies were treated as fixed effects. Results revealed that glycerol supplementation did not affect the in vitro digestibility and total VFA production, but significantly decreased molar proportion of acetate and iso-valerate (P<0.05). In contrast, molar proportion of propionate, butyrate, and valerate significantly increased, and thus the ratio of acetate to propionate declined linearly (P<0.05). Methane production decreased linearly and accompanied with an increase of total gas production with increasing levels of glycerol supplementation (P<0.05). It is concluded that the use of glycerol as an energy substitution in animal feed has no detrimental effects in the rumen and environmentally friendly

    UTB SOI SRAM cell stability under the influence of intrinsic parameter fluctuation

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    Intrinsic parameter fluctuations steadily increases with CMOS technology scaling. Around the 90nm technology node, such fluctuations will eliminate much of the available noise margin in SRAM based on conventional MOSFETs. Ultra thin body (UTB) SOI MOSFETs are expected to replace conventional MOSFETs for integrated memory applications due to superior electrostatic integrity and better resistant to some of the sources of intrinsic parameter fluctuations. To fully realise the performance benefits of UTB SOI based SRAM cells a statistical circuit simulation methodology which can fully capture intrinsic parameter fluctuation information into the compact model is developed. The impact on 6T SRAM static noise margin characteristics of discrete random dopants in the source/drain regions and body-thickness variations has been investigated for well scaled devices with physical channel length in the range of 10nm to 5nm. A comparison with the behaviour of a 6T SRAM based on a conventional 35nm MOSFET is also presented

    Impact of random dopant induced fluctuations on sub-15nm UTB SOI 6T SRAM cells

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    The CMOS scaling increases the impact of intrinsic parameter fluctuation on the yield and functionality of SRAM. A statistical circuit simulation framework which can fully capture intrinsic parameter fluctuation information into the compact model has been developed. The impact of discrete random dopants in the source and drain regions on 6T SRAM cells has been investigated for well scaled ultra thin body (UTB) SOI MOSFETs with physical channel length in the range of 10nm to 5nm

    Operation of reheat steam temperature control concept in sub critical boiler: operational review practices and methodology

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    In subcritical boilers, spray water system and feed water flow are applied to control the superheated steam temperature. Meanwhile, for reheat steam temperature control, many methods are being adopted namely burner tilt, gas recirculation, and excess air and steam bypass as primary control and feed water is envisaged as an emergency control. In a large boiler operation, the boiler is operated in sliding pressure mode the cold reheat steam temperature is higher compared to constant pressure operation. To ensure the correct temperature control for reheat steam with high pressure, the right method and sufficient mechanism operating the boiler is required. In fact, spray is not used for reheat steam temperature control because the boilers are designed for constant pressure operation since the spray quantity required will be large for an impact on plant heat rate. The boilers used for this study were operated under sliding pressure mode; hence, reheat steam temperature control by spray is a common practice in subcritical boiler operations. This paper dealt with the advantages and disadvantages of using spray by looking at boiler performance for RH steam temperature control in lieu of other control mechanisms

    Digital engagement: a preliminary analysis of marginalized youth in the information society

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    Efforts have been made to narrow the digital divide in disadvantaged communities through increased investment in Internet infrastructure, with such initiatives particularly advanced by community-based facilities. The hope is for such investment to afford more underprivileged groups the benefits of 21st century society, where many public services are, by default, accessible online. Accordingly, this study focusses on how 15-to-25-year-old Malaysian youths in marginalised communities engage with the Internet in performing various activities in their everyday lives. The findings indicate that the majority of these individuals have access to the Internet but that their engagement spans only basic activities such as communication and uploading and downloading of materials. In terms of intermediate and advanced activities, the investigated youths minimally shop online, search for educational materials and participate in civic and political causes. The results also indicate that attitudes towards the Internet considerably influence the decision of Malaysian youth to occupy themselves with digital activities. Fostering a digitally-inclusive society necessitates expanding digital engagement beyond basic activities - a goal that can be achieved by improving the digital literacy of youth and offering them participatory literacy programmes

    Kredibiliti media dan penyertaan dalam persekitaran pengdemokrasian maklumat di Malaysia

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    Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah landskap industri media dengan mewujudkan persaingan antara media tradisional dan media baru. Seiring itu, takrifan konstruk kredibiliti media juga turut berubah bersesuaian dengan perubahan landskap media ini. Kajian ini bertujuan membentuk dan menguji ukuran baharu kredibiliti media. Turut menjadi fokus kajian ini, ialah bagaimana pendidikan dan persepsi mempengaruhi penggunaan media dan bagaimana penggunaan media serta kredibiliti media mempengaruhi penyertaan khalayak dalam menyuarakan pendapat. Untuk mendapatkan data, 210 responden ditemubual dengan kaedah survei. Responden terdiri daripada mereka yang berumur antara 20 hingga 70 tahun dan tinggal di Mukim Kajang, Selangor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan responden meletakkan kredibiliti berita sebagai dimensi kredibiliti media yang lebih utama berbanding dengan dimensi kredibiliti medium. Selain itu penggunaan media tidak mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kredibiliti media secara keseluruhan, tetapi mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan dimensi kredibiliti medium. Kredibiliti media juga tidak mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan penyertaan tetapi sebaliknya, penggunaan media menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan penyertaan

    Situation complexity: delineating situational factors affecting individual communicative action in problem solving

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    The rapid development of new social media technologies has provided today’s individual with a variety of communicative tools that enable the dissemination of information to large groups of people in a very short amount of time. Individuals who converge into collectives are viewed as influential forces in the creation of problem perception, and have the potential to influence society and pressure the organisations within it. For this reason, understanding audiences and managing information is of interest to communications practitioners and scholars alike. Of late, the study of the individual problem solving process has become an important focus; more specifically, the communicative behaviour of individuals and the factors that influence these communicative behaviours. Previous studies have examined three key antecedent factors that determine an individual’s participation in communicative action: problem recognition, involvement recognition, and constraint recognition. This study proposes that the problem solving process is also influenced by contextual factors that may limit or encourage communicative behaviour. The purpose of this study was to delineate the “situation” in the individual problem solving process and construct a quantitative measure of perceived situation complexity. A synthesis of extant literature produced preliminary dimensions and items that were tested through a survey distributed among 152 university students. Exploratory factor analysis yielded six main dimensions: solution complexity, referent criterion, negative feelings toward the problem, environmental salience, problem familiarity, and uncertainty of a solution. These results provide initial guidance into exploring the concept of context in individual problem solving and the consequences on communicative action

    Hubungan Kadar Tiroglobulin, Tsh Dan Ft4 Serum Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Tiga Kabupaten Dengan Tingkat Endemisitas Defisiensi-iodium Berbeda (Association Between the Serum Thyroglobulin, Tsh, and Ft4 Among School-aged Children in Three Districts with Dif

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    Iodine deficiency lowers circulating thyroxine (T4) and raises serum Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), where free T4 (fT4) and TSH have strong corelation with thyroglobulin (Tg). The results from population studies indicate, Tg appears to be a valuable indicator of thyroid status, but it has yet to be fully explored. This study aimed to measure the association between serum Tg with TSH and fT4 as alternatif indicators thyroid status in school-aged children. This was a cross-sectional study of sample of 398 schoolchildren aged 10-12 years in three districts with different iodine-deficiency endemicity level, i.e. Pati as a mild endemic district, Purbalingga as a moderate endemic district, and Malang as a severe endemic district. Children\u27s blood have taken 3 cc as a sample for the determination of Tg, TSH, and fT4. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to determine Tg, TSH and fT4. Mean of serum Tg 14.3 ± 11.1 ng/mL (cut-off 2-50 ng/mL), TSH 3.7 ± 2.2 µIU/mL (cut-off 0.3-6.2), fT4 1.4 ± 0.4 ng/dL (cut-off 0.8-2.0 ng/dL). Correlation analysis was showed the significance of Tg and TSH (p< 0.05) and Tg with fT4 (p< 0.05). The significance analysis of Tg with TSH and fT4 may be evaluated as indicator for thyroid function in school-aged children in iodine-deficiency endemic areas

    Conductivity Study on Plasticized Solid bio-electrolytes CMC-NH4Br and Application in Solid-state Proton Batteries

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    This paper present the development of plasticized solid bio-electrolytes (PSBs) which has been accomplished by incorporating various composition of plasticizer namely ethylene carbonate (EC) with carboxy methylcellulose doped NH4Br via solution casting method. The plasticized polymer–salt ionic conduction of PSBs has been analyzed by electrical impedance spectroscopy. Plasticization using EC in PSBs system assists the enhancement of NH4Br dissociation and therefore increases the protonation process in the system. The highest ionic conductivity obtained for CMC−NH4Br containing with 25 wt. % NH4Br was achieved at 1.12 x 10-4 Scm-1 and improved to 3.31 x 10-3 Scm-1 when EC was added in PSBs system. The ionic conductivity-temperature for PSBs system was found to obey the Arrhenius relationships where the ionic conductivity increases with temperature. The solid-state proton batteries were assembled with the formation of Zn + ZnSO4.7H2O || highest conducting PSBs system || MnO2 and achieve with a maximum open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.48 V at room temperature and showed good in rechargeablity performance with more than 10 cycles