716 research outputs found

    Modelization of Thermal Fluctuations in G Protein-Coupled Receptors

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    We simulate the electrical properties of a device realized by a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR), embedded in its membrane and in contact with two metallic electrodes through which an external voltage is applied. To this purpose, recently, we have proposed a model based on a coarse graining description, which describes the protein as a network of elementary impedances. The network is built from the knowledge of the positions of the C-alpha atoms of the amino acids, which represent the nodes of the network. Since the elementary impedances are taken depending of the inter-nodes distance, the conformational change of the receptor induced by the capture of the ligand results in a variation of the network impedance. On the other hand, the fluctuations of the atomic positions due to thermal motion imply an impedance noise, whose level is crucial to the purpose of an electrical detection of the ligand capture by the GPCR. Here, in particular, we address this issue by presenting a computational study of the impedance noise due to thermal fluctuations of the atomic positions within a rhodopsin molecule. In our model, the C-alpha atoms are treated as independent, isotropic, harmonic oscillators, with amplitude depending on the temperature and on the position within the protein (alpha-helix or loop). The relative fluctuation of the impedance is then calculated for different temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Proceeding of the 18-th International Conference on Fluctuations and Noise, 19-23 September 2005, Salamanca, Spain -minor proofreadings

    Shot Noise in Linear Macroscopic Resistors

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    We report on a direct experimental evidence of shot noise in a linear macroscopic resistor. The origin of the shot noise comes from the fluctuation of the total number of charge carriers inside the resistor associated with their diffusive motion under the condition that the dielectric relaxation time becomes longer than the dynamic transit time. Present results show that neither potential barriers nor the absence of inelastic scattering are necessary to observe shot noise in electronic devices.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Veterinaria práctica: Un caso de fluxión periódica

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    El día 11 de Junio ingresó al Hospital un caballo zaino del señor R. Vivar. Antecedentes.— Hacía ya cuatro días que el animal se hallaba triste, sin apetito, con un lagrimeo abundante. El enfermo fué traído de un potrero, donde se habían muerto días anteriores tres animales, que según el propietario presentaban los mismos síntomas que el presente caso.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Ruptura del biceps

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    Descripción de caso clínico de un caballo que claudicaba del miembro anterior izquierdo, con antecedentes de cólicos por coprostasis.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Deployment and design of multiantenna solutions for fixed WiMAX systems

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    WiMax has already attracted the attention of operators and manifacturing industries for its promise of large throughput and coverage in broadband wireless access. However, towards the goal of an efficient deployment of this technology, a thorough analysis of its performance in presence of frequency reuse under realistic traffic conditions is mandatory. In particular, an important performance limiting factor is the inter-cell interference, which has strong non-stationary features. This paper investigates the deployment of multi-antenna base stations and the related design of signal processing algorithms for interference mitigation, for the uplink of IEEE 802.16-2004 systems. Extensive numerical results for realistic interference models show the advantages of the proposed multi-antenna system

    Studio della quota di volo mediante GNSS, altimetro radar e barometro per rilievi di spettroscopia gamma da velivolo

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    Lo studio della distribuzione dei radionuclidi terrestri (238U, 232Th e 40K) realizzato mediante tecniche di spettroscopia gamma da velivolo è influenzato dalla quota a cui il rivelatore si trova rispetto al suolo. Un'incertezza del 10% a 100 m di altezza origina un errore nella stima del segnale gamma del 208Tl, appartenente alla catena di decadimenti del 232Th, dell’ordine del 7%. L'impiego di una nuova classe di spettrometri montati a bordo di UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) per raffinate misure in contesti ostili o remoti rende necessaria un'accurata stima in real time della quota di volo. Il Radgyro è un velivolo dedicato a survey multiparametrici, capace di trasportare strumentazione pari ad un payload massimo di 120 kg, tra cui quattro spettrometri gamma NaI(Tl). Una stazione inerziale con ricevitore integrato GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) restituisce l'assetto del velivolo con una frequenza massima di 400 Hz. Il velivolo è dotato di un network di tre ricevitori GNSS posizionati alle estremità della carena del velivolo. Un altimetro radar a 24 GHz rileva la quota con una frequenza di 60 Hz. La misura di pressione e temperatura consente di ricavare la quota barometrica a 2 Hz. Con l'obiettivo di studiare le incertezze associate alle misure della quota di volo acquisite dagli altimetri in relazione ai dati GNSS, sono stati realizzati tre voli sul mare in un range di altezze comprese tra 31 m e 249 m, per un totale di 4702 secondi di volo effettivo. Al termine dello studio è possibile concludere che l'errore complessivo delle abbondanze di K, U e Th aumenta di 7.7%, 0.5% e 2.7% rispettivamente, a causa delle incertezze della quota di volo

    Paleotsunami evidence in the Bahía Inglesa coast (Atacama, Chile) based on a multi-approach analysis

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    The Atacama coast is located in an area with a current high risk of tsunami, and the sedimentary deposits found in the Bahía Inglesa area, in the Morro sector, clearly indicate that this was also the case in the past. This investigation analyzes a paleotsunami sedimentary deposit consisting of a block field associated with three sand lobes oriented towards land on top of a marine terrace at an altitude of 70–75 m, which originated from a tsunamigenic event occurred between interglacial periods MIS 7 (ca. 210 ± 10 ky) and MIS5e (ca. 125 ± 5 ky). The deposits have been studied using a multiple approach combining geomorphological, sedimentological, biological, and geochemical criteria. The first type of criteria clearly indicate that the energy required to move the blocks and form the sand lobes could only have been generated by a tsunami. Sedimentological criteria constitute direct evidences of a marine origin due to the presence of siliceous remains from diatom species and spicules from strictly marine sponges, while geochemical criteria, such as the stable isotope signature and chemical composition, constitute evidence of a marine intrusion. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Hospital managers' need for information in decision-making--An interview study in nine European countries.

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    Assessments of new health technologies in Europe are often made at the hospital level. However, the guidelines for health technology assessment (HTA), e.g. the EUnetHTA Core Model, are produced by national HTA organizations and focus on decision-making at the national level. This paper describes the results of an interview study with European hospital managers about their need for information when deciding about investments in new treatments. The study is part of the AdHopHTA project. Face-to-face, structured interviews were conducted with 53 hospital managers from nine European countries. The hospital managers identified the clinical, economic, safety and organizational aspects of new treatments as being the most relevant for decision-making. With regard to economic aspects, the hospital managers typically had a narrower focus on budget impact and reimbursement. In addition to the information included in traditional HTAs, hospital managers sometimes needed information on the political and strategic aspects of new treatments, in particular the relationship between the treatment and the strategic goals of the hospital. If further studies are able to verify our results, guidelines for hospital-based HTA should be altered to reflect the information needs of hospital managers when deciding about investments in new treatments

    Holocene alluvial sequence in the val de zaragoza (Los Monegros) in the palaeoenvironmental context of the ebro basin (Ne Spain)

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    Flat-bottomed valleys formed by Holocene fills are the most characteristic landforms in the center of the Ebro basin. This paper analyzes, within a regional framework, a small fluvial basin located in the north of the Alcubierre Range. Three Holocene morphosedimentary units (H1-H3) and a sub-functional level (H4) are identified. These units are representative of the regional geomorphological evolutionary process in the Ebro basin. New chronological insights on climate and landscape management are provided by a study of the Bastarás weir, a construction made for water flow management during the Little Ice Age (LIA). The integration of Val de Zaragoza radiocarbon datings into the regional framework enables the authors to identify the main formation stages, as well as the influence of climatic and human factors on its evolution. The intensification of human pressure in the territory is reflected in a progressive increase in sediment accumulation rates in the valleys, peaking during Roman times and the Little Ice Age. Los valles de fondo plano formados por rellenos holocenos constituyen los paisajes más característicos del sector central de la cuenca del Ebro. En este trabajo se analiza una pequeña cuenca fluvial localizada en el norte de la Sierra de Alcubierre, en la que se han identificado tres unidades morfosedimentarias holocenas (H1-H3) y un nivel subfuncional (H4), que son representativos de la evolución geomorfológica regional de la Cuenca del Ebro. Uno de los aspectos más relevantes del valle lo constituye el azud de Bastarás, construcción realizada durante la Pequeña Edad del Hielo para el aprovechamiento del agua, que aporta nuevos datos cronológicos sobre dicha época y acerca de la gestión del territorio. La integración de las dataciones radiocarbónicas obtenidas en la Val de Zaragoza en un marco regional ha permitido precisar las principales etapas de formación de los valles de fondo plano, así como la importancia de los factores climáticos y humanos en su evolución. La intensificación de la presión humana sobre el territorio queda reflejada en un progresivo aumento en las tasas de acumulación de sedimentos en los valles, alcanzando sus picos máximos en Época Romana y en la Pequeña Edad del Hielo